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232 Entering the Jade Emperor's House

After entering the "Jade Emperor's Family", the training officially began. Sheng Chuncheng immediately understood why the entire training took a month. He also understood why Mr. Liu said that receiving training was physically and mentally taxing. He also understood why the training was needed.

Place it in "Jade Emperor's Family."

Mr. Mi told him that this will be everyone's working environment in the future. In our B&B, the "Jade Emperor's Family" can only be regarded as average. In the future, everyone will go to places like this when they are sent out. This is called familiarity with the working environment.

The twenty-three people, including Sheng Chuncheng, were a little confused after the first day of training. They felt that their horizons had been opened, and they felt that all these years had been in vain. They didn't even know how to eat, stand, or walk.

Let alone talk.

The person who came to train them on the first day was a gold medal waiter transferred from Tuxiangyuan Hotel and their "Renjia Travel Industry". The two of them taught them from the most basic etiquette to what people should do when standing.

How to stand, you should neither keep your legs together nor spread them too far apart. Slightly less than shoulder width is best.

Women should stand in a T-step, while men should hold their hands in virtual palms and place them in front, not behind. When talking to others, their hands should hang naturally on both sides of the body, and their movements should not be too stiff.

When knocking on the door, use your knuckles. The sound should not be too soft or too hard. After the first knock, count one, two silently in your mind, and then knock the second time. When the door is opened, the person cannot move and must stand.

Say hello to the guests at the door, or nod and smile, and then wait for the guests to make a move or reaction before you go in. Everything must be done in a rhythm.

No matter where you are, when you see a guest passing by, you must stop what you are doing, stand and greet the guest. Even if you are leading the guest to the room, you must keep a distance of about half a meter in front of the guest.

And you can't walk forward on your own. You have to walk slightly sideways and right in front of the guests. After walking for a while, you have to turn back and greet the guests. You can't be left in the cold.

When talking to a guest, asking him or pointing in a certain direction, you must not use your fingers, but use your palms to indicate. Only a madman would point his finger at the guest to speak.

It was such simple things that kept these twenty-odd people on their feet. They had to listen and remember. One moment they wanted to be guests, and the other moment they wanted to be waiters. There were three boys who were confused by the two of them.

I almost collapsed. I used to have no problem walking, but later on, I was either walking on the same foot or walking on tiptoe, like a thief.

In turn, the two waitresses were almost driven to pieces by them.

Sheng Chuncheng also felt that at the end of the day, he was more tired than he was after giving massages all day, and he couldn't show it.

Starting from the second day, in addition to training, a new content was added, that is, each of them was asked to read newspapers, and it was not just other newspapers, but "People's Daily", "Zhejiang Daily" and "Hangcheng Daily".

party newspaper.

Most of the people here have never read these newspapers seriously when they have grown up. Now they are required to read them whenever they have time every day. They can choose a newspaper, but this newspaper must be read within one day. From then on

I keep seeing advertisements in editorials. Oh my god, everyone’s face turns green when they see them. Besides, there is nothing to choose from in these newspapers. Aren’t they all the same?

The question is, how many people still read newspapers now? They don't understand, not even Sheng Chuncheng. He asked Mr. Mi, if you want to read the news, you can just read it on your mobile phone, why do you need to read the newspaper?

Mr. Mi told him that the information on the mobile phone is all fragmented, and when viewing it, everyone chooses what they want to see based on their own preferences, and just slides over what they don’t want to see. I can guarantee that you will let

They watch it for a day, and what everyone finally sees is which celebrity is engaging in prostitution, which celebrity is taking drugs, and who is rumored to be having an affair with whom.

"Reading newspapers not only allows them to understand major domestic and international events, but also trains their way of thinking and language logic," said Mr. Mi and Sheng Chuncheng.

In addition, they are also asked to watch CCTV news programs every day instead of short videos on the Internet.

Sheng Chuncheng understood that this was another way of thinking training, but he still couldn't understand it and asked Mr. Mi:

"Aren't we all masseuses? Why do they need to know this?"

"It's true that they are masseurs, but their service targets are not." Mr. Mi said, "Nowadays, people still read news and newspapers every day. In addition to retired people, the largest proportion are our customers. Do you think rich people

, do you only know how to eat, drink and have fun every day?

"We are here to serve them. If you want to keep up with their rhythm, you will still have a common language when communicating with them. You will at least know a little bit about what they know.

"Also, Xiao Sheng, remember, what we want to train is a good masseur, but what we need is not an ordinary masseur, but an extraordinary masseur. Otherwise, it is also a massage, why would they do it?

How many times should we pay? Compared with masseurs in ordinary massage parlors, our masseurs are the difference between old mothers and confinement nuns at a confinement center."

Sheng Chuncheng laughed and said, "When you say it like that, I understand."

The two waiters not only taught them etiquette and service skills, but also used their own experience to teach them many techniques on how to resolve embarrassment.

When doing service work like theirs and facing such a customer group, the most common thing they encounter is that there are many customers, regardless of gender, who still like to use their hands and feet. It does not mean that they are more carefree than others, but that people have reached a certain level.

, will get carried away, feel as if they are omnipotent, and don't care about other people's feelings, it has become a habit.

When they were talking, Sheng Chuncheng immediately thought of Mr. Lan, Mr. Yun, and even Lao Wan. Maybe they were members of "Renjia Travel".

The two waiters taught everyone how to deftly resolve the embarrassment when encountering such a customer without being aggrieved. They not only respect the customer, but also let the customer understand that he also needs to respect you.

Even Sheng Chuncheng felt enlightened after hearing this, and felt that what they taught was very practical.

While they taught everyone about service standards and trained them step by step on service details and techniques, Sheng Chuncheng also began to provide business training to everyone. His training also started with theory. He hung a complete diagram of the human body's meridians on the wall, divided into front and front.

On the back and side, he looked at the pictures and explained to them what the twelve main meridians were, what the eight extraordinary meridians were, and what the fifteen collaterals were.

He also hung a map of human acupuncture points on the wall and told everyone that it is now generally accepted that there are about fifty-two single acupoints, 309 double acupoints, and fifty extrameridian odd acupoints, a total of seven

One hundred and twenty acupuncture points.

"But the odd points are not completely included. There are many more that have no fixed names or fixed positions, but you will feel them in practice in the future. This is called the Ashi point. Added up, there should be a thousand on the human body.

There are many acupoints, among which the number of key acupoints is the same as that of Liangshan Heroes, one hundred and eight.

"Among these 108 acupoints, 72 are beneficial to the human body using massage techniques such as point, press, rub, etc., and 36 are fatal acupoints, which are commonly known as "death points".


"Is it like in a martial arts movie where you will die at the first moment?" Someone interrupted Sheng Chuncheng.

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said: "It's not that exaggerated. Normal massage of these thirty-six fatal points will not have any bad effects, but if there is an unexpected external force that hits these points hard, it will still cause huge damage to people.

It can even be life-threatening. All these acupuncture points and meridians, we who learn massage must know them very well, and we must be able to recite them without looking at pictures."

Everyone was stunned when they looked at the pictures on the wall.

Sheng Chuncheng continued: "Being able to memorize is still the most basic thing. You also need to understand the human organs related to each meridian, and you also need to understand the efficacy of each acupuncture point. Otherwise, wouldn't you be just pressing and tapping randomly on the guests?

You thought you were doing renovations?”

Everyone laughed and started decorating? At this moment, Sheng Chuncheng thought of Zhong Xinxin and Guo Shuang.

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232 Enter the "Jade Emperor's Family" to read for free.

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