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What does 163 mean?

"What do you mean?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"This is what MacArthur said in his farewell speech in 1951 after he was fired by U.S. President Truman." Professor Zheng said, "In fact, he quoted the school song of West Point Military Academy, 'old soldiers hey just fade away'."

Sheng Chuncheng was waiting for Professor Zheng. He knew that the old lady must have something to say later. When he heard this, the first thing he thought of was not Lao Wan, but Sister Chen, who was gradually withering away. This word was so appropriate and so sad.

When the old lady said this, she did feel quite sentimental. She started studying economics when she was young. At that time, not many people in the country were interested in economics and felt that there was something good to learn about economics.

It’s not just about doing what the superiors tell you, and the people below follow suit. There are still many people who even equate economics with accounting. Learning economics means learning how to make accounts.

Since she was young, the old lady has regarded domestic enterprises, especially the enterprises and enterprise groups in front of her, such as the Wenzhou enterprise group and the Shaoxing enterprise group, as the objects of her own research and observation. She has a deep understanding of Lao Wan and his generation.

Entrepreneurs can be said to be well understood. After so many years, entrepreneurs of that generation have been caught and caught, and many have disappeared.

However, the research on them has not been brought to the forefront. There has been no more in-depth discussion. There are only some exaggerators who summarize them with the phrase "big defeat". In fact, it is not that simple.

The rise and decline of every company are due to fate. There are major policy reasons, reasons for industrial substitution and orientation, as well as personal factors of entrepreneurs, and they are decisive factors in every case.

If we continue to study them, they are all good topics, and there are many things that policymakers and other entrepreneurs can learn from and learn from.

But it’s no use. Everyone is eager to copy foreign things, especially those so-called masters who claim to be engaged in corporate grand strategy. They are all porters of terms and concepts. No one pays attention to what is in front of them. They don’t know that these things are actually

, and these entrepreneurs, whether they succeed or fail, they are the real wealth.

When Lu Guanqiu of Wanxiang Group passed away, Professor Zheng felt sad. When Chen Jinyi of Jinyi Group disappeared, she also felt sad, including Jude Dao and Yuan Boren. When their Daoyuan Group and Zongheng Group had trouble, Professor Zheng also felt sad.

, these have all been her research subjects, and she has had face-to-face communication with them more than once.

It is true that talented people emerge from generation to generation, and it is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. It is also true to count the famous people and look at the present. But if everyone only rushes forward in a hurry, they don't know if they occasionally look back and look behind. Those talented people

People and waves are destined to be beaten to death on the beach. There will be no exceptions. There are rules for many things.

The movement of the universe follows the laws of the universe, and the ups and downs of economic activities also have their own rules. In recent years, there have been some very bad and worrying signs. Some people have actually begun to vigorously praise the planned economy and whitewash it.

Isn't it funny that we all have experienced past failures, and you still want to resurrect something that has been proven wrong?

Professor Zheng feels that these people are not stupid, but bad, so bad that they are irresponsible and just for their own selfish interests. They want to fish in troubled waters. Unfortunately, there are still some 250-year-olds who follow these people and wave the flag. They don’t know

, the situation we are in today was the result of fighting a bloody road back then.

Do you think that this country, by humming songs and dancing, will naturally become a powerful country that no one dares to underestimate? There are so many people's hard work and sacrifices here, including those,

A person who was easily led away by the words "big defeat".

"Do you think Lao Wan is really that willing to live in retirement?" Professor Zheng asked, "Ask him if he can play golf, talk about Buddhism and Taoism, or even sit down.

Have a good time drinking tea and writing."

As the old lady spoke, Sheng Chuncheng thought that he had never seen these things before, whether in Lao Wan's old office or at his home. Sheng Chuncheng said:

"I haven't even heard of him."

"Our entrepreneurs in Zhejiang are actually born with deficiencies." Professor Zheng said, "Zhejiang has neither policy dividends nor resource advantages. Unlike other places, especially those bosses in Beijing, who can run a department

When money comes in, or various policy dividends are blended, the bosses in Zhejiang can only work hard, and it's all done through hard work.

"Back then, I was talking about being a boss during the day and sleeping on the floor at night. I was talking about the bosses in Wenzhou. About thirty years ago, something happened in a city in Hebei. For the first time, this city launched a batch of human-powered tricycles.

The auction was open to the whole society, but as a result, no local people participated in the auction, and even the laid-off workers looked down upon them and were unwilling to ride a three-wheeler.

"As a result, all these license plates were snatched away by people from Wenzhou and Taizhou. The prices were very cheap, including when Hainan was established as a province. I went to Hainan at that time, and found in Haikou that there were shoes shining on the roadside every few meters on Haixiu Road.

They are all from Taizhou. Whenever I talk about Zhejiang people in Haikou, people’s first reaction is, do you Zhejiang people polish your shoes well?

"How do they know that Zhejiang has no resources and no fields? 'Seven mountains, one water and two fields'. This small amount of land cannot support so many people at all. They are forced to go out to find a way to survive. Those who went to other places to trample

I haven’t seen any data on the Wenzhou and Taizhou people who shine shoes on Sanlu, so I don’t know how many of them later became bosses.

"Boss like Lao Wan also worked hard in this way. He can be said to have been dragged off the battlefield for Wanhui International and to balance the relationship within the family. He has no other hobbies.

Do you think he is willing to leave his office? Do you think he will really enjoy his retirement life?

"Retirement, for him, means that he is old and can just eat and drink and die. Do you really think he will be happy?"

When the old lady talked about it, she was a little bit vicious. Sheng Chuncheng felt that she was not only talking about Lao Wan, but also about herself. So even though she retired, she still missed the forum so much that she wanted to talk to the students whenever she had the chance.

"Battling", she is not going to "quarrel", that is her return to her battlefield.

When Lao Wan left the company, it was probably as if he was falling out of love. Half of his body was cut off abruptly. He didn't have any other hobbies. If Xiaoya and Xiaomei weren't around him, Lao Wan might have become worse quickly.

While nagging, you will also grow old quickly.

This is probably the reason why Mr. Fang made such an arrangement and Wan Jianfang and the others had no objection.

Although very bloody.

This chapter has been completed!
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