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311 Sun Hong Sends a WeChat to Sheng Chuncheng

Sun Hong sent Sheng Chuncheng a WeChat message and booked dinner in Box 114 of the Tuxiangyuan Hotel for six-thirty.

Sheng Chuncheng hadn't been to his uncle's massage parlor for a long time, so he wanted to check it out. He said hello to Xiao An and asked her to come with Zhong Xinxin later, and he went to Banmutian Building in advance.

The business of the blind massage parlor is good. Although they and Sheng Chuncheng's "Everyone Slimming" all use the gimmick of weight loss massage, but for some unknown reason, the customers are naturally diverted.

Most of the people who come to blind massage parlors for massages are male customers, especially middle-aged men with families who need weight loss or health care massages and don’t like to go to unorthodox massage parlors. Naturally, they are the ones who come to blind massage parlors.

first choice.

As for Sheng Chuncheng's store, probably because of its name and decoration, as well as Yanyan and the others' help in promoting it on the Internet, the same business has a different style. This place is quite regular, but Sheng Chuncheng's store has become a...

Internet celebrity stores. Their customers are mainly women, especially young women like Sun Hong and Yanyan who actually don’t need to lose weight at all.

Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An joked that our customers come to us to buy peace of mind.

Xiao An said no, they were buying into the expectation that they would not gain weight and could keep losing weight.

Sheng Chuncheng felt it was right.

The boss and uncle were very happy when they heard that Sheng Chuncheng was here. They knew that Sheng Chuncheng was now cooperating with Boss Liu, and they had introduced him at the beginning. They all knew that by following Boss Liu, Sheng Chuncheng would definitely be able to grow bigger.

After learning about Sheng Chuncheng, he was now planning to open a branch in Nanjing. When the boss heard this, not only did he not feel jealous at all, but he seemed as happy as if he was going to open a store.

As a blind man, he has a very clear understanding of himself. He knows that he cannot do things like Sheng Chuncheng, and he does not have such great ambitions. For him, he does not expect to be rich and powerful, as long as he can keep this store.

The business is not bad. In addition to supporting the family in Hukou, I still have extra money to save for my children's education and for myself and my husband to take care of themselves in old age. I am already satisfied.

Sheng Chuncheng sat in the shop until 6:20, and made an agreement with them, saying that when he had time, he would invite them to the Tuxiangyuan Hotel for dinner. The boss happily agreed, and Sheng Chuncheng left the blind massage shop and went in.

Inside the hotel.

Sheng Chuncheng entered the box and saw that Zhong Xinxin and Xiao An had already arrived. Sheng Chuncheng asked: "Isn't Sun Hong here?"

Xiao An said: "We are already here. We have even ordered the food. You also told us that as long as you come, let the waiter serve the food and let us eat first."

"Where is she?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"I went to the private room next to her. She said there were two groups of important guests here, and she had to deal with them first," Xiao An said.

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head: "She is really hardworking."

Xiao An said: "How can you earn such a big house without hard work? I can't even earn a bathroom."

Sheng Chuncheng looked at her and asked, "Why, are you dissatisfied with your income?"

Zhong Xinxin was laughing on the side, and Xiao An quickly said: "No, no, I'm just jealous, can't I?"

"Okay." Sheng Chuncheng said, "But don't be envious. Work hard. One day you will be able to afford such a big house."

"Guoyi, I like this pie. Boss, I am very eager to know when it will be realized?" Xiao An asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "It will happen in the near future, don't be impatient."

"Don't be anxious. I won't be anxious until I at least see you buy a house first." Xiao An said.

The two people spoke seriously, and after finishing speaking, the three of them laughed wildly.

The waiter served them the food, and Sheng Chuncheng said to Kuaizi in his hand, "Let's eat, let's eat. Anyway, she invited us, let's eat."

The three of them ate for more than half an hour. Sun Hong opened the door and came in with a flushed face. She had obviously drunk a lot of wine. She sat down between Xiao An and Zhong Xinxin. The first thing she did when she sat down was to pick up

Cell phone, turn it off first.

"Three leaders, how did you eat?"

Sun Hong asked them with a smile. The three of them were stunned for a moment. Sun Hong said with a smile: "You three are now the leaders of our head office."

"What the hell?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

Sun Hong said: "I didn't say that there were leaders from the head office here who wanted to hear my report on a project. How could they let me go?"

The three people suddenly understood and laughed.

The glass in front of Sun Hong was still empty. Xiao An turned his back on the guests and asked Sun Hong, wine or drink?

Sun Hong said: "Of course it's wine. Why come to the hotel if you don't drink?"

She saw that the glass in front of Sheng Chuncheng was full of wine, and that the glasses of Xiao An and Zhong Xinxin were full of drinks. She waved to them and shouted:

"Change it, change it, you all change it for me too. It's hard to find a night where we are not forced to drink. We are still happy to drink ourselves."

Xiao An jumped for joy and said, "I actually want to drink, but I'm sorry for the front."

"If you want to save face and suffer the consequences, then don't drink." Sun Hong said angrily.

"No," Xiao An said.

She picked up the wine bottle and poured wine for herself and Zhong Xinxin.

Sun Hong raised her cup and said to Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaoan: "You guys are witnesses, I recognize this sister Zhong Xinxin today."

She raised the cup towards Zhong Xinxin and said, "Come on, let's touch it and call me sister."

Zhong Xinxin picked up the cup, blushed, and called out: "Sister Sun Hong!"

The two of them met and drank. Sun Hong fell over, hugged Zhong Xinxin, kissed her on the face, and said: "That's great, Zhong Xinxin, if you need help from me if you need anything in the future,

Don't be polite, you must tell my sister."

Zhong Xinxin blushed and nodded.

Xiao An no longer called Miss Sun Hongsun. She followed Zhong Xinxin and called her Sister Sun Hong. She asked: "Sister Sun Hong, do you have to socialize like this every day?"

Sun Hong nodded and said yes: "My work is not in the office, but mainly outside the office. The most important things I do every day are three things, one is to invite people to eat, the other is to be invited to eat, and the third is to avoid eating."


Sheng Chuncheng smiled: "Just one person to eat, and so many flowers?"

"Of course, it's complicated and the difference is huge. I'll talk from the back to the front." Sun Hong told them, "If I want to invite you to dinner every day, I must have something to ask you for. Like the kind of person who wants to get a loan, but his own conditions are very different.

I'm not very qualified, so I just want to have a relationship with you and see if I can be accommodating. Is this kind of food so delicious? When you eat it, are you doing things for others or not?

"If you do it, it's risky. I can't let myself go through thunder just for a meal. If you don't do it, people will scold your ancestors for eighteen generations behind your back. So the only way to have such a meal is not to do it."

Eat. But many of these people are recommended by friends, connections and leaders. You can't be too blunt. If you offend them, you will offend the people behind you. You can only find various reasons to hide.

"The second is being invited to dinner. These are generally good customers. After the work is done, in order to deepen our friendship and continue cooperation in the next step, you have to go and eat because it is difficult to refuse the hospitality.

"In the end, inviting people to dinner is complicated. You need to ask for deposits, and you also need to ask for loans..."

Sheng Chuncheng interrupted Sun Hong and asked: "It's easy to understand that you have to treat people to dinner to get deposits. Aren't people asking your bank for loans? Why do you need to treat others to dinner?"

Sun Hong smiled and said: "Who told you that people ask banks for loans, not banks ask people?"

Sheng Chuncheng was stunned and said, "Isn't that the case? That's what I think."

"That's because you don't understand and are thinking wildly." Sun Hong said.

This chapter has been completed!
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