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Chapter 109 The Cat and the Fox

 A black cat trotted along the forest path, followed by two short wizards.

The black cat is naturally Zheng Qing, and the two short wizards, one is Xiao Xiao and the other is Lin Guo.

Ten minutes ago, the little wizard from the Alpha Academy ran to the library out of breath and shouted to Zheng Qing that "his subordinates" were in trouble. As a result, he was dragged away by the alchemy doll on duty for ranting about the library.


After Zheng Qing completed the formalities and redeemed the little wizard from the library office, and after Lin Guo's confusing description, the young public-funded student finally understood where those so-called 'subordinates' came from - not

The others were none other than the group of cat followers he had accepted in the grove.

Earlier today, Lin Guo wanted to do an alchemy experiment, so he went to the grove by the lake to look through the squirrels' tree holes to see if he could find a few dried Armillaria fungi. Because he likes to collect them.

Because of this, these little squirrels in the school always collect many strange trophies from their tree holes. For example, broken quills discarded by students, plague pills stuffed into the grass that pets find unpalatable, and

Various mushrooms grow at the foot of forest trees after rain.

After searching four or five tree holes and using a bag of sugar-roasted chestnuts to get three dried Armillaria fungi from the hole of a two-tailed squirrel, Lin Guo wanted to go back to the castle immediately to conduct experiments, but unexpectedly, in the small

At the edge of the woods, I encountered two groups of 'thugs' confronting each other.

For some unknown reason, Zheng Qing's group of cat subordinates clashed with a group of foxes in the petting zoo - maybe because foxes are originally canines and have an innate dislike for cats; maybe because both sides discovered an unmarked cat at the same time.

mouse prey; or maybe it was just a certain cat that stepped on the tail of a certain fox - in short, when Lin Guo reacted and went to the library to fetch reinforcements, two groups of lawless little bastards were grinning and facing each other.

Staring at each other and grinding their claws.

Considering the 'complexity' of the specific situation, after thinking for a moment, the young public-funded student finally decided to change his identity, that is, use the identity of the 'cat leader' to go to the grove to prevent the fight between cats and foxes. He felt that relatively

Generally speaking, in front of cats and foxes, the black cat's identity is more convincing.

Fortunately, after a lot of practice, his mastery of transfiguration has become better than before. After drinking an undiluted transfiguration potion in a toilet cubicle in the library, it only took a short time for the young public-funded student to transform.

Transformed from a primate into a feline.

"Fortunately, I persuaded Jiang Yu to leave just now, otherwise it would be troublesome for her to see me like this." The black cat led the way by choosing a secluded path, and grumbled: "There are fat people, what do you think?

He doesn't hold meetings in the morning or at night, and only goes to meetings when we have something to do... It's the most ridiculous thing in the world."

Before leaving the library, Fatty Xin unexpectedly received a paper crane. The editor-in-chief of the school newspaper informed him to return to the editorial office immediately for a meeting. Therefore, the list of people who finally went to the grove to resolve the 'cat-fox dispute' was reduced by one.

The reason why I say again is because before Fatty, Jiang Yu had already given up helping after the persuasion of several wizards, and instead returned to the study room to supervise classmate Li Meng's homework.

"I've never understood it. I just turned into a cat. Is there anything I shouldn't let her know?" Lin Guo asked in a sullen voice, "I remember that you two have a very good relationship, right?"

"One code, one code!" The black cat turned around and glanced at the little wizard with his crystal clear red eyes. The beard at the corner of his mouth trembled and emphasized: "You know, my current transformation is illegal.

Behavior, and she is the monitor of Astronomy Class 08-1... If she knows about this, what do you think she should do?"

"Reporting on me? That's a betrayal of friendship. Keeping my secret? That's a violation of the rules!"

At this point, Black Cat seemed to be extremely satisfied with his analysis. He stretched his ears like airplanes and finally concluded: "So, when you encounter this kind of dilemma, don't embarrass your friends...just because you treat her as

Friend, I won’t tell her.”

What he said was reasonable and well-founded, making the little wizard nod his head in agreement.

Except Xiao Xiao.

"If it weren't for the fact that I knew a little better, I would have almost believed it." Dr. Xiao Da adjusted his glasses and snorted, causing the black cat who was leading the way to tremble.

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway." The black cat tilted its neck and glanced at the doctor blankly.

"Lower your head, don't stare around with those red eyes!" Dr. Xiao sighed and warned: "You are not a rabbit! With a pair of red eyes, you are very conspicuous... The atmosphere is not peaceful now.

A cat with red eyes can easily cause trouble. I think you should wear a pair of contact lenses before going out."

"This is a wizard school. A squirrel with two tails can fly around. What's weird about a cat with red eyes!" The black cat waved its paws and said nonchalantly: "It didn't even respond to the school's protective formation.

,What am I afraid of?!"

"Haha." Dr. Xiao Da sneered twice and did not continue speaking.

When the black cat heard this laughter, his scalp suddenly felt numb, his claws crooked, and he stepped into a puddle of mud next to him.

"It's really unlucky." The black cat complained, raised its paw and rubbed it on the trunk of a sycamore tree that it just passed by, and groaned: "The wind blows the snow clumps down, hitting the shoulders and brows of pedestrians; there are snowflakes on the road;

The ice is as smooth as a mirror, and those who fall fall backwards."

Last weekend, during the heavy snow season, in order to create an atmosphere of auspicious snow, the meteorological management department sent a heavy snowfall across the entire school. In addition, some snowflakes continued to fall in the following days, so until now, the school

The snow has not completely melted yet, and the main roads are covered with black slush and translucent ice sheets.

The black cat walked on the stone edge of the roadside, carefully picking out the clean snow to drop its paws on. His steps were light and his movements were steady, and he didn't "fall over" at all as he said.

"Good poem, good poem!" Lin Guo praised it loudly, and then seriously corrected it: "It's just that you are a cat, not a human."

"Don't worry about these details." The young public-funded student shook his beard, raised the tip of his tail, and turned the topic back to the trouble he was about to face: "Tell us again about those cats and foxes...how many of them are there?

Cat, how many foxes?”

"Oh, oh, okay." Lin Guo nodded, trotted two steps, hunched over, leaned into the black cat's ear and added in a long voice: "I can't count the number of cats and foxes very clearly... I just

I remember it was so dense that it made people feel frightened."

"The leader of the cat group is not the largest forest cat, nor the most ferocious blue cat, but the little ragdoll cat that has been following you before. For some reason, both the forest cat and the blue cat are following behind it.


"The leader on the fox side is a fiery red fox, who looks very fierce...but there is a white fox in the fox group, which looks like Poseidon. It's just because of the reflection of the snow.

, I didn’t look very clearly, I don’t know if the white fox has blue patterns on it.”

This chapter has been completed!
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