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Chapter 29 Tianyi Academy

Of course there is no such coincidence in the world.

Early the next morning, Hedong Street, which had not yet opened all the shops, was already crowded with people. Young practitioners from all over the world crowded Wuji Street in front of Tianyi College. It was a sea of ​​people, a mountain of monsters, and a sea of ​​monsters. Looking from a distance,

They form a dazzling ocean.

In this seemingly peaceful world, Jingzhou is naturally a place of right and wrong. Prejudice, greed, disputes, and killings are all happening in some corner of the city. But here, on this street, at this door

In the past, no matter whether they were human or demon, no matter how high their understanding was, or how strong their bloodline was, no one would make mistakes, and no one would dare to make mistakes.

Bai Yunsheng looked at the dark crowd and exclaimed: "Oh my God, there are not even ten thousand, but eight thousand, right?"

Xiang Wujian was not surprised, and said calmly: "The number one university in the world is indeed worthy of its name. Thousands of people from all over the world went to take the exam, and it is only here that they can be seen."

In the sea of ​​people, Bai Yunsheng only glanced at Murong Chen and saw Murong Chen - she was sitting in a luxurious car, which was walking towards them.

Xiang Wujian saw it, and Yi Fengxiao also saw it. It was too late for the three of them to leave, because Murong Chen's eyes had never left the three of them since they fell on them.

While the six legs were hesitating, Murong Chen was already standing in front of Xiang Wujian.

Her willow eyebrows were curved and she smiled like an early autumn sweet-scented osmanthus. She didn't care at all about the identities of the demon tribesmen and whispered softly: "Brother Xiang, we meet again."

Xiang Wujian resisted this heroic, charming and lovely face and said with a smile: "Hello, Miss Murong."

Murong Chen pursed her lips, but her eyes were bright and sunny, and said: "Miss Murong spends a lot of time in the world, just call me Xiao Chen."

Bai Yunsheng was stunned, and so was Yi Fengxiao.

Xiang Wujian was not stunned. Instead, he smiled more sincerely and enthusiastically than before, and said, "How can the two words Xiaochen be worthy of the title of Nebula Heroine?"

Murong Chen's face turned a little red, he lowered his head and said, "Brother Xiang is laughing."

Bai Yunsheng on the side couldn't help but snicker. It turns out that Kunshan Continent is located in the southwest of the Central Plains. It lacks water and rain, and the landform is mostly sand sea. The most famous one is the Xingyun Desert, where Murong's Moon Hill is

There. This Murong Chen is talented and intelligent, and has superb cultivation, but he has a boyish personality, a graceful figure but a heroic spirit. He often wanders around in the Nebula Desert, doing chivalrous things. Unfortunately, the results are often chivalrous but not anti-gang.

Unfortunately, she was given the title of Nebula Little Witch.

Bai Yunsheng's laughter stopped abruptly under a pair of domineering eyes. Murong Chen's eyes widened and he shouted: "Boy, it's you again!"

As he spoke, his fist was already halfway up, but when he looked at Xiang Wujian, he lowered his fist again. He had no choice but to give Bai Yunsheng a blank look and said with a smile:

"Brother Xiang, are you also coming to Tianyi Academy?"

Xiang Wujian said: "Exactly."

The look in Murong Chen's eyes lit up a little more.

The fire soul seal between Xiang Wujian's eyebrows has already proved his talent. Yi Fengxiao, who was always cold-faced at the side, did not give in too much. Only Bai Yunsheng, who she punched, turned out to be just a demon cultivator in the red soul realm.


Murong Chen's proud eyes were filled with contempt. With such strength, she could knock ten of them away with one punch.

The morning light is getting warmer.

There were a few more people on Hedong Street, sandwiching the few Bai Yunsheng at the end.

Bai Yunsheng quickly looked away from Murong Chen. He had endured this kind of contempt many times, and his attitude was calm and casual every time. Only this time, a chill flashed in his eyes as he looked away.

Han Xing's light flashed away, and Bai Yunsheng then exclaimed: "How can we take the exam with so many people?"

