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Chapter 74 It's All For That Hot Woman

The old people Li Longji was talking about refer to the powerful ministers in Zhongshu Province, Menxia Province and Shangshu Province. Each of them is sixty or seventy years old. They are picky about Li Longji all day long and say endless sarcastic remarks.

These old guys were older, more senior, and had rich backgrounds. Most of them were clan elders of the Li family dynasty. Li Longji was so angry that he vomited blood and couldn't fight or kill them.

Even if I curse a few words, it won't hurt because of my seniority.

After the morning court meeting the next day, as expected, Gao Lishi greeted him in advance and left behind Xu Jiyuan, a member of Zhongshu Shensheng, Huangmen Shilang Li Yi from Menxia Province, plus Prime Minister Li Linfu and Prince Li Heng.

The Tang Dynasty adopted an official system of three provinces and six ministries. The leaders of the three provinces were all the best of the best. They were cunning and cunning and difficult to deal with.

Together with the prince, these four people, under Li Longji, should have monopolized 80% of the power of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Longji must discuss any major policies with them before promulgating them. Even if he goes through the motions and wins people's hearts, he must do so.

After all, even if Li Longji is extremely capable, he still needs someone to run errands and execute.

Li Longji's face was condensed and calm, and his cold eyes passed over the heads of the four people and looked at the sky outside the hall. The weather today was very gloomy and the breeze was blowing. It had just entered autumn and it already had the smell of late autumn.

The four bosses didn't know who Li Longji was going to operate on, and they were all a little confused.

Li Longji entertained them for a while. Seeing that all four of them were uneasy, he slowly spoke.

"Dear ministers, you are all the pillars of our Tang Dynasty. You have been working hard on state affairs all day long. Thank you for your hard work."

Li Longji first gave a verbal praise to calm people's hearts, and the other three replied calmly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, your duty as a minister is not worth mentioning."

These are all routine questions and answers, I'm used to them.

Only Li Heng felt embarrassed. Compared with the other three, he was just a decoration. Li Longji was also compared in the same way. Li Heng was a little scared, so his mouth trembled.

Li Heng himself didn't know what he said.

Xu Jiyuan asked directly: "Your Majesty, you have called a few of us here to say a few words, right? If your Majesty has any instructions, I will listen attentively."

Li Yi echoed: "Yes, Mr. Xu is absolutely right. If Your Majesty refuses to let you sit down or serve tea, it must be a big deal. Your Majesty might as well say it straight. Although we are old and dim, we will do our best to relieve Your Majesty's worries."

Xu Jiyuan was nearly seventy years old. He was a veteran of two dynasties and had led the Zhongshu Province for decades. He was really a stone in the pit, smelly and hard. He often dismissed Li Longji's edicts and found endless thorns in them.

Li Yi went even further. He was of royal blood and Li Longji's elder. He was over sixty years old and had controlled the province for many years. He always treated Li Longji as his elder.

Li Longji felt unhappy when he heard the two old guys making trouble. Fortunately, Li Linfu had been very well-behaved recently and had no intention of collaborating with the two old guys.

Li Longji whispered to Gao Lishi: "Give the two old men a seat, serve tea, and talk while drinking."

Li Longji made concessions with a bottom line.

Soon, Xu Jiyuan and Li Yi were given a seat to drink tea. Li Linfu licked his lips, feeling that his mouth was dry and it was difficult to make requests.

Li Longji said, "In my prosperous Kaiyuan era, the weather has always been smooth, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, the world is peaceful, and the world is praised. However, maybe everyone is living too comfortably and lacks worship and respect for God. Therefore, since the beginning of autumn, the weather has been abnormal

, lightning, drought and thunder caused a lot of disasters and losses."

Li Longji was not reckless. He pursued everything vigorously. Although he was decisive in killing, Li Longji always had excuses and rhetoric so that no one could find fault, so that he could be convinced.

Therefore, at the beginning, Li Longji talked about God and laid the foundation for the story.

All appointments and negotiations start with the weather, which is the smoothest, most peaceful, and most easily accepted by both parties.

Everyone here is well aware of the natural and man-made disasters caused by the thunder and lightning storm a few days ago, so when Li Longji said this, the four audience members kept nodding.

It’s not that God is hateful, it’s that we are too pretentious and don’t fear God enough! Several people agreed with this opening statement.

Li Linfu said: "Back to Your Majesty, after the natural disaster, the ministers worked together with the prince to actively provide disaster relief. Now the disaster-stricken houses have been rebuilt, and the people affected by the disaster have a place to live and food to eat. Everyone is grateful for your Majesty's kindness.


