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187 When the Phone Rings

When the phone rang, Sheng Chuncheng was massaging Lao Wan, and his blind mobile phone kept calling:

"Xiao Ma called you. Xiao Ma called you."

Sheng Chuncheng was shocked. Although Xiao Ma's phone number was stored in his mobile phone, Xiao Ma had never called him. If he called him at this time, it must be because Professor Zheng had something to do with him.

Sheng Chuncheng said to Lao Wan: "Lao Wan, can I answer the phone?"

Lao Wan said: "Just take it."

Sheng Chuncheng picked up his blind mobile phone and swiped his finger from left to right. Xiao Ma's voice sounded on the phone:

"Master Sheng, where are you?"

Sheng Chuncheng said, I am here with the client, Xiaoma, what can I do?

"Can you come here? Professor Zheng wants to meet you." Xiao Ma said.

Sheng Chuncheng agreed that I would go over to give Teacher Zheng a massage tomorrow. According to the plan, Sheng Chuncheng was not supposed to go over until the day after tomorrow.

"No, no, Master Sheng, Professor Zheng is not at home, but at Zhejiang No. 1 Hospital."

"Ah!" Sheng Chuncheng was startled and asked quickly: "Teacher Zheng is hospitalized? What disease? Is it serious?"

"It's quite serious. She needs an operation tomorrow, so she said she wanted to see you today." Xiao Ma said.

"Okay, I'll be right over in a minute. Send me your ward number," Sheng Chuncheng said.

Lao Wan kept watching Sheng Chuncheng talking on the phone. When he finished, Lao Wan asked: "Who is Professor Zheng?"

"From the School of Metrology," Sheng Chuncheng said.

"Is that the old lady who likes to talk a lot?" Lao Wan asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, and she said she knew you too.

"We know each other so well!" Lao Wan said and sat up. Sheng Chuncheng walked over and wanted to continue massaging Lao Wan. After the massage, he rushed to the hospital. Lao Wan waved his hand: "I won't do it, I won't do it, Xiaoya

, get me dressed quickly, Xiaosheng, I will go to the hospital with you."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

They rushed to Zhejiang No. 1 Hospital, Xiaoya went to park the car, Lao Wan and Sheng Chuncheng got off the car, and hurried to the inpatient building. They stood there, waiting to take the elevator upstairs. The elevator door opened, and Xiao Ma and Sheng Chuncheng came out of the door.

Their dean and principal, the dean knew Lao Wan, and when he saw them he shouted:

"Mr. Wan, why are you here?"

Lao Wan glared at him and cursed: "Why am I here? Let me ask you, why didn't you tell me that the old lady was hospitalized? Did you forget about me when I retired?"

The dean smiled awkwardly, and Lao Wan added:

"Fortunately, you are still the old lady's student. When the old lady brought you to our company, your hair had not even grown yet!"

After scolding them, he ignored them and pulled Sheng Chuncheng into the elevator. Xiao Ma looked at Lao Wan and the others, then at the principal and dean. The principal raised his right hand and waved outward, signaling Xiao Ma to accompany Lao Wan and the others up.

, Xiao Ma quickly followed the elevator.

"What's wrong with Teacher Zheng?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"Laryngeal cancer, I'm going to have surgery tomorrow as planned," Xiao Ma said.

"Is it serious? No, no, I mean early, middle or late stage?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

Xiao Ma said: "The cancer cells haven't spread yet, so it's still too late for surgery."

"What do you mean by going as planned?" Lao Wan asked Xiao Ma.

"Teacher Ning came over from the United States. According to her opinion, she wanted to take Teacher Zheng to the United States for treatment." Xiao Ma said, "But Teacher Zheng refused, and the two of them were frozen."

Sheng Chuncheng told Lao Wan that Teacher Ning was Professor Zheng’s daughter. Lao Wan nodded and understood.

Three people walked into the ward. Professor Zheng was half lying on the hospital bed. Sitting next to him was a woman with a good temperament and in her forties. She was not sure. Maybe her actual age was older than she looked. She was

Professor Zheng’s daughter.

Seeing Lao Wan and the others coming in, Professor Zheng's eyes lit up. She sat up and shouted: "Oh, oh, Lao Wan, this is so rare. I haven't seen each other in many years."

Lao Wan walked a few steps over and said to Professor Zheng: "You still have the nerve to say this. You used to come to my place every month, dragging me and begging me non-stop. I couldn't drive you away. Why didn't you see me anymore?"

Now, do you look down on me, Lao Wan?"

Professor Zheng laughed and said: "How dare I, a poor teacher, look down on your big boss? It's because your business has grown so big that I'll understand and won't bother you anymore. Do you understand melon fields and plum trees? I'm afraid of being criticized."

, I’m going to beat your autumn wind.”

"I'm not afraid." Lao Wan said, "Others came and sat down to talk. I was thinking that when he got to the fifth or sixth sentence, he was going to talk about cooperation. What is cooperation, isn't it?

Do you want me to pay for a sponsorship? I'm not afraid if you come. I know you won't say such a thing even if you say a thousand words. If I take the initiative to sponsor you, I will get scolded by you. You are smelly and tough.


"Oh, oh, oh, you old man, you cursed me and even came into my ward." Professor Zheng shouted.

Everyone in the ward laughed. The woman came over, held Sheng Chuncheng's hand, and said to him:

"You are Xiaosheng, right? My mother told me that you two get along very well."

Sheng Chuncheng quickly said: "You are Sister Ning, right? Thank you Sister Ning. I receive a lot of education every time I go to Teacher Zheng."

Speaking of which, Sister Ning was Sheng Chuncheng's real client. She found Sheng Chuncheng on the Internet after being introduced by a friend, and asked Sheng Chuncheng to give Professor Zheng a massage. She should call Sheng Chuncheng in advance for the monthly massage fee.


"Boy, when you say nice things about people and flatter others, just speak louder so that the person you flatter them can hear you, do you know?" Professor Zheng shouted, and everyone laughed again.

Although she was in the ward and lying on the hospital bed, Professor Zheng looked cheerful and did not look like a patient at all. Lao Wan asked her:

"Are you okay?"

"Okay, okay, Lao Wan, let me tell you, oh, my luck shouldn't be too good."

Professor Zheng smiled and said, Lao Wan and Sheng Chun Cheng were confused. They both have cancer. How lucky are they?

Professor Zheng continued: "Let me tell you, these cancer cells are in the human body. Once they become diseased, they will kill people. Haha, when you come here, if you see it, it is just laryngeal cancer. What is laryngeal cancer? It's not a big deal.

Yes, just cut it off and it will be fine. Oh wow, my mouth must be too bad, so God gave me throat cancer and taught me a lesson.

"It's not liver cancer, lung cancer, or brain cancer. Those are the ones that really kill people. Oh boy, my test results came out that day. I was so happy when I saw them. I remembered what you said to me. Boy, do you still remember?

What words?"

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head.

Before Professor Zheng could say anything, she started laughing. After she finished laughing, she continued:

"You said that King Yama didn't dare to accept me because he was afraid that I would quarrel with him. Look, in the end, he gave me throat cancer and taught me a lesson, but he couldn't take my life. Look, it was

It’s not that you’re right, he’s just afraid that I’ll quarrel with him.”

"Look at God and King Yama, are they the same person?" Lao Wan asked.

"Oh, how do I know? I've never seen them, but have you?" Professor Zheng said with a smile, "Anyway, they are just afraid of my bad mouth."

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