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Chapter 194 The Secret History Under the Clouds

It has been nearly three days.

Mu Xiaomin's two senior brothers have not returned yet.

On the fourth day, Bai Yunsheng couldn't wait any longer, so he, Xiang Wujian, and Murong Chen found Mu Xiaomin. They had important things to do and had no time to wait any longer.

"Xiao Min, what's going on with your two senior brothers?"

The four of them sat at a sandalwood table, and Bai Yunsheng tapped his fingers on the table.

Mu Xiaomin shook his head helplessly and gave the same answer again: "I don't know, they said they would be back within three days."

"Xiao Min, don't worry, they will be fine."

Murong Chen looked at Mu Xiaomin worriedly and said with concern.

She woke up two days ago and admitted her mistake when she saw Xiao Min's appearance. She was extremely excited at the time.

Later, Bai Yunsheng spent a lot of effort to separate the two people who were "like glue". Murong Chen still didn't stop her enthusiasm and chatted with Mu Xiaomin for a whole day and night.

Bai Yunsheng and Xiang Wujian were also left alone. Murong Chen was deeply hurt by the Moon Hill Incident, and they had been helpless. With Xiao Min appearing this time, there was someone who could comfort her. After all, it had been a long time since Murong Chen last smiled.

It's been a while.

"No wait, let's go to Jiulong Mountain now."

Bai Yunsheng slapped the table, transformed into a chubby face again, turned around and walked out.

"Hey! Wait, let's go together!"

Murong Chen hurriedly scolded him, pulled Mu Xiaomin up and followed him, while Xiang Wujian, who had been silent for the whole time, looked at the backs of the three of them, pondered slightly, and then left.

Jiulong Mountain is less than a hundred miles away from Yunxia City. It didn't take long for a few people to reach the edge of the mountain range and stand a hundred feet high in the air overlooking the continuous mountains.

After just watching for a while, Bai Yunsheng suddenly felt dizzy. He couldn't help but rub his eyes and complained:

"What kind of shabby place is this? There are mountains everywhere and it's a mess!"

The faces of the two beauties, Murong Chen and Mu Xiaomin, were also not good-looking. Bai Yunsheng was right. The trends in Jiulong Mountain were complex and changeable, and it was dazzling to see. It was difficult to find people, not to mention the top men.

Xiang Wujian, who was standing at the very back, said nothing and was still scanning the mountains below with a stern look on his face.

At this moment, he was not thinking about how to find the two Tai'a Mountain disciples, but was worried about Yanyu Tower. The code he found on the Yunxia City Monument was left not long ago, and Yanyu Tower had definitely arrived at Yunxia.

"Let's search separately. I'll go to the west, my eldest brother will go to the north, Xiao Min and Sister Wushu will go to the south. We'll come back here in half an hour, no matter whether we have any clues or not."

Bai Yunsheng knocked on his dizzy forehead, and before anyone else could question him, he flew out with his sword.

"This guy is still so impulsive."

Murong Chen, who was still in a good mood, crossed his arms in front of his chest, looked at Bai Yunsheng leaving and cursed "dissatisfiedly".

Mu Xiaomin looked at Bai Yunsheng's back intently, smiled after hearing this, and Murong Chen laughed too. The two of them said hello to Xiang Wujian and flew south.

"I hope nothing happens."

Xiang Wujian couldn't guess what the conspiracy was behind Yanyulou's visit, so he prayed in his heart, and Yu Jian headed north of the mountain range.

Half an hour later, Bai Yunsheng was the last one to come back. Looking at his face, it was clear that he had found nothing.

"How's it going boy?"

The sadness on Murong Chen's face was hidden deeply, and she asked "provocatively".

"I almost didn't get out. This place is like a maze. Every hilltop seems to be the same!" Bai Yunsheng spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Then let's go back first, we will discuss it in the long run."

Xiang Wujian doesn't want to stay here anymore.

After the four returned to the palace, they each went back to their rooms. But on the way back, Bai Yun asked Xiang Wujian abruptly:

"Brother, you look very bad today, are you okay?"

Xiang Wujian secretly shuddered, put away the solemn look on his face, and replied: "It's okay, I just can't figure out where the corpse air that infects the ghost plague comes from."

Bai Yunsheng ignored his strange behavior and said calmly: "Brother, I think I found someone from Yanyu Tower."

"What?" Xiang Wujian was immediately surprised.

"I sensed a vague murderous aura in Jiulong Mountain and chased for several miles with no results." Bai Yunsheng explained the reason why he was late for the meeting.

"Could it be an illusion?"

"I hope so."

After returning to Yunxia and separated from the two girls, Bai Yunsheng left the Villa without going back to his room.

"Where are you going?" Xiang Wujian asked hurriedly.

