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Chapter 113 Have you ever been bullied by him?

Li Mu knew that Xiaobai was worried about him, but he had to be so cold and cold to show off his strong character as a sword god? Can't he just say no?

Li Mu was unhappy and went back to the house to sleep. Then Qing'er came over and started teasing her with various little tricks, but Li Mu didn't respond.

The next morning, Li Mu practiced swordplay as usual. Li Bai acted as if nothing had happened last night and did not let Li Mu practice his escape technique again.

Li Bai directly pulled out his sword and whispered: "Twenty-one, let's change the game today. I attack and you defend. I declare in advance that I will not hold back and hurt you. You will be unlucky."

Li Mu pulled out his sword depressedly and said, "Xiaobai, what on earth are you going to do? One game a day, do you want to kill me?"

Li Bai did not explain, but shouted: "Stop talking nonsense and look at the sword."

Li Bai moved, holding the long sword in his hand like a sword flower, and struck at Li Mu. Li Mu hurriedly swung his sword to block, and the two of them fought together.

Li Mu never expected that Li Bai's sword moves would be higher and higher. Li Mu tried his best. It was not a fight at all, but an absolute dodge and escape.

Li Bai followed him like a shadow, chasing Li Mu's butt and spanking him. Li Mu repeatedly used the nineteen moves of the Immortal Sword he had learned these days dozens of times. As a last resort, he also used the escape technique from last night a dozen times.

After an hour, Li Mu was soaked to the skin and exhausted.

When Li Bai stopped, Li Mu stopped and collapsed directly to the ground. When he saw that his clothes and pants had been riddled with holes from Li Bai's sharp sword.

I am like a member of a gang of beggars, leaking air everywhere.

Li Mu asked angrily: "Xiaobai, is this the result you want? Now you are happy. I don't look like a prince at all. I am simply a rag king and a fool."

Li Bai approached Li Mu, looked up and down, and couldn't help but want to laugh. However, he hurriedly covered his mouth, pulled Li Mu up, and said: "Twenty-one, in one hour, you escaped thirty-five times and were stabbed."

I have died more than three hundred times, do you think I am joking with you?"

Li Mu was shocked. He looked around himself. His clothes and pants were not intact, but there was no wound either.

Li Mu was sure that what Li Bai said was true.

Li Bai's sword can only pierce clothes. If he wanted to hurt Li Mu, Li Mu would have died long ago.

Li Mu asked frustratedly: "Xiaobai, am I really that bad? Under your hands, I died more than three hundred times in a short time? What a fool!"

Li Bai put his coat on Li Mu, looked at Li Mu solemnly, and said: "Twenty-one, you have done a good job. You escaped from Thirty-five even when I was chasing after me fiercely."

times, this number has exceeded 70% to 80% of our opponents."

Li Mu was surprised and asked: "Xiaobai, you mean that among the opponents you have encountered, 70% to 80% are not as good as me? Are they too weak, or are you giving me a step?"

Li Bai said: "Twenty-one, I sincerely hope that you have only escaped thirty times, but you have been stabbed more than three hundred times, and you have never appeared once. After all, swords are weapons. You have no regrets when you shoot, and you are stabbed once."

Everything no longer exists. The trip to Lishan Mountain on the 21st made me very worried."

Li Mu looked at Li Bai in surprise: "Xiao Bai, you know I'm going to Lishan? Why?"

Li Bai said coldly: "Yang Zhao entering the palace is the answer. I am not qualified to interfere with your royal family's private affairs. I am just worried about your safety."

Li Bai suddenly looked very melancholy and looked at the sky.

Li Mu understood Li Bai's thoughts in an instant. It turned out that last night and just now, Li Bai taught him the most advanced swordsmanship and even more advanced escape techniques. This was just to sharpen his skills in battle.

Li Mu asked: "Xiaobai, in the prosperous age of Kaiyuan, are there as many dangers as you said? What's more, I'm just following orders, aren't you just worrying about things in vain?"

Li Bai sneered and said: "The confrontation between two armies with real swords and guns is not terrible. In the prosperous age of Kaiyuan, there were no gangsters, so there was no killing? I didn't dare to say more. After all, His Highness's trip was a deviant act, or it was some kind of disaster.

From the beginning, I know you can't help yourself."

Li Mu nodded silently. What Li Bai said made sense. Li Mu immediately remembered that the so-called long love song between Li Longji and Yang Yuhuan was just a song that filtered out all the ugly reality and sang about deformed love in a vacuum.

Yang Yuhuan seemed to have been assassinated many times from the time he went up Mount Li to the time he came down to the palace. All the assassins were not real gangsters, but came from the court.

The death remonstrance has been staged for two or three days, and Li Mu personally participated. Although the conflict was temporarily alleviated, Li Mu also felt that the princes and veterans would not give up.

If his remonstrance fails, he will inevitably take risks to eliminate Yang Yuhuan, the root of his troubles.

This was the most intense secret fight between a group of civil and military ministers in the imperial court and Li Longji.

This kind of struggle became unrelenting until a few years later, at the foot of Mawei slope.

Ever since Yang Yuhuan went to Lishan Mountain, there have been many people who wanted her dead. Li Bai's hint showed that Li Bai had seen through the situation.

