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Chapter 89 Wind Extinction

The wind was blowing and the clouds were thick, the light on Wuyun Mountain suddenly cooled down, but the fierce battle on the Tianzi No. 1 platform was still heating up.

However, Tianyi Academy's side was obviously showing signs of fatigue and was gradually losing ground.

Especially for Yi Fengxiao, the incomplete Flame Spirit Sword in his hand was obviously no match for Xue Bing and Sima Polu. If it weren't for the ghostly movement skills of Jiuyou Baqu, he would have been in trouble.

Xiang Wujian was able to barely cope with Gong Shufeng and Murong Qing. The main reason was that the Tianwei Sword was too heaven-defying. The blade of this sword, which was fused with divine beasts and spiritual treasures, was no longer comparable to ordinary divine weapons.

Bai Song, who was originally dead without a body, relied on his sudden increase in strength to fight Bai Yunsheng on a par, with overwhelming momentum.

After a while, the seriously injured Murong Chen finally woke up in Mu Chengxue's arms. His once bright pupils were now dim, and he had obviously lost the ability to fight again.

This innocent girl would never have imagined that her senior brother, her father's apprentice, would actually kill her. This made Murong Chen feel deeply sad in his hurt heart.

Seeing that his side's defeat was exposed, Bai Yunsheng became ruthless and once again used the Heaven and Earth Sword Technique to launch a desperate counterattack, immediately forcing the smug Bai Song to retreat.

It is really a great irony to use Shui Yuntian's martial arts to defeat Shui Yuntian's scum.

However, at this time when he should be panicking, Bai Yunsheng's eyes were surprisingly calm. Because he knew that he had to calm down to have a chance to discover the opponent's flaws and find an opportunity to defeat the enemy.

While repelling Bai Song and observing the attacks of the other four, Bai Yunsheng's eyes suddenly froze. He seemed to have thought of something, and murmured in his heart: "They overlapped the karma of the Five Meridians martial arts, and their powers were interoperable and integrated.

As one body..."

As the murmur fell, four lines of gilded characters shone with golden light, parting the fog and shining into Bai Yunsheng's consciousness.

"At the beginning of heaven and earth, the five elements were respected, mutually reinforcing and interfering, and reincarnated from generation to generation."

Then the shadow of an ancient book appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, with three powerful words printed on the dusty cover: Yishui Jing!

Bai Yunsheng traveled through mountains and rivers to "climb to the top of the mountain" and finally found something in the memory of being oppressed. He couldn't help but said in surprise:

"So I really know you!"

“It is easy for mutual growth and mutual restraint, but it is easy for mutual restraint, but difficult for mutual growth.”

Bai Yunsheng's sword skills did not pause at all, he thought silently in his heart.

"Become one, merge..."

Suddenly, the thick Yishui Jing turned to which page I didn't know.

Five small characters "flyed" from the densely packed yellow paper.

"Five Elements Interaction Formation!"

Bai Yunsheng's thoughts moved, and his eyes moved ten lines.

A few moments.

Bai Yunsheng suddenly thought to himself: "So that's it."

He quickly sorted out the battle situation from the beginning to the present. Taking advantage of the moment when the sword technique changed, Bai Yun's karma gathered in his eyes, and blood suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, there was a layer of light water between the five people connecting them together. The water melted into the air, and it was difficult to detect it unless you were conscious.

Bai Yunsheng smiled coldly in his heart and said secretly: "Hmph, Chi Shui Prison! No wonder Xue Bing didn't make any moves at first. It turned out that he was using a magic weapon to activate the prison and merge the karma of the five of them."

The dozens of lines of small characters in the Book of Changes record the method of setting up the Five Elements Interaction Array.

Legend has it that this formation was jointly created a long time ago by five overlords of the world who had a glimpse of the immortal gate. It can make the five elements interact with each other and integrate the power of the five elements. It is infinitely powerful. But later, because the interaction of the five elements was too dangerous, no one can use it anymore.

After this formation, it was gradually lost.

At this moment, Bai Yunsheng's cold gaze shot at Bai Song's face, but he was saying to himself in his heart: "With the Liang Prison as the foundation; the earth produces gold, which merges with the Sun Prison; the metal produces water, with the Chi Shui Prison as the core, and the water

It is inclusive of all things and pervasive; water produces wood, prompting the gate to be born in the array; wood produces fire, opening the door of death in the array, and promoting the destructive power of the fire veins to the extreme. Fire produces earth, and after the door of death, reincarnation occurs again. The five forces

Reincarnation in the formation, mutual transmission and superposition, makes everyone in the formation possess the power of the five-vein martial arts. It is truly invincible and indestructible!"

Thinking of this, Bai Yunsheng understood everything, but there was one thing he still hadn't figured out.

That's why.

Why did Xue Bing and the other two take huge risks to use the Five Elements Interaction Formation?

This is a formation that will shatter your body into pieces with just one move. Is it just to defeat the five of them?

Just as Bai Yunsheng was wondering, Mu Chengxue's voice came from his mind: "Yunsheng, I feel the original energy!"

"Original Qi?"

