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After finishing the facial massage, Sheng Chuncheng began to massage Sister Chen's chest. After applying the massage cream, he put his hands together on the chest, gently pressed the middle of the two breasts with his middle finger, and then pushed up and rubbed with both hands.

chest, up to the armpits.

After cycling through the first movement, he pressed the edge of the chest with the middle and index fingers of both hands, pushed the chest upward with his right hand, and put a little more force on his hand until Sister Chen felt sore and swollen, and let out a "hum", Sheng Chuncheng

Then let go and start repeating.

Sheng Chuncheng's hands faced each other and placed on both sides of the chest. His middle finger, index finger and ring finger massaged in small circles around the areola from the inside to the outside. Then he put his palms against the chest and began to perform a large figure eight massage, taking over with one hand.

With the other hand, while one hand is kneading in the figure 8, the other hand follows and taps the chest lightly with the tapping method.

Sheng Chuncheng felt something was a little strange about Sister Chen today. In the past, when Sheng Chuncheng did such a set of movements, Sister Chen would enjoy it with her eyes closed. When she reached the middle part, her breathing became even and became longer and longer.

Many times, Sheng Chuncheng mistakenly thought she was asleep.

But today, Sheng Chuncheng saw through his sunglasses that Sister Chen was biting her lower lip, breathing a little quickly, and her chest was rising and falling.

"Are you heavy-handed, Sister Chen?" Sheng Chuncheng asked softly.

A blush appeared on Sister Chen's face. She shook her head, and then thinking that Sheng Chuncheng couldn't see it, she hummed softly: "No."

He reached over and patted Sheng Chuncheng's thigh gently, encouraging Sheng Chuncheng to continue.

After massaging her breasts, Sister Chen turned over and Sheng Chuncheng massaged her buttocks.

Sheng Chuncheng first used his palms to rub the waist repeatedly to open the meridians passing through the buttocks, and then used the index fingers of both hands to press and massage the Baliao point on the buttocks.

Zhongliao and Xialiao, there are eight acupoints on the left and right, respectively in the first, second, third and fourth posterior sacral foramen, collectively called the "eight points".

Massaging Baliao can treat lumbosacral diseases, low back pain, sciatica, lower limb paralysis, difficulty urinating, irregular menstruation, lower abdominal distension and pain, pelvic inflammatory disease and other gynecological diseases. It can also prevent aging of the buttocks, sagging skin and flesh, and sagging.

The complexion on some faces is pale and dull.

After massaging Baliao, Sheng Chuncheng used the index fingers of both hands to press the ring-shaped acupuncture points on both sides of the buttocks, then rolled them with the rolling method, then used the palms of his hands to rub the bladder and other major gluteal meridian, and then used the holding method to grasp the major gluteal meridian.

Next, Sheng Chuncheng first used the tiger's mouth of his right hand to push the bladder meridian of Sister Chen's left lower limb, then used the rolling method, and finally used the kneading method, starting from the thigh root and kneading downward. After the bladder meridian was completely opened, he used both hands to

Use your thumb to press the Chengfu, Yinmen and Weizhong points in sequence, which are the acupoints that need to be pressed most, and then press the Chengji, Chengshan, Feiyang, Fuyang and Kunlun points to finish.

Then he held an empty fist and tapped the entire left lower limb with the tapping method. The tapping speed was very fast. After the tapping was completed, Sheng Chuncheng held the ankle of Sister Chen's left foot with both hands, raised it, shook it back, and then used the palm of his hand to

Start rubbing the lower limbs from the thigh. After rubbing, fold the lower leg and press towards the thigh.

When Sheng Chuncheng pressed Sister Chen's calf, with each press, Sister Chen's head moved upwards like a conditioned reflex.

So back and forth.

Sheng Chuncheng held Sister Chen's left foot with his left hand, straightened and tightened the instep, put it on his chest, rubbed the other's foot with the palm of his right hand to warm it, and then squeezed it in turn with the tips of his knuckles.

Press the acupoints on the soles of the feet, especially the Yongquan point, and finally tap the soles of the feet with your empty fist.

