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Chapter 143 The girl is exquisite

There is a magical area in the Southern Wilderness Demon Realm. It has a radius of tens of thousands of miles and is entrenched in the center of the Southern Wilderness. It is like a chess piece falling from the sky. With one move, the Yidi Mountain Demon Realm and the Tianyu Mountain Demon Realm are completely separated.

The Ghost Sea is a huge lake that occupies the southern wilderness of the continent, 7,600 miles from east to west and 8,100 miles from north to south.

This is Bai Yunsheng's next destination.

There are still two of the three maps left by the master of Juntian Palace. He must find the remaining two at all costs. This is the last hope for Bai Yunsheng to regain his strength.

Half a month later.

To the west of Guihai, there is a stretch of high and rugged mountains that are full of weirdness, standing between the Demonic Domain of Yidi Mountain and the Great Lake.

The mountain wind is rustling and there are dense forests.

A young man in black rode a cold white triangular rhinoceros and galloped over. The young man wore a mask with magic patterns on his face, which looked even weirder than the dark mountains.

It has been seven days since Bai Yunsheng left the Yidi Mountain Demon Realm. This is the only way to go to the Ghost Sea. As long as you climb over the last mountain in front of you, you can reach the Fengdu Demon Realm.

Bai Yunsheng reined in the horns, stopped the rhinoceros, raised his head and looked around at the dangerous mountains around him, and said calmly: "Changyou Mountain is indeed a bit spooky."

He pulled out the demon sword Cangming, looked at Leng Youyou's blade, and said to himself:

"I wonder if you can sense the Cangming Beast's habitat..."

Unfortunately, Cangming's reaction disappointed him. The blade just floated in the air without any movement.

Searching for traces of the Cangming Beast Clan was Bai Yunsheng's promise to the demon soul in Cangming on the Tianchi Lake. Now it is time to fulfill it.

"It seems we can only go up the mountain and look for it slowly."


Bai Yunsheng gave a cold shout, and the triangular rhinoceros beneath him roared and galloped away into the mountains. This beast is a famous mount beast in Yidi Mountain. Although Bai Yunsheng can already fly with a sword, the journey is long and the karma of

There is no need to consume a lot of money, and besides, the speed of the Triceratops is not much slower.

Soon after, Bai Yunsheng was surrounded by high mountains, a deep silence, rugged rocks, and ancient pines covering the mountains. Occasionally, monsters walked through the forest, and the sounds of trampling of animal hooves could be heard one after another.

Suddenly, a faint cry for help came from the front.



Bai Yunsheng, who was sitting on the back of a triangular rhinoceros and practicing with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked forward suspiciously. He could not see the end of the confusing mountain road, but Bai Yunsheng did not doubt his hearing at all.

Soon, as the rhinoceros galloped, the cries for help came out with clear cries.

"Help! Help!"

Bai Yunsheng frowned slightly. He heard that the voice was a woman, but how could a woman suddenly appear in this barren mountain? A voice of doubt suddenly hit his heart.

Bai Yunsheng, who had been attacked by Yanyulou many times, suddenly became vigilant, but he did not stop the triangle rhinoceros from running. After turning a corner that seemed to be 70 degrees, a lush green area appeared behind the cold mountain wall.

Bai Yunsheng clearly felt that there was a large mass of mixed fire energy in the forest, but the aura was not strong.


The beast moved like a gust of wind, and a moment later a scene of distress appeared in front of Bai Yunsheng.

I saw a group of dark red fire jackals with black spots staring eagerly at a shivering girl in white. The girl looked eleven or twelve years old. The jackals' foul-smelling saliva was dripping on the ground, reflecting the fear in the girl's dilated pupils.

Suddenly, a black shadow blew across the herd like a cold winter wind. More than twenty black-spotted fire jackals all fell to the ground and died. A thin young man in black appeared in front of the girl.

"You...who are you?"

Although the wolves were wiped out, the girl was obviously too frightened, and her pale face did not fade at all.

Bai Yunsheng turned around, looked at the girl in white with cold eyes, and said, "It seems you shouldn't speak like this to your savior."

