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290 Lao Yang's Legs Are Really Spiritual

Lao Yang's legs are really smart. Sheng Chuncheng had just returned to the store. The weather had been gloomy all morning and it started to rain. His temper was not small, and it suddenly became windy and rainy. It was also strange, it was winter now.

Why does this rain smell like a typhoon in summer?

Sheng Chuncheng stood at the door of the store and looked outside. The cold wind and cold rain blew all the pedestrians back indoors, and the streets were much deserted. He looked at the time and stood there to place an order, then turned around and left.

Go back to the locker room and go out with your shoulder bag.

In the bag, he specially put the sunglasses he had not worn for a long time today, as well as a blind man's cane.

Although Mr. Lan only told him that he would still wear sunglasses when he came back, this was to let him continue to play the role of a blind man. He did not say that he would also use a blind cane. But since he had to play a blind man, there was no way he could play half-heartedly.

Sheng Chuncheng returned to the door. The online car-hailing car stopped at the door. The driver took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call. Sheng Chuncheng ran and shouted: "Here it comes, here it comes."

The rain outside was so loud that the driver didn't hear Sheng Chuncheng's shout, but continued to dial. Sheng Chuncheng's phone rang, but he didn't answer it. Instead, he came to the side of the car and knocked on the window. The driver turned to look.

Put down the phone.

At this time, Sheng Chuncheng had also opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

The car arrived at the side gate of Dongfang Runyuan facing Fuchun Road. When Sheng Chuncheng came out in front, he was walking in such a hurry that he forgot to bring an umbrella. After the car stopped, he couldn't say that he would stop the car here and wait until the rain stopped.

He will go down at one o'clock.

From the drop-off point to the side gate of Dongfang Runyuan, you have to cross a small bridge. There is still some distance from the gate to the downstairs of Mr. Lan's house. On the left side of the road, the China Construction Bank downstairs in Shengshi Qiantang is only ten meters away.

A few meters.

Sheng Chuncheng got out of the car, put his bag on his head, and ran into the CCB business hall in the rain.

Although it was only a dozen meters away, the rain was so heavy that his face and body were still wet. Sheng Chuncheng wiped the rain off his face with his hands and sat down on the stainless steel benches in the hall.

The air conditioner in the business hall was turned on at full speed. After sitting for a while, Sheng Chuncheng's face and body were already dry.

Looking out through the glass door, the rain has no intention of stopping. Fortunately, it is still half past two, and there is still half an hour before the stock market closes at three o'clock. Sheng Chuncheng is now at Mr. Lan's house, Mr. Lan is sure

I'm still sitting on the sofa, staring at the big board on my laptop, and I still don't know how to get up and go to the top floor.

Sheng Chuncheng opened Yanyan's circle of friends and took a look. It was blank, with only one line of light gray words: "Friends only show the circle of friends in the last three days." Then he opened the "Slaying the Male Demon" in Xiaohongshu and took a look. Recently,

Sheng Chuncheng's diary was also from four days ago, and Sheng Chuncheng has already read it.

Sheng Chuncheng has figured out Yanyan's pattern, and knows that when the circle of friends and Xiaohongshu are silent like this, she must have gone out to work. During work, there is nothing to post, and the men who are with her are basically big guys.

Fish, these people are also very taboo about appearing in Yanyan's circle of friends, even with a hand or a silhouette.

If you are not a meddler, you can even look at the spoon on the table or the projection on the bag buckle to see who Yanyan is with. Or you can find out which man is with her friend circle picture. They appeared at the same time.

On any occasion, even if they are in different frames, it can be inferred that they are together.

Protecting the privacy of customers is Yanyan's professional ethics. They cannot do it for their own quick pleasure or just to satisfy their own desire to show off.

Sheng Chuncheng knew that Yanyan, like him, was also doing door-to-door services, but he couldn't imagine what the man with Yanyan would be like now, so he didn't think about it.

