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Chapter 87

Seeing that Li Mu was asking strange questions, Harry lowered his voice and asked cryptically: "Your Highness, does he also have special hobbies? How many girls do you like to play with?"

Li Mu chuckled and said: "Harry, it turns out you are also an old pervert. Seeing that you are honest and honest, it turns out that you are all just pretending? You are already very bad in your heart?"

The two of them had the same odor, so it was inevitable that they would talk nonsense for a while and laugh so hard that they could hardly stand upright.

Then, Li Mu saw the problem.

Li Mu asked: "Prince Harry, what kind of seeds are you planting? Are you sure they can grow?"

Li Mu raised his head and glanced at the sky. The sky was very far away. The sun was warm and not very hot. It was already autumn. Sowing seeds in autumn. Is there something wrong with your brain?

Harry looked at the seeds in his hand and said: "Today we planted seven or eight kinds of onions, potatoes, peppers, spinach, etc. There are also lentils, broccoli, etc. over there. Your Highness, do you have any questions?"

Li Mu sighed and did not answer directly, but asked: "Harry, didn't the Ministry of Household Affairs send you hundreds of migrant workers and technicians, why didn't they work with you?"

Harry shook his head and said: "They don't understand. They only watch the excitement, are unwilling to work in the fields, and make sarcastic remarks."

Li Mu smiled and said: "You know even the sarcastic words? Harry, they are not sarcastic. If you grow vegetables now, 90% of them will not survive the winter. This is the Tang Dynasty, not your country of Siam. The climate is different. Do you understand?


Li Mu was complaining in his heart. He was so hot-tempered just now that he and Harry fucked in a daze for a while, spreading a lot of seeds. Only then did Li Mu realize that he was being stupid.

Except for spinach, cabbage and other limited species, which are cold-resistant species, most of the others will soon freeze to death. No wonder those migrant workers and technicians made sarcastic remarks and were unwilling to mess around with Prince Harry.

Harry said doubtfully: "Of course I understand the climate. In Siam, it is warm all year round. If you want to plant anything, you can plant seeds at any time and it will grow quickly and well."

Li Mu said depressingly: "That's your Siam, this is the Tang Dynasty, your place is like summer all year round, our Tang Dynasty has distinct distinctions between cold and warm, you are just messing around."

"Huh?" Harry rubbed his dirty hands in surprise, seeming to understand that he had made a joke out of his enthusiasm.

"What's wrong with this? I promised to teach them how to plant, but now they are making fun of me?" Harry showed a sad expression and looked at Li Mu, actually crying.

Li Mu thought for a moment and said, "Harry, do you want to turn defeat into victory and teach those migrant workers and technicians a lesson?"

Harry said: "I do, of course I do, but I understand that I have done something wrong? Can I turn defeat into victory? Your Highness, do you have another good idea?"

Harry showed a cute expression. Harry had experienced Li Mu's wit and erudition, so at this time, Harry was asking for advice humbly.

Li Mu said: "If you want to turn defeat into victory, just do what I say."

Harry agreed wholeheartedly, and then Li Mu asked Harry to divide his slaves into two groups. The first group was mainly men, and they immediately went to the bamboo forest to chop bamboo.

The second group was girls, who were responsible for making straw curtains with straw. Li Mu taught a few young foreign horses how to make straw curtains and ate tofu. The commotion was extremely joyful, and several little foreign girls were teased to the point of screaming from time to time.

Instead, Harry was left alone, wondering what Li Mu was going to do.

In less than an hour, all the materials were ready, and Li Mu began to spread the seeds on the seedbed and build a simple greenhouse.

Every two rows of seedbeds are made into a greenhouse, so that there is an aisle in the middle for people to walk and work inside.

The bamboo is made into a round arch shape with just enough length. It is inserted into the soil on both sides. The left and right bamboos are used to make horizontal bars and tied firmly with ropes.

These operations are very clear and common in Li Mu's memory. Almost every household has one or two small greenhouses to grow some off-season vegetables to cope with farm life all year round.

Li Mu instructed Harry to operate it himself. This time, the five men among the slaves followed Li Mu's instructions and worked seriously.

Six girls gathered around Li Mu, chattering and playing. Fortunately, there were more people and more strength, and two greenhouses were built in a short time.

The biggest shortcoming was the lack of plastic cloth, but Li Mu had already thought of a substitute. Anyway, Harry was not short of money, and he was setting up a test field for the Ministry of Household Affairs, so Li Mu asked Harry to send someone to buy some low-grade old coarse cloth.

