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Chapter 249 Master Baoyangzi

"How is it?" Lao Yao asked in a low voice.

"Just like you think," an old wizard with white hair replied softly, "but not as bad as you think."

"It's not that bad? If my feeling is right, it's collapsing inside... I remember the paper Lao Chen published a few years ago very clearly proved that collapse is also a form of convergence."

"So, your magic philosophy has always been better than mine - you can stay in school and continue teaching - but you have always been worse than me in practice." The old wizard smiled and continued to explain: "The solution to the wave equation is wave

function, but the wave function itself is an ever-changing set. ===『To read popular online novels, please search for "dingdiann" ===. Your feeling is essentially a kind of observation, which is unique, that is, the so-called

Existence is the only thing... From a philosophical point of view, your understanding is correct, it is indeed possible that it is in a state of collapse."

"You mean, the collapse is the result of my feelings?"

"That's true. You probably just care about it and you become confused."

"Oh!" Professor Yao breathed a heavy sigh and put the pipe in his hand into his mouth: "In this case, it seems that I can relax a little. Heck, the troubles in the past month have been even worse than last year.


"Having said that, I don't think you should take it lightly." The gray-haired wizard standing next to Professor Yao said in a low voice.

Although he has white hair and a long beard, this old wizard has an unusually rosy complexion and is very agile.

He leaned on his cane, took three steps and two steps at a time, and came to the side of the Four Elephant Barrier. He stretched out his cane and poked a large hole as high as a person in the barrier. Then he lowered his head and bent down, and rushed in.


"Eh? You can't..." The middle-aged gray-robed school janitor noticed someone approaching the barrier. He was about to stop him when he saw the old wizard breaking through the barrier. He immediately meowed like a cat whose tail had been stepped on:

"Why did it get exposed?"

He is asking himself and others.

Seeing the shocked look in the middle-aged school worker's eyes, Lao Yao consoled him kindly: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter...Master Baoyangzi is a senior consultant of the school and has sufficient experience and ability to solve the accidents inside."

With that said, without waiting for the gray-robed school guard to speak, Old Yao turned to look at the other wizards who appeared with him:

"Xiao An, you continue to communicate with the Guardian Array Monitoring Office and report the latest monitoring results at any time. Also, if the analysis report of the investigation team comes out, notify me as soon as possible... If there is insufficient manpower, send a letter to the professors' joint meeting

Duty officer, ask him to recruit a few more researchers from the institute to help."

"Yes." A chubby wizard nodded slightly and disappeared with a pop.

"Professor Charles, you take my place and take charge of the peripheral preparations." Lao Yao continued to give instructions: "I took a look and found that the preliminary work on site was handled very well. Just continue to handle it according to the school working committee's disposal plan..."

Charles O'Brien, the vice-president of the Alpha Academy, is a tall old wizard with silver hair shawl.

As a senior registered wizard, or in other words, a 'quasi' great wizard, he was not urgently recruited to go on 'business' like the deans and deputy deans of other colleges. Instead, he stayed on campus as Professor Yao

The deputy is responsible for the daily affairs of the professors' joint meeting.

After hearing Lao Yao's instructions, the elder of the O'Brien family nodded reservedly, touched the opal ring on his finger, and glanced at the school guards next to him. […* ~! Free reading]

As the direct subordinate of Vice-Principal Shi Hui, he and the school workers under Vice-Principal Ruoyu have always been at odds with each other.

Of course, at this special moment like today, as a wizard from a noble and respected family, he has enough sense to deal with those gray robes - provided that those gray robes are more sensible.

"...and these two, they are the people who hold Master Yangzi." At this point, Lao Yao paused, took the pipe from his mouth, and nodded in the void: "They have their own tasks.

, just let them work on their own.”

The two strange wizards who were named wore hoods and their entire faces were hidden in the shadows. After hearing Old Yao's instructions, they just nodded slightly and did not make a sound.

Professor Charles glanced at the two strange wizards who remained calm, and nodded calmly.

He was not one of those ignorant young people who had inexplicable curiosity about everything. As an old man who had experienced too many trials and hardships, he was keenly aware of a hint of danger from these strange wizards.

Rich experience tells him that the less you know, the safer you are, and the less you communicate with these people, the safer you are.

"Okay, Dean Yao." Professor Charles replied softly.

"Zhang Yu, and Thomas, you two come in with me." Old Yao turned to look at the assistant coaches not far away.

The two assistant teachers stepped out in response, followed Lao Yao quietly, followed the hole dug by the old wizard in front, and got into the accident scene.

Afterwards, the work at the accident site continued to be carried out in an orderly manner under the joint organization of Charles and the school working committee.

Only the gray robe who ordered the construction of the barrier before still couldn't forget the scene just now.

"Why was it broken?" The middle-aged school janitor was still mumbling to himself while arranging follow-up matters, looking extremely confused: "Isn't the Four Elephants Barrier the strongest barrier that can only be broken by a forbidden spell? Why?

Was it exposed?"

Not to mention the school guard who was still confused outside the barrier.

At the accident scene, when Zhang Yu and Thomas followed Professor Yao into the barrier, what caught their eyes was the building that was still slowly melting.

At this moment, the red light shrouding the outside of the building had just distorted the building into the image of a chimera, with a lion's head, a sheep's body, and a snake's tail, with blazing flames spitting out of its mouth. It interacted with the red light outside, and a bit of it was accidentally revealed in the distortion.


"It's a bit late, but there's still time." The old wizard who came in first had his back to the three of them, and his voice was very loud: "Old Yao, help me sweep the formation, I'll go in and have a look... If we can solve it without destroying this magic,

Question, that couldn’t be better.”

"Hmph, no one will snatch this kind of thing from you." Professor Yao snorted, waving his pipe, and his tone showed a bit of irritation: "The premise is that the little fox inside doesn't do anything wrong... and those precious researchers.


"I can guarantee this..." With the lingering voice, the old wizard strode towards the red light, his figure twisted a few times, and disappeared suddenly.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of the fox holding the ball of light.

The researchers in black robes around seemed to have seen something incredible. Their faces became more and more excited, and they pointed at the old man and said something loudly.

But outside of the red light, the two assistant teachers still couldn't hear a single sound.

This kind of blind waiting is extremely difficult.


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