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Chapter 295 Lotus Island, Tianhai Pavilion

More than 14,000 miles away from Shark Tooth Island, there is a fairy island in the sea, which is beautiful, rich and famous all over the world.

Fairy Island is formed by five scattered "lotus leaf" islands. The islands are covered with pink flowers and shaded by green grass. Looking down from the sea, it looks like a lotus blooming in the sky, completely natural.

There are countless Qionglou and sea pavilions built at the junction of the "petals". There are stacks of towers outside the buildings, and pavilions hidden in the pavilions. Spiritual birds and rare birds are ringing around and singing in the clear, and clouds linger around for a long time.

Between the islands, ships sailed to and fro, and the flow was endless, so lively.

Lianhua Island, one of the thirty-six islands in the Zuhai Sea, is one of the few first-level sects in the four seas! There are more than forty masters in the Tianzhong camp of the sect. It is said that the master Yan Song has stepped into the sky.

The camp has been in place for more than 700 years and stands proudly among the heroes.

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With a thought, Bai Yunsheng turned into Xiang Wujian, with red hair and bloody clothes, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and even the arrogance in his eyes was exactly the same.

Nowadays, he has mastered the second level of "Transformation of All Beings" in the "Shadowless Divine Skill", but he is still far from the higher level of transformation technique - "Heart becomes all things". By then, let alone the similarity of gods and forms.

, even the opponent’s karma martial arts can be transformed!

Bai Yunsheng quietly landed and got into a merchant ship with colorful lotus carvings on its sails. As the ship approached the Xianlou Hai Pavilion where the five islands gathered.

There were six cultivators on the ship carrying swords and scattered around the deck. They were all dressed as disciples of Lianhua Island.

This boat is used to transport supplies to Lianhua Island. It measures forty-five feet in front and back and twenty feet in left and right directions. It can be said that you can see all the boats at a glance as it shuttles through the ocean.

"This saves me some energy."

Bai Yunsheng secretly rejoiced. It would be much easier to enter Lotus Island with this ship than to sneak in secretly.

An hour later, the big ship sailed into Lianhua Island's own sect port. Six disciples got off the ship one after another and directed the boatman to carefully move the goods onto the embankment. The Lianhua Island disciples on the shore responded and transported the goods to the mountain gate.

There was a handsome disciple who came to meet him. He said to the thinnest figure among the six: "Haha, Brother Chengfeng, you are the escort this time!"

Chengfeng was not happy and returned the greeting: "Junior Brother Qingnong."

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Qingnong said: "What kind of treasure did Senior Brother bring back this time?"

Chengfeng's bronze face was quite weathered, which made the green water mark between his eyebrows a bit dim. He replied:

"Tomorrow is the day when the Seven Star Island and Pofeng Cave sects pay homage to the mountain. The leader ordered us to bring back some gifts."

While the two were talking, the boatman had already unloaded all the cargo on the ship. This was something that Master Yan wanted, and no one dared to neglect it.

Chengfeng led the other disciples to carry the things up to the mountain gate, but no one noticed that a fellow disciple had quietly appeared beside them.

These goods were all three-foot-square wooden boxes. Bai Yunsheng was holding one in his hand. He didn't know what was hidden inside, but he could occasionally feel some shaking inside the box.

He followed the crowd into the Qiong Tower and climbed up the jade floors. Soon, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was a ship, as big as a mountain, with a pole like a dangerous peak. When one approached the ship, it looked like gravel in the desert.

This ship reminded Bai Yunsheng of a very familiar thing - Thoreau's flying boat, but the size of that flying boat was like a child compared to this ship.

Bai Yunsheng, who had just arrived, naturally didn't know it. Looking around, this ship was a symbol of lofty status. Even the 108 first-level sects did not own it.

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Its name is the Heavenly Boat, which was built by the Eight Saints of the Four Seas. It can carry thousands of important objects and travel twenty thousand miles in a day. Only those who have made great achievements can receive it.

After boarding the ship and unloading the cargo, Bai Yunsheng immediately changed his appearance, disappeared from everyone's sight, left the ship and landed on the island. He did not want to run around in such a huge ship, and the strength of Lotus Island could not be underestimated.

After wandering around the sect for a while, dodging hundreds of disciples, I passed by the Zhanhua Hall, the Fengqing Hall, the Achi Hall, the Jingyi Palace...seven or eight palaces, and in the blink of an eye, a mirage-like palace appeared.

Yingran appeared in front of Bai Yunsheng, and he finally sensed three extremely powerful forces.

Tianhai Pavilion.

It bears the energy of the sky and the vastness of the sea.

