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159 Shuang Guo

In the eyes of others, Guo Shuang should be a very happy child. She is smart and has inherited her mother's genes. She has been a beauty since she was a child.

Both of his parents were civil servants, and they were the kind of civil servants who made progress every year. When the two of them became leaders of a department in Hangzhou, Guo Shuang was naturally classified as the enviable second tier.

generation class.

Separately speaking, between the two of them, their father is smooth and well-rounded, and is good at handling relationships between up and down, while their mother looks down upon him and thinks he just knows how to mess around. When they quarrel, they scold each other and call him a hooligan.

True character, full of gangster spirit.

But it is such a person who is very comfortable in the workplace or society, and can gain the favor of others. You can classify him as one of your own, so that others will not forget you. When it is beneficial, others will certainly

I will also remember you, you are still one of my own.

Whether it is nominated by the leader or organized by the department to conduct mass evaluation, he will have a good reputation and it is natural for him to be promoted.

On my mother's side, she is the kind of model-type person who is very capable and principled. She is the kind of person who is used by superiors and feels safe and reliable. In addition, she is beautiful and is pleasing to the eye.

Which department will naturally attract people's attention, and departments that attract people's attention will always produce political achievements.

Although at work, she offended many people because of her adherence to principles, but the results of her work show that the flaws cannot be concealed.

Those who talked about her being a loser had to shut up in the face of her achievements. Over the years, in the entire government system, there is a rule that everyone recognizes, that is, every team member needs to have a

If there is a certain proportion of female cadres, Qian will naturally be one of the candidates.

The two people, who both seemed to have a bright future and were successful in the officialdom, were actually two different types of people with different views. One thought the other was too gangster, and the other thought the other was too serious. It was common for the two of them to quarrel.

Outside, both of them look good-looking, more or less pretending, or to put it more elegantly, they both care about their image, but when they get home and close the door, everyone can see each other naked, and no one can

Don't worry so much. You are a leader when you go out, but behind closed doors, you are just like a common citizen.

When Guo Shuang was young, her parents thought she was ignorant. She would speak without scruples in front of her. The three of them would often sit down to eat and eat. The two of them would look at each other displeased and would disagree with each other for a few words.

If they get into an argument, they may even get into a fight.

At this time, Guo Shuang hid in his room, closed the door and cried alone.

After crying, she went out and went to school. She had to pretend to be happy and accept the envious looks of teachers and classmates. Guo Shuang felt that she was a two-faced person and was about to split.

With such parents, Guo Shuang is also well-liked by the teachers at school. The teachers always need help from her parents for some things. The teachers quietly tell Guo Shuang, but Guo Shuang does not dare to tell her mother,

I can only go and talk to my father.

His father always responded to Guo Shuang's requests. For some matters, even if they were related to his mother's department, Guo Shuang would tell his father. After hearing this, his father would not talk to his mother, but would bypass her and go directly to him.

Among her subordinates, if they see that the boss's husband is looking for her, they will of course buy face.

If her mother knew about such a thing, she would definitely be furious when she came back. She knew that her father was being a bad person and invading her territory. How could she let him go? How could she be polite? She couldn't get angry with his subordinates, so she went home.

The anger was directed at his father, forcing him to tell him who he was helping this time.

His father would not betray Guo Shuang, saying that it was Guo Shuang who begged him, but Guo Shuang was in the room, listening to his mother's volcanic roar of filial piety, and was trembling with fear.

When she was in high school, Guo Shuang lived on campus. When she was in school, she was very relaxed. What she was most afraid of was going home on weekends. No one was allowed in the middle school dormitory on Saturdays and Sundays. Even the school's student cafeteria, these two

The school was closed to students every day, and Guo Shuang was most afraid of going home and having to go home.

The same goes for two parents. We are usually busy and often come home late. Often one of us will come home, while the other has already washed up and gone to sleep in his room. When we wake up in the morning, one will often still wash up while the other has already gone out.

After I moved to a new house and the house became bigger, I often couldn't even see him in person.

But on weekends, there is not so much work, and with the introduction of the Eight Regulations in recent years, people need to pay attention to this and that, and there are fewer and fewer social activities, so the two of them spend more time at home.

On Saturdays and Sundays, they spend more time together. More time together means that the two people are more likely to conflict and the frequency of quarrels is more intensive. Guo Shuang goes home almost every weekend, always in

Spent in the smoke of family.

When her parents were quarreling, Guo Shuang would write plans in her room, her death plan. She designed one way to die for herself, and every way to die, without exception, ended up being her parents' death plan.

It ended with regret and tears, which made Guo Shuang feel very happy, but because of his cowardice, these plans were never implemented.

This made Guo Shuang despise herself. She locked all these plans in her desk drawer. This time when her father was in trouble, the police shook out all her plans in front of her mother, which made Guo Shuang feel really shameful and humiliating.


When she was in her second year of high school, her head teacher noticed that something was wrong with Guo Shuang. Sometimes she would be depressed for several days and not talk to anyone. When the teacher asked her something in class, she would just stand up and look at the teacher without saying a word.

No matter how the teacher asked questions, she just didn't speak. The teacher was so angry that he yelled at her and told her to sit down. After she sat down, she just lay there with her head down and cried, and she kept crying.

Sometimes, she was very excited, chattering non-stop, debating with her classmates and teachers. For very simple questions, she would stand up and quote scriptures. She would stand there and talk non-stop for more than ten minutes, which made her very nervous.

In class, no teacher dared to call her by name.

But the teacher didn't call her by name, which couldn't suppress her excitement. When others were answering questions, she would stand up without asking and refute the classmate and the teacher. She was the only one performing for almost half of the class.

, not only the teachers can’t stand it, but the classmates can’t stand it either.

These days, she is like a swollen hedgehog covered with thorns. Whoever messes with her will be in trouble.

The head teacher had seen countless people and knew that there must be something wrong with her mental condition. She called her father and mother, called them all to the school, talked to them seriously, and reminded them that if Guo Shuang was in the current situation,

In addition, the next semester will be the senior year of high school, and the pressure will be even greater. There is a high possibility that Guo Shuang will collapse before taking the college entrance examination.

"It's not that there are no such examples. Among my students, there are two or three like this. One of them had an argument with his classmates in the classroom and jumped directly from the classroom window. That was on the fourth floor."

The head teacher looked at them and said to them.

After hearing what the teacher said and thinking about Guo Shuang's behavior at home, the parents began to be afraid. They understood that their daughter was really sick and had been ignored by them for too long.

The teacher didn't say anything, but her hint was correct. If we were not alert, the second person to jump out of the classroom window would most likely be Guo Shuang.

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