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099 Two people finished eating

After the two of them finished eating, Sister Chen wanted to get up and clean up, but Sheng Chuncheng asked her to sit there and said it was me.

"Are you okay?" Sister Chen asked doubtfully.

Sheng Chuncheng said with a smile: "I am blind, but I am not old enough to take care of myself. I can't do everything by myself at home. I can cook noodles and heat dishes in the microwave. I just don't like the environment here."

Familiar, if I am in a familiar environment, I will be almost like a normal person."

Sister Chen thought it made sense. She said, "Then I should give you orders?"

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

Sheng Chuncheng stood up, and under Sister Chen's command, he put the leftovers and snack boxes into the trash can, took the wine glasses to the kitchen, put them in the sink, and prepared to wash them. Sister Chen shouted, "What if you

I came over after washing.

Sheng Chuncheng then gave up. He washed his hands and went back to sit on the sofa. After a while, Sheng Chuncheng asked Sister Chen to put her feet up. He massaged her again and then said he was leaving.

Sister Chen wanted to stand up to see him off, but he persuaded her to stop her. Before leaving, Sheng Chuncheng told her not to forget to raise her feet when going to bed at night.

"I know." Sister Chen said, the word "la" was drawn out very long and sounded a bit awkward.

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and then said goodbye.

When Sheng Chuncheng returned home, Ding Huamei asked him where he had been. Sheng Chuncheng was about to say that he went to Sister Chen's place, but he suddenly woke up as he spoke. Today, he did not ask Sister Chen to collect money, and he also forgot to go to the teller machine to withdraw money. Ding

Huamei couldn't see the money and asked, and she had to explain for a long time. Just why she didn't accept the money today seemed unclear.

Sheng Chuncheng thought of Yu Dong and casually joked:

"Oh, in the afternoon, I met the violinist I told you about last time, and the two of us went to have dinner together. By the way, he also told me that when they resume performances, he would invite us to see him.


"What a coincidence? Hangzhou is so big that you can meet him?" Ding Huamei asked.

"Hmm." Sheng Chuncheng could only continue, "Didn't I go to Brother Dong's place in the afternoon to see how they were doing with collecting old clothes? But while I was waiting for the bus in Qingyin Lane,

He called me."

When Ding Huamei heard what Sheng Chuncheng said, she stopped talking.

In fact, at noon, Ding Huamei had already seen Sheng Chuncheng and Yu Dong having lunch at the snack bar opposite. Sheng Chuncheng didn't know many people in Hangzhou. The person who drove the online taxi was a few years older than Sheng Chuncheng.

He looked like an ordinary driver and had a different temperament. Ding Huamei thought at that time that this must be Chief Yu Yu Dazi.

Sheng Chuncheng showed Ding Huamei his WeChat account, which contained photos. Ding Huamei still vaguely remembered them, and he could vaguely distinguish them from such a distance.

However, Ding Huamei was very curious as to why these two people went to the snack bar across the street to have lunch, so she paid attention until she finished eating and saw the two people leaving.

And now, why did Sheng Chuncheng lie to himself, saying that they only met in the afternoon? Ding Huamei immediately thought that this Yu Dazi was used as a shield by Sheng Chuncheng, and Sheng Chuncheng went to another place this afternoon.

The next morning, Sheng Chuncheng and Ding Huamei got up. Sheng Chuncheng went out to sell soy milk pancakes and fried dough sticks. The two of them sat down to have breakfast. Ding Huamei asked Sheng Chuncheng, what are your plans for today?

"Cheating Kangxi"

Sheng Chuncheng said, I have nothing to do in the morning, I have to go to the client in Yangbatou at noon, and I have to go to Mr. Lan in the afternoon. By the way, I won't be back for dinner in the evening.

"What for?" Ding Huamei asked.

Sheng Chuncheng took a sip of soy milk and said to Ding Huamei: "It's nothing big. Just that, Brother Dong and the others, haven't they started working on the project? Let me go over and help with ideas. I don't have time during the day, so I'll go there in the evening.

