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Chapter 2814 The spontaneity and rigor of magic

After all, the discord between black cats, white cats and foxes is just a minor spice in life.

For several weeks, no unusual events occurred outside the school, but Zheng Qing would not be so naive as to think that those crows had really changed their ways and that the haze shrouding the silent forest had really passed.

The prophecy made by the centaur priest on the night of Qingming Festival was still vivid in his mind, and the words "There will be war and bloodshed, but it is unknown" made him involuntarily melancholy every time he took a rest.

Of course, in Xiao Xiao's view, Zheng Qing's "melancholy" is more about the fear of graduation and the uneasiness about the unknown future. The centaur priest's verse is just an excuse he subconsciously looked for.

"I read a saying in a book - there are only two kinds of people in this world."

The fortune teller of the Forgiveness Hunting Team analyzed the absent-mindedness of his deskmate in this way during Thursday’s Potions class: “For example, if you have a bunch of grapes in your hand, one kind of person will pick the best ones and eat them first, while the other kind of people will leave the best ones behind.

Eat last. Logically speaking, the first type of person should be optimistic, because every grape he eats is the best of the leftover grapes; the second type should be pessimistic, because every grape he eats is the best of the leftover grapes.

Bad. But in fact it’s counterproductive. The reason is that the second type of people still have hope, while the first type of people only have memories.”

"It seems reasonable."

Zheng Qing is very accustomed to drawing inferences from one instance, and after hearing this, he immediately began to think: "If there are good and bad grapes on a plate, the adults in the family will definitely eat the bad ones first and leave the good ones to the children... Children are the hope of adults. From this perspective

It seems that there is indeed hope for the second type of people."

"That's not the point." Xiao Xiao had already adapted to Zheng Qing's habitual digressions and brought the topic back familiarly: "What I want to emphasize is that being too immersed in memories is like a soul lost in the mirror world. It is easy to

Lose yourself..."

"Like Jusi?"

"Don't interrupt!"

The doctor couldn't bear it anymore and glared at him fiercely. He paused and then resumed his train of thought: "So, memories are like perfume, neither too strong nor too light... A little fresh fragrance is the best. Do you remember Thomas?"

He just sprayed too much perfume on his memory, so he lost himself."

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment when he heard the familiar yet unfamiliar name.

But immediately, he reacted.

"Do you know the real reason why Thomas defected?" He didn't remember talking to his companions about some of the details after he was abducted.

“How fresh.”

Dr. Xiao rolled his eyes and snorted softly: "After we were attacked by Nikita on the freshman entrance plane, I paid a little attention to the banshee... Her relationship with Thomas is not a secret, not even

If I need to use the power of my family, I can find many clues in the class logs kept in the school library."

Zheng Qing sighed with admiration.

"It's not that I don't know this," he poked the head of the two-headed paper crane he had just folded with a quill, and said in a melancholy tone: "--First it was the ogre tribe, then the centaurs tribe, and then

They are students and teaching assistants at the school. If one head is cut off and another head pops up, is this still a crow? No, this is a nine-headed bird! After cutting off one head, another nine-headed bird will appear on its neck.

I'm not too immersed in the memories, I'm just worried that they will smear tar all over my body, and then cover me with black crow feathers, making me just like them."

"A very interesting metaphor."

Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows and flipped through the black notebook at hand: "It will take time to solve this problem, and you don't have much time in the remaining weeks of this semester... I just submitted a manuscript to "Alchemy"

It’s been a long time since you had a good rest. Not only do you have to prepare for your graduation thesis, but you also have to prepare for that school project. How can you still find time to care about those crows? Oh, by the way, don’t forget to register for the Transformation Wizard Certification next week.


Zheng Qing slammed his head on the textbook room, wanting to kill himself.

But this height is obviously not high enough to kill a wizard.

On the podium, the Potions Professor's voice was still entering his ears unhurriedly——

"...The preparation of magic potions is rigorous but also casual. For example, for mud powder, we can use yellow mud or black mud. This is its randomness. But on the other hand, when the glass rod is stirred in the crucible,

, three and a half turns counterclockwise means three and a half turns counterclockwise, there can be no deviation at all, this is its rigor... And from another dimension, the size and shape of the circle drawn by the glass rod in the crucible cannot be achieved.

Uniformity and regularity cannot be completely accurate, which is another manifestation of "casualty"... Rigorousness determines the basic efficacy of the potion, while casualness depends on the color of the decoction or the subtle differences in age, moisture content, etc. of different herbs...


"I hate spontaneity."

The wizard, whose head was stuck between the pages of the book, muttered in a low voice - or rather, he hated uncertainty - those crows were like impurities mixed into the crucible, no one knew what the final potion would become.


"But magic is inherently random."

Dr. Xiao Da gave a very strange example: "For example, if a goat has sex with a motorcycle, it will give birth to a weird goat that drinks gasoline, has a gas pedal on its horns, and spits black smoke from its butt - this kind of goat is based on mystical logic.

The strange but not unreasonable facts are the greatest common denominator in the magical world. In this world, magic and magic are the real logic, so the combination of motorcycles and goats is casual yet rigorous."

Zheng Qing's focus deviated as usual.

"Who gave birth to him?"


"I mean, is that monster with smoke coming out of its butt born from a goat or a motorcycle? How are motorcycles produced? Also, is a goat that drinks gasoline still a goat?"

Xiao Xiao didn't seem to think that the question was unreasonable. Instead, he asked Zheng Qing a very serious question: "Do you know Sinead Gleeson?"

"have no idea."

"He is a therapist who once vividly described a concept similar to the question you just asked - I mean the therapist field - he said that if a patient tries to describe a headache to a doctor, the language will immediately run out.

Because no words were immediately available to him. Then he was forced to make up his own words, taking pain in one hand and a ball of pure sound in the other, pinching them together, and out came a whole new word: motorcycle.

The same goes for the union with the goat."


The chalk head flew from the podium and hit the two wizards who were gossiping on the head accurately.


Zheng Qing hissed and covered his head. He suddenly felt that Xiao Xiao's words just now made sense - didn't he lose his language after being hit by the chalk head?

This chapter has been completed!
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