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Chapter 345: Spirit Killing Split

"Lord Demon King!!"

"Asshole stop it!"

Ji Long smiled cruelly, and the blood-red blade was about to slash downward.


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Hearing a muffled sound, the Blood Killing Guards did not react in time. They looked over and saw their commander crawling out of the hole in the stone wall with difficulty, kneeling on the ground in pain, spitting blood.

At this moment, in the sky above Lingyin Cave, a figure slowly appeared, making the Blood Killing Guards who were about to take action were so frightened that they all knelt down and worshiped.

Ji Long raised his head in pain, held back the surge of blood, and said in awe: "Master Soul Killer!"

Appearing above the heads of the demons was the great demon from the sea of ​​ghosts who rushed from Fengdu City, and the spirit realm was flourishing!

"As the leader of the spirit-killing Blood Killing Guard, you actually brutalized the children of the Southern Wilderness Monster Realm. Who gave you the courage!"

Yixingfei's fierce words coupled with his fierce look immediately frightened everyone into silence.

Ji Long knew clearly what kind of character this person was, and he had no anger in his heart, so he could only shrink back and dare not answer aloud.

"Let them go immediately."

As soon as Yixingfei said these words, Ji Long was immediately put into a dilemma. He would never dare to mess with the soul-killing general who killed without blinking an eye, but he could never disobey Qian Shi's order.

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After some struggle and entanglement, he still chose to "obey the order", and then he bowed his head and said respectfully: "Master Killing Soul and punishing the Tianyu Mountain Demon Territory are orders personally given by Master Netherworld, and my subordinates are only following orders."

While talking about Jilong, he secretly sent a message to the Blood Killing Guards beside him, asking them to find a way to quickly inform Master Qianshi.

"Then you don't want to live anymore?"

How could Yixingfei not see through his trick, but he didn't expose it.

When he saw the tragic elephant in Lingyin Cave at this moment, he was already furious. He raised his angry eyebrows and raised his palms in the air. Ji Long was so frightened that his heart and liver trembled. He was grabbed from the air without any resistance. He was surrounded by the terrifying karma of gold and fire.

The leader of the Soul Killing Guards was so afraid that his red eyes were frightened and his whole body was shaking.

A trace of karma was extracted from Ji Long's body, and soon the shadow of a wild beast peeled off his back. The light in Ji Long's eyes gradually withered, like a dry flower about to wither.

At this moment, a beam of dark red blood light shot out, cutting off Yixingfei's karma control. Jilong Yuanso returned to his position and fell to the ground, half of his life gone.

"Why did General Yi attack my men?"

Qianshi slowly walked out of the darkness, and the smell of alcohol left in Luosheng Hall had now completely dissipated.

Yixingfei glared at the visitor and said unceremoniously: "Qianshi, you are so ridiculous, you actually did this to Tianyu Mountain!"

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Qianshi glanced at the bloody words on the thorn pillar, and said coldly: "Hmph, they betrayed the sect and made the Soul Slayers subject to the Yanyu Tower everywhere. The losses were so heavy. I was very merciful by not destroying them.


Yixing Fei asked: "What evidence do you have to conclude that Tianyushan did it?"

Qianshi said coldly: "The enemy transformed into our spirit-slaying tribesmen and delivered false orders to coordinate the attack on Yanyu Tower. The rudder of the Thirteenth Spirit-Slaying Division was destroyed and more than one-third of the tribe was lost. They are so familiar with spirit-slaying troops."

The distribution of forces must be insiders, and the only one who can change identities at will is the Tianyu Mountain Demon Territory, General Yi, don't you think this fact is not obvious enough?"

Yixingfei was so aroused by these "impeccable" words that his red eyebrows flew up, and he yelled: "At most, this makes them a target of suspicion, but it is far from the point of inflicting such torture."

Qian Shi smiled, and smiled coldly: "Hey, General Yi, even I can't see through the disguise. There is only Tianyu Mountain's Wuxiang Magic Skill in the world. You don't need to say more, I have my own sense of proportion.


"Measurement? What do you mean by propriety?" Yixingfei pointed at the imprisoned and disabled demon clan disciple and shouted, "If the young master knows about this, he will definitely pursue you!"

Qianshi still said coldly: "Huh, you don't have to use the young master to pressure me. I am doing this for the sake of killing spirits and for the sake of the sect. He will understand me. But you, on the other hand, defend the traitor Tianyushan everywhere. What are your intentions?


Yixingfei laughed wildly and said: "Hahaha, you Qianshi, controlling the soul killer has made your wings stiff, and even the young master doesn't care about you. Just based on this, I can suppress you!"

Qianshi also seemed to be irritated, and said with an evil smile: "I have heard about the reputation of killing souls for a long time, and today I am just in time to learn from it."

"Then I will take you in first and wait until the young master comes back before making a decision!"

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The sonorous sound of Yixing Fei echoed in the cave sky, and in a moment, two clouds of karma, one red and one purple, rose into the sky.