Yi Fengxiao stared ahead and said, "It may not be the end of the day."

"Let's go sign up first." After Xiang Wujian finished speaking, he walked into the crowd first.

The three of them came to the registration office and each paid one hundred taels of gold. As a practitioner, Bai Yunsheng would not feel it was painful to spend the money. One hundred taels of gold is enough for anyone to live comfortably in any city on the five continents.

Live comfortably for three months.

A young woman took the gold and said with a professional smile: "This is the lottery number. Please line up in an orderly manner. After entering, follow the instructions and wait."

The three people squeezed out of the crowd, and in a blink of an eye, a majestic palace appeared at the end of the sea of ​​people. It was majestic and thick, and had a vast atmosphere.

There are five floors up and down in the main hall, each floor has fifty test points. At this moment, Bai Yunsheng was standing on the second floor and looked at the C character 7779 in his hand. Xiang Wujian was C character 7800. They were both in the same place.


Yi Fengxiao's name was C, 7801. The difference of one number meant that he was two floors away from the two people. When Murong Chen entered the palace, he said goodbye to them and went to the top floor.

In the majestic hall, five stone pillars surrounded by ten people hold up the high roof of the hall. Five five-element mythical beasts are carved on the stone pillars. The beasts are towering and lifelike. No matter who looks up to look up, they will feel the shock of worship in their hearts.

But at this moment, Bai Yunsheng looked up at the majestic hall, but there was no sense of worship in his heart, only anxiety.

Xiang Wujian clearly noticed his strangeness and asked, "Are you worried?"

When Bai Yunsheng was asked by Xiang Wujian, he immediately made a bitter look on his face and said: "Brother Xiang, the first level is the karma test. If you pass, you can continue. If you fail, you can only go to the outer courtyard."

Xiang Wujian consoled him: "It doesn't matter if you are in the outer courtyard, you are not from the world, and we will get along more harmoniously. The inner courtyard is full of arrogant practitioners, and the overt and covert fighting is too fierce."

Bai Yunsheng's face suddenly became serious and he said, "No, Brother Xiang, this is different."

Xiang Wujian asked in confusion: "What?"

Bai Yunsheng frowned, hesitated for a while, and then said: "There seems to be something pulling me in this place, but it's very weak."

Xiang Wujian also frowned and said in surprise: "You mean there is something attracting you in this place?"

Bai Yunsheng nodded and said: "It should be, and it is in the northwest of the inner courtyard."

"Northwest?" Xiang Wujian's eyelids twitched. He naturally knew where the northwest of Tianyi College was. He then resumed his smile and said, "There is no way to pass the first level."

Bai Yunsheng said with excitement: "What can we do?!"

"Jiuli Jade."

Xiang Wuzhi took the multicolored jade that Bai Yunsheng took out, placed it in the palm of his hand, and injected a ray of vitality into the jade. In a short while, the jade turned into a fiery red.

Xiang Wujian returned the red jade to Bai Yunsheng and warned: "Put it on your body, and the vitality will flow out of your hand later."

Bai Yunsheng held the red Jiuli Jade carefully, with hesitation in his eyes.

Xiang Wujian said: "Don't worry, Jiuli Jade is a rare treasure in the world, and those people won't find it."

Bai Yunsheng's heart dropped halfway. It wasn't that he didn't believe his elder brother. Even if he was really discovered, he wouldn't blame Xiang Wujian.

What he cared about was that call that was vague but followed like a shadow. Recalling the words of the mysterious man in the Vulcan Stream, this call once again ignited the hope buried deep in his heart.

There are only two levels in Tianyi College's entrance exam. The first level tests the depth of karma. The student's karma must ignite seven of the ten comets before entering the second level.

This comet was made by Tianyi Academy at the request of Tianji Sect to take the heart of Feiyu from the sky. Practitioners who have just entered the Red Soul Realm or the small camp will find it difficult to light one, let alone connect seven stars. Although the opening of Tianyi Academy

There are only two levels to accept students, but according to previous years' experience, more than 90% of people will be eliminated in this first level.