The statues of the five divine beasts in the tomb of the divine beasts immediately appeared in front of Bai Yunsheng's eyes.

Mu Chengxue then transmitted the message: "It is their formation that fuses the five elements of vitality and produces a slight trace of the original breath."

Just as Bai Yunsheng suddenly realized this, he heard Mu Chengxue shouting urgently:

"Yunsheng, go and save Feng Xiao!"

He rarely heard Mu Chengxue's anxious voice.

Bai Yunsheng immediately glanced in the direction of Xue Bing and Sima Polu. He saw that Yi Fengxiao, who was still fighting to the death, was covered in bruises and bleeding. The Flame Spirit Sword had been completely destroyed, and his long blood-stained hair was floating in the air, as if flowing.

of blood.

Bai Yunsheng immediately shouted: "Ice cube face, hold on!"

The Qishabu phantom appeared, disrupting Bai Song's vision, and he quickly escaped. Cangming came out of his hand and turned into a beam of dark death light that shot towards Sima Polu.

Bai Song actually picked up his sword and chased after him. The green karma conjured up vines, chasing after Bai Yun.

"Boom!" Cang Ming hit the Chenling Knife, deflecting a fatal heat wave and allowing Yi Fengxiao to escape.

The black shadow of Bai Yunsheng arrived instantly, caught Cangming, turned around and slashed at Sima Polu.

Under the sword technique of Heaven and Earth, Lianying Prison lost most of its effect in an instant, and Sima Polu was caught off guard.

However, Bai Song's pursuit followed one after another. The powerful increase of Guanri Prison made this man who was born with half of his brain soar in self-confidence. He actually abandoned the prevention and control of Mu Mai Martial Arts and instead fought with Bai Yunsheng to kill him.

This makes the Bi Chan sword really as sharp as a spiritual snake coming out of its hole. The wood makes a fire, and as the white pine approaches, the Sima Polu long sword in the Five Elements Formation becomes more powerful.

Dragging his bleeding body, Yi Fengxiao was struggling to fight with Xue Bing. His fire vein martial arts had been completely defeated by Xue Bing, and his body was seriously injured. His weapon was broken, and it was only a matter of time before he was defeated.

At this moment, Xue Bing, who was looking leisurely, suddenly heard Xue Qiuli's message:



Xue Bing nodded with cold eyebrows. She did not expect that Xue Qiuli would actually send a message to her during the competition. This was absolutely forbidden.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xue Qiuli's emotionless voice came again: "Bing'er, go kill Mu Chengxue."

Xue Bing was startled and glanced at Mu Chengxue who was not far away. She was healing Murong Chen's injuries.


Xue Bing blurted out subconsciously, and even she felt surprised. Before this, she had never disobeyed Xue Qiuli's order, let alone asked "why".

Obviously, Xue Qiuli was surprised when she heard these three words, and couldn't help but increase her tone:

"Go kill her!"

These five short words were like five pebbles thrown into Xue Bing's quiet heart, causing low splashes and waves.

Xue Bing glanced deliberately at Bai Yunsheng, who was fighting with Bai Song and Sima Polu. His eyes darkened and he actually forgot to answer.

Xue Qiuli was very dissatisfied with her disciple's lack of concentration and sternly reprimanded: "Bing'er!"

Xue Bing's gentle heart seemed to have been stabbed hard by a needle, and blood flowed from the invisible wound, moistening the cold tears.

"Yes, Master!"

Xue Bing did not hesitate any longer, and swept the Broken Mark Sword in the air, and the ice-cold karma knocked back Yi Fengxiao.

Then, Xue Bing turned around gracefully and flew up. Dressed in blue clothes, the flying snow turned into little bits of cold light, chasing the floating blue hair, like a flying fairy.

The broken-mark swordsman stabbed Mu Chengxue mercilessly.

Bai Yunsheng turned around and swung his sword, and the broken sword light flashed past his eyes.

"Xue'er, get out of the way!"

Bai Yunsheng roared sharply, and turned sideways to avoid the dust spirit blade. The pursuing Bi Toad Sword pierced his other shoulder. The bright red blood was instantly dyed into dark green, like the foul-smelling saliva from a toad's mouth, which was breathtaking.


However, when Mu Chengxue realized the danger, there was no way to avoid it. She could neither take back the karma of healing Murong Chen, nor could she leave with the seriously injured Murong Chen.

The wind blows strong grass, and a white horse passes through the gap.

The broken sword caused a series of ripples in the air, killing people.

At this critical moment, Yi Fengxiao, who was still bleeding all over his body, transformed into two bodies. He chased the Broken Mark Sword by himself on the Nine Nether Eight Curves. He picked up the broken Flame Spirit Sword and stabbed Xue Bing in the back.


It’s that magical skill that turns one person into two people again!

The onlookers on the pumice stone were all nervously watching the ever-changing battle on the Tianzi No. 1 platform.

In an instant, the edge of the Flame Spirit Sword was already approaching from behind.

Xue Bing had no choice but to concentrate, condensed a ball of cold air in his left hand, and threw it backwards without looking.

The cold air exploded, and the permeating cold smoke instantly froze Yi Fengxiao's right arm holding the sword.

