Wang Zhi said and looked at Li Linfu proudly. Li Linfu asked: "Are you so sure? There is really nothing wrong with things in the east?"
Wang Fei whispered: "En Xiang, this matter is so relevant that I can't believe any outsider, so I directly ordered my brother Wang Yong to handle it personally to ensure that nothing goes wrong."
Li Linfu asked: "Where does your brother serve?"
Wang Yong said: "He is now the guard general of Tongguan. He has been in office for five years. He has a group of loyal and brave men under him, who are of the same mind as Wang Yong."
Li Linfu nodded and said, "It's hard for you to be so considerate."
Wang Xian said: "Enxiang is like Wang Xian's reborn parent. Wang Xiang does things for Enxiang and dare not make any omissions. Then Pei Yun deserves to have a short life. When we left Taiyuan Mansion this morning, a group of five people went to a remote place on the mountain road.
His hands were clean and tidy, and no one was left alive."
The two of them had already entered the Moon Courtyard. Wang Xi closed the door and waited for Li Linfu to sit down. Li Linfu asked: "Pei Yun's death is not a pity. How was the scene handled?"
Wang Xian said: "All the swords used have the emblem of the Prince's Palace. There are also letters exchanged between Pei Yun and the Prince's Palace in the dark. The font contents are imitated by experts, as well as other precious items of the Prince's Palace."
Li Linfu stood up, walked to the window, looked coldly and arrogantly in the direction of the Prince's Mansion, and said sinisterly: "Well done, this time I will make the East Palace speechless. If you are at home, disaster will fall from the sky. I want to see it."
, Li Heng, how to escape from this disaster."
Wang Xian said: "The plan of Enxiang is meticulous and meticulous. There is no way out for the East Palace. Even if His Majesty can't bear it, Wei Jian is still there. As a back-up man, one move after another, the East Palace will be overthrown. It is a foregone conclusion."
Li Linfu said bitterly: "For more than two years, I have dreamed of overthrowing the East Palace. This time my plan succeeded, and I got angry. From now on, it will be up to me to manipulate them."
Wang Jie said flatteringly: "One person, En Xiang, is worth more than ten thousand people. Anyone who blocks the road will only die. Wang Jie congratulates En Xiang in advance."
Li Linfu said: "When the matter is completely settled, you should be promoted, and your brothers have made great contributions this time. Tongguan is desolate and bitter after all. After all, I will be transferred to the capital. You can choose a good job. You can't let your family suffer."
Wang Xie thanked him, and Li Linfu raised his head and laughed.
After a long time, Li Linfu changed the subject and asked: "At this time, the old prince should have finished talking to his majesty about Kong'er's marriage. Wang Fei, do you think your majesty will agree?"
Wang He said with a smile: "The second young lady and His Highness the Prince are a match made in heaven. With the help of the old prince, His Majesty will definitely agree. The second young lady's marriage is almost certain. That's why Wang He said that today's grace is a double blessing."
Li Linfu's face softened and he said happily: "This time has made me worried. I thought that she would live in the world all her life. I didn't expect that when she returned home unexpectedly, she would also have a happy marriage. This made me really emotional.
, fate plays tricks on people, but Konger is a blessed person after all."
Wang Xing said flatteringly: "For Enxiang's daughter to marry your Majesty's prince, it should be a great joy that the whole world celebrates. Enxiang, maybe at this moment, the old prince is on his way to announce the good news."
Li Linfu laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, I have never been so happy as I am today. Wang Fei, please work hard again and wait at the door to greet the old prince. There will be a big dinner in the mansion today. The whole family will have a good time.
Wang Xian bowed and agreed, and quickly went out to meet Li Shangwu.
Sure enough, within half an hour, Li Shangwu's carriage entered the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion.
Wang Xian came up to greet him, said hello and complimented him in one go, which made Li Shangwu very happy. Then Wang Xian led Li Shangwu to Li Linfu's study.
Li Linfu asked Li Shangwu to sit down. Li Shangwu didn't put on any airs and directly said what Li Longji meant.
Li Linfu couldn't figure it out, so he asked: "Old Prince, you always stand up for me, but your majesty said this, isn't it a pretext?"
Li Shangwu laughed loudly: "He dares to propose marriage to you, why doesn't he agree? It's such a good marriage, what can he shirk? Don't worry, when this kid Li Mu comes back, if His Majesty doesn't make any move, I will
Go find him again and he will take care of everything for you."
Li Linfu was overjoyed and asked: "Prince Li Mu left the capital? This is strange. His Majesty did not say where he went? When will he come back?"
Li Shangwu smiled and said: "I don't bother to ask about his family affairs, but I promise to come back in three or two days."
After Li Shangwu finished speaking, he thought of another possibility and asked: "Lin Fu, based on my observation, Your Majesty doesn't have any opinions on the marriage of the two children. It seems that His Majesty is afraid of mistreating that little bastard Twenty-One, don't tell me
, this good grandson makes people feel distressed no matter what."