The second stage is to check the level of moves. The remaining 10% of the students will be locked in a strange secret realm alone and challenge their own images in the realm. The winner will advance and the loser will retreat.

With Xiang Wujian's help, Bai Yunsheng passed the first level in fear and barely managed to ignite the seventh comet. But after him, Xiang Wujian managed to light up the nine comets with ease.

, the broad-faced and square-faced examiner secretly gasped in surprise, causing the other disciples on the second floor to scream.

But soon everyone calmed down - when they saw the yellow flame pattern between Xiang Wujian's eyebrows - at this age, he had actually reached the Yellow Soul Realm, and it seemed that it was not strange to even hit the Nine Stars.

"Given time, I'm afraid there will be another immortal demon. It seems that the '100-year-old list' of Sun Moon Pavilion will be rearranged again."

As the examiner watched him off for the last time, Bai Yunsheng and Xiang Wujian followed the usher into the back hall on the second floor.

In the secret realm of the second level, Xiang Wujian spent a whole stick of incense before walking out tiredly, while Bai Yunsheng, who was sitting in the tea room, was already drowsy from waiting. He only needed a quarter of an hour to defeat the enemy.

The incarnation in the realm has drank seven pots of tea.

Inner courtyard, Zhulu Palace.

There is a green floating mountain suspended under the glazed sky, hidden deep among the clouds and mist, filled with white mist and filled with fairy spirit.

There is a sapphire palace sitting on the mountain peak. It has blue bricks and green tiles. It has escaped from the world and is like a spiritual god of mountains and rivers overlooking the land of Jingzhou.

On the edge of the floating mountain, there is a rope bridge hanging facing the palace gate. Cold black iron chains are intertwined and tightly connected to the teleportation array on another small floating mountain. The array is warm and bright, swimming like dust.

Soon after, the light on Xiaofu Mountain flashed sharply, and dozens of figures walked out of the formation. The leader was a middle-aged man with a strong figure, wearing a silk black robe, with a four-clawed python dragon printed on his chest. He

The thirty-four people behind him were the last batch of freshmen from the inner courtyard who passed the examination, among them were Bai Yunsheng, Xiang Wujian, and Yi Fengxiao.

The man in black touched his messy beard and said with indifferent eyes: "Zhulu Palace is a holy land in Jingzhou, and no mistakes should be made. You will follow me in to meet the elders."

The long chain bridge hung horizontally on the clouds. Bai Yunsheng could neither see the front nor the bottom clearly while walking on the bridge. The surrounding area was completely white, with the occasional wind blowing and the mist floating in the clouds, it was like a dream.

Only now did Bai Yunsheng realize what Xiang Wujian said to him below: "Zhulu Palace is the real high point of Tianyi Academy."

The group of people walked in the mist for maybe two-quarters of an hour. The sapphire palace on the Xianluan suddenly appeared in the mist. Soon, after a burst of darkness, a heavy and dangerous door wall appeared in front of everyone. In the door wall, a

The straight and long stone steps lead directly to the depths of the clouds and mist.

At the end of the road, at the end of the clouds and mist, stood a stone statue. Even though he was far away, Bai Yunsheng could still clearly feel the pressure brought by the stone statue.

At this time, the man in black turned his back to everyone and said indifferently: "You have time for a cup of tea. Climb the stairs to the main hall. Anyone who is late will be expelled immediately."

After saying that, the man did not give anyone a chance to question, and flew directly up the mountain with his sword. Of course, no one had a chance to question, because the time for a cup of tea would soon pass.

Everyone is smart and there is no time to worry too much. Bai Yunsheng, like other young practitioners, frowned and ran forward with a cold face.

However, an accident happened as expected. As soon as everyone went up the mountain, they suddenly found that the karma in the body was greatly suppressed and the movement became very slow, which would greatly affect the speed of climbing.

There was only one person except Bai Yunsheng. This guy without karma had no idea. As soon as he took the Seven Killing Steps, only a series of afterimages of him were left on the stone steps.