"Go for a walk."


When night falls.

The backyard of the Imperial Palace under the clouds.

This place is far away from the front hall and the bedroom, surrounded by green trees and long pools of water, making it quite quiet and elegant.

However, not many people in Yunxia Country could enter.

Xuanji Tower.

A nine-story tower with a height of 100 feet, the ancient sandalwood-colored walls exude solemn simplicity. There are three circles of Yunxia guards around the downstairs inside and outside, and there are black armored soldiers guarding the railings on each floor above.

Suddenly, "Whew!" A gust of wind blew past the seventh floor, making a circle and dissipating. Then a black-armored soldier unexpectedly left his post without permission, slowly pushed open the ancient sandalwood door, and entered without anyone noticing.

Xuanji Tower.

This floor is the last floor of the tower for the outer guards. The others are still standing motionless, seemingly unaware of the movement around them.

It is said that there are many mechanisms in this mysterious building, and each floor is very dangerous - of course, this is all for ordinary people.

The wooden staircase leading to the upper floor is located in the middle of the floor. There are three concentric circles with cracks on the outside. The walls inside the circles are hollowed out and stacks of ancient books are placed there.

The black-armored soldier who had sneaked in looked at this place with disdain, his feet slowly lifted off the ground, completely ignoring the mechanism, and floated towards the stairs in the center of the seventh floor.

The concentric walls on the eighth floor were divided into two, but it still did not trouble the intruder, and soon he successfully climbed to the last floor.

This is a dark house, with a white light shining on a wooden table in the center of the room, leaving nothing else in sight.

The black-armored soldier was slightly vigilant and approached the wooden table.

The table was very old and had a thick layer of dust. There was a thick ancient book on the table - "The Secret Records of the Clouds". It looked like no one had turned it over for a long time.

The black-armored soldier gently opened the book. The paper was yellow and hard, but the handwriting on it was clear. He quickly turned the pages of the book, and soon his eyes stopped on a page.

The black-armored soldier looked carefully, his yellow-brown pupils staring at the ancient book intently, as if he was looking for something.

After a while, he raised his head, exhaled softly, and whispered to himself:

"So that's it...who!"

Halfway through the words, the black-armored soldier suddenly shouted coldly, and a long sword of cold light had already stabbed the throat of the black figure behind him.


With a slight crisp sound, a dark blue sword steadily blocked the blade of the black armored soldier.


The black-armored soldier looked surprised and whispered as he regained his appearance. It was undoubtedly Bai Yunsheng.

"Why are you here?" Bai Yunsheng put away his sword and continued to ask.

"I knew you couldn't bear your temper." Xiang Wujian walked out of the darkness with a smile, put away the Tianwei sword and whispered, "You came to Xuanji Tower to know the secrets about Jiulong Mountain, right?"

Bai Yunsheng rolled his eyes and said frankly: "Yes, if there is corpse energy, it must come from the tomb. I want to know who is buried in Jiulong Mountain."

"What's the result?"

Xiang Wujian also walked to the wooden table and flipped through "The Secret Records under the Cloud" at will.

"Emperor Kowloon." Bai Yunsheng replied without thinking.

"Have you found the cemetery?" Xiang Wujian asked calmly as he continued to look at the ancient page.

Bai Yunsheng shook his head, stepped forward and flipped through the secret records quickly, then stopped at the second half, pointed at the ancient book and said:

"Brother, look, there is a page here that has been torn out, and the tear mark is very new. It was torn off not long ago."

"You mean someone got there first?"

Xiang Wujian stared carefully at the scattered traces between the pages.

Bai Yunsheng nodded, but Xiang Wujian turned over his hand to close the secret record and said quickly:

"This is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's leave first."

But the two of them obviously underestimated Yunxiaguo's defense strength. Just when they walked out of the door of the ninth floor, "Swish, swish, swish!" Six sharp halberds were already placed in front of their chests, and six black armored soldiers

He looked at the two strangers menacingly, with hostility in his eyes.

Just as Bai Yunsheng was about to take action, he saw Xiang Wujian take out a token with the word "king". When the six black-armored soldiers saw the gold medal, they immediately withdrew their troops and knelt down, saying in unison:

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

Xiang Wujian was not as dangerous as Bai Yunsheng - he got the imperial order with a little effort in the palace.

"Let's go."

Xiang Wujian jumped down from the Xuanji Tower without looking back.

Bai Yunsheng pursed his lips and let out a breath, then left.


A gust of breeze blew through the seventh floor of Xuanji.

"Pah, pah, pah."

Where Bai Yunsheng entered the building just now, five burly black-armored soldiers fell to the ground one after another, their pupils were gray, and they were obviously no longer breathing.