The girl's long grass-green hair was messy and dusty, her fair little face was smeared with dirty ash, her big watery eyes were flashing with water drops, and her tears were on the verge of bursting at any time.

With such a lovely and pitiful appearance, anyone who looked at her couldn't help but feel the urge to step forward and embrace her.

But unfortunately, she met Bai Yunsheng.

Seeing that Bai Yunsheng had not moved, the girl stood up in a hurry. Her snow-white cotton clothes were stained with dirty stains and had a few blood spots. She almost begged Bai Yunsheng in a begging tone: "

Thank you... Thank you for saving me. Can you save my grandpa again? He was blocked in the cave by the Fire Jackal King..."

Bai Yunsheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the girl for a moment, "Huh!" Suddenly a gust of black wind blew around him, throwing the girl into the air.


The girl suddenly screamed in panic.

Then she felt warmth around her waist, and a strong arm held her up in the air. The girl blinked her big eyes, and looked at the black eyes behind Bai Yunsheng's mask with lingering fear, and only heard a cold voice:

"Where is he?"

The girl saw Bai Yunsheng's mask at such a close distance, and was so frightened that she almost couldn't breathe. She said cautiously: "Grandpa... Grandpa is on the hillside behind the woods, and there is the nest of the black-spotted fire jackal.



A gust of cool wind blew in his ears, and Bai Yunsheng flew towards the mountain carrying the girl's sword.

Half a moment later, Bai Yunsheng had already locked onto a strong aura wave halfway up the mountainside in front of him. They were all untransformed monsters and there was no danger at all.

The Sword of Eternal Life is extremely fast, and it can reach the target within a few breaths after confirming it.


A sickening roar came from the primitive cave, and a jackal with three heads was seen biting and swallowing a fallen figure.

Seeing this scene, the girl in white immediately burst into tears and shouted miserably: "Grandpa!!"

Bai Yunsheng frowned slightly, flew down with the girl in his arms, turned his fingers into swords, and a black sword energy penetrated the necks of the three fire jackals in an instant. Gulu, the three huge dog heads rolled to the ground, and the flesh and blood in their mouths were still bleeding.

, the six demon eyes never close their eyes to death.


The girl no longer cared about being afraid at this moment, she threw herself directly in front of the mutilated figure and cried non-stop.

"Please, save my grandpa..."

As soon as Bai Yunsheng walked over, the girl hugged his thigh and begged with tears in his eyes.

Helpless, he had no choice but to briefly feel the breath of the old man's broken body on the ground. Unfortunately, it was too late.

Bai Yunsheng did not speak, but shook his head slightly, but it was enough to push the girl into the abyss of despair. He had fallen into this abyss before.

The young man threw himself next to the old man's body and burst into tears.

The old man's entire left arm had been devoured, his whole body was covered in blood, his gray hair was disheveled, and his face was covered with scratches. It was obvious that he had fought to the death with these three jackals.

Bai Yunsheng glanced at the body of the black-spotted Fire Jackal King on the ground, and felt strange for a moment.

Before coming to Changyou Mountain, he had memorized the terrain of this place. Legend has it that this is a cursed mountain range. Everything in the mountain is like dry wood, with no water or grass. So how did these jackals survive?

But what makes Bai Yunsheng even more curious is, why did the grandfather and grandson come to this cursed place for nothing?

It was not like passing by, because he had noticed a bamboo basket next to the old man's body, and Bai Yunsheng recognized it as the basket used by medicine collectors.

"Come to collect medicine? There is not even a blade of grass on this mountain. Where can we get medicine?"

Bai Yunsheng thought to himself and did not express any sorrow for the death of the old man.

Half an hour later.

Out of curiosity and sympathy, Bai Yunsheng helped the girl bury the old man at the foot of the mountain. The poor old man lived a busy life, but in the end he died in a foreign land.

However, Bai Yunsheng had no time to spend here, so he asked indifferently: "What's your name?"

The girl wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, turned around from the grave, bulging her red and swollen eyes, and choked with sobs:

"My surname is Yu and my name is Linglong. Where are you, big brother?"