Sheng Chuncheng then opened Sun Hong's Moments and took a look. Her Moments could even be seen from a few years ago, but there was nothing to see at all.

Her circle of friends is completely different from Yanyan's. In Yanyan's circle of friends, she is the only one who appears in the screen. Sun Hong's circle of friends is all about banking business and introductions to newly launched bank financial products, involving her personal life.

, not at all. If you don’t know her personally and just look at her circle of friends, you won’t know whether she is a boy or a girl or how old she is.

If the name "Sun Hong" is replaced by Hangcheng Bank, it will be the same.

Sheng Chuncheng's Huawei phone did not have Xueer's WeChat account. He applied to add her as a friend, but Xueer never agreed.

Sheng Chuncheng clicked on Xue'er's live broadcast room to take a look. The anchor there was Michelle, not Xue'er.

Sheng Chuncheng put down his cell phone and looked outside. The rain was still pouring down, with no intention of letting it down. Looking at the time, it was already two forty.

Sheng Chuncheng waited for another ten minutes. He felt that the rain outside seemed to have become lighter and he could no longer wait.

He stood up and walked out, went to the door, looked at the rain in front of him, and then looked both ways. There were no cars on Fuchun Road now. Sheng Chuncheng took a breath, ran down the steps, ran across Fuchun Road, and then ran across the road.

The small bridge next to it.

The rain hit his head and body, and the backpack he was carrying bounced and slapped his buttocks.

Sheng Chuncheng ran to the gate of Dongfang Runyuan's guard duty room and checked in. He didn't even bother to put on his sunglasses and take out his blind cane. He was acting anyway. The worst he could do was to get discovered. He would just stop acting. Anyway, Mr. Lan knew how to deal with it.


He took another deep breath, continued running inside, and reached the downstairs of Mr. Lan's house in one breath.

By this time, he had been turned into a drowned rat.

Standing in the elevator hall, Sheng Chuncheng stamped his feet, jumped up twice, and shook off the rainwater on his body. Then he bent his head, licked the water out of his hair with both hands, then put his fingers in and shook it out.

After a few strokes, the wet hair stuck to the top of my head was made fluffy again.

He looked at the marble wall and felt that he looked as presentable as possible, so he put on his sunglasses, took out his blind cane, opened it, and took the elevator upstairs.

It was the aunt who opened the door. When she saw Sheng Chuncheng, she exclaimed, which made Mr. Lan also stand up from the sofa. The aunt shouted:

"Why is it so wet? You didn't bring an umbrella?"

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said, "I came by car from somewhere else and forgot to bring it with me. It doesn't matter."

"Come in, come in." Auntie pulled Sheng Chuncheng in, opened the shoe cabinet, found cotton slippers and changed them for him.

The two of them walked inside, and the aunt complained as they walked. She didn't know who she was complaining about: "Really, it's raining so heavily and you can't see. What if you fall on the road?"

Sheng Chuncheng kept saying it didn't matter, it didn't matter, thank you, aunt.

Sheng Chuncheng saw Mr. Lan standing there, watching them come in, and smiled. She heard her aunt's words and saw Sheng Chuncheng's embarrassed look. What made her smile was that she saw Sheng Chuncheng wearing

Wearing sunglasses and using a blind cane.

So obedient.

For some reason, Mr. Lan knew that Sheng Chuncheng was pretending to be a blind man today, and when he saw him again, he found it particularly funny.

The aunt came over with a dry towel, and Mr. Lan said to her:

"Go and get Lao Ni's nightgown and change it for him."

Auntie said okay. Mr. Lan took the dry towel from her hand. Auntie walked to Lao Ni's room. Mr. Lan came over and wiped Sheng Chuncheng's hair with a towel and said:

"Really, such an adult doesn't even know how to bring an umbrella when it rains. If I had known this, I wouldn't have let you come."

Sheng Chuncheng chuckled.

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290 Lao Yang’s legs are really smart. Read for free.

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