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Chapter 50 Stop Engaging in Personality Cult

Li Mu twisted like this, and Hua Yidao woke up. He stared at Li Mu, slid down, knelt on the ground, and hugged Li Mu's legs with both hands.

Li Mu smiled bitterly and said: "Hua Yidao, what are you doing? I have nothing to reward you."

Hua Yidao said excitedly: "Teacher, you have given me the most precious thing in the world. I am so excited. I am so excited that I can't sleep all night. Can't you tell, teacher?"

Li Mu smiled and said: "I really didn't realize that this is what you call excitement? I thought it was a naughty child asking for sweets from his elders."

Hua Yidao grinned, and his smile was cuter than a child's. Li Wen and Wang Xie burst into tears and laughed.

Li Mu said: "Butler, and this gentleman, can you step aside for a moment? I want to have a knife with Hua and give the second young master another check and a consultation."

Li Wen and Wang Fei looked at each other and nodded at the same time. They knew little about consultation, but Li Mu said it seriously, and they thought it was a big deal.

After the two of them retreated, Li Mucai asked in a low voice: "Hua Yida, how is the second master's condition?"

Hua Yidao looked very excited and said: "Teacher, since the operation was successful, I don't dare to go anywhere, I don't even dare to go out to pee. Hehe, I just wait for the second young master to wake up."

Li Mu frowned and said, "I won't talk about the peeing thing, let's talk about the key points."

Hua Yidao said: "I expected that he would wake up within four hours after the operation. The situation was a little worse than I expected. It took a full six hours for the second young master to wake up."

Li Mu nodded and said, "It's not surprising that your anesthesia was gone, and combined with the surgery, you were in a coma for a day or two."

Hua Yidao said: "It was mainly due to my mentor's blood transfusion. I understand now that it was because my mentor's blood was running wild. The second young master received his mentor's blood and naturally gained tremendous strength throughout his body. It is impossible to fall asleep even if he wants to."

Li Mu glared at Hua Yida and said: "You are a miracle doctor. How come you are acting like a bureaucrat now? You are so smooth in flattering. It is easy to learn bad things but hard to learn well. Don't do this to me."

Hua Yidao was obedient and kept responding, but the admiration for Li Mu on his face did not diminish at all.

Hua Yidao said: "Teacher, according to this situation, the second young master can only recover for ten and a half days at most. I guarantee that it will not be that easy for him to die now."

Li Mu said: "Don't be too complacent, serve carefully, and remember, the stitches must be removed on the seventh day. It will have consequences if it is too early or too late."

Li Mu just based on past experience. In the hospital, suturing and removal of sutures takes about a week.

Hua Yidao's eyes widened and he asked in surprise: "Teacher, are you so particular about removing stitches, so accurate to a certain day? I understand, my teacher is always striving for excellence in medical skills."

Li Mu didn't want to explain, Hua Yidao called him "mentor" again, and Li Mu felt very happy, so just let him be happy.

Li Mu gave a few more instructions on routine care, and then asked Hua Yidao to follow him to the room next door where the equipment and medicines were kept.

Li Mu asked: "Hua Yidao, what are the golden sore medicines you used for the second young master, as well as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and hypothermia medicines? Give me some of each. I want to go back and study the pharmacology of each medicine carefully.

and medicinal properties,”

Hua Yidao said in surprise: "Teacher, I knew that you would definitely check all kinds of medicines, and I have prepared them for you in advance."

Hua Yidao's inner imagination of Li Mu was verified again. He had figured out in advance that Li Mu would definitely check his medicines, but he didn't expect this to happen.

Hua Yidao admired Li Mu's rigor even more.

Li Mu put away the small box containing several medicines, and then said seriously:

"Hua Yidao, I order you to stay in the second young master's ward, monitor the second young master's condition at all times, eat and sleep in there, but don't pee in the corner of the ward in the future. You are a miracle doctor. If you breed germs, you can destroy them yourself.

Got the sign of a miracle doctor?"

Hua Yidao instantly blushed and lowered his head without saying a word. Li Mu was so smart that even Li Mu could tell when he panicked and urinated directly against the corner of the ward in the middle of the night.

Li Mu didn't dare to delay and was about to leave. Hua Yida stopped Li Mu and begged: "Teacher, are you leaving again? Can you stay? I still have many questions that I want to ask my teacher."

Li Mu said: "I don't have time to mess around with you. If we have any problems, we'll discuss them later. Let's deal with the one in front of us first and see how you perform."