Others were running slower and slower, but he was running faster and faster, actually overtaking many people. The other mountaineering disciples, including Xiang Wujian and Yi Fengxiao, all looked at the little demon in the Red Soul Realm who surpassed them in amazement.

There were more than a thousand stone steps, and Bai Yunsheng was the first to rush into the main hall without any effort. The other ten people were about the same distance away, and Xiang Wujian and Yi Fengxiao rushed in three or four.

In the end, half of the people exceeded the tea time.

Zhulu Palace. The spacious hall is bright and magnificent.

There were only two people standing on the sapphire stone surface at this time, one was the man in black who had just led the team, and the other was an old man with combed green beard, his green-gray hair buns neatly stacked together, and his face was clean.

Except for a few disciples who entered the temple with stable breaths, the rest were working on their karma to calm down their physical fatigue, and they had no time to examine the surroundings.

The green-bearded old man frowned and said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Mo Crow, are these the disciples who have entered the inner courtyard?"

Mo Ya immediately knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Fourth Elder, they are the fifth batch today. The previous batch was planted by the Second Elder."

The dissatisfied face of the fourth elder had turned a little gloomy, and he said coldly: "A group of geniuses from the Huangpo realm in the late stages of a small camp actually lost to a kid from the Red Po realm?"

All the young people shuddered in their hearts and looked at Bai Yunsheng in unison.

The fourth elder also stared at Bai Yunsheng and suddenly asked: "Boy, who are you, Chu Han?"

Bai Yunsheng was confused. This question really caught him off guard and he didn't know how to answer.

Mo Crow shouted: "Bai Yunsheng, the elder is asking you something!"

Bai Yunsheng, who was "awakened", replied nonchalantly: "This disciple comes from the remote mountains of the West Desert. He is weak and short-sighted. He has never known Chu Han."

The old man narrowed his bright eyes and did not press any more questions. Instead, he looked at the disciples indifferently and said: "The karma is good, but the foundation of martial arts is too poor. Remember, the exercises are mainly internal, and the moves are external.

, with only a body of karma, he is like a tiger without teeth, and can only be a sandbag."

The old man's face was as dark as water, and he didn't care about the mentality of these young practitioners at all. He directly ruled: "Those who were late just now should return to the outer courtyard to practice for a year before making a decision."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, some blind young man shouted at the top of his voice: "Why? Why do you drive us out?"

I saw the young man dressed in red, with a strong body, fluffy red hair like a burning flame, and a row of iron rings hanging from his ears.

When he entered the palace just now, the karma around his body was solidified in red light. He had obviously reached the peak of the small camp and was considered a one-in-a-hundred genius. However, he was the last one to arrive at the main palace.

The fourth elder's eyes were as bright as a torch and he asked patiently: "Are you from Lihuobuzhou?"

The young man's face tightened, he became brave and said: "Disciple Lihuo Buzhou Sima Polu."

He only mentioned the word Sima, and his body was instantly wrapped in a ball of blue karma. The karma flowed through him like running water, and then Sima Polu was thrown hundreds of miles away to the outer courtyard, including his body and his voice.

Immediately afterwards, everyone heard the somewhat angry voice of the fourth elder: "For Sima Bao's sake, I will spare your life."

The other young people who failed the test lowered their heads and remained silent. The strength of the man in front of them was so terrifying. Even the young master of the Sima family, one of the five great families, was thrown out. How could they dare to object.

Then another burst of green light flashed, and the four elders used the movement technique to send them out of the inner courtyard.

When Zhulu Palace returned to silence, the fourth elder raised his hands with a solemn expression, palms facing up. Sixteen green lights rose from the feet of Bai Yunsheng and others. A mass of milky white emerged from the light, and the white faded.

Finally, a light blue rune stone was revealed.

Bai Yunsheng took the fallen rune stone and held it in his hand, feeling a cool feeling on his fingertips.

"The seed seal has been completed. This is the order of the Zhongshu, which is connected with the breath of your life. When you are alive, the order will exist, and when you die, the order will be destroyed."

