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096 Unexamined

In a hazy state, like a wandering soul, Sheng Chuncheng walked forward and reached the gate. He stood there, feeling at a loss, as if he had suddenly lost his direction, and he didn't know where he should go next.

Turn left or right, he had no idea for a moment and stood there blankly.

"Hey, hey, buddy!"

Someone shouted at Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng woke up and looked through his sunglasses to follow the sound. He saw a car parked to his left. A girl in the car had just gotten out of the car and walked towards the live broadcast base.

The driver was none other than Yu Dazi, Chief Yu Dongyu.

"Get in the car, man!"

Yu Dong continued to shout at Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng quickly got into the car before the security guard in the guard box noticed, and told Yu Dong, "Let's go."

"Should we go to Jingfang District 5?" Yu Dong asked

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

Yu Dong smiled and started the car while asking: "Are you shooting short videos again? You guys who do live broadcasts have no new tricks. A blind man keeps filming over and over again? Hey, why are you the only one?"

Sheng Chuncheng took off his sunglasses, put away the blind cane, and said to Yu Dong calmly:

"I just spent a long time shooting in the square inside, and it has already dispersed. I was thinking that I might as well have another fun, just stand here as if I were a blind person, and see if there are any kind-hearted people who can help me take a taxi or help me cross the street.

I ran into you unexpectedly."

Yu Dong laughed: "You really know how to play. I'm not a kind-hearted person. At most, I'm just an acquaintance."

Sheng Chuncheng asked him how his business was today, and Yu Dong said: "I started work late today. I came out at almost ten o'clock. I just placed the first order, from the west of the city to the east of the city."

"What, there is a performance. The performance was late last night?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"Shit, I had a fight with my wife last night, and we didn't get over it until it was almost dawn." After Yu Dong finished speaking, he laughed, and Sheng Chuncheng said:

“It’s so hard!”

"Yes, but in this bad day, I also need to vent. Venting out will at least be good for the body."

Sheng Chuncheng gave him a thumbs up and praised him for his openness.

"Don't praise me. Yesterday, my wife scolded me, saying that I look more and more like a taxi driver. Brother, do you think I do?" Yu Dong asked.

Sheng Chuncheng looked at him and said to him: "It looks a little more like what I saw last time."

Yu Dong laughed loudly and said: "It's not bad. If this epidemic continues, I might actually become a professional taxi driver. There's nothing wrong with it. It's full of fireworks. Now think about it.

, I feel like I am just like an idiot wearing a tuxedo."

Sheng Chuncheng couldn't help but laugh at the word "silly egg". Yes, he felt that this word was very appropriate. He was just in front of him, that is, a silly egg.

The car arrived at Jingfang District 5 and stopped on the street opposite the community gate. Sheng Chuncheng asked Yu Dong how much it cost. Yu Dong shook his head and said it was free.

Sheng Chuncheng said, how is this possible? There are many roads from Jiubao to here.

"So what? I see a friend in my own car, why don't I give him a ride?" Yu Dong said.

Everyone regards you as a friend. If Sheng Chun Cheng is not good enough, he will refuse. It is already almost twelve o'clock and it is time for lunch. Sheng Chuncheng said, "Then let me treat you to lunch."

Yu Dong said no, I still have to take orders.

"It's been until the evening, so you don't have to have lunch today?" Sheng Chuncheng said, "It's rare that I meet a friend, why don't I invite him to lunch?"

Yu Dong laughed and said okay, let's go have dinner.

Yu Dong found a parking space on the roadside, parked the car, and the two of them got out of the car and walked forward. Yu Dong asked Sheng Chuncheng what to eat, and Sheng Chuncheng told him that a little further ahead, there was a Tonglu restaurant that tasted good.


"No, no, no, we'll just eat this."

Yu Dong pointed to the side, and the man walked over and sat down in the store. Sheng Chuncheng had no choice but to follow him.

This is actually a breakfast shop that sells pan-fried steamed buns and pot stickers with green onions. No one eats these at noon. The shop is empty. The remaining ingredients are also left over from the morning and are lying quietly in the pan. The boss

Wait for guests to come and then heat them up.

Yu Dong ordered ten pot stickers, ten fried buns with green onions, and two bowls of beef vermicelli.

Sheng Chuncheng felt very sorry and said, "This is too shabby. We should go there and have some drinks."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Sheng Chuncheng cursed himself in his heart, "Why are you drinking? Don't forget to go to Sister Chen's place later."

"You can have some drinks here, too." Yu Dong stood up, walked to the freezer, and came back with two bottles of Coke.

Sheng Chuncheng continued to be polite: "It's still shabby."

"Okay, it's just lunch. Just eat enough. I have to do some work in the afternoon and I need to bring some money back in the evening."

Sheng Chuncheng looked at Yu Dong, wondering what he meant. Yu Dong smiled and said:

"What are you looking at me for? You will know when you get married. No matter how angry a woman is, as long as you have the money to take it back, she will be happy. Everything else is fake. What is the most romantic? Brother, let me tell you.

, money is the most romantic.”

Sheng Chuncheng thought to himself, this still makes sense. Isn't Ding Huamei the same? But Ding Huamei is Ding Huamei. This Yu Dong's wife is also from their band and is a musician, right?

"It's really disappointing to hear you say that." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"What's wrong?"

"It wouldn't be strange if someone like me said this, but, but..."

"But what?" Yu Dong looked at him and asked.

"But you play the violin and are a musician!" Sheng Chuncheng said.

"I'm not a good musician. As I told you before, I'm a fool in a tuxedo who has been exposed to the smell of copper since he was a child."

"How is that possible?"

"How is it impossible? I remember clearly that when I was a child, my family was in an average situation. Do you know how expensive it is to learn piano? In order for me to learn piano, my mother often borrowed tuition fees for me. What if I don't have the tuition fees? Teacher

They would tell me to get out on the spot, and no one would teach me. Later, I was admitted to the Conservatory of Music, and I had to patch together tuition and living expenses for each semester.

"In school, other people played violins worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. My violin cost more than five thousand, but my parents were very reluctant to buy it for me because I was going to the conservatory of music. I just bought it for me.

At first, I was too embarrassed to take it out, but then I got the courage when I heard them playing the piano. Do you know why?"

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head.

"They had pianos worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but none of them could play it as well as I did. At that time, I was very proud and thought to myself, let alone five thousand, even if I played a five-hundred-dollar piano, I would still be better than you guys.

, you guys really ruined Qin, and now I have confidence. When people have confidence, they are invincible."

"You are a genius." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"This damn genius was born by my mother. Poor parents in the world. When my mother was young, she went to the mountains and countryside and learned the violin from others. She was the best player in their commune, so she thought she had this.

Because of my talent, I was able to take the college entrance examination, so I went to the Conservatory of Music, but I took the exam three times, and was rejected in the first round three times. It was a huge blow.

"She didn't think it was because she wasn't good at playing, but because the teachers were biased. She failed to go to the conservatory, so she pinned her unrealized dream on me. The whole family was opposed to me learning the piano, so she

She insisted that I learn and learn well. If I didn't learn well, she would give me a beating. That's how I was beaten.

"I don't dare to tell my mother about my true situation now. Every time I talk to her on the phone, I brag to her about where I went to participate in performances and what happened in rehearsals. I tell her that this time again

Rachmaninoff is about to be beaten. If my mother knew that she had gone through so much trouble to beat up a taxi driver, she would probably have a bigger reaction than my wife and would vomit blood."

Yu Dong said and laughed again.

This chapter has been completed!
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