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149 Sit in the Passenger Seat

Sitting in the passenger seat, Zhong Xinxin sniffed and shouted: "It smells so good, Dad, did that woman throw herself into my arms?"

"Go away, you're bored." Sheng Chuncheng cursed, and Zhong Xinxin laughed.

Sheng Chuncheng put his seat back, turned sideways, and said to Zhong Xinxin: "I'm so sleepy, call me when you get there."

Zhong Xinxin looked at him and originally wanted to say, "If you're tired, we won't run today, Dad." Running every day already made her feel very stressed and annoyed. If she could take the opportunity to be lazy, then

Very good.

When Zhong Xinxin saw Sheng Chuncheng, she seemed to fall asleep immediately. She squeezed her nose and said nothing.

Sheng Chuncheng closed his eyes, but did not fall asleep. How could he sleep? The fatigue of the whole night was just behind the door. Because of Shanshan's hug and kiss, he disappeared in an instant.

In his heart, there was only excitement and surging heartbeat. He needed to close his eyes to calm himself down.

Everything that had just happened flashed through his mind like a movie. Shanshan's smile and frown, her lips feeling cold when she kissed him, asked, "What do I mean to you," and then said, "Okay."

Well, Sheng Chuncheng didn't know what these meant. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a reason.

He didn't dare to expect that Shanshan would like him, and he couldn't even think of the word love. Let's be realistic, Mr. Sheng, why do you let others like you? A loser with nothing, and a blind person, who is he?

Who would be the people who like her and pursue her?

Do you really believe that there will be miracles in this world? Do you really believe that there is still time for a swan to fall in love with a toad? Only those idiots on the Internet can be so obscene. A poor loser can become a domineering CEO or a son-in-law in one fell swoop.

, if you believe this, your IQ should have been recharged long ago.

Sheng Chuncheng combed through every scene from the first day he met Shanshan to tonight, but he couldn't find out a hint that Shanshan liked or favored him. Sheng Chuncheng sighed secretly.


But he also thought, since Shanshan doesn't like him, what does the action just now mean? At least she doesn't hate herself, right? No one would hate someone and take the initiative to hug him or even kiss him, right?

I didn't force her, let alone use money to buy her hugs and kisses. What does that mean?

Sheng Chuncheng was almost exhausted and couldn't think of a reason.

"Dad, we're here." Zhong Xinxin stopped the car and called out.

Sheng Chuncheng opened his eyes and found that they had arrived at the riverside greenway, so fast?

The two people got out of the car. Zhong Xinxin took the rope from the car and tied it around Sheng Chuncheng's waist. The other end was tied around her own waist. The two people ran forward for a while. Sheng Chuncheng felt that his limbs were weak.

There is no way to support it.

Sheng Chuncheng stopped, and Zhong Xinxin also stopped, panting heavily, and asked him what was wrong?

"No, no, I can't run anymore. I'm too tired today." Sheng Chuncheng took off the rope around his waist and said to Zhong Xinxin, "I have a client later and I need to take a rest."

"There are still customers so late?" Zhong Xinxin was surprised, looked at him and shouted: "Dad, are you working too hard?"

"What should I do? I don't have any mines at home. I only have sweet potatoes in more than an acre of land." Sheng Chuncheng said with a bitter smile, "How can I compare with you, so you should cherish it."

Zhong Xinxin looked at Sheng Chuncheng and squeezed her nose at him.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "I'll sit down for a while, and you can run forward alone, to where we originally ran, and then run back."

Zhong Xinxin looked forward and flinched: "I'm alone, and it's so late?"

"Why, are you still afraid?" Sheng Chuncheng said, "If anything happens, just shout and I will run over."

Zhong Xinxin was still hesitating, but Sheng Chuncheng said: "Okay, you run, I am familiar with this section of the road, I can walk alone, you run forward, I will walk slowly."

Zhong Xinxin said "Oh" and started running forward. After running for more than ten meters, she ran back. Sheng Chuncheng asked her what was wrong?

"You'd better sit down and rest, dad." Zhong Xinxin said, "I'll call you if something happens."

Zhong Xinxin led Sheng Chuncheng to sit on a stool by the river, and she started running forward alone.

Through his sunglasses, Sheng Chuncheng looked at the Qiantang River in front of him and the dark shadows of the buildings across the river. Without the illumination of the lights, these buildings were like thorns piercing the sky.

Sheng Chuncheng thought about what Shanshan would be doing now. Aqiang must still be painting. Now, would Shanshan be sitting on a chair, sticking her toes in the air, shaking her head and listening to music? Or would she be lying on the sofa?

, looking at the phone?

Anyway, when he is thinking of her, it is impossible for her to also be thinking of herself.

Sheng Chuncheng felt a sense of sadness.

I don’t know how long it took, but Sheng Chuncheng heard footsteps approaching from far away, accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing. Without turning around, he knew that Zhong Xinxin was back. After a while,

Zhong Xinxin sat down next to him.

"Run away?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.


"Did you cut corners?" Sheng Chuncheng asked again.

"No, dad." Zhong Xinxin said, Sheng Chuncheng believed her, and Zhong Xinxin would not lie in this regard.

The two sat and rested for a while. Sheng Chuncheng asked Zhong Xinxin if she had rested well.

Zhong Xinxin agreed.

"Send me back when you're ready," Sheng Chuncheng said.

Zhong Xinxin said "Oh", stood up, and stretched out a hand to help Sheng Chuncheng up, as if he was really her father.

Zhong Xinxin sent Sheng Chuncheng to Jingfang District 2. Sheng Chun agreed that she should go back to bed early and play less games. Zhong Xinxin agreed with "oh oh".

Sheng Chuncheng watched her car drive away, and then he rode a shared bicycle back. He was going to go home and take a shower and set off immediately. He didn't lie to Zhong Xinxin. Later, he really had a customer.

I want to go to Xueer's place.

When Sheng Chuncheng returned home, Ding Huamei and Chunni Chunming had already gone to bed. As usual, Sheng Chuncheng closed the door leading to the living room and then turned on the lights in the living room. On the table, there were clothes that Ding Huamei had found for him.


Sheng Chuncheng went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. While brushing his teeth, he thought, why did he still brush his teeth? He was stunned for a moment and shook his head.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Sheng Chuncheng put all the dirty clothes into the washing machine. Sheng Chuncheng put on his backpack. He first turned off the lights in the living room and then opened the door connecting the living room to the room. The room was too small and it would be very depressing if the door was closed.

Sheng Chuncheng tiptoed, opened the door and went out. Standing outside, he turned around, inserted the key into the keyhole, and locked the door.

This chapter has been completed!
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