Hua Yidao said bitterly: "Then the second young master is fine, can I go find you?"

Li Mu said: "No, I will look for you if necessary, but don't run around for me, do you understand?"

Hua Yidao kept nodding, and Li Mu held back his laughter. This Hua Yidao relied on him a little too much, but it was obvious that he truly admired him and was so innocent and cute.

When Li Mu came out, Li Wen and Wang Fei looked at Li Mu expectantly. Li Mu said: "Don't be nervous, you two. Hua Yidao and I have carefully analyzed and studied the second son's injury. Everything is OK. I have ordered Hua Yidao to stay around day and night."

, The second young master’s great day is not far away. I won’t see him off until he leaves.”

Li Mu made an OK gesture. Although the two of them didn't understand it, they knew it was a good sign, so they nodded happily and giggled.

Li Wen said: "Your Highness, a banquet has been arranged in front of you to relieve your boredom. We have also carefully selected a few famous ladies to serve wine to Your Highness. Your Highness must have a few drinks before leaving, otherwise the master will come back.

, they will definitely punish us for our slights?”

Li Mu smiled and said: "Don't be so polite. I have a fate with Prime Minister Li, and I will come over later to have a drink. Butler, please take my portrait and send one to my house."

"Okay, Your Highness likes it, I will send it to you in person later." Li Wen said excitedly.

Li Mu warned: "This kind of portrait thing can't be done anymore in the future. Personal worship can kill people. Don't spread the portraits. Put them away to avoid any complications."

Wang Xian reacted quickly and hurriedly explained: "His Royal Highness the Prince is extremely worried, but His Highness can rest assured that this matter is a family matter of Enxiang and will not be disclosed to the outside world. Enxiang has also prepared a statement."

Li Mu nodded, and while responding back and forth, he declined all kinds of good intentions and left quickly.

In fact, I felt a loss in my heart. At this time, it was already close to dusk. I had a good wine in my hand and a beautiful woman by my side. I had a few glasses of wine, talked softly, and was relaxed and relaxed. What a wonderful scene.

However, he has a life of hard work. He is a prince, but he still has to run around. He is as busy as a chicken and as tired as a dog.

The carriage from the Prime Minister's Palace took Li Mu across two streets, and Li Mu sent the carriage back. Taking advantage of the gorgeous sunset at dusk, Li Mu wanted to take a few steps.

Yes, take a few steps.

Pedestrians, carriages and horses are walking back and forth on the street, which is very dynamic. Bathed in the sunset and shrouded in halo, it is bright and brilliant. The real scene of the prosperous Kaiyuan era should be like this, with thousands of scenes and a peaceful atmosphere.

The anxiety in Li Mu's heart temporarily dissipated. He felt that there was no corruption, no assassination, no pain, and no hatred at all in Chang'an.

Li Mu wanted to shout a few times, but he opened his mouth and did not shout out. Li Mu saw the checkpoint at the street entrance again, which greatly ruined the scenery.

Your uncle, it's endless. Two or three days have passed and you are still setting up traps to interrogate and arrest the assassins.

Li Mu returned to reality in an instant. This Lu Ka, this fast-moving soldier Yong, it turned out that the assassin he was investigating was in his hands.

Hey, no matter how big your imagination is, you can't think of it, right?

Li Mu found that the scope of the interrogation had been narrowed down to all women passing by. Naturally, vehicles had to be thoroughly inspected, while men could pass freely.

Li Mu quickened his pace, as was the case at all subsequent intersections. Fortunately, the distance was not far, and Li Mu quickly returned to Yanjing Lane.

It's already getting dark.

After opening the door, Li Mu glanced around and suddenly shuddered involuntarily.

Although there was no sound in the entire courtyard, Li Mu still clearly felt that something was wrong. He always felt that there was a pair of eyes peeping at him secretly in a corner of the courtyard.

This feeling is very strange and scary, like walking at night and always feeling like someone is following you behind you. You keep looking back and see nothing every time, but that scary feeling keeps following you.

Li Mu did not rush to open the house where Gongsun was hiding, but went to the front room, lit the candlestick, found a wooden stick, and quietly pulled it out of the window.

Under the cover of the candlelight in the room, Li Mu hid in the dark and quietly searched every corner of the yard. This was a method Li Mu learned from an anti-detective book.

Nothing was found.

Li Mu didn't know whether he should be happy or regretful, and his mood suddenly became complicated.
This chapter has been completed!
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