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Chapter 100 The Great Way is as Simple as It Can Be

Before Li Longji could be happy, he saw Li Mu kneeling down to plead guilty. Li Longji was confused and hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Li Mu up with his own hands.

This action is too intimate, and it is difficult for ordinary people to enjoy such treatment.

Li Heng looked dumbfounded behind him. He had been the prince for more than two years, and Li Longji had never stretched out his hand to him. Even if he did, he would always want to slap him.

Li Mu, this bastard, has taken away all the good things.

Li Longji took Li Mu's hand and asked: "Twenty-one, you have accomplished such a great feat, why are you guilty? Stand up and speak."

Li Mu hurriedly said: "Father, although my son reluctantly persuaded these old ministers and grandfathers to retreat, the method was not very honorable. He also spoke too hard and made Grandpa Xu so angry that he vomited blood. My son is reckless. Please, father."


Li Longji laughed loudly and said: "Twenty-one, are you afraid that I will blame you for wasting the meat, vegetables and food in the imperial kitchen? Do I have such a small thing? You also made Xu Jiyuan vomit blood. He vomited well. Tell me quickly.

How did you do it? I want to hear the details?"

Li Mu had no choice but to accompany Li Longji, and while walking towards the side hall, he told Li Longji word for word how to comfort the two princes, how to divide and disintegrate them, including how to use fierce words and insult Xu Jiyuan, etc.

Read it again.

"Well scolded, Xu Jiyuan and Li Yi are like rocks in a latrine, smelly and hard. I have long wanted to do something to them, but I always think about their past achievements and can't bear to kill them.

Instead, they were so arrogant that they openly opposed me. Twenty-one, well done."

Li Longji was not stingy and praised Li Mu.

Then, Li Longji asked doubtfully: "On the 21st, Xu Jiyuan vomited blood and was carried away, but there were still dozens of veterans who were full of wine and food. They should be very energetic. Why did they suddenly disperse? Could it be that after a meal

Impressed them? Impossible, right?"

Li Mu chuckled and said: "Father, there is something to say here. Come on, father, come here and take a look. You will understand it completely."

Li Mu led Li Longji and Li Heng to the entrance of the side hall where they were eating. Several kitchen helpers were cleaning the floor inside and outside. The royal chefs were all packing things.

The ground was full of eaten bones and food dregs. When they saw Li Longji, everyone knelt down together.

Li Longji frowned, then covered his nose, took a few steps back, and then asked curiously: "Twenty-one, what can you tell from this? Isn't it just a mess after devouring it?"

Li Mu smiled and said: "Father, these old grandfathers went to court before dawn without eating or drinking. They have been suffering until now. They are so hungry that their chests are pressed against their backs. In addition, they always eat on time.

, I was suddenly starved, and my body simply couldn’t bear it.”

Li Longji thought about it and felt that what Li Mu said made sense, but he didn't make any more fuss after the meal because he still didn't understand it.

Li Mu saw Li Longji looking at him in confusion, so he simply spoke more directly.

"Father, after overeating, grandpas are not like young people who immediately feel energetic and regain their strength. Once they are full, they immediately become drowsy. Not to mention making trouble, no matter how good things are, they are probably not worth it.

Have a good sleep, digest food and refresh yourself at the same time, the stone steps here are not as comfortable as the soft beds at home."

After Li Mu finished speaking, Li Longji suddenly realized, "That's right, that's right. I'm getting older. It's extremely comfortable to take a nap after lunch. I'm twenty-one. Do you even understand this?"

Li Mu smiled and said: "Father, it's all mentioned in books. How do I understand these things? I just like to read some idle books and apply them."

Li Longji liked it in his heart, holding Li Mu's hand, it was like an ordinary father and son talking about everything.

Li Heng followed behind and was completely ignored by Li Longji.

Gao Lishi looked around, then trotted over and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, there is still a Mr. Li Yi who is not leaving. He is hugging the threshold of the hall and seems to be asleep!"

"Oh, this is really shameless. Let's go and have a look." Li Longji was curious and pulled Li Mu closer to the main hall.

Sure enough, Li Yi hugged the threshold of the hall and sobbed softly. He was not asleep, but he was too tired and felt even worse. He was dizzy from exhaustion and had no strength to leave.

Li Longji asked Gao Lishi and Li Heng to help Li Yi sit up. As soon as Li Yi saw Li Longji, he immediately became energetic, kowtowed, and then poured out his loyalty.

Li Longji frowned and said in a deep voice: "Master Li, I know what you want to say. Shut up first and listen to me. You, a high-ranking official of the imperial court, are sitting on the ground with disheveled clothes and lost appearance. How can you behave properly?"

