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189 Talking about it

"Having said that, this doctor's surgery has little to do with medicine. It's just a craft. Just like the pianist playing the piano, it doesn't matter whether he understands art or not. Playing the piano is a craft, and the one who composes is the artist. The one who plays the piano is

Show off other people's artistic creations while this doctor performs surgery..."

"What on earth do you want to say?" Sister Ning knew that Professor Zheng was about to start a long speech again, so she interrupted her and asked.

"I said that surgery is a craft, just like massage. Think about it, doctors in the United States only perform a few surgeries a day, but doctors here only perform several surgeries a day. Craftsmanship is everywhere.

It’s the same, practice makes perfect, that is, the same one percent error rate, that is, the base number here is large, the base number there is small, and the risk coefficient here is lower.”

Professor Zheng's remarks made people dumbfounded. Lao Wan looked at Sister Ning, smiled and shook his head.

Professor Zheng looked at her daughter and continued: "Isn't it just a cut in the throat? What a big deal, oh, you want me to take a long flight with a neck full of cancer cells, even if I am an old woman

If you can hold it in, you won’t be afraid that the cancer cells won’t be able to hold it in and will come out.”

Several other people couldn't help but laugh when they heard this. Sister Ning stared at Professor Zheng, furious, and breathed out with her last breath:

"Okay, okay, you don't have to rack your brains and talk nonsense, just do it here."

When Lao Wan heard that Sister Ning was persuaded by Professor Zheng, he stood up and said, "Then I'll make arrangements. I'm here and I have a few acquaintances."

Sister Ning quickly said, thank you Mr. Wan!

Lao Wan waved his hand and walked out of the ward.

Xiao Ma went to the refrigerator in the ward, took two bottles of water, handed one to Sister Ning, and gave another to Sheng Chuncheng. She asked Professor Zheng:

"Teacher Zheng, do you want some water?"

"No, it's troublesome to have to go to the toilet after drinking." Professor Zheng said.

Sister Ning scolded: "You can't even refuse to drink water just to avoid going to the toilet. You are so old and still act like a child."

Xiao Ma and Sheng Chuncheng chuckled.

Sister Ning opened the water in her hand, took the disposable cup on the bedside table, poured half of the cup, took out a straw from a pack of straws on the side and inserted it into the cup, then brought the straw close to Professor Zheng's mouth.



"Oh, it's not like I can't move my hands and feet. I still need you to feed me. If you want to feed me so much, I'll have to wait a few more years." Professor Zheng took the cup from his daughter's hand and said, "I'll drink it myself."

Sister Ning watched Professor Zheng sucking water and sighed. Professor Zheng looked at her and said dissatisfiedly:

"I've told you not to come. What's the big deal? When you come, you'll just sigh and be dejected."

"You are my mother, you are my daughter, I don't care who cares about you." Sister Ning scolded.

"Oh, oh, oh, okay, okay, it's up to you." Professor Zheng said with a smile.

Sister Ning took the cup from Professor Zheng and put it on the bedside table. She then opened the bottle of water, took a sip, moved the stool towards the hospital bed, and then sat down.

Sister Ning asked Xiao Ma and Sheng Chuncheng to sit on the sofa not far from the bed. Xiao Ma led Sheng Chuncheng over and sat down.

Sister Ning and Professor Zheng said: "Mom, I will obey you about the operation. When the operation is completed and I am discharged, please stop being stubborn this time and listen to me for once, okay?"

"Why do I listen to you?" Professor Zheng asked.

"I'm really worried if I come back to the United States with you and leave you here alone." Sister Ning said.

"Let me make it clear, you are the one who is going back, and I am going." Professor Zheng shook his head, "I won't go. What do you have to worry about? If the cancer cells are removed, everything will be fine."

"Why are you so resistant to going to the United States? What's wrong with the United States? How many people are eager to go to the United States as soon as they retire, and they are afraid that they will not be able to apply," Sister Ning asked.

Professor Zheng said: "They are them, and I am me. I don't like it, and I don't like it either. If you ask me, you might as well come back. Didn't the principal also welcome you back? In my opinion, your family really should come back."


"What can I do when I come back?"

"Whatever you do in the United States, you can do whatever you want when you come back. Why, teaching in the United States is fine, but coming back to teach will make you feel wronged? If you are willing to come back and think our school is too small, I can help you contact Zhejiang University."

Professor Zheng said: "The United States no longer has Washington or Franklin. As it is now, a bunch of high school students are running the country, and it will only go downhill. There is no hope. You might as well go back to the country as soon as possible."

Xiao Ma couldn't help it anymore and asked: "Teacher Zheng, why do you say that high school students run the country in the United States?"

"Xiao Ma, don't listen to her nonsense." Sister Ning said.

"Why am I talking nonsense? Am I wrong?" Professor Zheng said, "Look at these recent politicians in the United States, any of them is not a child of a rich family. He went to an expensive private school since he was a child. After finishing middle school, he went to

Why are they on the Ivy League? Their entire growth process has been completely out of touch with the bottom class and they have no idea of ​​the sufferings of the people.

"Their understanding of the world is also reckless and rude. Look at Wang Ding and Pompeo. Look at their behavior. What are they other than the kind of high school boy who likes to bully others?

And the new Blinken, wow, look at him traveling around, making quick decisions, and completely treating himself like MSG. When I come, you have to shout, that's how he behaves."

"Why do you talk so much nonsense?" Sister Ning asked.

"Oh, I'm going to have throat surgery. I don't know if I can still speak after the surgery. Why don't you let me talk to my heart's content?" Professor Zheng asked back.

Sister Ning was stunned for a moment, then she said in a slower tone: "I'm sorry, I mean, why do you care about those high school students or not? What's your relationship with them? You're going to be with us, with you."

The granddaughters are together."

"How is it possible that there is no boundary?" Professor Zheng asked, "Do you think the United States is cuter or more annoying now than when you first went to school? The actions of politicians can affect the temperament of a country.

Yes, to be honest, do you feel safer or less safe when you go out alone now?

"My two daughters go to school every day. Are you worried that they will be bullied by their fair-skinned and dark-skinned classmates because of the color of their skin? Are you worried that there will be a school shooting in their school?"

"Also, isn't Chen Gang from MIT your senior at Berkeley? Don't you still get together every year? Aren't you worried that what happened to him will also happen to you? You are still worried about me, to be honest

Well, I'm here and worrying about you every day."

Sister Ning remained silent while Lao Wan led three or four people in from the door. They were the vice president and department director of the hospital, as well as Professor Zheng's attending doctor.

Lao Wan and Sister Ning said, "Xiao Ning, why don't you arrange the surgery tomorrow afternoon?"

Sister Ning nodded and said yes.

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