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204 along the way

Along the way, Sheng Chuncheng felt very uncomfortable. He kept thinking about Professor Zheng. Professor Zheng had always been translucent in his mind. Her straightforwardness, love and hate, joy, anger and persistence were all written in

On her face, as reflected in her actions, Professor Zheng's eyes were filled with tears, as if a curtain suddenly opened, allowing him to see another side of her.

A deeply hidden side that has always been hidden by appearances.

Why is Professor Zheng crying? Is she thinking about her daughter and granddaughter, or her husband who has passed away? Or is she mourning her lost voice, or is she still suffering from some illness hidden in her body, which she has been suppressing


Sheng Chuncheng thought about it for a long time and couldn't think of it. However, one thing that worried him the most was whether there might be some other condition with her body and she should be sent to the hospital for examination.

But the problem is that since the old lady came out of the hospital, she has been holding on and trying to show in front of others that she is fine and nothing has happened. Isn't it just a stab in the throat? After a stab, it's fine.

Scars, even pain can be forgotten, my old woman is still the same old woman.

Sheng Chuncheng knew that if he proposed to go to the hospital for examination, Professor Zheng would definitely refuse and she would not go to the hospital.

Sheng Chuncheng picked up his cell phone, called Xiao Ma, and told Xiao Ma about the matter. Of course, he did not say that he saw Professor Zheng crying, but said that he felt that Professor Zheng was in a very low mood today, and asked Xiao Ma if he was in tears.

Nothing happened?

"No." Xiao Ma was also surprised after hearing Sheng Chuncheng's words. She said, "Mr. Zheng is always kind to me. Master Sheng, thank you. You reminded me. I will be nice when I go back."

Watch and watch.”

"Thank you, this is not what I should do." Sheng Chuncheng said, "I always feel that Teacher Zheng is holding on because she is afraid that others will think she is a patient."

Xiao Ma said that she was right, she also felt this way.

Sheng Chuncheng then told Xiao Ma about his worries, and Xiao Ma also believed that if this was the case, if Teacher Zheng was asked to go to the hospital for a review or something, she would definitely not go with her temper.

Xiao Ma thought for a moment and said: "In this case, I will go and tell our dean tomorrow, and in the name of the school organizing physical examinations for all teachers, a few people will take Teacher Zheng to the hospital together, and we will say that everyone will go together, so

, Teacher Zheng will not refuse."

Sheng Chuncheng also thought Xiao Ma's idea was a good one.

There was another thing that made Sheng Chuncheng hesitate.

Tomorrow afternoon is the time when he will give Zhong Xinxin a massage, and he will definitely see Guo Shuang. He has been hesitating for the past two days whether to tell her about going to Shanghai tomorrow or wait until Thursday. He told her in advance.

Afraid that Guo Shuang would regret it after two days, he told her on Thursday that the best thing was that they would leave early the next morning before she could regret it.

But if they can't convince Guo Shuang on Thursday, they will let the doctor go.

Sheng Chuncheng asked Zhong Xinxin, and Zhong Xinxin said: "I think we should talk about it on Thursday."

"Then what if she disagrees?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"I don't agree..." Zhong Xinxin thought for a while, "Whatever, if she doesn't agree, we will take you home. When we arrived at the intersection of Genshan West Road, we took the highway to Shanghai as soon as I hit the direction. She

Will she jump out of the car? At worst, we will go to Shanghai on Thursday night. If she still refuses to go to Shanghai, wouldn’t it be too disrespectful to us? "

Sheng Chuncheng thought about it and realized that Zhong Xinxin's idea was crude, but very effective. He agreed:

"Then let's do it this way. It makes sense, but it doesn't. When the time comes, she and I will sit in the back seat, and you can drive directly to Shanghai. Once we get to Shanghai, we'll keep trying to get through to each other, and we won't be afraid that she won't agree."

Zhong Xinxin laughed roaringly on the other end of the phone. Sheng Chuncheng asked: "Why are you laughing?"

Zhong Xinxin said: "You can get down on one knee and beg her."

"Get out!" Sheng Chuncheng cursed, cutting off Zhong Xinxin's laughter.

Wednesday night is the last day of the week that Sheng Chuncheng and Liu Ligan made an appointment with.

Sheng Chuncheng deliberately arrived at the blind massage parlor early at 6:30 and sat in the lounge outside. At this time, many people had not finished dinner yet. There were not many customers in the massage parlor. Sheng Chuncheng and his uncle sat there chatting.

They sat for more than ten minutes when Liu Ligan arrived. Today he came alone. Mr. Mi did not follow him. The two fat men had not arrived yet. Liu Ligan, Sheng Chuncheng and the uncle were sitting there.

Liu Ligan listened to the two of them talking and asked:

"Are you from Chun'an?"

"No, it's from Qiandao Lake, which is already She County." The uncle said.

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "The accent is still Chun'an."

"Yes, we actually speak Chun'an dialect there. Mr. Liu is very familiar with Chun'an?" the uncle asked.

"It's familiar, I belong to Yongcheng." Liu Ligan said, "One-third of the Qiandao Lake belongs to us in Yongcheng, one-third belongs to Chun'an, and the other third belongs to your She County

Yes, when we went to Huangshan in the past, we had to take a boat from Maozhuyuan to Shendu, and then from Shendu to She County, and then to Huangshan."

Liu Ligan laughed as he spoke. He said: "What impressed me most was that in the public toilets on Shendu Pier at that time, there were no partitions in the middle. They were just holes dug in the cement slab, and everyone squatted there.

, you can see my butt, I can see your butt, if you have diarrhea, it will be embarrassing."

Sheng Chuncheng and his uncle laughed, and Liu Ligan continued:

"There were a lot of people in the toilet, and they had to queue up. A few people were squatting there, and the people next to them were standing with cigarettes in their mouths, looking at them, as if they were acting as judges, judging who has the whitest butt and whose shit they are.

It’s the most enjoyable.”

The uncle and Sheng Chuncheng felt their stomachs hurt from laughing. When they laughed, they felt that Mr. Liu, the big boss, did not look like a big boss at all, but was actually the same as them.

The two fat men almost touched each other. Liu Ligan looked at his watch and cursed:

"You didn't give it to me even a minute earlier. Now that I can't control you, do you think you won't take me seriously anymore?"

The two fat men laughed. Fatty A said no, no, no, how dare we not take Mr. Liu seriously? There was a traffic jam on the road.

"How did we get here because of the traffic jam? After all, we are still lazy. You are fat for a reason. Get out of here and go change clothes."

Liu Ligan cursed half-seriously, and the two fat men hurriedly ran to the box.

Liu Ligan was not in a hurry to get up. He continued to sit for five or six minutes, and then said to his uncle:

"Brother, let's go in then? Do you want to come over and take a look together?"

The uncle said yes and thanked Mr. Liu. He and Shengchun Chengdu stood up, and the three of them walked to the box.

The two fat men had already weighed themselves and recorded their weights in their notebooks. Liu Lizhan took the notebook and asked them to weigh themselves again. He wanted to check the scales himself, and it turned out that the one weighed 232.7 kilograms.

Fatty A, who originally weighed 198.5 kilograms, lost six kilograms and three ounces in six days. Fatty B, who originally weighed 198.5 kilograms, lost seven kilograms and ninety kilograms.

"How could this happen? He still lost a little more?" Liu Ligan asked Sheng Chuncheng.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "He is puffy, so he loses more weight after removing moisture."

Liu Ligan patted Fatty B on the belly and cursed: "I didn't expect you are still Sister Lin, you are made of water."

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