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Chapter 55 You're Coaxing Girls Again

Li Mu was puzzled by Li Bai's sudden appearance, but he told a lie to fool an innocent girl like Fu Xianyue, and there was no need to think.

Fu Xianyue really believed it, "Oh, you really want to leave. This uncle, you came at the wrong time. Why did you suddenly appear behind others without even saying hello? It's so scary."

Li Mu almost burst out laughing because he was joking with Li Bai. Li Bai always had a sullen face, occasionally picking up moves and quarreling with each other.

Fu Xianyue seemed simple and quiet, but ruined other people's good deeds and showed no mercy to Li Bai.

He directly called him Uncle Li Bai, and even skipped the honorable title of Greasy Uncle.

Not saying hello, not polite.

Appears suddenly and behaves strangely.

In one sentence, Li Bai was easily whipped three times.

It's amazing. I admire it. Li Mu kept praising Fu Xianyue in his heart. Li Bai finally suffered a little bit tonight.

Sure enough, Li Bai was obedient and was told by a girl that his body was completely bruised. His tall figure suddenly became rickety and lowered his head.

Li Bai said: "I'm very sorry. I'm sorry. What the girl said is absolutely true. I'm reckless and don't understand the rules. I'll apologize to the girl first."

The night was hazy, and Li Bai's ugly face was concealed.

Fu Xianyue was disrupted by Li Bai, and she could not help but feel resentful in her heart, so she added another sentence: "In the future, I will learn more from your young master and don't run around casually. Okay, I have something to say with His Highness, you are always welcome."

Waiting at the door."

Another sentence: "You are old!"

Li Bai hurriedly replied: "What the girl taught me is that I will go out immediately."

Li Bai almost spit out his old blood. This female official of the Tang Dynasty became excited, passionate, obsessed with love, and taught people without leaving any face.

Li Bai passed by Li Mu without even looking at the two of them. He quickly reached the gate and sat down on the steps, beating his chest and feeling very unhappy.

Li Mu could only laugh. He thought it was too much to prank Li Bai like this, but it was none of his business. It was Fu Xianyue who suddenly attacked, and Li Bai was fooled.

Li Bai walked away, and Li Mucai laughed twice.

Fu Xianyue asked: "Why is Your Highness the Prince laughing? Do you think Xianyue is too aggressive?"

"Actually, it is so wonderful to be able to sit quietly with His Highness the Prince on such a night and look at the stars and the moon. Alas, life will be unsatisfactory nine times out of ten,"

Li Mu felt funny in his heart. Could it be that he just wanted to look at the stars and the moon? He dared to kiss the prince forcefully in broad daylight. In this dark night, he didn't know how violent the storm was.

Girls of this age are very life-threatening when they are fanatical, regardless of the consequences. Li Mu knows this very well. It is not a problem of the times, it is simply a matter of temperament.

Li Mu said: "Mr. Fu, this guard of mine is not an uncle. Didn't you see that he is a suave and a fiery young man like the Young and Dangerous?"

Fu Xianyue said: "Romantic, suave, this word can be used by anyone besides His Royal Highness? What a young and Dangerous guy, but also a fiery young man. I think he is just a bad old man, very bad, with no wink. Forget it, Your Highness, let's go

How about sitting back for a while and taking a look at the salt well?"

Fu Xianyue said, pulling Li Mu and walking towards the back.

Li Mu followed for a few steps before he realized what he was doing and asked hurriedly: "It's so dark, why are you looking at the salt well? It's so dark, aren't you afraid of scaring people?"

Fu Xianyue walked and said: "Your Highness, you don't know something. I personally watched and supervised the construction of these three salt wells. Dozens of craftsmen worked for more than three months to build them."

Li Mu was stunned: "So complicated?"

Fu Xianyue said: "It's not complicated at all. His Majesty the Emperor is concerned about the national economy and people's livelihood, and has spent a lot of money on astronomy and calendars, especially hydrology."

Li Mu unknowingly became interested, followed Fu Xianyue forward, and asked: "So, your Majesty is sincerely considerate of the people's sentiments?"

Fu Xianyue gently touched Li Mu with his shoulder and said: "You are the prince, how can any child doubt his father? What's more, His Majesty, the current emperor, loves his people like his own son. The people of the Tang Dynasty are so grateful for their kindness. Who doesn't feel grateful for your majesty's longevity?"


Li Mu smiled: "My father's kindness is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people? I really didn't expect that. That's right. I'm just an idler. I rarely went out before and I don't know much about government affairs."

Fu Xianyue said: "Your Majesty is generous and kind, and benefits the world. Even I am the biggest beneficiary. If it weren't for Your Majesty's kindness, how could I, a little girl, be able to serve as an official in the court?"