However, Li Baibai spoke softly and stayed out of the matter, so it was impossible for him to do anything fanatical.

Since I played the role of a pimp in this ugly and deformed love affair, it was inevitable that I would not be regarded as a thorn in the side by the various undercurrents and become their target.

Li Mu began to regret that he had taken this bad job, but now he couldn't help himself.

Li Mu asked: "Xiaobai, I agree with your worries. Since you have seen everything clearly, why don't you help me secretly? With your protection, there is nothing to fear."

Li Bai shook his head and said: "Although I don't want anything to happen to you, but with such a humble status, I meddle in the royal family's private affairs, which is extremely treasonous. In addition, I left the Yamen without authorization and was guilty of dereliction of duty. Twenty-one, Li Bai is ashamed."

After Li Bai finished speaking, he left sadly. Li Mu sat down on the ground with various feelings in his heart.

Although it may not be so dangerous to take a trip for cheap daddy, but have you really done the right thing?

Li Bai is your own best mirror.

Li Mu felt depressed and suddenly felt like doing dirty work for Li Longji.

However, soon, Li Mu received a summons from Li Longji, hurriedly changed his clothes and went to the palace.

Li Mu had just walked for a while when a carriage came to the door of the Prince's Mansion. Li Tengkong, dressed in plain and elegant clothes, got out of the carriage.

The concierge came forward and wanted to ask where he was coming from, but Li Tengkong didn't answer at all and just barged in.

"I want to see the 21st Prince Li Mu. Anyone who knows him should inform me immediately."

Li Tengkong walked in carelessly. Several concierge brothers were also frightened by this momentum. They couldn't stop a little girl, so they hurriedly reported to Uncle Gui.

Soon, Uncle Gui, Xiao Chunzi, Xiao Huzi, and Qing'er came out together and saw that Li Tengkong had already entered the second door.

Uncle Gui stepped forward and asked kindly: "Where did the girl come from? Whose name is she? Why did you break into our prince's residence without permission?"

Li Tengkong smiled and said: "Grandpa, I am a weak woman. I came to see the twenty-first prince. I walked in, didn't I break in?"

Uncle Gui said: "Girl, since you are meeting His Highness the Prince, it is the rule of the Prince's Mansion to have someone to deliver messages and someone to greet and see you off. Isn't this girl too willful?"

Li Tengkong said: "Am I willful? Yes, Li Mu bullied me. Isn't he not willful? If I come to him to seek justice, I am willful."

When Qing'er heard that Li Mu had bullied her, she hurriedly asked: "Why did His Highness bully you? You are talking nonsense. Your Highness is not here. Please get out immediately."

Li Tengkong raised his eyebrows, glanced at Qing'er, and asked: "You should be Li Mu's maid, right? How do you think a man would bully a girl? Have you ever been bullied by Li Mu?"

Qing'er blushed when asked, and said angrily: "You are unreasonable."

Xiaochunzi said: "I understand, you are so arrogant. Did my master hold your hand or kiss you on the mouth? Do you want to blackmail me?"

As soon as Xiao Chunzi finished speaking, he was slapped by Li Tengkong.

Xiao Chunzi and Xiao Huzi were about to fight back, Li Tengkong scolded:

"How dare a little eunuch dare to talk nonsense? I am Li Tengkong, the second lady of the Prime Minister's Office. Please ask Prince Li Mu to come out and see me?"

Li Tengkong announced his name, and the two young eunuchs were so frightened that they hurriedly retreated, and Qing'er was also at a loss.

After all, your uncle is experienced. Seeing that Li Tengkong has a lot of background, who dares to provoke Li Linfu's daughter?

Uncle Gui smiled and said: "It turns out to be Miss Li. Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. Miss Li is here to visit. The Prince's Mansion naturally welcomes her and invites Miss Li to the living room to serve tea."

Li Tengkong snorted coldly and followed Uncle Gui as he walked inside. Li Tengkong asked, "Where is Prince Li Mu?"

Uncle Gui smiled and said, "It's unfortunate that Miss Li is here. His Highness the Prince has just been ordered to enter the palace. Please wait for a moment, Miss Li."

Uncle Gui carefully welcomed Li Tengkong into the living room.

Outside, Xiao Chunzi covered her face and cursed in a low voice: "Tigress, you use your power to bully others. Even when you beat a dog, it depends on the owner. If you don't say a word, you just give me a slap in the face. Bah."

When Xiao Huzi saw that his brother had been beaten, he was also aggrieved and said: "Xiao Chunzi, you will suffer it first, and then you will find an opportunity to blackmail her. Don't worry about her being a girl. I will definitely avenge you."

Qing'er scolded: "Don't blame others for taking action, Xiaochunzi, you have a bad mouth and your words are not measured. Are you defending His Highness, or are you trying to discredit His Highness? Your Highness is upright, but you are dirty in your heart. Why don't you go and serve tea? Wait.

Are you still going to be scolded?"

The two of them did not dare to defend themselves and hurriedly went to pour tea. Xiao Chunzi caught two ants, pinched off their heads, mixed them with tea, and asked Xiao Chunzi to bring them to Li Tengkong.

This chapter has been completed!
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