The hoarse voice tortured by crying sounded very pitiful, but Bai Yunsheng said with a clear heart:

"Bai Yunsheng."

"Brother Bai, thank you for saving me, and... my grandpa."

Linglong lowered her head, resisting the urge to look back, and briefly glanced at the black-gray grave behind her. There was not even a tombstone.

"Where is your home? I will take you back."

Bai Yunsheng had no intention of taking this young girl on the road with him. He had just thoroughly checked Linglong's aura and found that there was no trace of karma and the vitality in his body was extremely weak.

"I...I don't have a home."

When Linglong heard Bai Yunsheng's words, tears almost rolled down her eyes.

Bai Yunsheng asked without any emotion: "Why are you here?"

Linglong choked and said: "We are from Wuliu City. Grandpa is the most famous herbalist in the city. I heard that grandpa said that he was ordered by the city lord to come here to collect a kind of medicine, but he didn't expect..."

"Wuliu City?" Bai Yunsheng was thinking in his mind. He passed by this place when he came here. It was a small town on the border between monsters and monsters, where humans and monsters were mixed. He had indeed heard that the Lord of Wuliu City was so domineering that he relied on the sky to be high and the emperor to be far away. He's the biggest bully in the area.

Bai Yunsheng pondered for a moment: "What medicine should I pick?"

Linglong shook her head slightly and pouted, "I haven't seen it before. I only heard from my grandpa that the medicine is called Xedra and it is very dangerous."

Bai Yunsheng raised the corners of his eyes slightly, and he suddenly became interested.

The Xuedra that Xiao Linglong is talking about is the most famous thing in Changyou Mountain, but it became extinct a long time ago.

It is said that the flower disk is huge, with a radius of one foot when in full bloom. The seven petals show seven different shades of blood red. The blood color will flow slowly between the petals, making it look like flowing blood, which is very strange.

But soon a strange idea arose in Bai Yunsheng's mind. He had just quickly recalled the records about Xueda Luo in the "Book of Changes", but he surprisingly discovered that its famous name was entirely due to a kind of elixir. existence.

After taking the ghost spirit powder, the practitioner can transform into the body of a ghost spirit within an hour, improve his or her cultivation by one level, feel no pain, and become immortal. Of course, this elixir is no different from poison, because once the spirit of the ghost spirit is dispersed , the person who takes it will die immediately.

Bai Yunsheng finished reciting silently in his heart, and a few rays of cold light shot out from his eyes. He looked at Linglong with a sad face and asked:

"Has your grandpa ever told you the use of this medicine?"

Linglong, who was still deeply grieving over the death of her loved one, was so stared at by Bai Yunsheng that she shivered and said in a trembling voice:

"I... don't know. Grandpa didn't tell me. He just told me that this matter is very dangerous and must be kept secret."

"Gui Ling San, Gui Ling San..." Bai Yunsheng chewed some of the exquisite words in his heart, put aside his hesitation and said: "I will take you back to Wuliu City."

But Linglong was so frightened that she seemed to have seen a ghost. Her body trembled and she shook her head desperately and said: "No... If I go back now, the city lord will definitely find me..."

Bai Yunsheng looked at Linglong's fearful expression and smiled inexplicably. He had never thought of taking an ordinary person with no cultivation on the road. After all, he was not going on vacation, but was going to die.

After thinking for a moment.

Bai Yunsheng turned to look at the pretty and pale Linglong, "Whoosh!" An invisible light shot out from his eyes, instantly freezing Linglong.

Baiyun vividly used the art of the moon to spy out the secrets in Linglong's heart so clearly that an ordinary person in this world would not be able to resist.

The result reassured Bai Yunsheng that there was nothing unusual about this exquisite girl's background.

It was not a good place to stay for a long time, so he put away his last doubt and decided to take this girl he had met for less than an hour on the road with him.

This was the first time for him to encounter such a strange encounter. Maybe it was the sympathy that had not yet been wiped out in his emotions that made him unable to leave behind an ordinary girl who was powerless.

This chapter has been completed!
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