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190 Second afternoon

In the afternoon of the next day, Sheng Chuncheng was supposed to go to Yangbatou to serve a customer, but Sheng Chuncheng decided to go. After lunch, he went to Zhejiang No. 1 Hospital early in the morning. Of course, Sister Ning was in Professor Zheng's ward. Xiao Ma and

The dean of their college is also there.

Not long after Sheng Chuncheng arrived, Lao Wan also arrived. Professor Zheng was very happy to see them and said with a smile:

"Oh, everyone is here, we can hold a memorial service."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Several people shouted almost in unison, startling the old lady.

"It won't work even if I have a bad mouth again?" the old lady asked.

"No!" Xiao Ma said.

Professor Zheng looked at the dean and asked, "You must be extremely happy. It will be impossible for this old lady to scold you so eloquently next time."

"Don't say that, Teacher Zheng." The dean, a grown man, had red eyes: "I want the teacher to scold me every day. I just want to be scolded."

Professor Zheng looked at him, fell silent, and finally sighed softly.

The results of the operation, both the old lady and them, were very clear, and the doctor had already explained it to them.

For this surgery, depending on the location and size of the tumor, it is no longer possible to remove cancer cells through minimally invasive surgery. The current plan is to perform partial laryngeal resection. If this is the case, the swallowing and vocal functions of the larynx can be preserved, but there will still be

The impact, especially on vocalization, will be abnormal compared with the original sound, and the swallowing function requires rehabilitation training before it can be fully restored.

There is also the worst possibility that they should be prepared for, that is, if it is discovered that the location and size of the tumor are larger than expected, then total laryngectomy surgery will be performed, that is, the organ that produces speech will be removed.

I can no longer speak, that's for sure.

However, a voice tube can be implanted later, and through esophageal pronunciation training and customizing the larynx, appropriate compensation can be made, allowing the patient to make a certain sound and communicate with relatives and friends on a daily basis.

As soon as Professor Zheng heard yesterday that a voice tube and a custom-made larynx would be implanted in the esophagus, she rejected the plan. She said no, I would rather be a mute than implant a voice tube and have to train to speak.

, Wow, that’s hilarious. I’m not a three-year-old kid.

She looked at Sheng Chuncheng and said jokingly: "Boy, when I become mute, we will be in the same group."

Sheng Chuncheng looked at her, but he really couldn't laugh. He couldn't imagine how uncomfortable it would be for an old lady who was so talkative and liked to "quarrel" with others if she couldn't speak. I'm afraid it would really happen.

I was suffocated to death by so many words.

Professor Zheng was sent to the operating room. Several people waited uneasily outside. They waited for more than two hours. The doctor came out first and told them that the operation was completed and successful. Only a partial laryngectomy was performed.

After Teacher Zheng recovered, she had no problems speaking and swallowing.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Sister Ning turned around and put her right hand on the wall, her head lying on her arm. Her body kept twitching and she cried silently. Pony's eyes were red and she hugged her.

, constantly comforting.

Lao Wan looked at Xiao Ma and the dean of his college and said to him: "Just wait and continue to be scolded."

The dean chuckled and said, "I do. I'm used to being scolded by teachers. I really feel itchy if I don't get scolded for three days."

Sheng Chuncheng sat there, looking at the white wall opposite through his sunglasses. He felt that he had to hold back to prevent his tears from flowing out.

Twenty minutes later, the anesthesia had worn off, and Professor Zheng was pushed out. Her entire neck was wrapped in gauze, and her head seemed to grow out of the gauze. When she saw them, she smiled and extended her arms.

Two fingers made a victory gesture.

"Take a group photo, take a group photo, Teacher Zheng, let's take a group photo."

Xiao Ma shouted, everyone thought Xiao Ma's suggestion was very good. Several people squatted down and squatted around the cart. Xiao Ma gave his cell phone to the nurse. They looked at Teacher Zheng on the cart and all agreed.

Xiao Ma picked up Sheng Chuncheng's right hand and made a "V" gesture, and the nurse froze the scene.

Professor Zheng stayed in the hospital for more than a week and was ready to be discharged. For more than a week, it was a tug-of-war between her and her daughter. Her daughter still persuaded her to go to the United States with her, but Professor Zheng kept shaking his head and saying nothing.


After being discharged from the hospital, Professor Zheng was able to start taking liquid food and could speak. However, her voice was completely different from before, becoming hoarse and harsh. Teacher Zheng disliked it. She said it sounded like the voice of a devil. She herself

It takes a lot of effort to speak, and it also takes a lot of effort to listen.

Therefore, now that she can stop talking, she doesn't bother to refute anything her daughter says to her, and just keeps shaking her head.

When Professor Zheng was hospitalized, her daughter had a room in the Wuyang Hotel diagonally across the street, and she and Xiao Ma took turns going to the hospital to stay with her. There were nurses in the hospital, but they always felt that they were still indispensable, and the old lady was unwilling to do so now.

She talks, but likes to listen to them talk, especially her daughter who keeps nagging about going to the United States. She feels disgusted when she listens to it, but she is happy at the same time.

I know my daughter really cares about her.

After she was discharged from the hospital and returned home, her daughter discovered that her mother had known for a long time that she had been hospitalized and that her daughter had come from the United States. After she was discharged, she would definitely ask to take her to the United States. Professor Zheng simply cut off his passport.

, the visa is valid for ten years, and she is worried that her daughter will take her on the plane while she is still unconscious, so she might as well get it done once and for all.

The daughter was so angry that she had no choice but to ask her mother to apply for a new passport. She refused even to the death, and the daughter was helpless.

Fortunately, she stayed at home for more than a week. Her mother recovered quickly and she can take care of herself. There is no need to worry about this. The hospital also plans to send a school janitor to Professor Zheng to take charge of her daughter after she leaves.

The old lady refused to take the living, so Xiao Ma volunteered and said she would live at Teacher Zheng's house.

Anyway, she lives in the dormitory and is alone. She lives with Teacher Zheng. Teacher Zheng does not need anyone to take care of her during the day. If anything happens at night, she will be there so that the hospital and Sister Ning can rest assured.

The daughter postponed her vacation twice more, and when it came to the point where she could no longer take any more leave, she could only leave her mother to Xiao Ma and Sheng Chuncheng, go back to the United States, and then bring the whole family back during the Christmas vacation.

During this period, Sheng Chuncheng went to Jiliang University several times and gave Professor Zheng a massage. However, he could no longer listen to the old lady's nagging. The old lady now hated the sound of her own voice, and if she wrote it out with a pen, Sheng Chuncheng would also

Unable to see it, their communication was interrupted, which made Sheng Chuncheng a little regretful.

However, as long as the old lady is in good health, he is happier than anything else.

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