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Chapter 327 Resentment

 "Little things?"

Old Yao took the pipe away from his mouth, glanced at the great fortune teller beside him, and snorted angrily: "No matter how small an accident is, multiplied by a large base number, it will turn into a catastrophic disaster, thousands of miles away." Isn’t this the reason for being defeated in an anthill? If everyone in the world throws a grain of rice at you, think about how deep you will be buried!”

Professor Yi calculated it carefully.

"Assuming there are 20,000 grains in a pound of rice, then one billion people would equal 50,000 pounds." He nodded slightly: "Look at it this way... it is indeed a bit suffocating to put it on the head of an ordinary child."

The dean of Jiuyou College exhaled a thick cloud of smoke, and his eyes fell on the window of dormitory 403 again: "Qingqiu Su family was originally known for her charm, and the beautiful girl from the Su family became a great wizard at a young age, and she was fanatical Fans are spread all over the world, old and new... If he wasn't at First University, I bet that on the first day that report came out, Mr. Zheng would have been overwhelmed by the resentment pouring in from all over the world."

"Misfortunes are all calamities."

Professor Yi chuckled: "I'm a little curious, who told him to use transformation tonight... Although the theory of transformation to avoid disaster was taught to him by me... But with his level, it stands to reason that the disaster Under the circumstances, the spiritual platform is covered in dust, he should only act more irrationally... There is no reason for him to suddenly become so smart."

"Don't you always say that the web woven by fate is extraordinarily delicate?"

Lao Yao did not directly answer Professor Yi's words, but put the pipe back into his mouth and took a deep breath: "Instead of caring about whether fate really favors him, it is better to take the time to calculate it twice more and read that article Why did the report come out at this juncture... Logically speaking, the old guys who know about this shouldn't bother with these little tricks."

Professor Yi shook his head slightly: "There is no evidence that there is any external force involved in this incident... Just like what you just said, the network woven by fate is extremely delicate... Many coincidences are inevitable."

In the window not far away, the green halo suddenly converged.

Dormitory 403 fell into darkness again.

The professor's eyes fell on an old wizard on the other side who had been monitoring the situation in the dormitory: "Old Qian, how are the children in the room doing now?"

"It's not a big problem."

The wizard known as Lao Li quickly sketched the form in his arms with a quill in his hand, and said in a brisk tone: "If the resentment that hovered around classmate Zheng Qing before was caused by Linzhong Lake, then classmate Zheng Qing's resentment was caused by being stabbed. Resentment is just a drop of water... After chewing three sacrifices, the negative impact of resentment has been basically eliminated... It will not have any impact on the future of these children."

"I hope so." Old Yao pouted, noncommittal.

The night is hazy.

I don't know how long it took before these figures in black robes slowly blended into the deep background. From beginning to end, they did not disturb the tranquility of this world at all.

Zheng Qing was unaware of the observers outside the window.

He didn't have the time to care about things outside the window.

After chewing all the 'traitors', the young public-funded student felt very happy, as if the dust that had accumulated in his heart for a long time had been wiped away, giving him a refreshing feeling from the inside out.

Then he felt that his way of handling it was a bit inappropriate.

As the saying goes, killing can only be done with a nod of the head. Even if a few of them became 'traitors', the behavior of stuffing people into their mouths and chewing them a few times was too feline.

Yes, too ‘feline’!

The young public-funded students finally found a reason for their actions that was not a reason - the one who bit them was a black cat, what does it have to do with them!

He took a deep breath. The blood in the room had been cleared away by magic, and the air was filled with a pleasant light floral fragrance.

The lights in the dormitory went out.

Zheng Qing was lying in his tent, eyes open, staring at the dark patterns on the tent, ears pricked, and carefully listening to the movements of the other people.

He bet that no one else was asleep either - anyway, it's hard to forget the terrible experience of being chewed by a cat for a long time.


The young public-funded student coughed lightly, and immediately, there were rustling sounds from the other three beds, and someone seemed to have opened the Dharma book.

"The one that bit you just now was a black cat, it has nothing to do with me."

Zheng Qing had a thick skin and said this under the cover of night. At the same time, he was glad that besides his face and the night, there was also a thick curtain to block his guilty conscience.

He seemed to have seen the fat wizard's shocked eyes and the way the doctor pushed up his glasses.

"It doesn't matter, it's possible within the plan." Xiao Xiao's calm voice was as calm as ever, as if the wizard who was bitten with holes all over his body before was not him.

Zheng Qing was overjoyed.

Since the doctor is willing to talk, it proves that he is not angry!

"I didn't know that transfiguration had such side effects," the young public-funded student said immediately, as if talking to himself or defending: "And it's full moon today, so it's very likely that the transformation on this special day will be disturbed by the environment.


"Tonight is the fourteenth day of the lunar calendar, and it's not a full moon... Of course, the full moon has already had a little impact." Dylan snorted feebly in his coffin: "If he hadn't taken medicine..."

Zheng Qing suddenly realized, no wonder Dylan was in the dormitory tonight, and before and after he bit him, the vampire werewolf had been acting listless and looked like he was suffering from misanthropy.

"Speaking of which, how could you do that kind of thing behind my back?" The young public-funded student changed the topic: "And you even sold people through D&K!"

"Didn't you burn yourself too?" the fat wizard groaned angrily. He was finally sure that the cat on the tree he saw during the parade was real.

Zheng Qing was speechless.

After a moment of silence in the dormitory, the voice of the fortune teller of the Forgiveness Hunting Team slowly sounded: "We are not to blame for today's incident, and certainly not you... After the Bugle report came out, the fanatics' resentment must be vented.

, otherwise the accumulation will produce more serious and terrifying consequences."

"Is it that bad?" Zheng Qing was truly surprised.

"Very bad... Resentment is a very bad negative energy." Xiao Xiao simply explained: "In mysticism, it is usually attributed to negative magic power, but under dimensional science, resentment can be understood as a virtual dimension with emotional logic.

...A wizard falls on this dimension. If he doesn't break free as soon as possible, he will be like an insect caught in a spider's web and slowly lose his vitality."

Fatty Xin added: "There is great uncertainty in the effect of time on resentment. Sometimes, time will dilute resentment, but sometimes the longer the time, the heavier the resentment will be... We should not place our hopes on this

kind of uncertainty.”

"Then we won't burn so many little people," the young public-funded student muttered.

"Of course, the invisibility charm is a way to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause." In the coffin, Mr. Vampire Werewolf chuckled: "But I believe you never want to be a transparent person all your life, living in a corner where others can't see."

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