, instead of plastic.

The thermal insulation effect was not very good, so Li Mu asked his servant to cover it with an extra layer of straw curtain, which was not bad.

Harry looked at the two new gadgets and was amazed. He hugged Li Mu several times, making Li Mu smell like pig manure.

However, everyone was in high spirits, and soon dozens of migrant workers and technicians from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development were gathered to watch.

Li Mu saw that everyone was expecting him to explain, but Li Mu didn't whet everyone's appetite and directly stated the principle.

"It's actually very simple. This shed can be called a greenhouse. The fruits and vegetables grown in it are not restricted by seasons. Especially the seeds from Siam are accustomed to high-temperature environments. They will grow very well in the greenhouse in the future.


"This is how off-season vegetables are grown. From now on, you can see peach blossoms in winter and eat spring buds. As long as you control the temperature, light and humidity, you can grow all the vegetables and fruits you want at any time."

Li Mu explained several details about lighting and keeping warm, and also taught everyone how to moisturize.

Chang'an City is very cold in winter, so water vapor pipes made of mud bricks are used to increase the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse, killing two birds with one stone.

Although the cost seems to be high, these experimental fields belong to the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the vegetables and fruits are all for the princes and ministers to eat. No matter how expensive they are, someone will pay for them.

What's more, a one-time investment can last two to three years.

Li Longji and Yang Yuhuan were both unscrupulous eaters for the sake of a fresh bite. Their strong appetite represented the level of the entire capital city of Chang'an.

Everyone understands and understands it, but whether it is really as magical as Li Mu said can only be seen after the vegetables grow.

Li Mu just wants to teach everyone the technology. As for whether anyone is willing to use it, promote it, and make money with it, Li Mu doesn't bother to delve into it.

Li Mu knew something. In his previous life, vegetable farmers around the city used greenhouses to grow vegetables, and every household made a lot of money.

Harry's cognition was shattered by Li Mu. Not only did Harry not have any jealousy, but he admired Li Mu.

It turns out that he thought he was an all-rounder, but when he came to the Tang Dynasty and met His Royal Highness Prince Li Mu, he realized that he was a kid who didn't understand anything.

Fortunately, this kid, Harry, is innocent, simple, and honest enough. When he spends most of the day getting along and working, he and Li Mu are like brothers, regardless of each other.

It was not yet dark, and the seedbed Harry was working on was completely covered by several greenhouses. Harry screamed several times, and several slaves jumped for joy.

They also danced a strange dance around Tiankan.

Harry announced that he was off work.

Li Mu couldn't wait to rush into Harry's bathroom. Although it was a short stay, Harry's bathroom was particularly high-end and had various equipment beyond Li Mu's imagination.

Harry and Li Mu soaked in the large bathtub together, and then two slaves came in to bathe them, change their clothes, and serve them very comfortably.

A special body wash was also used. When Li Mu came out of the bathroom, she felt that her whole body was fragrant. Even every hair was soft, smooth and fragrant.

Then Harry pulled Li Mu into the lounge and lay on the soft and comfortable massage bed. Only then did Li Mu know what kind of real prince Harry was.

During the day, he works just like ordinary people, even harder than his own slaves.

However, at night, he is a sensual prince.

Two girls in light, transparent clothes came in, each holding a solid-color towel in their hands. They both wore a red scarf on their heads.

Li Mu immediately realized that the two people were dressed the same as the two people who bathed them in the bathroom just now. Especially the headdresses.

Li Mu was shocked and asked: "Harry, you bastard, the one who gave us a bath just now was not a man?"

Harry looked at Li Mu in surprise and asked: "Of course, the bathers are of course women. They are my slaves. Is there any problem? Your Highness, do you like men to give you a bath? What a strange hobby!"

Li Mu was speechless. What happened was like going to a modern bathing center, not taking a bath, but playing in the water.

Harry, you bastard, you really know how to enjoy it, but as a prince, why do you suddenly feel so awkward?

Li Mu closed his eyes. At this moment, he felt all kinds of feelings in his heart.

Harry said: "Your Highness, today you are Harry's most distinguished guest, so you should enjoy the most attentive service. Come on, let me rub your waist. A girl's face and a man's waist are both the most magical places. You should treat them well."


Differences in culture, customs, life, etc. are no match for our common humanity.

Li Mu put on a submissive posture, kicked Harry, and said, "Harry, don't think that you are the only one who will enjoy it. The techniques you mentioned are not just like Thai massage. Come on, I will stay with you till the end today."

This chapter has been completed!
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