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Chapter 2746 The wine is sour

"——Amarone, also known as 'strong bitter' in Italian, is brewed by the air-drying method like the ancient holy wines of Rome. The wine is rich in the aroma of dried fruits and dried grapes. Taste

Although I don’t feel astringent when I drink it, it doesn’t have the kitschy sweetness of Bordeaux or Nebbiolo. It’s a very charming wine.”

“But I have always felt that the taste is not the real charm of a certain wine. The quality of the wine depends more on its place and time of production... Whether it is suitable for you depends on how well it matches the atmosphere and atmosphere when you drink.


"Just like this Amarone, I think what's more fascinating about it is its history and provenance..."

Zheng Qing followed Andrew into the office, listening to him talk endlessly about wine, and watched two glasses flying out of the cupboard with a clanging sound, making a crisp collision sound, and finally landed steadily on the desk.

The owner of the office removed the paper bag in his hand, revealing a wine bottle with a slender neck.

The cork bounced.

The bright red wine was poured into a cup.

Just when Andrew was about to pour wine into the glass in front of Zheng Qing, the boy took action in time to block his plan: "Sorry, I don't know much about wine..."

"This is what alcoholics say most often before they become alcoholics."

The short and fat wizard blinked. Although he hadn't drank yet, his eyes already looked a little tipsy. He smiled and pushed Zheng Qing's hand away, and poured him a little bit resolutely:

"Try a little. You are too nervous now. It will do you no good to stay in this state for a long time... Where did we just talk? Oh, yes, the history and origin of the wine... Amanroni is produced in the Veneto region

Valpolicella is more famous for being a historic town surrounded by wine estates. Verona is located at the southern foot of the Alps, less than a hundred miles away from Venice. It means in Latin

'A very elegant city', but you know what? It is not elegant at all, but full of tragedy, because the story of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet happened in this small town..."

Zheng Qing was originally quite impatient with the pudgy commissioner's rambling chat.

I just want to complete the delivery of the talisman bullets as early as possible, so don’t delay your first class this morning.

Until he mentioned that famous love tragedy.

A flash of surprise flashed through the boy's heart.


Just looking at the way Andrew and Thomas chatted when they first met in Damingfang, we knew that they should have been very familiar with each other. So he must have known about Nikita.

All the depression and melancholy in life come from other people. This sentence is absolutely true.

After thinking about this, the young teaching assistant classmate couldn't help but take another look at the wine glass in front of him, and suddenly had the urge to take a sip. It should be okay if he only took a sip.

After all, there are a bunch of guards outside in broad daylight.

He glanced at the empty street outside the window. Although he didn't know where the guards were hiding, his intuition told him that they were nearby.

Just as he turned his head, the black gem cat finally couldn't restrain its curiosity and got out of the boy's hood - when he was frightened just now, the cat retracted into the hood like a rabbit - now the atmosphere has relaxed.

, it came out again, stepped on Zheng Qing's shoulder, jumped down, landed in front of the wine glass, sniffed, and then circled twice around the slender-neck wine bottle next to it.

"Alchemy dolls? No, no, they are more spiritual than them."

The specialist of the Three-pronged Sword has really good vision. It only took a short time to make an accurate judgment: "Clone transformation! Right? Tsk tsk, awesome, really awesome, no wonder... I mean, there are very few wizards like you.

At such a young age, I can use the transformation technique to such an extent. I dare not say that I can do it now."

His tone was a bit surprised, and he did not hide the admiration on his face: "... What did I say when we first met in Damingfang? Publicly funded students! The future is bright! That's absolutely right!"

He raised his glass and took another big sip. Then he grabbed the sandwich he took out from nowhere and took a big bite.

Red wine sandwich, a magical breakfast pairing.

Zheng Qing shook his head in his heart and looked away, only to realize that his wine glass was empty. The black gem cat fell into the glass at some point, like a piece of melted plasticine, and every part was connected with a magical structure.


A cup of black cat.

This thought flashed through his mind.

"——Don't you really want some? It tastes really good!"

The vague voice of the Three-pronged Sword Commissioner came to my ears again.

Judging from Black Jewel Cat's performance, there was probably nothing wrong with that glass of wine - just like Andrew said, Zheng Qing also felt that he was too nervous - but he really didn't have time now.

"No, thank you, I have class in the morning."

The young teaching assistant politely but resolutely rejected the Trident Sword Commissioner's repeated invitations, and at the same time urged: "——Hurry up and fill out the receipt form! I can't catch up with Lao Yao's magic class!"

"Okay, okay! I won't let you be late!"

Andrew waved his hand and finally put down his wine glass, feeling quite uninterested: "Young people today live a very rigid life... Don't you know that drinking some wine and going to class can make your magic sense more sensitive?

Does the magic flow faster? As long as you do the magic well, Lao Yao won't mind if your mouth smells like wine!"

While he was talking, he had already pulled out the account book and quill from the drawer, scrawled a few lines on it, and then pushed it in front of Zheng Qing: "——Hey, old rules, sign."

Zheng Qing skillfully left his signature and tore off the red delivery note inside.

"The rest is yours!" He put the five blood talisman bullets that he had already counted into the hands of the short and fat wizard, and looked like he was running away.

"Don't worry!"

Andrew grabbed his wrist, his eyes looked very bright as he had just drunk, and he said angrily: "——You tore up the delivery slip too fast! I haven't inspected the goods yet!"

"You still can't trust my character?"

"I believe more in the rune bomb tester of Martin Tool Alchemy Company."

"It's so sad, we traded so many times..."

"Sorry, in fact, this is our third transaction, and you already have a bad record of being seriously overdue..."

While the two of them were talking to each other, Andrew finally finished testing the five talisman bullets.

Then he took out a palm-sized red wooden box, and each talisman bullet was wrapped in silk cloth full of talismans. He put them neatly inside, leaving traces of ink pens, jade talisman keys, and gold ropes to seal them. Several long lines were crisscrossed and pasted on them.

The long yellow talisman paper looks cautious.

"As for that?" Zheng Qing was speechless.

"As for-"

The short, fat wizard repeated the boy's words in a long voice, and replied angrily: "Do you think the transaction of seven or eight hundred jade coins is 'as for'? Our entire office can work for one year, no, three years."

Whether the funding is 600 jade coins or not is not an issue. Are you here to tell me, 'As for that'? Do you know how much this bottle of wine that can comfort me for a week costs? Three silver cents! Three silver cents can comfort me.

How long do you think seven or eight hundred jade coins can stimulate me in one week?"

Zheng Qing blinked.

"Hey, your wine is not good." The boy weighed the black gem cat in his hand, pretending that he had just smelled it, and nodded with certainty: "——The wine is sour."

"Are you sour? No!" Andrew's attention was immediately attracted to his wine bottle, and he sniffed the mouth of the bottle suspiciously, with a look of confusion on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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