Li Linfu seized the opportunity and began to show his merit.

Li Heng hurriedly agreed: "Father, what Prime Minister Li said is absolutely true. Now the victims have been properly resettled, and there is peace both inside and outside Chang'an."

Li Longji nodded, depressed in his heart, and cursed secretly: "Two speculators have done something, and I am afraid that others will not know about it. I am anxious in my heart. If you can understand two or three points, I won't bother so much."

Li Longji said: "Disaster relief is just a superficial effort. What I am saying is that each of us lacks awe and awe for God in our hearts."

Xu Jiyuan cupped his hands and asked: "Your Majesty, to show respect to God is nothing more than worshiping heaven and earth. But this activity happens every spring. Your Majesty leads his ministers to worship heaven and ancestors. It is autumn now, so why not worship heaven?"

Is it okay?"

Li Yi immediately seconded the proposal and said: "Not long after the autumn harvest, all the people are immersed in the joy of the harvest. Suddenly they talk about natural and man-made disasters, and they want to worship the sky with great fanfare. It will destroy the confidence of the people, make them suspicious, and make the people unstable, which is not a good thing.


Before Li Longji finished his sentence, the two old guys started to refute, as if their purpose here was to argue with Li Longji, and they would only have a sense of accomplishment if they could make Li Longji unable to get off the stage.

Li Linfu took a step forward and wanted to say a few words for Li Longji, but seeing Li Longji's indifferent expression, he had to step back.

Li Heng didn't dare to interrupt at all. Even as an honest listener, he felt nervous.

Li Longji suddenly changed the topic and said to Gao Lishi: "It is said that you will go to the palace on the 21st."

Gao Lishi agreed and went out immediately.

Li Longji said: "What the two elders said is very true. The high-profile sacrifice to heaven has a great influence and will only add a lot of burden to the people and ministers. I have an idea and will discuss it with a few adults."

Li Heng finally seized the opportunity and said: "Since my father already has an idea, why bother to discuss it with us and issue the order directly? Isn't it convenient for us to act according to the order and do our best?"

Li Longji saw that Li Heng spoke hastily and was anxious to find a way for himself. Instead of verbally praising Li Heng, Li Longji frowned. Li Heng was so impatient and had no political acumen.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Heng finished speaking, Li Yi directly rebuked: "Your Majesty, please be careful, since your Majesty has invited us veterans to discuss state affairs, he thinks highly of us and knows that we can come up with ideas and find solutions. His Majesty does not want to act arbitrarily. This is

Your Majesty has a broad mind, but the prince is so impatient. How can it be embarrassing for your Majesty?"

Li Yitang reprimanded Li Heng, and Li Heng wanted to refute, but seeing the indifference on the faces of several old guys, Li Heng did not dare to make a mistake, and felt that he deserved to be slapped in the face.

Li Linfu had already heard what Li Longji was thinking. At this time, the two old guys were unwilling to give up and did not take what Li Longji said to heart at all. Li Longji was very embarrassed.

Li Linfu naturally had to rescue him in time, otherwise would he still be Li Linfu?

Li Linfu said: "The two elders are extremely worried. However, your Majesty has the world in mind, which is our blessing and the blessing of the world. Does your Majesty mean to reduce the scale and adopt a special form to worship the sky and pray for the ancestors?"

, pray for the blessings of the people all over the world."

When Li Longji heard this, his heart suddenly became clear. Li Linfu knew what he was thinking.

Li Longji immediately looked at Li Linfu with a smile and said: "Master Li's words are exactly what I meant. I am thinking about how to use a simple form and the most sincere heart to worship the sky and pray for the ancestors."

Li Linfu quickly analyzed the content of Li Longji's words. For a moment, an idea flashed and he suddenly understood why Li Longji mentioned these things today.

It turns out that Li Longji was making detours, not for the sake of worshiping heaven, but for the sake of women.

And it's for that hot woman.

If Li Longji had told the truth, he would have been completely criticized and disgraced by the two veterans in court.

Li Linfu snickered in his heart, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you have worked so hard for a woman, why is it so complicated? Just tell me Li Linfu, tell the truth, I control six departments at least, and there are many ways to get the woman back for you.

Li Linfu said: "It is easy to handle at this time. I will not shirk the responsibility and supervise it personally. Let the Ministry of Rites organize major temples and Taoist temples in the capital to invite eminent monks and Taoist priests with powerful magic powers to pray in the palace for as little as seven days and as many as forty-nine days. This way

, the scale is small, but as long as you are sincere, you will surely move the world.”
This chapter has been completed!
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