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222 Leaving Sister Chen's Home

After leaving Sister Chen's home and arriving at the gate of the community, several hours passed and Zhong Xinxin was still waiting here.

Zhong Xinxin saw Sheng Chuncheng coming out, started the car, taxied to Sheng Chuncheng, and called "Dad".

Sheng Chuncheng pretended that he had just discovered that Zhong Xinxin had not left. He asked: "Why haven't you gone back to sleep?"

Zhong Xinxin said: "I had already slept in the car. I thought you had left. If you don't come out after a while, I will go back."

Sheng Chuncheng got into the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt.

Zhong Xinxin started the car and asked while driving: "How is Guo Shuang's mother?"

Sheng Chuncheng said: "Asleep."

Zhong Xinxin nodded. After the car drove for a while, Zhong Xinxin asked worriedly: "Dad, is Guo Shuang's mother at home alone? Do you think something will happen to her?"

Sheng Chuncheng sighed and said: "It's useless to rely on people to persuade him, and he can't persuade him. How long have we persuaded Guo Shuang? Did it work in the end?"

"What should we do?"

"Let's see if she can find the way by herself and keep walking," Sheng Chuncheng said.

Zhong Xinxin turned to look at Sheng Chuncheng, feeling that his words were a bit unfathomable and confusing, but they seemed to make sense. Zhong Xinxin also sighed.

Guo Shuang's farewell ceremony was held more than a week after her death. The reason why she had to wait for more than a week was because Sister Chen was looking for connections to see if she could get Guo Shuang's father to come to the funeral home to say goodbye to Guo Shuang. The relevant units needed it

A meeting was held to study, but in the end, the request was not accepted.

The memorial service was held at ten o'clock in the morning. Zhong Xinxin drove to Duolifang to pick up Sheng Chuncheng before nine o'clock.

Sheng Chuncheng lives in the east of Hangzhou, and Longjuwu Funeral Home is in Liuzhen, in the west of Hangzhou.

There was a traffic jam on the road, and they rushed to the funeral home. It was already ten o'clock. Zhong Xinxin took Sheng Chuncheng and ran up the high steps next to the parking lot, step by step, and then along the corridor to the hall where Guo Shuang said goodbye.

Everyone has entered the hall, but fortunately the farewell ceremony has not started yet.

There were not many people who came to attend the farewell ceremony. There were only about twenty people in total. They were all Guo Shuang's family members and classmates who were good friends and are still in Hangzhou. Others, including colleagues from the work unit, Sister Chen

No one was notified.

Sheng Chuncheng and Zhong Xinxin are the only two good friends of Guo Shuang.

The few twenty people in the hall were divided into three distinct groups. Standing in the middle was Sister Chen in a black suit. Accompanying her were two female classmates and best friends of Guo Shuang in high school.

, one of them is very tall, about 1.70 meters tall.

The other two groups of people are Guo Shuang's grandparents on the left, leading her uncle and aunt. On the right are Guo Shuang's grandparents, leading her uncle, aunt and others. Among the three groups of people, all are deliberately

There was a distance between them, and there was no communication between them.

Zhong Xinxin took Sheng Chuncheng to the door of the farewell hall. There was a clinker basket on the table at the door. Inside was a black gauze pinned with white paper flowers. Zhong Xinxin took one and pinned it on Sheng Chuncheng's arm. She herself

I also missed one.

When the two of them entered, they naturally stood behind Sister Chen and the other three.

The farewell ceremony was very short. On the big screen in front of the farewell hall, photos of Guo Shuang during his lifetime were constantly played. When everyone looked at these photos, the women were crying and the men had red eyes.

No one gave a speech. The funeral home staff presided over the ceremony, played mourning music, observed silence, bowed three times, and then said goodbye to the deceased. Guo Shuang lay behind the wall with a large screen, surrounded by flowers, and she quietly

Lying there, as if asleep, his brows were slightly furrowed.

Everyone lined up in a long line, taking turns to admire Guo Shuang's appearance. Sheng Chuncheng looked at Sister Chen through his sunglasses. He saw that Sister Chen's face was pale, and she did not cry during the whole process. Sheng Chuncheng knew that she was there when she should shed tears.

In the house on the top floor, the flow has finished countless nights.

How many times had Sheng Chuncheng thought that she would still cry out in the dark: "Shuangshuang, Shuangshuang, are you back?"

Guo Shuang's two female classmates, one on the left and the other on the right, supported Sister Chen. Sister Chen was led away by them with blank eyes. At this moment, she didn't know where she was at all. She just reached out and touched Guo Shuang's cold face.

At that time, Sister Chen did not cry, but just looked at her lovingly.

The incineration workshop is on the hillside behind. After the farewell ceremony, the staff pushed the stainless steel cart on which Guo Shuang was lying out from the flowers. He went out from the back door and walked forward along a long silent corridor. Everyone

Follow behind.

The cart reached the end of the corridor, turned a corner, and then was pushed along an upward corridor until it reached the door of the incineration workshop and stopped there. The stainless steel door was opened from the inside.

A staff member looked at Guo Shuang's nameplate and said to them: "Guo Shuang, number five."

Everyone else went to the waiting hall on the side. Sister Chen stood there, looking blankly at Guo Shuang who was sent into the iron gate. The staff inside was about to close the iron door, and Sister Chen seemed to suddenly wake up.

Come over, she said to the staff:

"Master, can I take one last look at my daughter?"

The staff looked at her and moved away. Two female classmates helped Sister Chen walk into the iron gate, and Sheng Chuncheng and Zhong Xinxin also followed.

Sister Chen walked to the front of the cart, reached out and gently touched Guo Shuang's face. Then she lay down, kissed Guo Shuang's cheek, straightened up, touched Guo Shuang's slightly frowned eyebrows, and said softly: "Shuang."

Cool, don’t frown, it doesn’t look good.”

Sister Chen looked at Guo Shuang, her eyes full of love and pity, and she couldn't bear to leave.

The staff said softly: "That's it."

Sister Chen reached out and waved her hand. She leaned down again and said to Guo Shuang:

"Shuangshuang, please bear with me and don't be afraid of the pain, okay?"

She reached out and grabbed a strand of Guo Shuang's hair, pulled it out hard, and held it in her hand. Then she picked up her wallet and carefully put the hair into the inner layer of the wallet.

Two female classmates helped Sister Chen out of the iron gate, and the five of them went to the waiting hall next to it.

There are many people in the waiting hall. It is a long and narrow space with rows of chairs. On the wall near the incineration workshop, there is a row of ten glass windows about one meter square. The lower half of the glass window is empty.

If you know how to do it, the urn will be delivered from here.

There was a screen on the edge of the glass window, and the number was displayed on the screen. They walked to No. 5, which was like the boarding gates of the airport. Surrounding the glass window, there were several rows of chairs, forming a resting place.


Sheng Chuncheng saw Guo Shuang's grandparents and grandparents sitting here with his family. The two groups of people each occupied two corners, and they were still clearly distinguishable from each other.

There was a row of empty chairs, and two classmates helped Sister Chen to sit down. Zhong Xinxin led Sheng Chuncheng to sit opposite them.

In this area, besides them, there were many unknown people. They were relatives of the previous deceased.

The display screen next to the glass window shows "Xu x years, in progress", and the row of words below is "Guo x, waiting."

Guo Shuang was still lying there waiting, could she turn around and walk away without waiting? Sheng Chuncheng thought.

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