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130 Suffering

Worried, Sheng Chuncheng followed this guy and walked inside. The yard was very deep and there was only one path. As he walked on the road, his arms and body would be scraped by the branches and leaves on the roadside from time to time, making a rustling sound.

Sheng Chuncheng was trembling all the way, holding the blind cane tightly in his hand, thinking that if the guy in front of him wanted to do something, he could only rely on this cane to fight him.

There was absolutely no way he could escape. The courtyard door was locked and the surrounding walls were so high. He couldn't get out at all. The most important thing was that there was no one around here at all. Not to mention shouting for help, he was right here.

If you kill a pig inside, you won't hear it outside.

As Sheng Chuncheng walked, he rubbed his shoes on the ground. He felt that the shoelaces had been tightened and relaxed a little. He stared at the figure in front of him. This guy was not strong or tall. This made Sheng Chuncheng

I have a little more confidence again.

The moonlight tonight is rough and the light is a little dim. Everything around him seems to be frosted. The guy walking in front has the whitest butt in his whole body. His round butt keeps shaking in front of Sheng Chuncheng's eyes.

Now, Sheng Chuncheng really wants to mosaic it.

After walking for four or five minutes, a white house appeared in front of me. The shape of this house was very strange and round, much like a Fujian earth building. It was more like the granary where grain was piled in the production team in the past. The whole building

There were no windows in the house, only one door, which opened at the end of the lane.

When he reached the door, the guy stopped. He turned around and saw Sheng Chuncheng following him. He said to Sheng Chuncheng, "We're here. There are three steps. Be careful."

This reminder made Sheng Chuncheng feel a little relieved. Perverts are not kind and would not care about the feelings of a blind person like this.

The guy counted one in his mouth and walked up the steps. Sheng Chuncheng followed. There was a small platform paved with bluestones at the door. "Let's go in," the guy said to Sheng Chuncheng, and Sheng Chuncheng agreed.

The guy stretched out his hand and pushed the door open. The light from the door hit his entire figure towards Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng was caught off guard and subconsciously dodged back. If there was someone behind him at this time, he would notice his action.

Being suspicious, Sheng Chuncheng was secretly surprised.

He followed the guy inside and couldn't help but his eyes lit up again. Fortunately, he was wearing sunglasses.

When Sheng Chuncheng saw the scene inside, he was completely relieved. He saw a woman inside, and she was also naked. She was probably bored by herself, dancing on the wooden floor. Hearing the movement at the door, she turned around and

At that moment, Sheng Chuncheng felt that she could only use one word to describe her, and that was "astonishing". This woman was too beautiful.

Whenever and in any tense environment, as long as there are women, especially beautiful women, they will have such power that they can instantly relax the entire tense atmosphere and make it peaceful.

When the woman saw a stranger coming in, she exclaimed, panicking and trying to find something to cover her naked body. The guy cursed:

"What? He is blind and can't see."

The woman looked at Sheng Chuncheng again and saw that he was wearing sunglasses and holding a blind cane in his hand. He was indeed a blind man. She felt relieved and smiled softly.

Sheng Chuncheng stood there, putting away the blind man's cane and putting it in his bag. He did not dare to turn his head left and right like a normal person, but he still had a panoramic view of the scene in the room.

This is a large, empty space of three to four hundred square meters. The surrounding walls are more than five meters high. When they reach the top, they shrink in and are more than one meter wide. The next vertical circle is full of glass. This circle of glass is about one meter high.

, there is a white ceiling on top. This design makes the entire space very light during the day, but there is no direct light from the windows.

On the top of the ceiling, high-wattage incandescent lamps lit up, illuminating the entire space as bright as day.

On the four walls of the house, there are huge oil paintings standing against the walls, and there are also easels scattered around the house. On the easels are completed and unfinished works.

There is a long wooden table in the middle of the house. On the table are picture albums and drafts. On one side of the long table are an Apple desktop and a laptop. In front of the table is a

Swivel chair.

When the table comes over, there is a set of sofas. The sofa is covered with a piece of white cloth as a sofa cushion. You can't tell what material and color the sofa is. When the sofa comes over, there is an open folding dining table. The table is piled with snacks, beer, and drinks.

and cigarettes, and there were a few folding beach chairs randomly placed beside the dining table.

Sheng Chuncheng feels that the most important feature of the objects in this house is that they are all independent. Nothing is next to each other, and people can walk freely among these objects and easels.

"My name is Aqiang, what's your name?"

The guy turned around and asked Sheng Chuncheng, and Sheng Chuncheng quickly said:

"My name is Sheng Chuncheng, Sheng Sheng, Spring Chun..."

"A city's city?" Aqiang interrupted him.

Sheng Chuncheng said quickly: "No, it's the result of success."

"What a pity. It would be great if it were a city like Shengchun City. It would be full of flowers in bloom. It would be so charming. Isn't it very poetic?" Aqiang asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said with a smile: "My parents are both farmers, and they don't have this kind of poetic taste."

The woman giggled: "Oh shit, I'm telling you, your name is so poetic, Ah Qiang, now everyone who moves bricks is called Ah Qiang."

Aqiang rolled his eyes at her and said, "It's time to go back to work."

The woman pouted, turned around, shook her head left and right, and walked back to where she should be. Behind her was a white backboard, and underneath was a platform ten centimeters higher than the wooden floor.

A piece of white cloth was spread out, and the woman stood on the stage. Only then did Sheng Chuncheng realize that this woman was a mannequin.

It’s not surprising that the mannequin is naked. No wonder this Aqiang is looking for a masseur. He is a blind masseur. Although he is a parallel import, Aqiang does not know it.

What makes Sheng Chuncheng feel strange is that this mannequin is naked. Isn't Aqiang a painter? I have never heard of a painter painting naked.

"Sheng... Hi, I'd better call you brother. Brother is easy to pronounce." Aqiang and Sheng Chuncheng said, "Let me draw for a while before we start, okay?"

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

Aqiang used his foot to pull over a beach chair, and then kicked it. The chair slid between an easel and the table where the woman was standing. Aqiang pulled Sheng Chuncheng over and told him, you can sit here.

Wait, by the way, would you like something to drink?

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head and said thank you, no need, and sat down.

The woman made a pose on the stage and stood motionless. Aqiang walked to the easel and started painting. Sheng Chuncheng saw that the painting on the easel was about two meters high and two meters wide.

, it was very big, and the painting was already halfway finished. Sheng Chuncheng looked at this painting and the shape of the woman, and felt that they looked familiar.

Beside the easel, there was a stand with a painting attached to it. Seeing this painting, Sheng Chuncheng remembered that this painting had already become popular on the Internet. It was the painting called "Venus".

Oil painting of the Nativity.

Aqiang's painting "The Birth of Venus". The Venus in the middle is the woman he is painting now. She is in the same pose as in Botticelli's painting, except that her hair is not golden.

, but his true color appeared, with long black hair.

The shells and the ocean under her feet, the flower gods and wind gods on the left, the forest goddess on the right, and the rest of the entire painting are copied from Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus," except that Aqiang replaced it with this woman.

The Venus in the original painting is missing.

This is the birth of Venus of the East.

This chapter has been completed!
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