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Chapter 107

Now I felt embarrassed. Out of curiosity, I provoked Li Linfu's daughter and even kissed her in the street.

This girl seems to be only about 20 years old, and she is also a young lady. The strange thing is, why is Li Linfu's daughter dressed as a Taoist nun?

Even if Li Mu is familiar with the history of the Tang Dynasty, he does not have any knowledge links about Li Linfu's daughter.

Li Mu wanted to run away to avoid being embarrassed if he saw Li Linfu, but the guard's invitation was very sincere, and the girl stared at him with an unyielding look.

"What's wrong? You don't dare to go back with me? You've done something bad and you want to run away? Don't even think about running away, otherwise I'll chase you home and make it clear to you." The girl was very confident at this time.

Li Mu said depressedly: "I'm so unlucky to meet a Taoist nun. I have nothing to be afraid of. I just go. I'm afraid you won't succeed."

After Li Mu finished speaking, he walked arrogantly in front. The leader of the guard confessed to the girl, immediately caught up with Li Mu, and showed Li Mu the way with a flattering look on his face.

Li Mu asked: "Is this girl your lady? Li Xiang's daughter? What's her name? I haven't heard Li Xiang mention it before. Is she a Taoist nun?"

The leader said: "Yes, this is my master's second daughter, Li Tengkong, who has an upright character. She left home alone a few years ago and went to Lushan to practice practice. She just came back today."

Li Mu asked: "Li Tengkong? Such an exaggerated name? Why go to Lushan Mountain to practice Taoism? He is indeed a different kind. Zhongnan Mountain is the largest ancestral home of Taoism, so you should go far away when you are near!"

The leader smiled and said: "It was just because I was afraid of the inconvenience at home that I ran far away. Li Xiang had no choice but to let her do whatever she wanted. The little girl is a little more stubborn."

The leader was an older brother in his thirties, so naturally he was an old man. When he talked about Li Tengkong, he shook his head.

Li Mu nodded and thought hard for a while, but still didn't have any knowledge reserves that Li Tengkong had.

The Prime Minister's Mansion was nearby, and soon the group returned to the mansion. Li Linfu and a group of wives, concubines, and maids were waiting for his daughter at the second gate.

When father and daughter met, Li Tengkong jumped directly into Li Linfu's arms, and then acted like a baby in turn.

Li Linfu let go of his daughter and hurriedly saluted Li Mu. Everyone saluted Li Mu, and Li Tengkong looked at her with irritation.

"What are you all doing? Why are you kneeling down to him? He is the one bullying me? I am the protagonist today? Father, are you ganging up to bully me?"

Li Tengkong grabbed Li Linfu's sleeve and forced Li Linfu to stand up.

Li Linfu said with a smile: "Tiankong, don't mess around, why don't you kneel down to His Highness, who is the great benefactor of our family?"

Li Tengkong was stunned, approached Li Mu, and asked: "Are you His Royal Highness? Are you also the great benefactor of our family? Is it true? Why?"

Li Mu grinned and said: "For no reason, my prince Li Mu, as for the great benefactor, it was Prime Minister Li who promoted me, and I didn't do anything? Forget it, you don't need to salute, we will be settled."

Li Tengkong seemed at a loss for a moment and did not salute, "Don't think about letting it go like this. The family affairs have nothing to do with me. I will settle the accounts with you later."

After Li Tengkong finished speaking, he quickly hid in the crowd of women.

Li Mu pulled Li Linfu up and exchanged a few words with each other. Li Mu said, "It's all a coincidence. I met the lady by chance on the street. I couldn't resist the invitation from the guard brother, so I came over."

Li Linfu said with a smile: "Your Highness, I welcome you here at any time. As soon as they hear His Highness's name, they feel happy."

Li Mu said: "You don't have to be like this, Prime Minister Li. Today you and your daughter are reunited. I won't disturb your family reunion. I'll go see the second young master and talk to him."

Li Linfu took Li Mu with both hands and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, Li Wen, hurry up and send the prince to the backyard."

With a smile on his face, the chief steward Li Wen agreed. Li Mu and Li Linfu took their leave and followed Li Wen back.

Turning around a corridor, Li Wen said: "Your Highness, Hua Yidao left in a hurry yesterday. I didn't even have time to give him the thank you gift I prepared for him. Hua Yidao spent all his sleep and food this time taking care of the second young master. I feel very sorry.

, Your Highness should know where Hua Yidao is going?"

Li Mu smiled and said: "Butler, you must have asked the right person. This Hua Yidao came to my house yesterday and slept soundly all day and night. He also threatened to live and eat in my house for free for several years.


Li Wen giggled: "No wonder, no wonder, Hua Yidao admires His Highness's medical skills. Your Highness is the miracle doctor of the Tang Dynasty! If you know where Hua Yida is going, I will personally give Hua Yida a thank you gift later!"

Li Mu said, "What a thank you gift? I'd like to ask your butler to make a trip. You give it to me and I'll take it back for you. Wouldn't it be simple?"