Red as blood, fierce as flames, murderous and capable of swallowing people;

Purple is as dark as a ghost, as strange as a spirit, and it is hard to grasp the reality and reality.

The terrifying pressure of the Soul Realm instantly spread throughout the Lingyin Cave, causing all the demon clan disciples and the Blood Killing Guards to crawl on the ground, screaming in fear.

The two monsters had no intention of hurting innocent people, and they came out of the cave at the same time.

At this moment, outside the Lingyin Cave, black clouds were pressing down on the area, the sun was disappearing and the moon was disappearing, the sky was dim and the earth was dark. The beasts and birds in the mountain were frightened and fled in panic. They saw that a shocking battle was about to shatter Tianyu Mountain.

"Two generals, stop!"

Suddenly, a giant yin-yang eye broke through the karma barrier between the two demons, and the powerful pupil technique instantly separated the two fighting demons.

Then, whoosh! A long river of rushing yellow sand swept across the sky, drowning all the karma in the spiritual realm. Yin Miaozhi and Ting Luan suddenly appeared between Yixingfei and Qianshi.

Yixingfei saw who was coming, and immediately pointed at Qianshi and shouted angrily: "You guys came just in time. This guy ordered the Soul Killer to lynch Tianyu Mountain without permission, and you just ignored him?"

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Qian Shi seemed to be quibbling, and did not give in at all: "Yixingfei, don't talk nonsense, I am just looking for spies."

Yixingfei said reluctantly: "If you follow your investigation method, then all the disciples of our third hall will be dead!"

Qianshi said coldly: "I am the commander of the spirit slaying, and I belong directly to the young master. You have no right to interfere in the decision of the spirit slaying!"

"Then who is qualified?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the direction of Yin Miaozhi, echoing the arrogance on Qian Shi's face.

"Of course it's me"

Qian Shi choked up after speaking, and suddenly panic appeared on his ferocious face. He suddenly turned his head to look at the other two generals. The voice just now was definitely not that of Yin Miaozhi or Ting Luan.


The cool breeze whistled through Lingyin Cave, blowing away the scattered dust.

The warm sunshine has once again filled the mountains and rivers of Tianyu Mountain, and the beautiful river valley has regained its vitality.

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"The sunshine is so beautiful, why do we have to live in darkness?"

Following the sound, Bai Yunsheng walked out of the "sun", dressed in black and without any breath, like a cold flame burning in the air.

"Young Master," Qian Shi said ramblingly, Yixingfei, Yin Miaozhi, Tingluan and three others had already stepped forward and knelt down, saying politely: "See you, Young Master."

Only then did Qianshi come to his senses. He regained his composure and knelt down to worship.

Bai Yunsheng saved the four of them from falling flat. Yixingfei was about to speak but was stopped by Yin Miaozhi's message. However, he heard Qianshi's first words: "Young Master, this subordinate was so angry just now that he spoke indiscriminately, please."

Bai Yunsheng chuckled and said: "No need to say more, General Yin has already told me what I need to know. Follow me."

Qian Shi breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that his body suddenly lost control, his eyes flashed, and he was already in the cave, next to the prison.

The Soul Killing Guards, who were barely awake, were keenly aware of the strange phenomenon. Just as they were about to take action, they found that several big bosses had arrived, and they all knelt down and worshiped on the spot.

Baiyun Physiologically ignored the Soul Killing Guard and concentrated on looking at the disciples of the Demon Realm in the dense iron cage. He walked up to Hua Jici and waved his right hand. The thorns turned into ashes and scattered. Hua Jici was like a flower destroyed by a storm.

, she was supported by an invisible force when she was about to collapse. The left eye on her pretty face had been blinded by karma, and the blood was still flowing, like a pool of red embedded in the snow.

Hua Jici looked at the familiar face in front of her, tried hard to hold back the tears in her right eye, and shouted in a strong voice: "Young Master..."

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Bai Yun's face showed no pity, and his eyes showed no sympathy. He only said: "Yin Miaozhi, heal her eyes and let these people go."

"As commanded."

With that said, Yin Miaozhi helped the seriously injured Hua to send her words.


Qian Shi spoke righteously, but when he was about to say something to stop him, he was ruthlessly interrupted by Bai Yunsheng: "Ting Luan, from now on, you will be temporarily in charge of the killing of souls. You must immediately reduce your troops and try to recover the losses."


After saying that, General Zhong Shan used the movement technique to immediately leave with Ji Long and his Blood Killing Guards.

Lingyin Cave suddenly became empty.

Bai Yunsheng turned around and looked at Yixingfei and Qianshi with a lukewarm look.

At this moment, even the murderous Yixingfei was stared at with trepidation. Qianshi on the side was quite calm.

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"You two follow me back to Yidi Mountain."

As soon as he finished speaking, the three figures had disappeared into Lingyin Cave.




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