Bai Yunsheng and Xiang Wujian did not return to their residence, but came to the west gate of Yunxia City.

On the city wall, Bai Yunsheng hesitated for a while and then asked:

"Brother, do you know anything?"

Xiang Wujian put his hands on the cold city bricks and looked at the mountains in the west. After a while, he said:

"This is related to an old incident between Fluorescence and Yunxia. The country of Fluorescence is the one with the least history among the five major countries in the Central Plains, with only a history of more than 800 years. Eight hundred years ago, Lihuobuzhou, Yunxia, ​​and Fluorescence

There are eight other small countries that have been at war for years, and no one can annex the other. Until one day, a peerless wizard appears under the clouds. He is not only equipped with literary and military skills, but also a first-class master who has reached the late stage of the middle camp.

.Under his leadership, Yunxia quickly wiped out the other eight countries and stared covetously at the fluorescent tiger. Legend has it that this man wore a Nine Dragons dark gold armor, so the people in Yunxia called him the Kowloon Emperor."

"But Yunxia did not succeed." Bai Yunsheng revealed the result.

"Yes, the Fluorescence Kingdom secretly sent an emissary to Flame Ridge to meet with the then head of Bajiao Cave and report it. As the leader of the Jianghu in Lihuo Continent, Bajiao Cave has always strictly prohibited practitioners from participating in matters outside the Jianghu, so Bajiao Cave sent people

He went down to the mountain and killed the Nine Dragons Emperor, and supported the fluorescent country to become the new ruler of Buzhou. From then on, Yunxia fell into despair, and fluorescent people officially came to the southern border."

Xiang Wujian said as he recalled:

"The Yunxia people left the body of Emperor Jiulong in their homeland, which is now Jiulong Mountain. It is said that a huge treasure was buried in his tomb, and the entrance to the cemetery is recorded in two places, one in "Yunxia Secret Records" ", and the other one is on the Kowloon Order!"

"Kowloon Order? What is that?"

Bai Yunsheng listened attentively with his ears open.

Xiang Wujian did not answer him, but took out a gold token from his arms.

Bai Yunsheng stared at it, and was immediately surprised, because the golden token was actually engraved with nine lifelike golden dragons, which was obviously the Nine Dragons Order mentioned by Xiang Wujian!

"Brother, how come you have this thing?"

Bai Yunsheng came closer and stared at the Jiulong Order seriously, and asked with lingering shock.

"This was given to me by my father when I left Ganshan. He said that this token is related to a big secret of the Yunxia Ancient Kingdom, and he asked me to find it at the right time."

This time Xiang Wujian told the truth without any concealment, because he didn't know what secret he was looking for.

"Qianshan is far away in Beihuang, and is more than a thousand miles away from Jiulong Mountain. How could my uncle have this token?" Bai Yunsheng asked without any malice.

Xiang Wujian glanced at the Jiulong Order in his hand, then at Bai Yunsheng, then returned his gaze to the invisible Jiulong Mountain in the distance, and murmured:

"Because the Xiang family is from Jiangzhou."

Bai Yunsheng's eyes lit up, suddenly and surprised. He didn't expect that Xiang Wujian was actually related to Lihuo Buzhou.

He wanted to ask something more, but was moved away by Xiang Wujian: "We will talk about this later. The most important thing now is to find the tomb of Emperor Jiulong. Only then can we have a chance to solve the problem under the cloud."

Bai Yunsheng was too ignorant to delve into it. Then he thought of the Nine Dragon Emperor's treasure, and his eyes flashed with light.

"In this case, let's go to Jiulong Mountain to hunt for treasure immediately!"

But Xiang Wujian didn't show much excitement on his face.

I thought that the Xuanji Tower was built by Emperor Jiulong during his lifetime, specifically to store the treasures he collected during his many years of conquests. Now I know the Treasure Tower under the cloud. The building is densely covered with traps, and the "Secret Records under the Cloud" is enshrined in the building. It is said that there is a barrier set up by the Kowloon Emperor, and ordinary people cannot look through it even if they get it.

There were only a few forces coming to Yunxia City at the moment, and he vaguely guessed that the missing pages must have been taken away by the people from Yanyu Tower - then they were about to face a fierce battle.

"There's no rush, let's go back and prepare first, and then set off again at dawn tomorrow."

"Then... do you still want to wake me up..."

Bai Yunsheng was interrupted by Xiang Wujian mid-sentence:

"No, just the two of us will go!"

As Xiang Wujian spoke, he held the Nine Dragon Order tightly, with a slight hint of urgency in his words.

Bai Yunsheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "understanding" what Xiang Wujian meant - the trip to Jiulong Mountain is probably very dangerous, so there is no need to worry more.

This chapter has been completed!
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