Turn off the lights
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349 Get out of the elevator

After getting out of the elevator, Sheng Chuncheng couldn't help but be startled. He discovered that this was not an apartment building, but an office building. The wall facing the elevator hall was inlaid with a row of aluminum alloy gussets, with the names of companies on them.

Sheng Chuncheng adjusted his mask and glasses, lowered the brim of his hat, turned around and took a look at the mirrored stainless steel elevator door. Even he could hardly recognize himself, let alone other people.

Thanks to the epidemic, if he were dressed like this at other times, he would definitely be eye-catching, but during the epidemic, it is commonplace. No one is surprised how you dress to protect yourself.

After exiting the elevator hall, Sheng Chuncheng saw that both sides of the corridor were covered with glass. Inside the glass were companies. The companies here were not large in scale. At first glance, they looked like start-up companies, and they were all targeting Taobao across the street.

I just opened my company here.

Most of these companies are companies that specialize in live broadcasting, as well as e-commerce companies, and there are also people doing live broadcasting. There are very few pure Taobao stores now, and live streaming is the mainstream. Even the stalls in the Sijiqing Clothing Market

, and now they are also selling goods through live broadcast.

Sheng Chuncheng pretended to be passing by. He couldn't look around, couldn't stop his steps, and walked forward along the corridor unhurriedly. He searched both sides of the corridor with the corner of his eye.

When Sheng Chuncheng walked to the fifth or sixth company on the right, "Xigan Technology" was posted on the glass, and Sheng Chuncheng saw Michelle inside.

Sheng Chuncheng paused for a moment and looked carefully. He was shocked. Not only did he see Michelle and the scumbag inside, he also saw Ningxiang. In Ningxiang's live broadcast room, the beauty lamp and fill light were turned on.

Ningxiang was sitting in front of a table, seeming to be selling a snack, chewing it with gusto.

Sheng Chuncheng saw that not only Michelle and Ningxiang, but also the other seven or eight people in the company looked familiar. They were all from Xueer Company.

This is a fucking mess, Sheng Chuncheng thought to himself.

Sheng Chuncheng didn't dare to stop. He kept walking forward and reached the end of the corridor. There was a window there. Looking out of the window, he saw the street below and the Taobao building diagonally opposite.

Sheng Chuncheng thought for a moment, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, then bent down, untied the shoelace of his left foot and loosened it.

He then turned on the camera function of his mobile phone, and then walked back along the corridor. When he walked diagonally across from "Xigan Technology", he first took a picture of the company. Then he walked over and walked halfway, where he could take pictures of everything inside.

, Sheng Chuncheng squatted down, pretending to tie his shoelaces, and pointed the camera of his phone inside.

Everyone inside was busy and no one paid attention to him.

When Sheng Chuncheng arrived at the elevator hall, he walked to the corner with his back to the outside. He opened the video and watched it again to make sure that everyone had entered the frame. Sheng Chuncheng put his phone in his pocket.

Sheng Chuncheng arrived at the gate downstairs and called Zhong Xinxin. After a while, Zhong Xinxin's car drove over and Sheng Chuncheng got in the car.

"Have you found them?" Zhong Xinxin asked.

"I found it. It's unsightly and shocking." Sheng Chuncheng said.

Zhong Xinxin said "ah", blushed, and asked: "Such gangsters, they, they, who are they in the car?"

Sheng Chuncheng was stunned for a moment. Knowing that Zhong Xinxin had misunderstood, he said: "Yes, they were shaking the car and the ground was shaking."

As he said this, Sheng Chuncheng couldn't help laughing.

Zhong Xinxin rolled her eyes at him and cursed: "You are so boring. Xueer has been betrayed. Are you still so happy? Are you not her friend?"

Both Android and Apple are available.】

Am I happy? My heart is filled with desolation. Even when people are desolate, they will laugh. Sheng Chuncheng thought to himself. Sheng Chuncheng felt sad for Xueer in his heart, and also felt worthless. In her most difficult time, unexpectedly,

Her boyfriend and apprentice actually betrayed her together.

