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Chapter 40 How did you become the mentor of the genius doctor

Li Muyun's gentle words hit Hua Yida's vital point.

Hua Yidao has been studying blood transfusion for more than ten years. What has always puzzled him is that human blood is not the same thing at all.

In actual practice, the survival rate of patients who have undergone Hua Yida's exchange transfusion is less than 30%. This is a painful lesson.

At this moment, listening to Li Mu's words, he understood easily. Although several blood types, such as a, b, o, rh, mn, Hua Yidao, it was like listening to heavenly scriptures, but his heart was lit up by Li Mu.

It turns out that this is really what happened. Different types of blood are delivered to the patient, and the patient will die. The heart lamp that Hua Yidao likes to study was instantly ignited by Li Mu, and the whole heart was illuminated brightly.

"His Royal Highness, you are truly a god. Your Highness is the miracle doctor of the Tang Dynasty. I, Hua Yidao, am pretentious, but I am just a clown and a quack doctor. Your Highness, please continue. Hua Yidao is all ears."

Li Mu smiled and woke up the dreamer with a word. He was sincerely convinced by Hua Yidao. The main reason was that Hua Yidao was eager to learn. Li Mu liked this character very much.

Li Mu asked Hua Yida to do it, but Hua Yida refused. Li Mu had no choice but to say: "Li Jia is in urgent need of a blood transfusion now. You have the equipment. This is not difficult."

Hua Yidao asked: "His Royal Highness, you just said that blood is divided into four or five types. Hua firmly believes it, but how do I know what blood type Li Jha is?"

Li Mu smiled and said: "Hua Yidao, you are worrying too much. You don't need to know Li Jha's blood type. You can still transfuse blood. It's absolutely safe."

Hua Yidao asked: "His Royal Highness, do you mean to use Li Jiao's parents or brothers and sisters to give him blood transfusions? No, I have tried this method many times, and it will kill people."

Li Mu laughed heartily, "Hua Yidao, you are right, but there is a kind of person whose blood is type O and can give blood to everyone. This kind of person is called a universal blood transducer."

"Ah?" Hua Yidao was shocked as if struck by lightning, and asked hurriedly: "Your Highness, is this true? Are there many people like this? What are their characteristics? How did you spot it?"

After Hua Yidao was shocked, he asked a series of questions, and the questions in his mind came one after another.

Li Mu said: "There are not many people like this. As for characteristics, first of all, they must be handsome and smart enough. In addition,"

Li Mu deliberately played a trick.

Hua Yidao looked at Li Mu and grinned: "Your Highness, are you talking about yourself?"

Li Mu chuckled: "Smart and clever, I am one of them. Hua Yidao, you may also be such a person. As for other issues, let's talk about them later. Hua Yidao, there is no problem with blood transfusion now."


Of course Li Mu knew his blood type very well. In that era of advanced medicine, who didn't know his blood type?

Hua Yidao kept nodding, then shook his head: "His Royal Highness, you have a noble status and give blood to an ordinary person? How is this possible? This will cause fatal damage to your body. Hua Yidao must not do this?


Li Mu smiled and said: "Okay, Hua Yidao, don't you know that blood transfusion is not only harmless to the body, but also beneficial. As long as it is not excessive, it will stimulate the body's hematopoietic function? Why are you so nervous?"

Hua Yidao raised his hands and tried his best to argue: "But, this?"

Li Mu simply interrupted Hua Yida and said: "Okay, there is no debate on this issue. All people are born equal. There is no distinction between high and low. Let's talk about the next question."

Hua Yidao lowered his head in shame, and Li Mu's heart shocked this stubborn man.

Hua Yidao said: "Your Highness, even if the blood transfusion can be completed successfully, Mr. Li Jha's left kidney was stabbed and is still inflamed. Does he need a kidney transplant?"

Li Mu asked curiously: "Hua Yidao, have you had a kidney transplant before?"

Hua Yidao kept waving his hands and said: "No, no, I have tried to replace the injured or diseased organs of the patient, but they have not been successful. I just judged based on medical theory that it should be possible."

Li Mu smiled and said: "No wonder you are called the killer doctor. It seems that you deserve the title? What do you think?"

Hua Yidao smiled bitterly and said: "His Royal Highness is right in scolding you. I was so focused on conducting various attempts and research that my starting point turned out to be wrong. I didn't understand the true meaning of the two main body fluids of the human body, water and blood. I looked down upon human life and regretted it."


Li Mu said: "I won't talk about the past. Let's start from the study of blood in the future. But there is one thing, you are wrong."

Hua Yidao asked hurriedly: "Hua Yidao is willing to listen to the teachings of His Highness the Prince."

Li Mu said: "People have two kidneys. If one kidney is damaged, it can be completely removed, and the other kidney can still live well."

"Really? Your Highness, listening to you is better than studying for ten years!" Hua Yidao looked at Li Mu in shock.

