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397 There's Nothing to Do Anyway

There was nothing to do anyway, so Sheng Chuncheng stayed in bed until almost nine o'clock, then he slowly got up.

After washing up and going downstairs, Xiaowei rested her chin on the counter and stared at Sheng Chuncheng. Before she could speak, Sheng Chuncheng said:

"I know there's no phone."

Xiaowei straightened up and said with a smile, "Yes."

"Do people who don't work have breakfast?" Sheng Chuncheng asked, "I feel embarrassed myself. I'm just freeloading."

"You still know, go ahead." Xiaowei said.

"What are you eating today?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.


"Is it tasty?"

"The chef himself was very satisfied. Mr. Sun also said it was delicious and he ate a big bowl." Xiaowei frowned, "But to be honest, it's not delicious at all. It's not as good as gnocchi. Maybe we can't eat it."

Get used to it."

Sheng Chuncheng walked to the kitchen and saw the chef eating breakfast. In front of him was a large bowl of Huli Hutu. It looked suspicious and he thought to himself, this is probably the gaba dish Xiaowei mentioned. It really didn't look good.

Suddenly I lost my appetite.

Sheng Chuncheng asked the chef if there were any more dumplings?

"Yes, it's in the refrigerator. I'll cook it for you." said the chef.

Sheng Chuncheng said no, I will do it myself and you can eat yours.

Sheng Chuncheng cooked himself a bowl of dumplings and sat down to have breakfast with the chef. The chef's bowl of gaba was already at the bottom. He tapped the edge of the bowl with his kuai and said to Sheng Chuncheng:

"It's a pity. I thought you wouldn't come for breakfast, so I didn't leave it for you. You don't have this luck."

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said, "Thank you. To be honest, it looks like a piece of shit. I have no appetite just looking at it."

"You don't understand, it's delicious, it's delicious." When the chef saw that Sheng Chuncheng said it was so disgusting, he was even more disgusting than what Sheng Chuncheng said. Anyway, he had almost finished eating, and Sheng Chuncheng had just started eating.

The chef said: "Shit is delicious. Pan-fried, stir-fried, stewed and stewed are all delicious. We grew up eating shit, and so did you. If you want to eat Chinese cabbage with shit now, you won't be able to eat it. You just eat it."

These dumplings would be even more delicious if they used cabbage like that."

Sheng Chuncheng knew that this guy was doing it on purpose. He had already started to feel nauseated, but he still pretended to eat with gusto and asked:

"This is already delicious. Is it available here, or did you make it yourself?"

"Fuck you!" The chef finally couldn't bear it anymore, cursed, stood up, took the bowl and walked away. There was still a little bit of gaba in the bowl, but he didn't eat it.

Sheng Chuncheng looked at him laughing and thought, let's have a battle of wits and courage, come on, who's afraid of whom? I'm bored, so I can spend time with you every day.

While Sheng Chuncheng was eating, the waiter ran in from outside the door. When he saw Sheng Chuncheng, he called:

"Master Sheng, the guest is looking for you."

Sheng Chuncheng stood up immediately and followed her out. Why were you pretending that he didn't need a massage? In the end, he couldn't hold it back. He still needed a massage, right?

He passed through the reception room and was about to go upstairs when Xiaowei stopped him and asked him what he was doing.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "I'm going to change into work clothes and get my bag. I'll put all the essential oils in there."

"No, no, no, he either needs a massage or wants to talk to you." Xiaowei said, "He is in the pavilion, you can go over."

Sheng Chuncheng walked quickly and approached the woods. He slowed down and breathed evenly so as not to look like he was in a hurry.

Mr. Sun was still sitting there as he was yesterday and the day before yesterday, looking motionlessly at the lake in front of him. Even when Sheng Chuncheng walked up to him, he did not turn his head.

Sheng Chuncheng nodded slightly and said, "Mr. Sun, are you looking for me?"