Sheng Chuncheng called Xue'er and asked her where she was. Xue'er said that she was at the company and was watching. It was the last day of decoration and everything would be ready after the decoration.

Sheng Chuncheng almost blurted out that there was no need to prepare, and it would be in vain if he did.

Sheng Chuncheng controlled himself and continued to ask: "When will you leave?"

"Everyone is here. Anyway, we can't leave until we finish today." Xueer said, "What, is something wrong?"

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, I have something to do with you.

"Then you come over in the evening. I'll be waiting for you in the office. By the way, you don't have to be too early. If it's too early, things may not be ready here yet. It will be about the same when you come back from get off work." Xue'er said.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

Sheng Chuncheng put down the phone and Zhong Xinxin asked: "Where is Xue'er? Can I take you there now?"

Sheng Chuncheng said no, we should go to the supermarket, buy things, and then finish the hygiene.

"Oh, why aren't you in a hurry?" Zhong Xinxin asked anxiously.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "I haven't even thought about how to tell Xue'er about this. Besides, there is no difference between knowing this a few hours earlier and a few hours later. It's not a good thing."

Zhong Xinxin nodded, feeling that Sheng Chuncheng was right.

"After talking to Xue'er, you must stay with her. If not, call Xiao An and me and we will go over and sleep with her." Zhong Xinxin ordered.

"What for?" Sheng Chuncheng asked, confused.

"With such a big blow, aren't you afraid that she will be like Guo Shuang?" Zhong Xinxin said, "If it were me, I would die."

Sheng Chuncheng felt that Xue'er and Guo Shuang were still different. She knew the truth and the pain was certain, but no matter how painful it was, Xue'er was not the kind of person who would commit suicide. There was still a difference between this person and other people.

Sheng Chuncheng sighed as he thought about it.

He said there was no difference between a few hours earlier and a few hours later, but Sheng Chuncheng was still anxious. After cleaning up at Sister Chen's house with Zhong Xinxin, the two of them went out for dinner. Sheng Chuncheng asked Zhong Xinxin to take him to the subway station.

, he did not go back to the store, but went directly to Jiubao.

When we arrived at Jiubao, it was not yet nine o'clock. Sheng Chuncheng rode his bicycle directly to the live broadcast base and approached the building of Xueer Company. Sheng Chuncheng looked up and saw that the lights upstairs were brightly lit.

Sheng Chuncheng got out of the elevator and saw that although the lights at the front desk of Xueer's company were on, the door was closed and there seemed to be no one inside.

Sheng Chuncheng knocked on the door, and after a while, Xueer walked over from inside. Xueer laughed when she saw him, and asked as she opened the door:

"Come so early?"

Sheng Chuncheng nodded.

"The people who decorated it have just left. I'm reviewing their results. Come over here. Come and take a look. I think after the renovation, the live broadcast room now looks even better than before." Xueer happily said to Sheng Chuncheng.

She led Sheng Chuncheng over and pointed to him, saying, this is Mi Xue's and this is Ningxiang's. They are both twice as big as their original live broadcast room.

"How is it? Isn't it great?" Xueer looked at Sheng Chuncheng and asked with a smile.

Sheng Chuncheng felt his heart hurt. He didn't know how to speak and tell Xue'er about that matter. Although he had been thinking about it for several hours, he still couldn't think of the right words. It seemed as if he had done it, or even better than he had done it.

It's even more difficult to say it, especially when seeing Xue'er so happy.

The two walked to the office. Xueer asked Sheng Chuncheng to sit down. She poured him a cup of tea and placed it on the coffee table in front of him. Sheng Chuncheng had something on his mind and even forgot to say thank you. Xueer looked at him.

Xueer sat down on the sofa next to her and asked, "Are you worried?"

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