Brother Dong asked me to have dinner together, oh, it may be like this for the next four or five days, who asked me to be the military advisor."

When Ding Huamei heard what Sheng Chuncheng said, she stopped talking. She broke open the cake and put the fried dough sticks into the cake. While chewing the fried dough sticks, she stared at Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng buried his head, with the remaining corners of his eyes

Seeing Ding Huamei staring at him, Sheng Chuncheng felt guilty and did not dare to raise his head. He drank the soy milk in a snoring manner until he finished the bowl of soy milk.

"Does it taste good?" Ding Huamei asked.

"What?" Sheng Chuncheng raised his head and asked Ding Huamei.

"Soy milk, you drink it so intently."

"Hmm, there's just a little bit less pickled mustard. As you know, I like to eat pickled mustard in soy milk the most. If I go to buy it tomorrow, I'll ask the boss to put in more. The boss is too young..."

Sheng Chuncheng shut up as he spoke. What he just drank was sweet soy milk, and there was no mustard in it.

Sheng Chuncheng looked at Ding Huamei, a little embarrassed, and smiled.

Ding Huamei asked: "Sheng Chuncheng, is there something wrong with you?"

"No, no, what will happen to me?" Sheng Chuncheng said quickly.

Ding Huamei sighed secretly and asked, "In the afternoon, did you go directly from Mr. Lan's place to the old man's house?"

"It's not that early. Let's have dinner. Come back first and then go out around 5:30." Sheng Chuncheng said, "By the way, in the evening I will go directly to Binjiang and Zhong Xinxin's place from Brother Dong's place."

This had been arranged in advance, including with Yangba Tou and Mr. Lan, and there was no problem, but in the meantime, Ding Huamei felt that there must be a problem.

There was a knot in her heart. In the afternoon, Ding Huamei paid special attention. When nothing happened, she went to stand inside the gate and looked out through the glass of the gate. It was bright outside but dark inside. From the outside, she could not see anything inside.

But looking from the inside to the outside, it's clear.

At about four o'clock, Ding Huamei saw Sheng Chuncheng coming back on his bicycle. He parked the bicycle at the gate and went home. Ding Huamei became even more alert.

The clinic got off work at 5:30. All the patients today had left. At 5:20, the doctors and nurses also left one after another. Even the boss had gone home. Only Ding Huamei was left in the entire dental clinic. She

She quickly changed her clothes. In the dressing room, she saw a crocodile cap. She didn't know who it belonged to, so she took it and put it on her head.

After thinking about it, he took out a long-sleeved white shirt from the cabinet and put it on.

When he walked outside, it was almost half past five. Ding Huamei put on his mask and held the U-shaped lock for the door in his hand. He waited inside the door. After a while, Ding Huamei saw Sheng Chuncheng coming from the community.

When she came out, she quickly moved her body to the side. When she poked her head out again, Sheng Chuncheng had already ridden on a bicycle and left.

Ding Huamei hurried out, locked the door, ran down the steps, scanned a shared bicycle with her mobile phone, straddled the bicycle, pulled the brim of her peaked cap down, and kicked off twice to chase after him.

It was evening rush hour, and taxis were very congested. Sheng Chuncheng rode his bike to the subway station, put the car aside, and got down to the station. Ding Huamei followed.

At this time, there were many people riding the bus at each station. Ding Huamei and Sheng Chuncheng followed him at a distance to avoid being exposed easily.

Ding Huamei followed the crowd and scanned the green code to enter the station, and then followed the crowd to scan the subway code and entered the platform. She saw Sheng Chuncheng get on the bus, and Ding Huamei squeezed into a door behind him and found a seat seven or eight meters away from him.

Standing in the far, side and rear seat, he kept standing on tiptoes, looking over the crowd of people around him and looking towards Sheng Chuncheng.

This chapter has been completed!
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