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322 Yanyan's Finger

Yanyan's fingers wrote again on Sheng Chuncheng's chest. Sheng Chuncheng felt it. What she wrote was:

"My present will affect our future."

This time, Yanyan wrote very slowly, writing all the commas and periods. Sheng Chuncheng also felt it. He felt that Yanyan's handwriting was good, and it would look good if it was moved to paper.

Sheng Chuncheng held Yanyan's hand tightly and said, "I won't mind."

"I will mind it, and I will be very sensitive." Yanyan said, "I will also have random thoughts. Even if it is an inadvertent action or an unintentional word of yours, and you clearly do not mean to dislike me, I will mistakenly think that you do, and I will definitely not be able to stand it.

I'm not a give-in person and I won't tolerate it."

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said, "What if I don't even give you a chance to endure it?"

"That's not necessary." Yanyan rubbed her face against Sheng Chuncheng's chest and said, "This is not the most important thing."

"Then what is the most important?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

Yanyan said: "Do you remember that I told you that I need to make money now?"

Sheng Chuncheng nodded.

"This is the most important thing." Yanyan said, "I will not bet my fate on any man, even if I really like you. I want to make enough money for the rest of my life.

, so that I no longer have to worry about money. I am not a gambler, either, but I only bet that I will win. This is my goal, and no one can change me."

Sheng Chuncheng was silent. He knew that Yanyan said this, and she must have thought this way. She would not change her on a whim. He could not change her, let alone, was he worthy of being entrusted to others? To be honest, Sheng Chuncheng was now, just now

After a wonderful experience, he felt that he fell in love with Yanyan, first her body, and then her person.

In other words, Yanyan's beauty was always liked by men, and Sheng Chuncheng was no exception, but now, he fell in love with her. This kind of love is too short-lived and too utilitarian. How long can it last? Sheng Chuncheng himself

Not sure yet.

Although at this moment, he felt that he and Yanyan were in perfect harmony, and even fell in love so much that he couldn't help himself, but what about tomorrow, when he gets up? Is he really worthy of Yanyan's bet? Can he let her win the bet?

Sheng Chuncheng felt a little guilty and not completely sure.

"We can be better friends than friends, do you agree?" Yanyan asked.

Sheng Chuncheng asked: "What is a better friend than a friend?"

"That's it, like now, I won't go to bed with my friends, but I will with my better friends." Yanyan said, "You are very nice, and I like it very much. When I do this kind of thing, I am passive most of the time.

Yes, but I also have desires, and there are times when I want it. When this happens, can I call you?"

"Is this a friend who is better than a friend?" Sheng Chuncheng burst into laughter, "Isn't this just a friend?"

"Go, hate it. Your statement is too vulgar. Although the meaning is similar, it is very different." Yanyan said.

"What's the difference?"

"When it comes to sex, it's a physiological need, more than a psychological need. Even if you don't like a person, you will still go to bed with him because he is of the opposite sex. In our case, I like you as a person first, and then your body.

Can it be the same? If I just need to solve my physical needs, I don’t have to look for you. I can get them at any time and make money at the same time."

Yanyan spoke very frankly and clearly. Sheng Chuncheng asked:

"What about when I think I need you?"

"Same." Yanyan said, "As long as I'm in Hangzhou and I'm not too tired, even if I don't really want it, I will satisfy you. This is my obligation. I hope you treat me the same way.

Obligation, do you agree?"

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, which sounded fair.

Yanyan kissed him and said, "Then let's make an agreement. From now on, in Hangzhou, I will have one more thing to care about, a family, and you."

Hearing these words, Sheng Chuncheng's heart felt inexplicably hot. He turned around and hugged Yanyan. Although Yanyan was still saying just now that she was worried that she would fall in love with him too many times, they still had a wonderful time again.

It was around four o'clock in the morning. Sheng Chuncheng wanted to lie on the bed and fall asleep like this, but Yanyan kicked her out of the bed and got dressed.

Yanyan sent Sheng Chuncheng to the door and hugged him for a long time. Her eyes turned red and she said to Sheng Chuncheng:

"I'm very sorry to let you go, but I must let you go. Do you understand?"

Sheng Chuncheng nodded and said, "I understand, you have your own principles."

Yanyan nodded "hmm".

Sheng Chuncheng went downstairs, walked out of the underground parking lot, and was about to walk to the lobby of the Grand Hyatt Hotel, where he would sit down and call for a taxi. His cell phone rang, it was Yanyan, Sheng Chuncheng picked it up, and Yanyan said on the phone:

"I called a car for you, and it's already here. It's at the hotel entrance."

Sheng Chuncheng said thank you.

"Thank you, this is what I should do." Yanyan said, "Thank you for your hard work, husband."

When Sheng Chuncheng returned home, it was already dark outside. He took the time to get some sleep, got into bed, and tossed and turned, but couldn't fall asleep. The two times just now should have exhausted him, but in the end it seemed that he was exhausted.

It gave him more physical strength and an experience he had never had before.

Sheng Chuncheng sat up on the bed, turned on his phone, and saw that Yanyan had posted a new circle of friends. Quickly clicking on it, he saw a picture of two hands holding together, one was Yanyan's hand, and the other was

, Sheng Chuncheng recognized his own hand, the background of the hand,

It should be the wooden table where the two of them were sitting facing each other in front of the window.

I don’t know when Yanyan took the photo.

There is a sentence under the picture: "I can't sleep tonight. All the good things are because of you. Thank you!"

As Sheng Chuncheng read these words, he suddenly felt heartache and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

Perhaps due to lack of sleep, Sheng Chuncheng arrived at the store and had been listless all morning. Xiao An asked him, what's wrong with you? Are you sick? Your face looks so ugly.

Sheng Chuncheng quickly said no, no, he just didn't wake up.

Xiao An said: "There are not so many customers now. You can go to the inner compartment to rest for a while."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

He walked into the inner compartment and lay down on the massage table. He still couldn't fall asleep. His mind was filled with the scenes from last night and Yanyan's face.

He thought he had been awake, but in fact he had entered a semi-sleep state. When Xiao An came in to wake him up and told him it was almost time, he sat up and looked at the time, and was shocked. It was almost five o'clock.

He lay on the massage table in the cubicle for more than four hours.

"Are you feeling better?" Xiao An asked.

Sheng Chuncheng was confused and his mind was still a mess, but he said it was okay and he woke up.

This chapter has been completed!
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