Sheng Chuncheng finished the full set of movements of his left lower limb and changed directions. He walked to the right side of the massage table and prepared to massage Sister Chen's right lower limb. He repeated the full set of movements just now. When he was about to massage the bladder meridian, he moved his left hand

When he pressed it against the groin and inserted it into the middle of Sister Chen's thigh, Sister Chen's legs suddenly tightened and clamped his hand.

Sheng Chuncheng was stunned, and his face turned red instantly. Fortunately, Sister Chen was lying face down and could not see him. Sheng Chuncheng moved his left hand, trying to pull it out, but Sister Chen's legs were pinched.

Even tighter, he stretched out his hand and hugged Sheng Chuncheng's right leg with his backhand.

When Sheng Chuncheng was embarrassed and didn't know what to do, the doorbell rang.

Both Sheng Chuncheng and Sister Chen were startled. Sister Chen trembled all over and her legs relaxed. Sheng Chuncheng took the opportunity to quickly pull out his hand.

Sister Chen lay prone there motionless, but her ears stood up.

The doorbell rang for a while and then stopped. Sheng Chuncheng didn't know why. He held his breath and stood there not even daring to breathe, but his heart was pounding, as if he had done something bad just now.

The doorbell rang again, first ding-dong, then ding-dong again, and then two ding-dong ding-dongs in succession. Sheng Chuncheng listened as if it was a secret signal from someone.

"Xiao Sheng, give me the clothes." Sister Chen said to Sheng Chuncheng in a depressed voice.

Sheng Chuncheng said "Oh," and quickly walked around the massage table, went to the clothes rack on the other side, and took down Sister Chen's silk nightgown. Sister Chen had already sat up. Sheng Chuncheng handed the nightgown to her, and she took it

He had it in his hand, but without wearing it, he walked towards the door with bare feet. After taking two steps, he threw the nightgown on the ground.

Sheng Chuncheng saw all this from behind his sunglasses, and instantly understood that Sister Chen was just trying to deal with him by asking him to get his nightgown. No one would walk over and open the door with such a clear view.

But that's how Sister Chen is.

Sister Chen, who had an unobstructed view, disappeared from Sheng Chuncheng's sight. She turned around the entrance hall and approached the door. She habitually looked outside through the peephole, raised her nose, then opened the door, and walked in from the outside.

For a man in his thirties, the door closed quietly behind him, and the two immediately hugged each other and kissed.

The man's hands began to touch Sister Chen's body. Sister Chen hit him and cursed softly: "Didn't you say you couldn't come out tonight?"

There was some grievance in his voice.

The man also laughed softly: "How could I give up? I didn't think of a way to do it."

Sister Chen smiled and looked at the man again, her eyes looking a little charming and melancholy.

The two hugged each other again, and the man's hands began to touch around again. Sister Chen hit him, pinched her lips, and let out a soft shush:

"Someone, I'm having a massage. The blind masseur I told you about is here."

The man stopped and made a face at Sister Chen.

Sister Chen then said loudly: "Xiao Wang, I'm sorry for asking you to send me materials so late. I can't help it. I'll need them when I write a report later."

The man immediately understood and said loudly: "What's the matter? It's just a matter of stepping on the accelerator. Besides, if the boss orders it, I dare not deliver it right away."

"Glib talk!" Sister Chen pretended to be harsh and scolded, "Okay, you can go, it's not convenient for me to see you off."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." The man said to Sister Chen, suppressing a smile.

Sister Chen hid behind the door, stretched out her hand to open the door, and then slammed it shut. This was to indicate to Sheng Chuncheng that Xiao Wang, who delivered the materials, had left.

The man stood there stupidly. Sister Chen kicked the man's feet. The man woke up and quickly took off his shoes. Sister Chen bent down and put his shoes into the shoe cabinet, faced the man and shushed softly.

After a moment, the man nodded.

Sister Chen held the man's hand and walked inside. The man followed her. He was not wearing slippers, but stepped on the ground with his socks-clad feet. They turned around and passed the entrance hall quietly.
This chapter has been completed!
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