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Chapter 71 You stole the poem in my heart

Li Mu and Li Bai agreed on the rules for drinking, and the two young eunuchs immediately ran back to get the wine.

Here, Li Mu and Li Bai started drinking. The nine pots of wine were neither too much nor too little. Soon, the two of them got into the mood.

Li Bai looked up at the sky. The moon tonight looked high and pure, walking slowly among the gray clouds.

Li Mu also looked at the sky and knew that Li Bai's poetry was booming, which was a sign that he would publish it.

Li Mu asked: "Xiaobai, look at the moon, do you immediately have poems? You can just come over, I want to see what profound skills Xiaobai has in writing poems."

Li Bai chuckled and said: "Thousands of years of poetry and prose are nothing more than skills. They are not worth mentioning. They are not worth mentioning."

Li Bai said it was not worth mentioning, but he frowned and immediately spoke.

"The moon in Chang'an is accompanied by the sound of thousands of households pounding their clothes."

Li Bai recited two sentences, glanced at Li Mu, and it seemed that the third sentence on his lips was about to burst out. Li Mu became anxious, rushed to Li Bai's side, and directly covered Li Bai's mouth with his hands.

Li Mu said: "That's enough, that's enough. These two sentences have already shown Xiaobai's peerless literary talent. Don't write more, otherwise you will force me to death on the 21st and there will be no way to survive."

Li Bai moved Li Mu's hand away and said: "Not letting me write poetry is even more uncomfortable than not letting me drink. Twenty-one, you are the only one who is so rude. It doesn't matter. I will forcefully hold back the next few sentences. Now,

You take the next sentence."

When the two of them competed in poetry, they actually engaged in continuous sentences, but compared to Xiangyun and Daiyu in Dream of Red Mansions, who rhymed to the end and used up all the rhymes, Li Mu and Li Bai's method was very simple.

Li Bai finished writing two sentences, Li Mu wrote the next two sentences, and the fourth sentence ended with a quatrain. He continued to write for eight rounds, which is a rhythmic poem, not complicated.

Li Mu forced Li Bai to write only two sentences, and was inexplicably surprised in his heart: Xiaobai, Xiaobai, I will go your way tonight, leaving you with no way to go.

You just want to cause trouble, you just want to play tricks. Let's see if you, a poetry fairy, will be so angry that you will spit blood in a while.

Li Mu said: "Xiaobai, these first two sentences may seem plain, but the scenes blend together, which is a rare good poem."

Li Mu said and recited it again: Chang'an is covered with a moon, and thousands of households are pounding their clothes.

Not bad.

Li Bai raised his head and looked at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle. Li Bai himself liked such exquisite sentences, and only I, Li Bai, could speak it well and write such a beautiful first couplet.

In fact, the chin couplets and the tail couplets are already well understood. Twenty-one, tonight I will let you know what the aura of genius is and what Li Bai is, the first poet of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Bai was also proud and arrogant in his heart. When he wrote poems, Li Bai only admired himself.

Li Bai said: "Twenty-one, you don't need to worship blindly. Li Bai picked up this opening line casually. It's up to you how to continue the next sentence. Once you've said it, connect two sentences to form a five-character quatrain. As long as they rhyme with each other.

, even if you win.”

Li Bai obviously didn't want to push Li Mu too far. After all, he was a prince, a synonym for a playboy, and he would have to hang out with him in the future. Although he often exchanged words, Li Bai still had a precise sense of proportion.

Li Mu stared blankly at the night sky, then raised his head, drank another bottle of wine, glanced at Li Bai, and said with a smile: "Xiao Bai, you have a good start, and I will not insult your start. I have it too.


Li Bai said calmly: "Don't be afraid. Read it out boldly. If it doesn't work, let's discuss it together."

In Li Bai's heart, he didn't take Li Mu's poetry writing seriously at all. He loved to play and could play. He made a rainbow circle and coaxed Li Longji into a daze. Li Mu had this ability.

But writing poetry requires talent, foundation, and skill, and is not as easy as opportunism.

Li Bai is waiting for Li Mu to show off his humiliation!

Li Mu read in a deep voice: "The moon in Chang'an, the sound of thousands of households banging their clothes, the autumn wind can't stop it, it's always the love of jade."

Li Mu paused and looked at Li Bai. He found that Li Bai was suddenly dumbfounded and kept shaking his head.

Li Mu asked: "Xiaobai, what's wrong with you? Are you drunk?"

Li Bai muttered: "No, no, twenty-one, read the last two sentences again. What sentence did you write?"

Li Mu said: "Xiaobai, you drank too much and your ears don't work anymore? Okay, let me read it again: The autumn wind can't blow away, it's always the love of the relationship. Do you understand this time?"