The sky is full of energy, the sky is full of feathers, and the sea is so vast that you can look down upon the sun and the moon.

At this moment when the Poseidon issued his order and the world gathered together, three figures were sitting in the pavilion, drinking and chatting happily.

One is wearing a seven-star Taoist robe, with a snake-like face and bulging eyes;

One is tall and fat, with a face as big as a plate and two ears as thick as hammers;

He is dressed plainly in green, has a handsome face, and his hair is gray but does not look old.

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"Alas, two Taoist brothers, it seems that we will not get the reward this time."

The guy who looked like a water snake sipped his drink and sighed. He was none other than Yang Feng, the head of Qixing Island, one of the thirty-six islands!

"Not necessarily," the fat man said, playing with the luminous cup in his hand. "As far as I know, those guys didn't get many sacrifices."

After he finished drinking the wine, his eyes, which were as small as grains of rice, could not be seen whether they were open or closed.

This person is Xu Feiqiong, the master of Po Feng Cave, one of the seventy-two holes. Although he looks like a pig, his thirty-two Po Feng sword skills are as fast as wind and dense as rain. It is said that he is faster than thunder and lightning.

The power.

The last person poured wine and said slowly: "Brother Xu is right. This time the Poseidon Order appears in advance, there must be few people in the world who can gather enough sacrifices. It's good that we can find these virgins and men."


This person is the owner of this colorful lotus island and the only human among the three - Yan Song.

He is dressed in the spirit of an immortal, with a baby-like complexion, and a purple light cloud behind him. He is in the Guozhentian camp, and is a head taller than the two demons Yang Feng and Xu Feiqiong.

At this moment, Bai Yunsheng, who was eavesdropping outside the door, suddenly realized: Are the boxes he had just loaded onto the ship contain boys and girls?

Yang Feng put down his wine glass and then speculated: "Master Yan is right, the Poseidon Order only appears every five hundred years, but this time it is a full forty years earlier. There must be something fishy in it."

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Xu Feiqiong shook his fat ears and said, "Tell me, is there something wrong up there..."

"Brother Xu, don't worry too much." Yan Song immediately interrupted the fat man, "How can we blaspheme the power of the Eight Saints? Since ancient times, the Poseidon Order has appeared countless times. It was the Eight Saints who led the world to worship the Poseidon that this order came into being.

It was a time of peace and prosperity. Nowadays, there are prosperous cultivation sects in the four seas, and the way of cultivation has become popular, but it is all the credit of the Eight Sages."

Yang Feng still looked worried and said: "What Master Yan said is that a saint can make mistakes. But this time it is true that we failed to complete the task. How can we explain this?"

Yan Song seemed more calm, drinking wine and said: "Huh, it's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. I will make a decision in four days."

After saying that, Yan Song gave Xu Feiqiong a wink.


The fat man had just picked up the wine glass, and suddenly drank out of the window, and swung the luminous cup out of his hand.


The wine glass shattered the ebony window, but it was empty. Only auspicious clouds floated outside the window. How could there be any ghosts?

Yang Feng said dissatisfied: "Xu Feiqiong, why are you so crazy?"

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The fat man immediately retorted: "Huh! You snake-skinned old man is crazy. How could my flying fish eyes be wrong! I had long felt that someone was eavesdropping outside, and just now the crane outside the window suddenly sounded, so I made a sneak attack."

"Brother Xu is right," Yan Song stood up and walked towards the broken window lattice, saying in a deep voice, "Someone did sneak into Lotus Island."

As he spoke, he looked out the window at the pair of footprints left on the plank road.

This Tianhai Pavilion is built with boundless sacred trees. If you don't enter barefoot, you will leave traces.

Yang Feng wondered: "The twelve major first-level sects of the Shark Sea have always been in harmony, and Lianhua Island is among the top five in terms of strength. Who dares to eavesdrop on our conversation?"

Yan Song looked at the blue sky and sea in the distance and the flock of gulls cruising. He pondered for a while and then said: "It seems that this tribute trip will not be easy."

Yang Feng and Xu Feiqiong are both understanding people, and they understand Yan Song's meaning immediately. In this sea of ​​sharks, there is only one place where they dare to send people to monitor them - the Holy Land of Vientiane.

This wrong guess did Bai Yunsheng a big favor, but Yan Song still sent a large number of disciples to garrison Tianzhou just in case.

The next day, disciples from Qixing Island and Pofeng Cave came with their supplies, and the three factions gathered together to load the sacrifices onto the sky boat and prepare to set sail.

Following Yan Song's order, the huge sky boat slowly rose, its huge shadow passing over a sea of ​​beautiful buildings and jade buildings, and flew towards the north of the sea.

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