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Chapter 301: The Deal of the Egg with the Same Name

It is said that not long ago, Ao Qing heard Bai Yunsheng's voice transmission, and without much concern, he followed him into Chongming Mountain to hunt for treasure.

But what exactly Bai Yunsheng wanted to do and how to do it, he had no clue.


After breaking into the fog, Ao Qing was still pondering in his mind when Bai Yunsheng suddenly grabbed his shoulders and dropped him rapidly. Ao Qing felt that his vision went white and black, and the surroundings were suddenly surrounded by endless cold darkness.

Bai Yunsheng didn't say anything, and Ao Qing didn't ask any questions. Bai Yunsheng pulled him quickly through the darkness from southeast to northwest, and there was a constant rustling sound in his ears.

When he was about to have a few cups of tea, Ao Qing felt his body suddenly jerk upward, and then a dazzling white light appeared in front of his eyes, and his body suddenly stopped.

Ao Qing adapted for a moment, opened his eyes, looked around, and realized that he was already in a cave.

The air in the cave was a little turbid, and the wind was blowing with an uncomfortable sultry heat. The cave kept winding forward without knowing where to go.

Ao Qing said in surprise: "Brother Mo, what kind of place is this?"

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Bai Yunsheng said: "Of course it is at the bottom of the mountain with the same name and the sacred bird's nest with the same name."

Ao Qing was suddenly frightened and asked doubtfully: "How...how did we get in?"

Thinking back to the time when I was running around in a daze, I didn’t even understand the sky and the earth. I opened and closed my eyes and ended up here?

Bai Yunsheng smiled mysteriously and said: "In ancient times, there was a method of shrinking the ground into an inch. Has Brother Ao Qing ever heard of it?"

Ao Qing shook his head and didn't know.

Bai Yunsheng had no intention of explaining, saying: "We don't have much time, so we'd better find the egg with the same name as soon as possible."

In fact, he didn't know how to shrink the earth. He just used the Heaven and Earth Pearl to escape from the ground. This way he could pass through the strange fog from the underground and reach the Chongming Mountain Cave without any effort.

As the two of them went deeper into the cave one after another, the temperature around them became higher and higher, and the wind blowing across their faces felt like a knife.

Through the layers of rocks, Bai Yunsheng had vaguely sensed an extremely powerful wave of karma, scorching hot, like a scorching sun sinking under the mountain.

Sure enough, after turning the last two corners, the vision suddenly opened up. An abyss blocked the road ahead. Rolling magma was accumulating and churning in the abyss, making the four walls golden and the top of the head red.

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Stone pillars rise up from the lava one after another, forming a stone forest. From a distance, they look like plum blossom piles made in heaven and earth.

In the center of the dense stone forest, there is a strange stone, which is as red as jade and as warm as water. There is a person sitting cross-legged on the strange stone, who is practicing meditation, and the powerful karma aura is locked on that person.

Ao Qing felt that the cultivation level of the person on the fire jade was like the sea, unfathomable, and he drew his sword to prevent sudden changes.

Bai Yunsheng seemed indifferent and just stared at the mysterious man without moving.

Suddenly, the mysterious man's voice sounded all around, echoing throughout the cave.

"You're still here."

Bai Yunsheng said: "Who are you talking about?"

The mysterious man said coldly: "It doesn't matter who they are, they are all robbers anyway."

Bai Yunsheng "deliberately" retorted:

"The Poseidon's Great Sacrifice is an act of worshiping the heavens. You should be grateful for being one of the sacrifices. How can you be resentful and create this heavy fog to prevent Naga from obtaining the treasure?"

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Suddenly, a cold shout was like a thunderbolt in the ears, causing pain in the ears of Bai Yunsheng and Ao Qing.

The mysterious man opened his eyes and flew down.

I saw that he was dressed in phoenix clothes as red as blood, with fire feathers on his shoulders and an extraordinary aura. He had three golden wings on his head, and his eyes had four blood pupils!

His feet hit the ground, he ran with murderous intent, the magma roared, and it shook in all directions.

The famous bird move that turned into a human form had not yet come out, but the energy was taken away from them. Bai Yunsheng and Ao Qing were so shocked that they were unsteady on their feet and almost fell into the lava.

The four pupils of the bird with the same name shone brightly, like a lighthouse piercing the vast night sea, making the two of them suddenly fearful.