"Yes." Mr. Sun said, paused for a while, and then added two words: "Sit down."

On both sides of the pavilion were bamboo sills shaped like chairs. Sheng Chuncheng sat down on them and could feel the coldness of the bamboo under his buttocks through his pants.

"I heard that two ancient cities were submerged under this water, right?" Mr. Sun asked.

Sheng Chuncheng was right, "Shicheng and Hecheng are two ancient county towns. Last year, Zhejiang Satellite TV showed a documentary filmed by diving. The houses, streets and so on in the ancient cities are all well preserved."

"Interesting, the door is still ajar, as if the owner will come back after going out for a while, but he will never come back. Now the only people coming in and out of the door are fish, right?" Mr. Sun said.

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said, "It's not so poetic. Many of the people in our village were immigrants at that time, and they immigrated back."

"What do you mean by retreating from immigration?" Mr. Sun asked.

"The Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station was the first large-scale hydropower station built in our country at that time. Everyone at the top and bottom had no experience in resettling the reservoir area. In addition, the country was also very difficult in the past five years. The construction of this hydropower station was already a challenge.

With all the efforts of the whole country, where is the financial resources to resettle the immigrants? The immigrants in the Xin'anjiang Reservoir are also the first generation of immigrants in our country.

"At that time, the houses in our village were originally built at the foot of the mountains, including the two ancient cities. The villages and towns near the water were built with the problem of rising floods in mind when they were built. They were all built on high ground. Everyone thought that the houses at such high heights

There must be no problem in the place and the water will not flood it.

"As a result, when the dam was closed and the water began to be stored, it happened to be the rainy season again. When there was a heavy rain, the water level rose rapidly. One night, water began to enter the house. The water rose too fast, and everyone panicked.

When I got up, I didn't even have time to grab the furniture or the food in the cupboard, so I hurriedly ran back to a higher mountain.

"Standing on top, I saw that my home was flooded, my village was flooded, and my ancestors' graves were also flooded. Everyone burst into tears, but there was no time to suffer. The water was still rising, so we could only continue to run to higher mountains.


"When we got to the mountain, there were so many people with neither shelter nor food. Our village was relatively good. On the mountain behind the village, there was an ancestral hall. Hundreds of people from the whole village were crowded in this ancestral hall.

"But what should we do if we don't have food? No one was in charge at that time, and we couldn't manage it. More than 300,000 people in the entire reservoir area were in the mountains, and it was the same situation. The same was true for the local government. The offices were flooded, and even one office desk was

Even the tables were not preserved. Those cadres and their families, whose homes were flooded, were among these people. What could they do? There were many hills and there were no roads.

"Everyone had nothing to eat in the mountains, so they could only eat leaves and wild vegetables. There were a few families who were relatively well. When they escaped, they drove their pigs to the mountains and killed them.

, other people didn’t have money to ask them to buy meat, and in the end they just robbed and started fighting.

"Fortunately, the people at that time were very conscious. The higher-ups came to publicize that we were the first generation of immigrants in New China, and we had to sacrifice our families for the sake of the country's construction. People across the country were watching us. Everyone believed this.

It can be said that with so many people, under such difficult conditions, there was no major commotion.

"But with so many people in the mountains, without houses or land, and no way to survive for a long time, the country began to mobilize, and then began to transfer immigrants, mobilizing everyone to go to Jiangxi, Fujian, and Shihezi, Xinjiang. Each person was given 50

The resettlement fee of 100,000 yuan was all the compensation. More than 200,000 people just "washed their feet and got on the boat" and began to move around the country."

After Sheng Chuncheng finished speaking, Mr. Sun remained silent for a long time. After a long time, he sighed softly and asked:

"How are these people doing now?"

"There are still many remaining issues that are being dealt with. Chun'an and Yongcheng have immigration bureaus, which are not available in other county-level agencies. The state will still spend money every year to subsidize the immigrants of that year."
This chapter has been completed!
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