Just as Bai Yunsheng heard these words, the fourth elder's next words were already echoing in the hall:

"The Order of Zhongshu is the key to entering and exiting the inner courtyard. There is only one key, so don't lose it."

The nights at Tianyi College will never be as lively as in Jingzhou City.

The summer moon is bright and the stars are bright.

This place where Jingzhou is the secret leader is more like an old man holding a book and reading at night, gaining insight into the turbulent world.

Xiaoyao Zhai. On the first night after entering school, Bai Yunsheng filled the other two glasses with wine on the table and continued to listen to Xiang Wujian's story about Jingzhou.

It is said that in ancient times, in order to ease the conflict between the demon and human tribes, the five divine beasts came forward and led the two tribes to build Jingzhou City in the place where spiritual energy gathered in the Central Plains. During the construction of the city, the five divine beasts used their supreme power to move mountains, rivers, and trees.

, this city was built with the all-encompassing shape of the Five Elements and Bagua. The Wujiang River divides Jingzhou into two cities in the shape of yin and yang. The west of Hexi is the Linde Realm, where ordinary people live; the west of Hexi is the Dao Realm, where people from rivers and lakes live. Later.

He also established Tianyi Academy in the two realms for all living beings to come to study and realize the Tao.

There has been a legend in the world for many years that Jingzhou is actually a great formation of heaven and earth, guarding some great secret of the Central Plains, and the inner and outer courtyards are the eyes of the formation.

There are eight elders in the Zhulu Palace in the inner courtyard, four from the human race and four from the demon race. One takes turns in charge of the outer courtyard, and the remaining seven sit in charge of the inner courtyard. There are eighteen flying dragon envoys under the elders, who issue orders from the elders to supervise and punish the previous disciples.


Bai Yunsheng only listened to half of what Xiang Wujian said, and the other half was stolen by the wine in the glass. However, after Bai Yunsheng drank the glass of wine, the half of what he just listened to was also "robbed".

Yi Fengxiao didn't touch the wine glass and said calmly: "Brother Xiang, it is said that this inner courtyard can transform into any place?"

Xiang Wujian smiled and said: "Not bad."

Bai Yunsheng didn't understand and asked: "What does it mean to be able to transform into any place?"

Xiang Wujian said calmly: "It is said that when Tianyi Academy was founded, in order to better alleviate the conflict between the demon and human races and promote equal exchanges between the two races, it was divided into two houses: the inner and outer houses. Among them, the outer house was dominated by the countries in the Central Plains, and the inner house invited divine beasts

He took action and created a unique space called Xiao Mi Tian. The realm inside is generated by the heart. It can be freely transformed in the designated area to adapt to the life and practice of any disciple. This is also the secret realm that the five major families and the four desolate demon worlds will send to experience.

The reason.”

At this point in the conversation, Bai Yunsheng didn't know that he had played the wrong string. After thinking for a long time, he sighed softly and said something else: "Now that the world is calm, why do you think humans and monsters have to keep fighting?


Xiang Wujian also sighed and followed the words: "This is a long history, and no one can give an answer. If I have to draw a conclusion, I think it is just greedy."


Bai Yunsheng put down the wine glass to his mouth in confusion.

Xiang Wujian lamented: "Although the human race has a higher understanding than the demon race, they covet the bloodline talents of the monster beasts; the demon race has a later spiritual intelligence, but covets the pain of being expelled from the human race, and often eats the human race. Over time, hatred will be forged.


Bai Yunsheng picked up the wine glass again and said unintentionally: "Humans cultivate the camp position, and monsters cultivate the soul position. They are clearly distinct, so why are there any disputes? I think there is no difference between humans and demons. They are all just living once in this world."

At this time, Yi Fengxiao said thoughtfully: "It's a pity that some people want to live, but others can't, and the same goes for monsters."

Bai Yunsheng said: "Then humans are demons, and demons are humans too."

Xiang Wuzhi continued: "Fortunately, this will not happen in Jingzhou."