Li Mu smiled and said: "With one kidney, not only can you live a normal life, but it will not affect your sex life, it's just a matter of moderation."

Hua Yidao suddenly stood up and said excitedly: "His Royal Highness, I understand. I will do Mr. Li Jha's surgery. As long as His Highness the prince gives strict guidance, Hua Yidao guarantees that the other details will be perfect."

Li Mu said depressedly: "Not only do I want to guide you, but I also want to provide you with blood. Hua Yidao, I don't dare to brag this time. My life and Li Jha's life are both in your hands. Hurry and prepare."

Hua Yidao knelt down again and kowtowed, "Your Highness, don't worry, I will devote all my life's medical skills to complete this operation. Your Highness, from now on you will be my mentor, Hua Yida, and my Hua family for generations to come.


Alas, the ancients are still simple.

How did you become the mentor of a miracle doctor?

This honorary title sounds so pleasant to my ears!

Li Mu sighed and walked out of the house. Men and women knelt at the door, which was filled with darkness.

This incident happened today. I don’t know what Li Linfu said to his family members. He really felt like a god descended to earth.

Li Linfu looked at Li Mu expectantly. Li Wen next to him was holding a very delicate box. Li Mu guessed that the box contained either gold bars or silver notes. At this time, Li Mu actually disliked these gold and silver things.

Li Linfu asked weakly: "Your Highness, have you discussed it yet?"

Li Mu said: "This matter is of great importance. Only Prime Minister Li is allowed to go in with me. The others have dispersed. They are not allowed to approach, let alone make loud noises. Prime Minister Li, please go in with me."

After Li Mu finished speaking, he walked towards Li Jha's ward with a solemn expression. Li Linfu turned around and scolded everyone in a low voice to disperse. Then he took the box from Li Wen's hand and followed Li Mu closely.

After about a cup of tea, Hua Yidao prepared all the equipment and carefully sent it to Li Jiao's ward.

Hua Yida began to disinfect Li Jiao and made various preparations before the operation. Li Mu observed with cold eyes and found that every detail of Hua Yida seemed to be more rigorous and more precise than the preoperative preparations in high-end operating rooms that Li Mu had seen.

Strive for excellence.

Li Linfu was dumbfounded. He should be the second most knowledgeable person in the Tang Dynasty, and he was also shocked by the complicated process.

The pain in my heart has long since turned into anxious waiting and hot anticipation.

When the final moment came, Li Mucai warned Li Linfu: "Li Xiang, today's operation is an epoch-making medical miracle in the history of the Tang Dynasty. I have two conditions, and Li Xiang must agree."

Li Linfu hurriedly knelt down and said: "I know that His Highness the Prince is desperate to save Jia'er. I know the importance of it. No matter what His Highness the Prince orders, I will comply with any of the ten or eight conditions."

Li Mu said: "Okay, first of all, today I will use my own blood to deliver it to Master Li Jha. You know, I know, and Hua Yida knows about this, and it will be kept strictly confidential."

Li Linfu was immediately dumbfounded. He looked at Li Mu with tears streaming down his face, and could only keep kowtowing.

"Your Highness, how can I be so virtuous and capable as to allow His Highness to sacrifice himself so much? Will this cause any harm to Your Highness? If His Highness has any shortcomings, I will bear all the blame for his death."

Before Li Mu could speak, Hua Yidao said: "More than just injuries, His Royal Highness gave the Second Young Master a blood transfusion and risked his life."

"Ah?" Li Linfu was shocked and said hurriedly: "Your Highness, I beg you to give up your jaw. If you do this, how can I, Li Linfu, and my whole family feel at ease?"

Li Mu said calmly: "Li Xiang, I have said that I am destined to you and I am willing to do so. Therefore, this matter cannot be made public, otherwise it will cause complications and it will be difficult for you and me to step down."

Li Linfu could only nod his head with tears in his eyes and kept kowtowing.

Li Mu said: "The second condition is that at the same time as the blood transfusion, Mr. Li Jha's broken left kidney must be removed. Don't worry, one kidney will still give you a lot of grandchildren."

The more Li Mu spoke, the more horrified he became, and Li Linfu's entire mind went blank.

"If you remove the left kidney, won't Jia'er die?"

Hua Yidao said: "Master Li, with me in charge and my mentor commanding you, I can guarantee that everything will go without a hitch."

Li Mu interrupted Hua Yida and said: "Li Xiang, there is no absolute contingency in the world. My second condition is that no matter whether the operation is successful or not, we have tried our best. If it fails, you cannot blame Hua Hua.

A sword strike against me, let alone a sword strike against Hua?"

Li Linfu raised his hand and swore: "Your Highness, no matter how ignorant I am, Li Linfu, I can still see what Your Highness and Hua Yida have paid for. If I don't know what is good, I will be struck by lightning."
This chapter has been completed!
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