Li Wen said with a smile: "His Royal Highness is not afraid of trouble. I am very grateful. I don't have anything else. I have prepared thousands of silver coins for Hua Yidao. Hua Yidao can cure diseases and save people, so the money can be used."

When he heard that Li Linfu had sent money again, Li Mu liked it, "That's right, I'm planning to give Hua a knife and set up a medical clinic in Chang'an City to keep Hua a knife. It will be convenient for everyone who has a headache or fever in the future.


Li Wen said gratefully: "His Royal Highness is very thoughtful. Youhua Yidao and His Highness have joined forces to open a medical clinic for any kind of patients that cannot be treated. It is really a good thing. Your Highness, wait a moment, I will come as soon as I can."

Li Mu smiled and said, "It's okay. I'm familiar with the family and the roads. I'll go see the second young master first."

Li Wen left, and Li Mu went directly to see Li Jha.

Li Jha's condition was surprisingly good. When he saw Li Mu, he kowtowed without saying a word.

Li Mu also accepted Li Jiao's gift calmly, then pulled him up and punched Li Jiao in the chest, "Second Young Master, how are you? Can you still withstand such a punch?"

Li Jaw's body did not shake and said: "His Royal Highness's fist is a bit light. Even if it is stronger, I can still bear it."

Li Mu asked Li Jha to sit down and asked about his basic daily situation. Li Jha answered truthfully that there was absolutely nothing wrong with his health.

Li Mu changed the topic and asked: "Second Young Master, have you thought about women these past two days? If so, does your body react when you do?"

Seeing that Li Mu asked such a private question, Li Jia chuckled and said: "His Royal Highness is my savior. His blood is flowing in my body. Even if His Highness is my reborn parent, it is not an exaggeration. I will not hide it from Your Highness.

I kind of want to."

Li Mu asked: "What I'm asking is, is there any reaction in your body?"

"Yes, yes, it's the same as before. It's exactly what His Highness said. The loss of a kidney should not affect sleeping with women." Li Jha said excitedly.

Li Mu smiled and said: "In that case, you should take it easy. It is best to wait a month before doing anything wrong. Let me remind you, there is still a big difference between one kidney and two kidneys."

Li Jia said: "I remember, I will definitely do as His Highness asks. I have been patient recently and will not act recklessly."

The two chatted for a while. After all, they had different ideas and could not work together. Li Mu was too lazy to tangle with a corrupt official like Li Jha who was full of bad ideas.

Li Mu still asked a question that concerned him the most. This question was something Li Mu had never asked Aunt Gongsun.

Li Mu asked: "Second Young Master, you and Ji Ze were assassinated on Chang'an Avenue. Tell me the truth. What was the reason?"

Li Jaw scratched his head and said: "Your Highness, I would never dare to hide it from you. Until now, I don't know why someone assassinated me or who hates me so much."

"Have you done anything outrageous? For example, you have seized other people's land, or robbed other people's wives and daughters? Or killed people and bought goods, or something like that?"

Li Mu felt that the positions of Li Jiao and Ji Ze were related to the land. The reason why Gongsun could have enmity with them was definitely not because of any friction that had occurred in the capital.

Li Jia smiled bitterly and said: "Your Highness, I know that Your Highness is generous. Ji Ze and I have indeed done many evil things. We have annexed land, slept with other people's women, and killed people. I can't remember clearly. This time

I have walked through the gates of hell, and I feel very sad and regretful about all the evil deeds I have done in the past."

Li Jaw said, covering his face with his hands, lowering his head and crying.

He had done so many bad things that he couldn't even remember how many people wanted to seek revenge from him.

Li Mu cursed secretly in his heart. He was indeed evil-doer. Aunt Gongsun hated Li Jiao and his gang so much. Her family must have lost their land and their lives.

Li Mu was itching with hatred, but he still saved this villain. Li Mu hated himself in his heart, why did he bother him so much at that time.

Li Mu stood up, thought for a moment, and then asked: "I heard that you collaborated with the Criminal Department to arrest assassins throughout the city. Is there any result?"

Li Jaw suddenly knelt down and cried: "Your Highness, it was Li Jaw who did the evil first. Why did he catch the assassin? After I woke up, I stopped the Criminal Department and let it go. If His Highness hadn't saved my life and my father hadn't protected me, I would have been damned."

It’s me, Ji Ze is already dead, I am still alive, and I will have to atone for my sins in the future.”

Seeing Li Jiao like this, Li Mu felt somewhat relieved. On the one hand, Aunt Gongsun and his group no longer had to hide in Tibet. In addition, Li Jiao really repented, and his blood was not in vain.

After all, I am not the judge. In this world, dark and ugly things are everywhere. If I have not done my own thing, how can I have the leisure to judge the evil deeds of others?

"Take good care of me. I hope that as you said, I will be a good official and not do evil things in the future."

After Li Mu finished speaking, no matter how Li Jiao kowtowed, he turned around and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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