After Bai Yunsheng drank the wine, he smiled and said carelessly: "Brother Xiang, you are really a world-famous student."

Xiang Wujian paused for a moment and then said: "I used to hear from the elders in the mountains that this Xiaoyaozhai is where I live in Ganshan."

Bai Yunsheng and Yi Fengxiao looked around the house again, with carved beams and painted roofs and hidden wood, and there was an indescribable free and easy elegance.

Looking away, Bai Yunsheng nodded seriously and said with a smile: "Only in such an elegant room can I taste the taste of Longyou wine for twenty years."

Yi Fengxiao also agreed: "Longyou wine has a rich and rich flavor with many layers of content. Although it is produced in the five major continents, it does require a suitable environment to taste its taste."

Bai Yunsheng nodded with a hint of regret and said, "Unfortunately, it's still far worse than the fifty-year-old Bamboo Leaf Green."

Xiang Wujian and Yi Fengxiao looked at him in surprise at the same time. The former asked: "Have you ever drank Zhuyeqing? This wine was popular in Zhenfengbuzhou, but the brewing method has long been lost."

Bai Yunsheng raised his chest and said, "Of course. Although I don't remember where I drank it, I remember its name and taste. There is no wine in the world that can compare to Zhuyeqing that has been stored for fifty years."

Xiang Wujian smiled smartly and said, "When you remember, don't forget to bring us two jars."

Bai Yunsheng said excitedly: "Of course, when I think about it..."

Halfway through his words, he seemed to think of something else and changed the subject: "By the way, brother, Ice Cube Face, we will have class tomorrow. I don't know how the teachers here are compared to Tiandi Mountain."

Yi Fengxiao dropped his eyes and said indifferently: "There is never any mention of classes in the inner courtyard."

Bai Yunsheng glared and said inexplicably: "Then why should we be divided into seniorities and lineages?"

Xiang Wujian smiled and explained: "The world's martial arts is divided into five major veins: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Each practitioner has his own skills and moves that he is good at practicing, so the five major veins are divided into five major veins; and the cultivation in the inner courtyard depends entirely on

In itself, seniority only distinguishes the old and the new, and has no practical significance. After practicing in the inner courtyard for three years, you can choose to leave the academy or go to the outer courtyard to serve as a leader. If within three years, the demon cultivator breaks through to the green soul realm, and the human cultivator breaks through to the middle camp.

If you reach the top, you can stay in the inner courtyard forever to practice."

After hearing this, Bai Yunsheng immediately shouted: "Breaking through the Green Soul Realm in three years? This is simply impossible!"

Xiang Wujian said calmly: "So those who stay are all geniuses who are unique among thousands."



Speaking of liveliness, the nights at Tianyi College are not as good as the riverbanks and streets of Jingzhou. But when it comes to warmth, there is one place in the college that is quite nice - the outer courtyard.

Compared with the mysterious and quiet inner courtyard, the outer courtyard is much more lively.

The Wujiang River divides the entire Jingzhou City into two, and the west bank of the river is under the jurisdiction of the Outer Court. Unlike the Inner Court, the Outer Court is jointly managed by the five strongest countries in the five continents of the Central Plains, and under the leadership of the elders of the Inner Court, the Outer Court is responsible for

All affairs and expenses. This is also the reason why the outer courtyard is more lively than the inner courtyard across the river - there will always be more fireworks in the secular world.

Throughout the past and present, Tianyi Academy has not only trained countless world-shaking practitioners, but has also continued to deliver fresh blood to the countries in the Central Plains. Not only are there the essence of martial arts from all the mountains and ridges in the rivers and lakes, but also

All the knowledge of the territories of all parties outside the Jianghu, military arts, literary etiquette, poetry, songs, flowers and plants, medicine, blacksmithing, tactics, even sewing, and miscellaneous subjects are all available.

Of course, the tuition here is much lower than that of the inner college. It only costs ten taels of gold per person per year. The semester lasts for five years, and you will leave immediately after completing your studies. No one will be retained.

This chapter has been completed!
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