"I have lived in a famous mountain range for my whole life, ensuring peace in this area. I was born free and have never done anything bad. Why should I sacrifice to the Sea God? In these countless years, I have not been blessed by the Sea God, but I have only benefited from the eight sea tribes. This time Na

Those guys from the Jia tribe dared to invade forty years in advance, and they simply couldn’t even think about getting the same name!"

Bai Yunsheng was stunned by the words of the famous bird, and the shock in his heart deepened. This guy's strength is clearly on par with the Eclipse Demon Jiao in the surrounding world!

He glanced at Ao Qing and saw the fear in his eyes. He took a deep breath, calmed down and said:

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"The divine bird with its four pupils and divine light that sees the sky and the earth is truly worthy of its name. Your Excellency, there is no need to be angry. The two of us have nothing to do with the Naga tribe. We are here to negotiate a deal with you."

The Chongmingniao was already furious, so he couldn't bear to hear this, and shouted:

"Hmph, you two little demons in the Blue Soul Realm are worthy of negotiating a deal with me? You will die!"

Just as the echo of the word "death" touched the rock wall, the man spread his arms and a fire shadow bird flew up with a clear cry.

The firebird looks like a fire phoenix, with double pupils. It roars once and the fire energy from the cave sky surges in. It roars twice and the magma from the bottom of the abyss rolls up torrential waves.

The vitality is the god, the magma is the shape, and in an instant, a huge firebird with the same name spreads its wings in the cave sky.

The Chongming Bird folded his arms in front of his chest, formed a dharma seal with his hands, and shouted coldly:

"Fire Wings Soar!"

The huge divine bird swooped towards Bai Yunsheng and Ao Qing. A pair of divine wings covered the sky and the sun, and the lava billowing was frightening. The two were immediately frightened and lost their souls.

Bai Yunsheng calmed his mind and pulled out the sword of longevity. The sword was divided into eight shadows, one after another. The karma turned into energy, as if gurgling thick ink spurted out from his body, lingering around Bai Yunsheng's body, and condensed into a black shadow in a moment.

Demon God.

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The Immortal Sword suddenly surged four feet, and was held in the hands of the demon god. The hunting aura around him roared into the wind, and the murderous intent was overwhelming. Ao Qing was stunned to the side.

He has never seen such a powerful swordsmanship in his life!

This is the first move of the Nether Sword Technique: Shock the God!

The demonic shadow screamed angrily, and the "demon god" leaned forward with his sword across the sword and charged towards the killing firebird that covered the sky.

A fire bird, a hell demon god, two forces, one black and one red, violently collided and burned.

Bai Yunsheng, in the demon god's flame shadow, was sweating like rain. This shocking move had used all his strength, but obviously the Chongming Bird on the opposite side did not use his full strength.


The black karma swallowed up the red karma like a devil's curse, but the karma of the Chongming Bird was too strong and vast, and Bai Yunsheng couldn't handle it with his little strength.

Suddenly, the Chongming Bird waved its hand, "Bang!" The firebird exploded into pieces, turning into a rain of lava and fire that filled the sky, and fell densely to the bottom of the abyss.

Bai Yunsheng immediately knelt down with his sword in hand, panting heavily, and his clothes were soaked inside and out.

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Ao Qing on the side quickly helped him up, with the shock from just now still in his eyes.

Although he couldn't see through Bai Yunsheng's cultivation, he couldn't think much better than him, but this time he felt the tremor indescribable.

If it were him, he might not dare to take the attack of the famous bird head-on.

Bai Yunsheng barely managed to steady his breathing, pushed Ao Qing's hand away, and said with a sad smile:

"Can we talk about the deal now?"

The famous bird looked very unkind at this time.

He also didn't expect that Bai Yunsheng would dare to confront him head-on, and even withstand one of his attacks - although he did not use one-tenth of his strength.

The downpour of magma soon stopped.

The bird with the same name showed a rare smile and said curiously: "Boy, your power is very strange. Since you can take one of my moves, I will listen to your deal."

Bai Yunsheng took off Ao Qing's support for the second time, indicating that he didn't need to worry, and then said: "It's very simple, you give me an egg with the same name, and I will promise you eternal peace."