Fu Xianyue is telling the truth. The Tang Dynasty was the first to have women as officials. By the time of the Kaiyuan Dynasty, the number and types of female officials had already reached huge numbers.

Li Mu asked: "Do you like this official position very much?" Of course Li Mu recognized women becoming officials, but he was afraid that Fu Xianyue was the kind of official obsessed with officialdom.

Fu Xianyue said: "The official status and the female status are actually not excuses to fetter people. I want to delve into technology, innovate and pass on these practical knowledge, and serve the people of the world. With this official status, why not?"

Li Mu applauded Fu Xianyue directly: "Well said."

Fu Xianyue said: "Actually, the real salt well is not here. It is near the entrance of the alley on the other side. There is a salt well on each side of the road. It has been mined and excavated for many years. The refined well salt is enough for half of the people in Chang'an."

Li Mu was shocked: "So powerful? How deep is the salt well?"

Fu Xianyue smiled and said: "His Royal Highness is indeed a nobleman who has never touched the Yangchun water. The two salt wells are more than one foot wide and bottomless. It is unknown how many tens of feet they are."

Li Mu praised: "No wonder, no wonder, I am so ignorant that I thought the salt wells were just these three."

Fu Xianyue smiled and said: "These three are specially used for observation. They seem to be placed randomly, but they are actually laid out in a finished glyph shape. They occupy the upper water and are just placed on the main water channel of two large salt wells."

Li Mu patted his head and said angrily: "Thankfully it has dried up, otherwise it would have really been a disaster for the country and the people."

Li Mu regretted very much that he hastily threw Qin Zhenhai's body into the salt well. If the salt well below could still be used, his behavior would be unethical.

"What's wrong? Are you happy that the salt well is drying up?" Fu Xianyue was puzzled.

Li Mu hurriedly explained: "No, no, if the salt well is still in use, it will not be so quiet and beautiful at this time."

"Yeah, everything is God's will." Fu Xianyue felt comfortable and took a leisurely walk next to Li Mu.

What started out as a confused and infatuated scene suddenly turned into a special discussion about astronomy and geography. It was not coy at all, and both of them felt happy.

Li Mu said: "As for astronomy, we can actually think more broadly and see higher and farther. A day travels 80,000 miles while sitting on the ground. No matter how fast the earth rotates, we can sit firmly on Mount Tai and enjoy the essence of the sun and the moon."

Fu Xianyue stopped, looked at Li Mu in surprise, and asked: "Your Highness, you said that you can travel 80,000 miles in a day while sitting on the ground? Do you know that the earth is rotating at high speed? Is it as far as 80,000 miles in a day?"

Li Mu smiled and said: "This is a poem written by an old grandfather, but this old grandfather is an absolutely great man. I am just copying it. However, the earth is a planet that rotates at high speed."

Fu Xianyue nodded seriously: "I understand this. The reason why we were not thrown out due to the high-speed rotation is because the earth has a super strong attraction. However, this is just a theoretical deduction without any data support."

Li Mu said: "In the not-too-distant future, we can jump out of the earth, then look back at the earth thousands of miles above the sky, and we can also use a special signal to guide pedestrians and vehicles on the earth."

"Ah? What kind of thing is that? Can we really fly into the air, leave the earth, and control vehicles and pedestrians on the earth? How many years will it take? Can it really be realized?"

Li Mu nodded affirmatively, "According to my experience, it should take another 1200 to 300 years for these wishes to come true."

Fu Xianyue shook his head and asked: "No, Your Highness, what you said is so true. Even the year is basically confirmed. You can't be a prophecy or an assumption, right? It's incredible. Your Highness, are you using this to deceive girls?"

Fu Xianyue said and chuckled.

Li Mu covered his face, Fu Xianyue's thoughts really escaped.

Can such vulgar knowledge deceive girls? Girls are ghosts and spirits, not so easy to deceive.

Fu Xianyue happily fell into the illusory imagination. Li Mu sighed: "I am not delusional, nor is it a prophecy. In short, it seems that this knowledge has been written down in my memory. I prefer to call them cold knowledge."

Fu Xianyue kept nodding and said: "Cold knowledge, this is an interesting statement, but as long as His Royal Highness is more enthusiastic, any cold knowledge will be warmed up, wouldn't it be better?"

As she talked, the topic changed again. Fu Xianyue was immersed in the space fantasy described by Li Mu. The main reason was that she wanted to use the most practical way to warm up the romantic and suave prince next to her.

The two walked around the salt well twice. Fu Xianyue was still smiling and talking, but Li Mu suddenly felt nervous.

He smelled a strong smell of blood.
This chapter has been completed!
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