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201 Sheng Chuncheng rushes to Tuxiangyuan Hotel

When Sheng Chuncheng rushed to the Tuxiangyuan Hotel, Mr. Liu and Mr. Liu Ligan had already arrived. Along with him, there was a woman, Mr. Mi, the general manager of their "Renjia Tourism".

The two fat men sitting next to them were one from the security guard at the "Dynamic Zone" below, and the other from the "Jinxiu Service" Group Company, a staff member of the property management office of a certain community.

Sheng Chuncheng was shocked when he saw Mr. Liu. He thought he was late. He looked at the time quietly and saw that it was only six forty-five. Then he felt relieved and realized that it was not him who was late, but Mr. Liu who was doing something.

, not only likes to do things personally, but also wants to be ahead of others. If you say you do it, you really do it, and you must do it seriously.

Sheng Chuncheng knew that next time, he should be earlier. He would rather he wait for Mr. Liu than let Mr. Liu wait for him.

Liu Ligan asked the two fat men to go to the private room to change clothes first. After five minutes, the three of them walked to the private room. There were two massage tables side by side in the private room. There was also a scale by the wall after entering. The two fat men were already there.

I changed into two identical pairs of beach shorts and two old men's shirts, and sat on the massage table.

Liu Lipole greeted the two of them, came over to weigh them one by one, and then wrote down today's date and the weight of Fatty A and Fatty B in a book beside him. Of the two fatties, one weighed 232.7 pounds.

, and there is another one who weighs 198.5 kilograms. This guy who weighs 198.5 kilograms looks a little fatter than the one who weighs more than 230 kilograms.

Liu Ligan patted him on the stomach and cursed: "Is your stomach full of straw?"

The fat man chuckled.

Liu Ligan told them, from now on, you will weigh yourself every day. If the scale is accurate, write your weight down here every day. Do you understand?

The two fat men made it clear.

"By the way, change your clothes before weighing yourself every day, and don't put your mobile phone keys or anything else in your pants pockets." Liu Ligan said, "Also, what should you eat every day, and how much you usually eat, will be the same in the next few days.

Eat as much as you want, don’t just eat better or more just because you have been given subsidies these days and your income is high, do you understand?”

The two fat men nodded repeatedly and understood.

Sheng Chuncheng also understood that Mr. Liu's request was to make his verification more objective.

"Xiao Sheng, can we start?" Liu Ligan asked Sheng Chuncheng.

Sheng Chuncheng said it was okay.

Sheng Chuncheng started massaging Fatty A. Fatty B was still sitting on the massage bed when he started, watching Sheng Chuncheng massaging another fatty with joy. After watching it for a while, he felt it was boring and fell down to play with his mobile phone.

Liu Ligan and Mr. Mi always stood on the side, watching Sheng Chuncheng massage.

Liu Ligan asked Sheng Chuncheng: "We are watching from the side, aren't you afraid that we will steal your skills?"

"Don't be afraid." Sheng Chuncheng said, "What you can see is only superficial."

"Oh, why?" Liu Ligan asked with interest.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "Acupuncture points are really just one point. Being able to accurately find that point depends on experience. We cannot confirm whether we have found that point by constantly asking customers whether it hurts or if they are sore.

"Finding that point accurately depends on experience. The technique and intensity of pressing the acupoints also depend on experience. Everyone's fat structure and thickness are different, so your technique and intensity will be different. The technique and intensity must be just right.

The effect can only be achieved by pressing acupoints, which you cannot see.

"It's like two people playing badminton. A ball is thrown in front of the net. Both people have obviously caught it, and the strength of the ball is about the same. But one ball passed the net and the other ball fell into the net. The same half-high ball, two people's techniques

They were the same, but the one who seemed to hit the ball with greater force landed the ball in bounds, and the other one's ball landed outside of bounds."

"You mean, it relies on skill?" Mr. Mi asked.

Sheng Chuncheng is right, you really have to be smart when pressing acupuncture points, otherwise you will tire yourself to death, but the actual effect will not be achieved.

"If you say this, doesn't it mean that no one else can learn from it?" Liu Ligan asked.

"If you start from the basic skills and master them, and then I teach you why this acupuncture point needs to be fingered in this way and with such strength, you will understand it. If you understand it and learn it, you can learn it, like Mr. Liu

You definitely won’t be able to learn this kind of thing,” Sheng Chuncheng said with a smile.

"Haha, why? Is it because I'm stupid?" Liu Ligan asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "No, it's because Mr. Liu is disdainful. Why would you spend so much time learning basic skills, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you need to go home and give your wife a massage every day, then I can teach you a set of techniques that don't require basic skills." Sheng Chuncheng said, "If you want to learn this, you still have to learn it from scratch. You won't be able to spend the time."

This time cost.”

Both Liu Ligan and Mr. Mi laughed, and Liu Ligan said: "Yes, Xiao Sheng, you are very good at talking, and people who can talk have high emotional intelligence. Your customers like your style, and your business will definitely be good."


Sheng Chuncheng was slightly surprised and realized that it turned out that Mr. Liu seemed to be chatting with him, but in fact he had been inspecting him. No wonder he wanted to bring this female Mr. Mi here too. Is this a joint inspection?

After Sheng Chuncheng massaged one fat man and was about to massage the second fat man, Mr. Liu and Mr. Mi were about to leave. Liu Lipole patted Sheng Chuncheng on the shoulder and said to him:

"Wish you good luck."

Mr. Liu and Mr. Mi left, and the two fat men lay there and started chatting. Sheng Chuncheng occasionally intervened and asked a few questions. The content of the chat between the three people was naturally inseparable from Mr. Liu who had just left. Sheng Chuncheng wanted to know more.

The situation, these two fat men, are just gossip.

From their mouths, Sheng Chuncheng learned that it turned out that "Splendid China" was founded by Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen took over later. He also learned that the two of them got married very late. When they got married, Tan Shuzhen's daughters had already

In her twenties, the strange thing is that this daughter is Liu Ligan's biological daughter.

The more Sheng Chuncheng listened, the stranger he became, how could this be done? He asked the two fat men, but they couldn't explain the reason. Anyway, this was the fact.

What the two fat men said next made Sheng Chuncheng more and more speechless as he listened. He felt like he was listening to a heavenly book. No, no, it was not a heavenly book, but the book he was listening to, "The Pentium Era—"

- South to North" looks very similar, can't it be true?

It turns out that the daughter of Mr. Liu and Tan Shuzhen married Zhang Xiangbei, the original owner of "Zhaixiangshu", and Zhang Xiangbei's father is the owner of this building, the Half Acre Field Group, and the owner of "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery"


Let me go, that is to say, their family not only has "Splendid China" and "Splendid Service", but also "Banmutian Group", "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery", "Renjia Hotel", "Food and Drink", etc.

Wait, how big should this family's business be and how rich should they be?

Sheng Chuncheng felt that this was the real rich man, the invisible rich man, who was much richer than Wang Zeng, the richest man who liked to be high-profile.

What they have is a lot of cash, and the collection in the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery" is worth tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, instead of the book assets reflected on the balance sheet, Zheng

The professor told him that the left side above corresponds to assets, and the right side corresponds to liabilities. The so-called richest man only looked at the left side, not the right side.

Oh my god! How did they make so much money? Are they all like Xue'er, who have an eye for money, and are very imaginative when making money?

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