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327 Professor Zheng’s Way of Communicating with People

Professor Zheng’s way of communicating with people has improved again. He no longer relies on the small whiteboard, but uses the TV screen in the living room. Professor Zheng holds the mobile phone in his hand and projects the screen to the TV screen, and keeps pressing with his fingers

Then, lines of words are displayed on the screen.

The stacked books on the sofa have been cleared away by Xiao Ma, which can free up more space for people who come to visit Professor Zheng to sit.

After being able to type, the speed is much faster than handwriting on the small whiteboard, and it can basically be done at the same speed as speaking. In this way, the communication between the two parties is smoother, and there will be no jams. As a result, Professor Zheng can talk more.

Professor Zheng is sitting on the side of the single sofa where books were originally stacked. This has now become Professor Zheng’s special seat. She is facing the TV screen. She does not need to look at the screen as long as she is wearing reading glasses.

Just stare at your phone. If you say something wrong, delete it on your phone and type again.

Sheng Chuncheng and Xue'er were sitting on the three-person sofa facing the TV, looking at the screen instead of watching Professor Zheng chatting with her.

Professor Zheng already had a rough idea of ​​what happened to Xue'er from Sheng Chuncheng's phone call in the morning. Tax evasion itself was just a trick. There was nothing new under the sun. She could figure it out.

However, she still asked Xue'er to tell her about their entire current operation process, the actual operating company and the shell company's account transactions, and how she withdrew funds from the shell company. Xue'er had no idea.

Keep it, tell Professor Zheng everything.

After Xue'er finished speaking, she habitually looked at Professor Zheng, wanting to listen to her advice. Professor Zheng didn't look at her. He lowered his head and kept pressing his fingers. Words appeared on the screen, and Xue'er didn't know it yet. Wait until

Sheng Chuncheng touched her, and she suddenly realized that today she wanted to watch, not listen, and quickly turned her head to the TV.

Professor Zheng said: "In your case, it is certain that you cleverly set up taxable subjects and evaded personal income tax. It is clear at a glance, and it is very rough and naked. There is nothing hidden at all. The tax department does not need to look at your account books.

Through the internal system, it can be seen at a glance, almost qualitatively.

"Now that you are asked to conduct self-examination, they have already determined the situation internally. They are just giving you a chance. In fact, they already have all the evidence and relevant data of your tax evasion."

Xue'er was surprised and said, "So that's it."

"You should feel lucky." Professor Zheng said, "Our tax law has been changed. If it had not been changed, what comes to you now is not a tax audit, but a public security economic investigation. According to our country's original tax law, the amount of tax evasion is huge.

, your amount, I don’t need to ask, it will definitely meet the standard of a huge amount.

"If the amount of tax evasion is huge, the tax department will hand it over to the public security economic investigation, so that year, Liu Xqing and Mao Xmin were both imprisoned for tax-related matters.

"Fan Xbing evaded a larger amount of tax than them, but she was not imprisoned. Instead, she was dealt with directly by the tax department. There were a lot of discussions on the Internet, and many half-hearted people were angry, saying that she had some background that prevented her from being arrested.

Locked up. They don’t know that this is actually because the tax law has changed. It has nothing to do with whether he is Fan Xbing or not, and there is nothing fishy in it.

"Because the tax law is very professional and there are many types of taxes, it is impossible for ordinary people and companies to completely master it and pay all they are due. Most people and companies' tax evasion behavior is unintentional.

If the old tax laws are strictly enforced, the impact will be too large, which is not conducive to social harmony and economic development.

“So our new tax law leaves a space and a buffer zone in its implementation, allowing taxpayers to have a chance to self-correct and repent. This is the same for everyone and any unit.

"In layman's terms, no matter who you are, for whatever reason, or how much the amount of tax evasion is, as long as it is discovered by the tax authorities for the first time, the tax authorities will deal with it. Generally, they will only impose financial penalties and will not be held accountable.

criminal responsibility.

"But if you commit the crime for the second time, or if you resist the investigation when the tax authorities investigate you, or continue to provide false information, etc., it will not be the tax authorities who will handle it, but the public security organs, who will hold you criminally responsible. Reasons

It's very simple. I've already dealt with you once, how can you still say that you don't understand tax laws?

"So I said that the tax department is giving you a self-examination notice by giving you an opportunity. You only need to cooperate with the tax authority's investigation, correct your own tax evasion behavior, pay back taxes, fines, late payment fees, etc. This will

The matter is over. If you don't seize this opportunity, there won't be a second time. Next, the public security economic investigation department will intervene."

Xueer listened and took a breath. It turned out that there were such differences and regulations. If she didn't handle them well, she would go to jail.

Xueer told Professor Zheng what the scumbag and the tax planner said. When Professor Zheng heard this, he became a little moved and cursed:

"It's nonsense. They are trying to harm you and push you into a pit of fire. If you listen to them, you will miss the opportunity and space left for you by the new tax law as I mentioned earlier.

"The entire live broadcasting industry, including the e-commerce industry, is the hardest hit area for tax losses. This is something that everyone with a discerning eye knows. It's not that the higher-ups don't know that you are evading taxes, but because this industry is still a new thing, it needs to be developed for you.

Space allows trial and error, just take a look first and correct it if you make a mistake.

"At the same time, it is also necessary to discover and explore the regularities, formulate comprehensive and complete guiding opinions, and improve the management regulations for the entire industry. If necessary, the tax law needs to be revised, or the State Administration of Taxation,

Publish nationwide inspection work rules.

"Now that a self-inspection notice has been issued to you, it means that the inspection of tax-related issues in the live broadcast industry has begun. Moreover, Hangzhou is a model city. The next few major projects will probably be carried out by the Hangzhou tax department.

Go out and set an example for other cities across the country to conduct tax audits on the live broadcast industry.

"What do you mean? That is to say, on the surface, it seems that the Hangzhou Taxation Department has issued a self-inspection notice to you. In fact, this is a matter that is paid attention to and supervised by the General Administration. What kind of tax planner are you talking about?

Does he have so much energy? Can he get through the connections with the General Administration and get them to change their decisions? Don't be naive. If you believe them, you will only delay time and ultimately harm yourself.

"For a bastard like you, your attitude and the extent of your cooperation with the investigation determine the final result of your punishment. The fine ranges from 0.5 times to 5 times. If it is 0.5 times, it will leave you a way out. If

It will be dealt with at the highest level and the fine will be five times the amount of tax evasion. You can do the math yourself and see how much is needed. I’m afraid it won’t be enough to bankrupt your family.”

Xue'er sat there, completely stunned, her face turned pale, her whole body was trembling, and her tears were rolling down.

Professor Zheng sighed, sat over, hugged Xue'er with one hand, and continued typing with the other hand. Xue'er's eyes were filled with tears and she could no longer see the screen clearly. Sheng Chuncheng helped translate:

"Child, cooperate well. Everyone will make mistakes sometimes. If we make mistakes, we will correct them. Don't make mistakes. You are still young. Don't involve yourself in it. Do you understand?"

Xueer nodded "Yeah".

This chapter has been completed!
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