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004 Leaving the live broadcast base

After leaving the live broadcast base, Sheng Chuncheng was still going to walk for a while. He turned left at the intersection in front and turned to the Dongcheng Experimental School to call a taxi. Just after turning the corner, his cell phone rang. Sheng Chuncheng stopped and took out his cell phone.

, turned on the phone, and then swiped his finger from left to right, and a big-tongued stuttering voice came from the phone:

"You, where are you?"

Sheng Chuncheng also stuttered like a conditioned reflex: "I, I'm in Jiubao."

"Boil it, boil it (hurry up, hurry up)." The voice on the phone stopped stuttering, "The old man is in a hurry."

Sheng Chuncheng said: "Okay, Brother Dong, I'll be right over."

Then he swiped his finger from right to left and hung up the phone. He saw a taxi stopped not far ahead, and two little girls got out of the car. Sheng Chuncheng took a few steps with his blind cane and waved to the driver.

Waving his hand, the driver was puzzled. He didn't know what the blind man was going to do. Sheng Chuncheng had already walked to the car, put away the blind man's cane, opened the door of the passenger seat, and got in.

"Go to Qingyin Lane." Sheng Chuncheng said to the driver.

"Okay." The driver started the car and continued: "Can you see that I have an empty car?"

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said, "I heard someone getting off the bus."

The driver was doubtful and looked at Sheng Chuncheng again without saying anything. Sheng Chuncheng also remained silent and did not dare to take off his sunglasses. For a taxi driver who was already suspicious, Sheng Chuncheng felt that he should not provoke him anymore and continue.

It's better to play yourself blind.

The two of them were silent all the way.

Qingyin Lane is in the old town of Hangzhou. Sheng Chuncheng is going to an old community with more than a dozen five-story houses, all built in the 1980s.

Now the cost of demolition is too high. The land acquisition and storage center is willing to sell land like a big pie in the suburbs, rather than carry out demolition in the old city. Anyway, there are people who want the remote land, so why build a dojo in this snail shell?

, therefore, these old neighborhoods in the city center have become forgotten corners.

These old residential areas are really ugly and affect the image of the city. Let’s paint the exterior walls to make them more beautiful. However, we only need to paint a few buildings close to the streets outside. Let them go as they please.

When the taxi arrived at the gate of the community, the iron gate was closed. Sheng Chuncheng said to the driver:

"Master, please help me drive in and drive to the end, building twelve."

The driver honked the horn, and a security guard came out of the small house next to the door. When he saw it was a taxi, he walked back and didn't bother to pay attention to him. The driver honked the horn suddenly again, and the security guard turned around and stared sullenly.

He, the driver, stared back and shook his head towards Sheng Chuncheng, meaning he didn't see that there was a blind man in the car?

The security guard reluctantly opened the iron gate, but was still unwilling to let them go. He knocked on the hood of the car and asked:

"Where to go?"

The driver pressed down the window and Sheng Chuncheng tilted his head in that direction: "Brother Security, I'm going to Brother Dong's house."

The security guard stepped back and let them in.

This is actually not Brother Dong’s home, but his father’s home. Brother Dong’s father has Alzheimer’s disease and Bigfoot. His lower legs are swollen all the time and he sits in a wheelchair all year round.

His father hired a nanny to live here alone. Brother Dong himself lived in Dongfangrunyuan, a high-end community in Qianjiang New Town. People who came in and out were all successful people. He and his wife both disliked the old man. No matter how big the family was,

No matter how many rooms there were, the old man was not taken there.

Besides, it is not only inconvenient for his subordinates to come in and out of Dongfang Runyuan, but also makes his wife and daughter feel quite embarrassed. Therefore, during the day, Brother Dong usually stays here and regards this place as his stronghold.

Father, just think of it as a mascot that doesn't get in the way.

Sheng Chuncheng walked to the fourth floor and heard the noise on the fifth floor. There were two households on the same staircase, door to door. People came and went here every day, Brother Dong, and they liked to keep the door open. The people who lived opposite them had already

They have moved out and rented out the house to others. The people who rented it also ran away after only a few days.

Everyone is afraid of where they live. Every day when they open and close the door, they see a lot of green dragons and white tigers across from them with various tattoos on their arms.


The tenant therefore went to argue with the landlord and the agent, claiming that he had been defrauded. When renting, you never mentioned that the opposite was a gangster's den, and he had to cancel the lease at any cost. The landlord went to find the property, but there was no way to control the property, saying that it was

Although they look like a gangster, and there are rumors that they are a gangster, they are not doing gangland things here.

Besides, there is no rule that says people must keep the door closed at home.

"Come on, this is the reporting hotline for the gangster office. If you say he is a gangster, or you call and report, the police will come and take action. Wouldn't you be at peace?" said the property staff and the landlord.

As a result, no one dared to call or knock on the door. The people across the street had no choice but to consider themselves unlucky and keep the house empty.

Sheng Chuncheng just turned the corner of the stairs leading to the fifth floor from the fourth floor, and someone saw him through the door. He quickly got up and ran out and down the stairs. He helped him up the stairs with some attentiveness, as if he was an old man who was about to cross the road.

Uncle, Sheng Chuncheng kept saying thank you, thank you.

As soon as he saw Sheng Chuncheng arriving, the old man in the wheelchair became excited and slapped the armrests of the wheelchair with both hands. Brother Dong rolled his eyes at him and said to Sheng Chuncheng:

"The old man is more happy to see you than to see a woman."

"Brother Dong, is the old man still alive?"

Someone shouted, and Brother Dong rolled his eyes at him: "You, call your girlfriend over, and let the old man give you an interview."

"Gajiegang, I'll go to the hair-washing room and bring two to the old man," the man said.

"Go, go, go, hurry up." Brother Dong waved his hand toward the door.

Everyone laughed, and Sheng Chuncheng quickly said: "Let's go inside and I'll do it for uncle."

"Wait for a break, wait for a break." Brother Dong said, "You, you haven't eaten yet, sit down and eat first. That's what reasoning says, first, eat first, and then work."

Brother Dong is a bit tongue-tied and stammers. He also likes to talk about reasoning, reasoning in this way and reasoning in that way.

Sheng Chuncheng sat down at the table. The two ashtrays on the table were full of cigarette butts. Against the inner wall, there were several vest bags of take-out meals. Someone quickly took out a box of lunch for Sheng Chuncheng from the bag.

, and added another box of vegetables. Knowing that Sheng Chuncheng liked spicy food, he even picked out a box of spicy vegetables for him.

When the old man saw that Sheng Chuncheng did not immediately go into the inner room to give him a massage, but instead sat down to eat, he became anxious and patted the armrests of the wheelchair and screamed. Brother Dong glared at him and cursed:

"My son, do you want a slap in the face?!"

When Brother Dong became fierce, he didn't stutter at all. The old man was shocked.
This chapter has been completed!
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