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Chapter 227 reprimand and reward

 The sharp scream of the stick figure echoed in the classroom.

The originally chaotic and noisy atmosphere quieted down almost instantly.

Everyone was sitting upright, waiting for the professor to arrive.

Zheng Qing quickly put the newspapers, books and periodicals on the table into the drawer, then opened "Standard Spells: First Year of College", put his arms on the desk, and made an expression of serious preview.


The classroom door was pushed open hard.

Lao Yao strode up to the podium with his handout in hand.

Zheng Qing raised his head slightly and took a careful look. The professor had a straight face and a very serious expression.

"Dong dong dong!" Old Yao banged his pipe on the desk, attracting everyone's attention: "Put your books away! ... There was no regular meeting last night. Before class today, let's talk about a few things!



The wizards sitting in the back row of the classroom looked at each other calmly and sat upright.

"The first thing is what happened at Hunting Ground No. 1 yesterday afternoon."

As expected, Lao Yao mentioned this matter at the beginning, which is also the topic that everyone is most concerned about: "Everyone who was at Hunting Ground No. 1 yesterday, stand up!"

The young wizards and witches in the classroom looked at each other cautiously, not daring to get up.

Zheng Qing sighed and stood up before the professor on the podium got angry.

As a publicly funded student, he always has a little more confidence than others.

With him taking the lead, the others seemed to have put down their burdens and pushed away their stools one after another and stood up. For a while, the classroom was filled with the sound of "squeaking" as the chairs rubbed against the floor.

Soon, most of the people in the classroom stood up - as freshmen, everyone is very enthusiastic about any group activity. If it were in a sophomore or junior class, there would probably be fewer people watching the stand.

Half; and in the senior year, the heavy academic pressure and registration wizard exam can drive most people crazy. Except for those outstanding students who have solved these problems very early, few senior students are in the mood to sit in the stands and accompany a group of lowly students.

The guys in the same grade were chatting carelessly and laughing. [#@ ~# The novel is better and updated faster]

Old Yao crossed his arms and paced back and forth slowly on the platform. From time to time he looked up at the young wizards standing there, as if he was thinking about how to educate these young people.

Once, twice, three times.

"I'm very disappointed." This was the first sentence Lao Yao said: "I'm very disappointed in you."

He stopped, stood behind the desk, held the edge of the desk with both hands, frowned, and said sadly: "As a member of Jiuyou Academy, like those students in blue robes, all I can think about is using...

Violence solves problems... Of course, I don’t have a problem with the style of Starry Sky Academy, but I think that as students of Jiuyou Academy, you should have your own style and your own choices!"

"But exams can't stop those fence fairies." Zheng Qing cursed silently in his heart. He really couldn't imagine that Jiuyou Academy had any features and style other than exams.

Besides throwing spells at each other, is there any other way they can stop Alpha Academy's attack?

Perhaps they can appeal to Danhag? The prerequisite is that they can get out of the First University's protective formation, and the judges of the Wizarding Supreme Court accept the conflict case caused by a group of young wizards due to quarrels and ideological conflicts.

Oh, there seems to be a circuit court on Phuket Island, but the young public-funded students are very doubtful whether the circuit judge will accept their appeal.

On the podium, Lao Yao scolded the young wizards in the hall with spittle. From their reckless behavior, to their irresponsible behavior, to their untidy clothes, and their poor grasp of spells - especially

It was the last point. Zheng Qing felt that Lao Yao was very concerned about this point.

Maybe if the spells on the stands of Jiuyou Academy were thrown more quickly and hit more accurately, the professor's attitude would be slightly better? After all, he is the professor of the magic class. If the students have a good grasp of magic,

, he can also be slightly satisfied from another aspect.

The young public-sponsored student lowered his head, while his mind was filled with random thoughts, and he put on a sad expression. He nodded from time to time, seeming to express unconditional support for the professor's words.

This is a very wise choice.

Lao Yao scolded him for five minutes, maybe ten. In short, when the cleaning elf in the classroom refilled a new cup of hot tea for him, the professor finally stopped and rested for a few seconds.

"...All the students who participated in that incident yesterday, everyone, give me a review of more than 5,000 words before the holiday this Friday!" At this point, Lao Yao raised his voice and emphasized: "It must be

Profound! Reflect on yourselves deeply to see if you made any mistakes and where they lie! As a student of Jiuyou College, what should you do when faced with this kind of thing! If you need to take improvement measures, you must not be perfunctory!"

"If you write less than 5,000 words, one word less will be deducted one credit!"

"Let me see if you can improve your memory!"

Zheng Qing blinked, took a deep breath, raised his foot, and carefully kicked Zhang Jixin in front of him.

The red-faced wizard looked at the professor on the podium with dull eyes and said nothing.

Zheng Qing noticed that the self-criticism written on his desk contained less than twenty lines, and it was estimated that the total word count would never exceed six hundred words.

This is really a sad story.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Pfft..." Fatty Xin, who was sitting in front of Zheng Qing, finally couldn't help it, lowered his head, and tried hard not to laugh out loud.

"Banner? Do you have any objections?" Old Yao looked at the fat man with a stern expression.

"No, Professor." Fatty Xin quickly raised his head, his face was covered with tears before he knew it, and he said with a choked voice: "I just feel sad for my behavior yesterday, and feel that I am ashamed of a nine-year-old student.


After hearing what he said, Lao Yao's expression suddenly softened a lot.

Zheng Qing glanced at the fat man with great admiration. He felt that he would never be able to be so shameless in his life.

The school should award him a statuette. The young public-funded student thought in his heart that even if he could not be a qualified reporter, he would definitely become an excellent actor.

After the reprimand, Lao Yao mentioned several other things.

One thing is the 'College Cup' dance this Saturday. He hopes that everyone can take time to attend as much as possible.

"This is a very good social occasion. I hope you can participate in more such activities, which will be very beneficial to your growth." When the professor ended the topic, he emphasized again: "... Of course, it's still the same sentence.

Don't cause trouble! If another accident like yesterday happens again, don't think that the school will allow you to organize any activities in the second half of the year!"

Another thing is the freshman hunting competition.

"In view of the changes in arrangements, the freshman hunting competition has been moved forward to this weekend, from 1 to 5 pm on Sunday." Old Yao said, raising his eyelids and glancing around: "I remember that some classmates in the class organized themselves

Our hunting team plans to participate in this year’s freshman hunting competition?”

Zheng Qing couldn't help but put on his airs and straightened his body a little straighter.

He noticed that Downton and Matthew Cullen seemed to be a little more focused.

"Very good, very good." The professor nodded, with a smile on his face for the first time today: "For you, this is a very good training opportunity... Everyone has only one chance in these four years.

This is an opportunity to participate in the freshman competition. No matter what the result is, it is worth remembering; no matter what the final score is, I will give every student who participates a little encouragement in terms of credits."

"You deserve this."

This chapter has been completed!
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