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343 Xiao Sheng, Are You From Hangzhou?

"Xiao Sheng, are you not a native of Hangzhou?"

Before the food was served, Sun’s mother asked Sheng Chuncheng, and Sheng Chuncheng said no. I am from Shexian County, Anhui Province. However, our place is very close to Hangzhou, right on the edge of Qiandao Lake. It takes one and a half hours to get there from home by car and high-speed rail.

The hour is up.

"Who else is at home?" Sun's mother continued to ask.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "My father has passed away. I still have my mother, a younger brother and a younger sister at home. My younger brother will go to high school this year, and my younger sister will take the college entrance examination this year and go to college."

Sun Hong shouted from the side: "Mom, what are you doing? Are you starting to check your household registration again?"

Mother Sun rolled her eyes at her and said, "Xiao Sheng is here. Let me just ask, Lala can't do anything at home. What is a household registration check?"

Sheng Chuncheng quickly smiled and said: "Okay, okay, Auntie, if you have anything to say, just ask her and ignore her. She is used to being a leader and likes to interrupt others."

Sun Hong was drinking a cup of tea. After hearing this, there was nothing unusual at all, and she kicked Sheng Chuncheng with her right foot.

Sun's mother smiled and said, "That's right, Xiao Sheng, you should not spoil her, but set rules for her."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, "I won't get used to it, I definitely won't get used to it."

Sun Hong came with another kick, but Sheng Chuncheng was on guard and had already dodged.

Mother Sun asked with a smile: "Xiao Sheng, how old are you this year?"

Sheng Chuncheng said honestly: "It was just twenty-five."

Mother Sun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Okay, then our Sun Hong is twenty-eight, which is exactly three years older than you. As the saying goes, if a female junior holds a gold brick, it is great to be three years older."

Father Sun suddenly shouted: "Do you know how to count? It's twenty-nine!"

Mother Sun was stunned for a moment, then said, "Oh, it's been a year, I forgot."

Sun Hong held the tea cup in her hand, looked at her mother, and asked with a smirk on her face: "That means you are four years older. What else do you have to say?"

Mother Sun glared at her and said, "Then just hold a few more gold bricks, okay?"

Sun Hong twisted his head and spit a mouthful of tea onto the ground. Sheng Chuncheng also laughed.

Sun's mother then asked Sheng Chuncheng what he did, how much he earned, whether he had bought a house in Hangzhou, etc. She asked her questions very carefully, and Sheng Chuncheng answered them truthfully. Sun's father stood aside with a straight face and did not say a word.


Sun Hong, on the other hand, intervened from time to time. When her mother asked about the house, she said, "Why are you asking? I own the house." Her mother rolled her eyes at her. When asked about her income, Sun Hong said, "It's okay if I don't have any income."

Okay, I'll tie him up with you and raise him. Mother Sun rolled her eyes at her again and cursed, "We don't want you to raise him, you can just live your life well."

"How is it, how is it? Are you satisfied or not? If not satisfied, I will return it."

Sun Hong asked her mother, but her mother still rolled her eyes at her and cursed: "It's your turn to return other people's children. If you want to return it, you will be returned. I will be reborn again."

Sheng Chuncheng said quickly: "Auntie doesn't want it. In that case, if I wait for her, my hair will turn white."

Sun's mother and Sun Hong both laughed. Sun Hong leaned close to his ear and whispered, "That's a good thing to say. It was sweet." Sheng Chuncheng's face turned red.

When the dishes started to be served, the waiter came over with wine, poured it into Sun's father's glass, and then asked Sheng Chuncheng: "Sir, do you also have white wine?"

Before Sheng Chuncheng could say anything, Sun's father tapped his fingers on the table twice: "Pour it up, pour it up."

The waiter poured wine for Sheng Chuncheng and was about to leave with the bottle. Sun's father said: "Leave the wine here, we can pour it ourselves. It's too troublesome to take it here and there."

The waiter looked at Sun Hong, who nodded, and left the bottle on the table.

Father Sun didn't pick up the cup with his hands, but kept the cup in front of him without moving. He put his head down, put his mouth close to the wine glass and took a sip. When he raised his head, Sheng Chuncheng saw that his stern face suddenly relaxed.

No longer serious.

He then picked up the cup with his hand and said to Sheng Chuncheng, "Come on, let's go together."

Sheng Chuncheng picked up the cup, clinked it with him, and drank.

Sheng Chuncheng reached out to get the wine and pour it for Sun's father, but Sun's father blocked his hand and said, "I'll come, I'll come, you haven't mastered kung fu yet."

Sheng Chuncheng was wondering, isn't it just a matter of pouring a glass of wine? Why can't he get enough of it?

Unexpectedly, Father Sun took the wine bottle, tilted the bottle mouth, and a pillar of wine came out of the bottle mouth. Then he straightened his hand and the wine pillar disappeared. But in the wine glass in front of him, the wine was already full to the edge of the glass, swollen, but

It didn't flow out of the cup, and not a drop of wine was spilled outside as he poured it.

He then tilted and straightened again, and the cup in front of Sheng Chuncheng was also full. This made Sheng Chuncheng look very surprised. This skill was really amazing.

Father Sun still lowered his head and took a sip of the wine. Then he raised the cup and said to Sheng Chuncheng:

"Come on, let's go one more time."

The wine in the glass was too full. If Sheng Chuncheng took it directly with his hands, the wine in the glass would definitely spill out. He could only imitate Sun's father, lower his head, take a shallow sip first, and then raise the glass.

It turns out that this is how habits are formed.

Sun Hong said from the side: "Chuncheng, if you can't drink it, don't force it."

Father Sun glared at her and cursed: "A man is drinking, why are you nagging around?"

Sheng Chuncheng said: "It's okay, it's okay, I'll drink with my uncle."

After walking like this for three consecutive days, Sun's father was happy and started to paint. He patted Sheng Chuncheng on the shoulder and said:

"Brother, brother, you are good. I am happy to see you as my son-in-law."

Mother Sun scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about? Who is your brother?"

Father Sun woke up a little, chuckled, and defended himself: "There is no big or small thing at the wine table, there are all brothers at the wine table. Brother, do you think I am right or wrong?"

Sheng Chuncheng looked at him, dumbfounded, wondering whether he should shake his head or nod.

Sun's father's wine glass came over again, but this glass of wine was poured by Sheng Chuncheng for him. His hands had already begun to tremble. When the bottle was tilted again, more than half of the wine spilled out of the glass instead of inside.

"Wine, wine, this is wine, what a pity, what a pity!" Father Sun shouted.

Sheng Chuncheng took the bottle and filled it for him. Sun's father pointed at Sheng Chuncheng's wine glass and shouted: "Yours, yours, fill it up too."

Sheng Chuncheng was also full, and the two drank the glass. Sun’s father patted Sheng Chuncheng again and shouted:

"Brother, let me tell you, I think you are a good person and you can be my son-in-law. Brother, what do you think of me?"

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Sheng Chuncheng quickly said, "Very good, uncle, you are very good."

Sun's mother looked at Sun's father and wanted to say something. Sun Hong said: "Ignore them and let them make trouble. It's not like you don't know."

As expected, Sun's mother ignored them. Mother and daughter were eating vegetables, talking quietly, and laughing from time to time.

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