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208 After moving to a new home

After moving to a new home, in order to reduce the chance of exposure, Sheng Chuncheng was no longer responsible for going out to buy breakfast in the morning, but Ding Huamei was responsible for it.

Ding Huamei was too sleepy to get up early, so she simply bought bread and cakes from the bakery next to their dental clinic in the evening when she got off work and brought them back.

Now, most of the time in the morning, they rely on milk and bread and cakes.

When Ding Huamei wakes up early and is tired of eating these sweet things, Ding Huamei will go to the breakfast shop at the entrance of the community to buy soy milk and flatbread fried dough sticks, or fried steamed buns, pot stickers, etc.

Sheng Chuncheng had no idea what time Ding Huamei left in the morning. It was almost eleven o'clock when he woke up. He quickly checked the Huawei phone. There were no missed calls or WeChat messages. Mr. Liu had not looked for him.

Sheng Chuncheng was relieved. If he fell asleep and didn't reply to Mr. Liu's phone call or WeChat message in time, wouldn't it be a big sin?

Mr. Liu didn't look for him. According to Sheng Chuncheng's own schedule, he was going to Zhong Xinxin's place to give her a massage in the afternoon, and the two of them had to do Guo Shuang's work. No matter what tomorrow, they were going to Shanghai. Otherwise, just like Zhong

Xinxin said, just take Guo Shuang hostage on the highway and arrive in Shanghai at night.

Sheng Chuncheng walked outside and saw a plate of fried buns on the dining table and a thermos bucket next to it. It seemed that Ding Huamei had gotten up early today.

Sheng Chuncheng sat down and checked with his hands. The buns were already cold, but when he opened the thermos bucket, the soy milk inside was still hot. Sheng Chuncheng was too lazy to make lunch, so he ate the breakfast for lunch.

After lunch, Sheng Chuncheng prepared to take a nap and wait until two o'clock to get up again and go to Zhong Xinxin's place.

He set the alarm clock and fell down to sleep. As a result, he slept in a mess. While he was asleep, he was worried that Mr. Liu would call or send a WeChat message, but he was too asleep to hear it. He tossed and turned in bed.

He was always in a half-asleep and half-awake state, and could not sleep well at all.

As soon as the phone rang, Sheng Chuncheng jumped up from the bed, and then he heard clearly that it was a blind person's phone:

"Xiao Ma called you. Xiao Ma called you."

Sheng Chuncheng quickly picked it up, and Xiao Ma told him that they had taken Teacher Zheng for a check-up in the morning. Teacher Zheng had no health problems, and no signs of recurrence or metastasis of laryngeal cancer were found.

Sheng Chuncheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

"However, Master Sheng, I also discovered what you mentioned about Teacher Zheng's trance. Yesterday morning, I came back late because I worked overtime the night before to catch something, so I fell asleep in the morning. Teacher Zheng probably thought

I had already gone to work, and when I walked out, I found her sitting in the living room in a daze. When she saw me, she was a little flustered," Xiao Ma said.

"You didn't ask her what she was thinking about?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"Will she tell me if I ask?" Xiao Ma asked back, and Sheng Chuncheng smiled bitterly.

While talking on the phone with Xiao Ma, Sheng Chuncheng picked up his Huawei phone and looked at it. He saw that it was quiet and there was no movement at all, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

After hanging up Xiao Ma's phone, it was already 1:40, and there was no need to sleep. Sheng Chuncheng also sat on the bed in a daze. He was thinking, since Teacher Zheng has no health problems, why was she crying?

,Why is there no news yet from Mr. Liu?

Liu Ligan has not contacted Sheng Chuncheng again. Sheng Chuncheng feels a little empty in his heart. He is not afraid that Liu will always cheat him out of money, as Ding Huamei said. He is very sure about this. Instead, he is worried.

, when people talk about setting up a company or opening a store, they just talk about it on a whim.

How could such a big boss take such a small business to heart? Maybe he just said it and then forgot about it. Isn’t it because noble people tend to forget things? Or maybe he woke up today and felt that it was nothing to do.

My head is cold.

Sheng Chuncheng sighed. He got up from the bed. He was in a state of anxiety. He went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He checked that it was almost time and was ready to go out. After thinking about it, he put the Huawei phone in his bag, but

Set your phone to vibrate.

When he went to a client for the first time, he took a Huawei mobile phone with him, which was a bit risky.

But thinking about the fact that he was going to Zhong Xinxin's place today, he had some snacks. If he went to Lao Wan or Mr. Lan's place, he would never dare to do this, even if his phone was just lying quietly in his bag.

Sheng Chuncheng thought about it, and to be on the safe side, he should also turn off the vibration. Otherwise, if a call comes in, it will vibrate, and Zhong Xinxin and Guo Shuang may also hear it.

He took out his Huawei phone and saw a WeChat reminder. He quickly opened it and couldn't help laughing. The WeChat message was from Liu Ligan:

"Xiao Sheng, the agreement has been drafted. If you have time, please arrange to come over."

Sheng Chuncheng quickly replied: "Okay, Mr. Liu, I have to go to the client now, and I will accompany the client to Shanghai tomorrow. I will go there the day after tomorrow, is that okay?"

Liu Ligan came back quickly: "Okay, you can just go to Mr. Mi when you arrive."

Putting down the phone, Sheng Chuncheng laughed again. He thought for a moment that there was nothing important that needed to use the phone anymore, so he simply put the phone on the coffee table and didn't take it out.

When Sheng Chuncheng arrived at Zhong Xinxin's house, Guo Shuang had already arrived. Zhong Xinxin came over to open the door for Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng went in and saw Guo Shuang sitting on the sofa, staring at the screen, concentrating on playing games. He knew that Sheng Chuncheng had arrived.

, and ignored him, not even saying hello.

Zhong Xinxin looked at Guo Shuang, but didn't say what she wanted to say. She led Sheng Chuncheng into the inner room. Sheng Chuncheng suddenly thought that she had already seen the bodies of these two girls. If they knew that she was a fake

Will a blind man eat himself?

Sheng Chuncheng felt that not only them, but every one of his customers would eat him up, including Brother Dong.

Sheng Chuncheng felt that his situation seemed to be getting more and more dangerous, and the risk of being exposed was getting higher and higher. When the company opened and the store opened, as he got to know more and more people, there were more and more corners where he could hide.

Sheng Chuncheng couldn't figure out how to get out of this situation even though he was younger.

But if you don't get rid of it, you may be seeking your own death.

Sheng Chuncheng himself didn't know why he suddenly thought of these messy things. He shook his head to wake himself up. At this time, Zhong Xinxin had already laid down on the bed, and Sheng Chuncheng asked:

"How is Guo Shuang today?"

"It's not that good, I just had a nervous breakdown." Zhong Xinxin said angrily.

"What's wrong?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"How do I know what happened?" Zhong Xinxin flattened her mouth and said aggrievedly, "The two of us were playing well together, but she suddenly lost her temper and interrupted the game. Damn it, I was deducted points again."

"What does she want to do? I see she's still playing."

"Yes, she was playing! She said she wanted to play alone! She came to my house and kicked me out of the game. Do you think there is such a thing as crazy?" Zhong Xinxin cursed angrily.

"Just treat her like a child and let her get better." Sheng Chuncheng comforted her.

"Are you mistaken? She is the same age as me, both in her twenties. In the eyes of you boys, all beautiful girls are little sisters and should be pampered?" Zhong Xinxin yelled at Sheng Chuncheng.

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