?Why don’t you go back quickly,”

Li Yi argued: "Your Majesty, my old ministers are loyal, and the sun and the moon can teach you. Your Majesty, please be aware that beauty is a disaster. Your Majesty, you must think twice before you act?"

Li Longji shouted: "That's nonsense. I didn't see your loyalty. Instead, I saw you relying on your old age to act like one, spreading rumors and causing trouble. It's true that the city was in turmoil. I didn't even question you, but you were shameless and lying here without moving.

Come on, come on, send Mr. Li back."

Li Longji scolded him, and several guards immediately came up, dragged Li Yi up, and were about to take him away.

Li Yi shouted: "Your Majesty, I won't leave. Your Majesty, if you don't give up your ridiculous idea, I will risk my life to remonstrate to the end."

Li Longji said irritably: "Send Mr. Li back to the house immediately. You are not allowed to leave the house within a month. If you want to die, I will not stop you. Go back and think about it carefully. If you act rashly again, I will never spare you. Take him away."


The guard agreed, put Li Yi into a carriage far away, and quickly sent him away.

Li Longji whispered: "Xiao Gao, immediately arrange for two teams of forbidden troops to surround the residences of Li Yi and Xu Jiyuan. They are not allowed to enter or leave. Let's see how they can cause trouble."

Gao Lishi agreed and turned around to settle down.

Now that the trouble-making gang has been disbanded, Li Yi is the only one left to stir up trouble. Li Longji is not merciless and strikes decisively. In this way, divide and conquer, it is estimated that no one will cause trouble again in a short time.

Hehe, Yuhuan, my little baby, you don’t know how much I have thought about you!

Li Longji was distracted for a while, and suddenly fantasized about being infatuated with a certain beloved woman, and he couldn't hide the joy on his face.

After a while, Li Longji came back to his senses and turned around to see Li Heng following him a few steps away. He was stunned for a moment and asked: "Li Heng, are you still following?"

Li Heng hurriedly took two steps forward and said, "Father, I will always follow you."

Li Longji asked: "After looking at it for so long, what secrets did you see?"

Li Heng scratched his head, thought for a moment, and said: "Father, what I have never understood is that I used both kindness and power to deal with these senior ministers with both soft and hard tactics, but I was scolded by them instead and was made miserable.

I am confused and ask my father for instructions."

Li Longji nodded, feeling that Li Heng was not hopeless. Things went wrong. At least he knew how to admit his mistakes and ask for advice.

Li Longji pulled Li Mu to his side and said: "Li Heng, you are the prince, with status and status. Li Mu is just a prince with nothing. He can obey what a bunch of old ministers say. Why?


Li Heng said: "Twenty-one is clever, everyone knows, but my son is dull."

Li Mu blushed a little when the two said it.

Li Longji said: "Wrong, it's not as simple as the twenty-one cleverness. To be more specific, the twenty-one veterans have nothing to ask for in their hearts, so naturally they have nothing to fear. Li Heng, do you understand?"

Li Heng said depressingly: "My father taught me a lesson, but my son still doesn't understand it at all." In his heart, Li Heng had heard clearly, but he had to behave clumsily in front of Li Longji.

This is Li Heng’s biggest experience in recent times.

As expected, Li Longji did not rebuke Li Heng, but said in a seductive manner: "Li Heng, you just want to intimidate these old ministers because you are the prince, and you want to get their recognition and help. The more you think about it, the more you speak and do things.

It is inevitable that you will be timid, and they have also seen through that you dare not really do anything to them, so they suppress you and even blame you. This is the biggest difference between you and Twenty-One."

The greatest principle is to be simple, to be strong without desire, and to conduct yourself in the world. This is also the theme that Li Longji wanted to teach Li Heng.

Li Longji was not sure how much Li Heng could listen.

Li Heng said: "My father taught me earnestly, and my heart suddenly became brighter. I thank my father for his instructions."

Li Longji said: "Every time you learn something, you will gain wisdom. You are the prince. When you speak and do things, don't be submissive. Use your brain and act decisively and calmly. Don't make yourself a microphone."

"Yes, I will keep it in my heart, kid." Li Heng promised, but he was complaining in his heart. Li Longji was right to scold him, but in his position, he was walking on thin ice. He was afraid that he would steal his father's limelight at any time and expose the wild growth in his mouth.

Teeth, that is tantamount to courting death.

As for using his brain, Li Heng felt that compared with this Li Mu who suddenly appeared, his brain was not enough. However, he was the prince and had many smart brains lined up, waiting for him to use them.

Fortunately, Li Longji was in a relaxed mood at this time, and it was rare for the father and son to be so relaxed outside the hall, chatting, looking at the scenery, and by the way, allowing Li Longji to give some pointers.

This afternoon, the sky was bright and autumn was refreshing, and the entire palace looked bright and bright.

This chapter has been completed!
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