Such a weak interception only slightly slowed down Xue Bing's speed.

But for Yi Fengxiao, it was enough.

I saw a figure stopping in front of Mu Chengxue, shattering the cold light.

The Broken Mark Sword pierced Yi Fengxiao's heart without reservation.

The two women hiding behind Yi Fengxiao widened their eyes in shock.

Time suddenly stood still.

One knife, one sword, one axe, one punch.

Gold, green, yellow, red karma blooms and closes.

Everything becomes very slow.


The sound of Yi Fengxiao's heartbeat became shorter and lower.

Bai Yunsheng and Xiang Wujian opened and closed their mouths, as if they were shouting something, but they didn't make a sound. Their eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and their shocked eyes seemed to have seen the end of the world.

Blood fell drop by drop on the snow-white stone platform.

Yi Fengxiao held the Broken Mark Sword tightly with both hands, the blade of the sword stained red with blood.

"Get out of my way!!"

Bai Yunsheng's long-suppressed anger seemed to have set off a hundred-foot ocean tide, rising in an instant.

Cangming stepped out and forced Bai Song back, and knocked away Sima Polu's Chenling knife with his bare hands.

Bai Yunsheng forcefully made seven killing steps, and fourteen phantoms appeared to entangle Bai Song and Sima Polu. He himself hid in the phantom and ran towards Yi Fengxiao.

But even though the fourteen phantoms seemed real and illusory, Bai Yunsheng was still stabbed in the back by Sima Polu.

Long blood streaks scratched the black shirt, and the skin and flesh were torn.

Bai Yunsheng's body sank, and he swallowed back the hot blood in his throat. His karma was flying, and his five fingers formed claws, like a hungry tiger pouncing on food, clawing at the back of Xue Bing's heart.

The Broken Mark Sword was still inserted into Yi Fengxiao's left chest. Juejue's pupils were filled with a layer of cold white. The cold karma had exhausted his vitality and the sound in his mouth and nose had been extinguished.

Mu Chengxue forcibly put a hand on Yi Fengxiao's cold back, sparing no effort to save Yi Fengxiao's heart that was about to cool down.

Bai Yunsheng's murderous "claws" were about to penetrate Xue Bing's abdomen and back.

At this moment, the Broken Mark Sword suddenly penetrated Yi Fengxiao's body, and the half-inch blade pierced Mu Chengxue's chest.

Blood is like mist.

The cold karma invaded Mu Chengxue's body and crazily plundered the beauty's warm vitality.

Mu Chengxue's eyes showed severe pain, but she did not stop treating Yi Fengxiao in her hands.


Bai Yunsheng hit Xue Bing's left back fiercely, but it was like hitting a wall of water. Xue Bing's figure quickly disappeared and turned into a water man. The water flowed in the air and fell, and then converged into Xue Bing.

The Broken Mark Sword instantly turned into powder, disappeared from Yi Fengxiao and Mu Chengxue, and returned to Xue Bing's hands.

What a trick from Canghai Pavilion: "Tenderness Like Water"!

It's a pity that such thoughts will only appear in the eyes of those onlookers, and will never appear in Bai Yunsheng's heart.

"Ice face!!"

Bai Yunsheng held onto the fallen Yi Fengxiao, forgetting the bone-chilling coldness on his right arm.

He gently shook Yi Fengxiao's cold body and shouted over and over again:

"Ice face! Don't die!"

"We haven't won yet!"

"We still have some wine to drink!"

"I want to have a good fight with you! You can't die!"

The sometimes sharp, sometimes hoarse voice made Bai Yunsheng's eye circles turn deep red.

Mu Chengxue ignored the fatal injuries and still insisted on activating the Heaven-Returning Curse to restore Yi Fengxiao's remaining vitality.

Murong Chen, who had a face like a dead branch, endured the pain and staggered over, holding Yi Fengxiao's temperatureless fingers.

"Howling in the wind..."

As soon as the weak call left his mouth, Murong Chen burst into tears.

At this time, a very low friction sound came from Yi Fengxiao's mouth, and Bai Yunsheng immediately leaned over, fearing that he would miss a word.

"Ice Cube Face, don't say anything yet, Xue'er will save you!"

Bai Yunsheng comforted Yi Fengxiao and comforted himself.

Yi Fengxiao said vaguely: "Yun...sheng..."

"Ice face! I'm here! You must live for me!"

After saying that, Bai Yunsheng could no longer hold back his hot tears and slipped from the corners of his eyes.

Yi Fengxiao tried his best to say every word:

"I... owe you... my life... to... the Emperor of Heaven... and now... I... will... give it back to... you..."

Bai Yunsheng held Yi Fengxiao's hand tightly and kept nodding. Two lines of hot tears rolled down drop by drop on Yi Fengxiao's scarred and bloodstained body.

"I know, I know Ice Cube Face! But I want you to live now! You can't die!!"

Bai Yunsheng's hoarse voice was filled with endless sadness, staining the entire island in the middle of the lake, the entire Tianchi, and the entire Wuyun Mountain with silent pain.

This chapter has been completed!
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