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The Chongming Bird seemed to have suddenly heard a big joke, and couldn't help laughing. His clear laughter rippled in the cave sky, and he said proudly:

"You have such a strong tone at such a young age, how dare you say something to ensure my safety?"

"Why not?"

Bai Yunsheng slowed down his luck and activated the Eternal Life Sword, filling his whole body with karma.

This power that transcended the five industries quickly showed its unique majesty, giving Bai Yunsheng an unfathomable aura all over his body - as if he existed, but also seemed not to be there, as if he was overlooking all living beings from a high place, but also seemed weak.

The mortal world does not care about life and death.

The bird with the double name originated from the ancient times of the ancestral sea and has traveled all over the world for eternity. It is by no means a blind person.

He felt an indescribable feeling from this strange young man, as if when he saw Bai Yunsheng, he couldn't help but lose control of his divine form, but he couldn't feel any anger.

It had this weird feeling before, and it was something deeply hidden in the memory of the renamed bird countless generations ago.

While he was deep in thought, he suddenly heard Bai Yunsheng's message:

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"The Poseidon Grand Ceremony is just a scam, and my purpose is to expose this scam. When the truth comes out, the Grand Ceremony will cease to exist, and you will have eternal peace."

Chongmingniao immediately became nervous when he heard these words. He looked at the arrogant boy with confusion and surprise on his face. His four pupils flashed with different lights and he said through the voice:

"Scam? How can you tell?"

He was extremely shocked and confused by this young man who dared to question the Eight Sages and Poseidon.

"Ha." Bai Yunsheng smiled softly: "The sacred bird with the same name has existed all over the world for so many years, but have you ever heard of a sect called the Holy Sect?"

Chongmingniao pondered for a while, nodded and said:

"Yes, there was indeed a powerful sect called the Holy Sect in ancient times. It is said that it once unified the four seas and claimed to be the ancestral line of the world, so the four sea areas were also called the Ancestral Sea. But it has been in decline and extinct for a long time, and I only remember these few words.


Bai Yunsheng finally heard the word "zuhai" here. After knowing its origin, he continued:

"I suspect that the Holy Sect is not dead, but is hiding in the world. I am afraid that it is secretly controlling this Poseidon Festival. It may have withdrawn from the world on the surface, but in fact it is secretly controlling the world with the hands of the Eight Saints."

The four-eyed monster with the same name did not respond, but Bai Yunsheng continued:

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"Using one of your eggs to bet on the eternal gospel is a very good deal. If it turns out that what I said is untrue, it will be easy for you to kill me. To take a step back, even if I don't take the egg with the same name, what do you think?

Will the Naga tribe give up? When the time comes, the spiritual realm masters behind the Eight Saints, and even the Poseidon Palace will not give you face and negotiate any deal with you."

After saying that, Bai Yunsheng sat down where he was, doing exercises to heal his injuries and no longer paying attention to the bird with the same name.

Ao Qing understood the scene and said nothing. He just stood aside and waited for the result. How could he not see that Bai Yunsheng and Shenniao were secretly transmitting messages just now?

After half a stick of incense, when Bai Yunsheng stood up again, he saw a different light in the four pupils of the Chongming Bird.

In the end, Chongmingniao, who had been thinking for a long time, decided to take a chance: "Okay, as you say, I will make this deal with you."

Bai Yunsheng's guess was correct. Behind the Eight Saints, there are powerful people in the spiritual realm and the divine camp who are supporting them. Therefore, every time the Poseidon Order appeared and the Naga tribe came to retrieve the eggs, he would reluctantly part with them. Otherwise, how could he give it to him with his status?

Junior Naga lowered his head.

Since this egg with the same name must be given away, and if what Bai Yunsheng said is true - although the bird with the same name thinks the possibility is extremely low, then using one egg to exchange for peace in the future is definitely a good deal.

After a while, the Chongming Bird turned around and took out a fiery red egg from the piece of red fire jade. It was like a hot iron, bright and hot.

Bai Yunsheng took the egg with the same name, felt the surging vitality coming from the egg, and said with a confident smile:

"Don't worry, you will know soon that this is the right choice."

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After saying that, he and Ao Qing hurriedly left the Chongming Bird Nest - it was not far from the time of his agreement with Qiu Daoling.

But as soon as the two of them walked out of the stone path, they ran into big trouble before they had even taken a few steps.

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