Li Linfu said oh and said: "The old prince reminded you in time. Prince Li Mu has no official title now. Does your majesty have other plans? Haha, this is fine. According to royal practice, Prince Li Mu has reached adulthood and should also be given the title.
A prince,”
Li Shangwu suddenly realized: "Yes, yes, yes, it's time to be crowned king. You see, I'm old and confused. I didn't bring it up to His Majesty just now. No wonder His Majesty hesitated a little. It turns out that there is still this meaning. I will go again tomorrow.
See Your Majesty, let’s take care of the little bastard’s matter once and for all.”
Li Linfu handed over his hands and thanked him: "It is safest for the old prince to come forward and speak. It is only a matter of time for the prince to be crowned king. Take this opportunity to implement the two things together and everyone will be happy."
The two of them talked lively, and Li Linfu gave Li Shangwu a few treasures from his collection, which made Li Shangwu's smiling eyes narrow into slits.
After seeing off Li Shangwu, Li Linfu and Wang Zhi planned for a while, and then the order from the palace arrived. Li Linfu hurriedly arranged his clothes, got on the carriage, and went to see Li Longji.
When Li Longji saw Li Linfu, he grimaced and said nothing, making Li Linfu very passive.
Li Linfu couldn't figure out where he had offended Li Longji, so he had to look shy and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty has summoned the ministers, and I don't know what your instructions are? Does your Majesty have something on your mind?"
Li Longji snorted coldly and asked: "Master Li, what good thing have you done? You still want to ask me?"
Li Linfu was shocked. He thought there was something wrong with the plot to siege the East Palace, and Li Longji had caught onto it.
Li Linfu lowered his head and calmed down. At this time, if he couldn't say a word well, disaster might be imminent.
"Your Majesty, I am unjustly accused." Li Linfu decided to show weakness first to please and see Li Longji's reaction.
Li Longji frowned deeply and asked: "You still dare to complain, what did you do behind your back? What is An's mind that you think I don't know?"
The more Li Linfu listened, the more confused he became. He simply knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, I am loyal to the emperor and patriotic. I am cautious in everything. I don't know where I went wrong. Please let me know clearly."
Li Longji said: "What a loyal and patriotic man. Mr. Li, let me ask you, have I ever treated you badly?"
Li Linfu said: "Your Majesty loves me very much. I am grateful and dedicated to serving your majesty. I dare not slack off for a moment."
Li Longji sneered and said: "That's nice to say. I appreciate your thoroughness and promptness in doing things in the past, but what do you mean by what you did today? Do you have something to say? You can't tell me directly and you have to beat around the bush.
, let the old prince come forward, are you and I so alienated?"
When Li Linfu heard that this was what Li Longji was talking about, he felt relieved and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty is right to accuse me. It's a minor minister who is overly worried and puts your Majesty in trouble. Please punish me."
Li Longji regained his composure, sighed, and said: "Master Li, you are the prime minister of the current dynasty, and you take care of my worries. You know what I am thinking. I can't avoid these princes and old ministers. It would be better for you, but also
Is it necessary to let them act as matchmakers?"
Li Linfu said: "We are confused, but your Majesty is broad-minded. We are ashamed and take the initiative to propose marriage to Your Majesty. We are afraid that Your Majesty will reject it in person. We are too petty and will make Your Majesty laugh."
Li Longji finally showed a smile. Li Linfu is the best at this. He admits his mistakes at any time, never stubbornly sticks to his own opinions, and gives Li Longji face. This is the main reason why Li Longji reuses Li Linfu.
Li Longji asked: "Kong'er has been away from home for five or six years. What have you learned? What is it like now?"
Li Linfu was excited when he heard Li Longji calling him affectionate, and hurriedly replied: "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. Kong'er has been practicing Taoism behind closed doors in Lushan Mountain for more than five years. Now he has become calm and lovely, with a gentle and gentle temper. He has also learned some Taoist medicine.
Curing illnesses and saving lives makes Weichen feel very relieved."
Li Longji said: "That's right. Girls are too stubborn. How will they care for their husbands and raise their children in the future? Since you understand the rules and know what is good and what is bad, you can tell me directly. Am I so difficult to talk to?"
Li Linfu said: "Wei Chen knows, Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Twenty-first Prince has a pure and good nature, and Wei Chen appreciates it very much. Regardless of appearance and character, the two children are very suitable for each other. Wei Chen is bold and asks your Majesty to grant a marriage to them.
, is also a good story.”
Li Longji mocked: "You said a good match means a good match? Is your daughter a few years older than Twenty-One? She has already passed the best age for marriage. You are not polite in your words, so you are not afraid that Twenty-One will suffer a disadvantage?"
Seeing Li Longji's relaxed tone, Li Linfu also smiled and said: "Your Majesty is wise and powerful. What matters in marriage between a man and a woman is temperament, appearance and emotional connection. As for age, it is not a problem if you are one or two years older. Even among the people, it is popular for female college students to hold gold bricks.
, His Royal Highness the Prince and his little daughter will definitely be full of blessings when they get married."
Li Longji snorted and asked: "You are just talking about it. If I don't agree, what will you do?"