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013 received

After receiving his first income after starting a business, yes, Sheng Chuncheng regarded what he was doing now as starting a business. After receiving the money, Sheng Chuncheng was not as happy as he imagined, but rather depressed. After an hour,

If you keep pressing one leg like this, what are you happy about?

Sheng Chuncheng was about to leave. Zhong Xinxin looked at him with a pitiful expression and asked in an almost begging tone:

"Um, um, can you come again next time? Let's have another massage?"

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head: "No."

Zhong Xinxin was about to cry and asked anxiously: "Why?"

Sheng Chuncheng was silent for a while and then said, "You don't respect my work enough. I feel a little hurt by you."

"Why don't I respect you?" Zhong Xinxin shouted.

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and asked, "Do you think we were getting a massage just now?"

Zhong Xinxin's face turned red, and she murmured: "What should I do? Do I have to lie there and be touched here and there by you?"

Sheng Chuncheng was amused by her. He shook his head and said:

"If you go to the hospital with a stomachache, does the doctor want to touch your stomach? Is he trying to be a gangster or is he working? Of course he is working. I am a masseur. Our work is the same as that of doctors. Massage, that is.

You have to press and touch the client, otherwise, why would you call a masseur?"

Zhong Xinxin was speechless by Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng continued: "To be honest, in my opinion, what you need is not a masseur at all, but someone who can play games with you."

Zhong Xinxin turned gray and muttered: "It would be great if there was such a person."

"So, you're just using me to make up for it?" Sheng Chuncheng asked with a smile.

"No, no, it's really not, don't get me wrong, I just want to talk to someone." Zhong Xinxin was really anxious and said her true thoughts.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "But I'm sitting here and you haven't talked to me. You've been applying paint..."

Sheng Chuncheng stopped abruptly, "My dear, you are exposed. Can't you see it? How do you know that she has been applying paint and playing "Splatoon 2"?

Fortunately, Zhong Xinxin didn't pay attention. She just smiled sheepishly and said in her heart, isn't she nervous and doesn't know what to say?

"From the time I came in until now, the most talked about thing between us is now. Do you admit it or not?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

Zhong Xinxin continued to laugh, and suddenly thought of it and asked: "Hey, how do you know what game I am playing?"

Sure enough, the secret was really revealed. However, just at this moment, Sheng Chuncheng had already figured out how to evade it. He said calmly:

"Listen to the sound, I have several customers who are playing this game. They told me what this game is like, but I don't call it "Splatoon 2"."

"Then what do you call it?"

"I call it "The Decoration Master". Isn't it just a group of painters competing to see who can move faster and paint more areas?"

Zhong Xinxin laughed horribly, her chest rising and falling, and her head bouncing up and down. Sheng Chuncheng was very worried that she would not be able to catch her breath if she laughed like this.

Sheng Chuncheng did call "Splatoon" "Decoration Master", but that was when he was still studying in college. At that time, he was not playing "Splatoon 2", but "Splatoon 1". Reading

At that time, Sheng Chuncheng was also a game fan, but now, it has been many years since he played a game, and he doesn’t even know what games are popular now.

"Okay, then next time you come, I won't play games." Zhong Xinxin's face turned red, and she continued: "I'll just lie there and let you do whatever you want."

Sheng Chuncheng didn't respond, and Zhong Xinxin begged: "Is it okay? Is it okay?"

Sheng Chuncheng nodded and said, "Okay, let's do the massage seriously. Of course, we can talk during the massage. Also, if you cooperate, I can also help you."

"Can you help me? What can you help me with?" Zhong Xinxin asked.

"Isn't your WeChat name 'I want to lose weight'? I can help you lose weight."

Zhong Xinxin's neck turned red and she felt a little annoyed. However, she looked at Sheng Chuncheng. When the blind man said this, he looked serious and did not mean to laugh at her at all. Zhong Xinxin asked:

"Did you lie to me? Massage can also help you lose weight?"

"Of course." Sheng Chuncheng said, "There are many reasons why people are obese. Some are due to blocked meridians, and some are due to abnormal metabolism. There is too much... garbage accumulated in the body that the human body does not need. There are many more.

It’s because there is too much moisture in the body. These can be solved through massage, cupping, back brushing, etc. By the way, I said don’t be angry.”

"you say."

"How much do you weigh now?"

Zhong Xinxin said softly: "More than one hundred and eighty."

"Okay, let's set a goal first. The first step is to find a way to reduce it to 160, okay?"

"Really?" Zhong Xinxin shouted, "You promised to come?"

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said: "Of course, otherwise why would we set a goal?"

"Okay, okay, okay." Zhong Xinxin spit out a string of "good" words.

Sheng Chuncheng stood up and said goodbye. Zhong Xinxin saw him off. When he walked to the door, Sheng Chuncheng saw the pile of garbage. He stopped, pretending to suddenly remember, and asked:

"By the way, when I came in earlier, I seemed to have kicked a can. Let me take a guess, is there a lot of garbage piled up in your house?"

Zhong Xinxin's face suddenly turned red again, and she quickly defended, no, it was just some cardboard boxes that were dismantled from the express delivery.

"You pack them all up and I can help you take them down," Sheng Chuncheng said.

Zhong Xinxin stood still, and Sheng Chuncheng said: "Hurry up, how can people live with garbage? We have to eliminate the garbage in the body and the garbage in life, hurry up."

Zhong Xinxin said "Oh", obediently found a few big black garbage bags, and began to clean up the garbage at the foot of the wall. Sheng Chuncheng stood there looking at her, feeling a little panicked. He didn't know why, but he felt that he had never changed from this life.

Worry-free, it should be that the rich second generation sees something that they have experienced before, and that is the smell of loneliness.

He felt that although she lived in such a high-end house, her heart always seemed to be wandering in the wilderness, in the hidden depths of this city. In this city, almost no one cared about what she was thinking.

What are you doing? Just like no one cares about what is hidden behind their sunglasses.

Sheng Chuncheng seemed to smell a familiar scent from her. This girl was not a few years older than his sister Sheng Chunni.
This chapter has been completed!
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