Li Bai sat down on the stool and looked at Li Mu as if he were a monster. Then he jumped up, grabbed Li Mu's arm, and asked:

"Twenty-one, no, totally wrong. These two sentences are also the sentences in my heart. If you hadn't covered my mouth just now, I would have read them out. Why did you write these two sentences?"

Li Mu said: "Xiaobai, can you calm down? Tell yourself, who read these two sentences first?"

Li Bai said blankly: "It's you, twenty-one."

Li Mu asked again: "Did you write these two sentences in advance, where did you put them, and did I peek at them?"

Li Bai said: "No, it's impossible. I'm so moved tonight. These two sentences just took shape in my head and I'm about to read them out. But, I understand, twenty-one, you cheated, you stole it from my head."

My poem?”

Li Mu laughed loudly, and Li Bai looked like he had seen a ghost. He was so funny and cute.

Li Mu asked: "Xiaobai, you said that I stole the poem from your mind. Have you ever seen such a strange person? Forget it, I haven't finished writing this poem yet. There are still two sentences left. I'll start with that.

Let me make it clear that this time Xiaobai can’t make things up out of thin air and talk nonsense.”

Li Bai said doubtfully: "Well, twenty-one, just to be on the safe side, I would like to add two more sentences. Let's not say them out loud, but write them silently at the same time. Let's see what happens?"

Li Mu was depressed. Li Bai reacted too quickly. He just stole two sentences from him and then realized something was wrong. Now, the two of them must have written the last two sentences equally. How could Li Bai be so flustered?

It's interesting. Although Li Mu couldn't bear to mistreat Li Bai like this, it was just for fun and it also knocked down Li Bai's arrogance.

However, please do not let Li Bai doubt his life or his poetic talent because of this. If Li Bai dares not write poems in the future or cannot write good poems because of this, it would be a huge sin.

Li Mu thought for a while and said: "Okay, just as Xiaobai said, let's each write silently to see who can write better."

Li Mu waved his hand, and Xiao Chunzi and Xiao Huzi quickly went to get pens, ink, paper and inkstones.

Li Mu and Li Bai looked at each other, both feeling strange about the other.

Li Mu said: "Xiao Bai, don't look at me like that. It makes me panic. Come on, have a drink to calm down?"

Li Bai said: "If you don't drink, I will finish writing it in a while. It's not too late to drink again."

Li Mu smiled and said: "After I finish writing, I guess Xiaobai doesn't want to drink anymore. He wants to beat people or go crazy."

Li Bai said depressedly: "Twenty-one, I think you are making trouble, but I don't know how you are making trouble."

Li Mu argued: "Xiaobai, don't say it so harshly. I am causing trouble. You just don't want others to be better at writing poems than you. You are jealous and narrow-minded."

Li Bai was speechless. Just as the pen, ink, paper and inkstone arrived, Li Bai did not hesitate, immediately approached, picked up the pen and was about to write.

Li Mu hesitantly picked up the brush, feeling like it was a mallet in his hand. Writing calligraphy with the brush would be tantamount to embarrassing oneself.

"You write first," Li Bai said.

Li Mu didn't want to, "Why should I go first? Let's write it together. Otherwise, if you peek at mine, who can I talk to for explanation?"

Li Bai said angrily: "Okay, let's go together, no peeking."

The two began to write poems, and soon they were finished. They held each other down like treasures, and then Li Mu said: "Open it together."

The two opened the papyrus at the same time, and then Li Bai was shocked again.

Li Mu had already anticipated the result and smiled without saying a word.

Li Bai looked at Li Mu's staggering two lines in horror, and read out to himself: "When will the Hulu be pacified, the good man will stop his expedition?"

The poem manuscript in Li Bai's hand fell to the ground. Li Bai's hands were so weak that he couldn't even hold a piece of paper steady.

Li Mu bent down to pick it up and saw that Li Bai's calligraphy was as beautiful as a fairy sword and a dragon.

But the content is exactly the same as Li Mu's.

Li Bai was already looking at the sky absentmindedly, and muttered: "Impossible, how is this possible? This is obviously the sentence that came to my mind first. Why did Twenty-One also think of it, and it's not missing a word?"

"Do I, Li Bai, still want to write poetry? It turns out that my so-called success in speaking out is so childish and vulnerable,"

Li Mu saw that Li Bai had really been pranked by him and went crazy. He couldn't bear it. He cut off Li Bai's good poems in this way, leaving Li Bai with no poems to write and five ways to go. Will Li Bai be completely defeated?

Li Mu hurriedly grabbed Li Bai and said apologetically: "Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai, it's all my fault. I don't blame you for this. Let me give you an analogy.

For example, the top girl in Tianxiang Tower, you want to talk to her, listen to her playing the piano and sing, and sleep with her, but what you are thinking in your heart is that all the men who go to Tianxiang Tower also think the same way? I happened to be with Xiaobai

You can't stand it when we think the same way? Isn't that bad?"
This chapter has been completed!
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