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398 Your Name

"What's your surname?" Mr. Sun asked.

Sheng Chuncheng replied: "The surname is Sheng, which means Sheng Sheng."

"That's Xiao Sheng." Mr. Sun said, "Xiao Sheng, can you do me a favor?"

"What's the deal?"

"You are a local, can you help me find a boat?" Mr. Sun said.

"Okay, if Mr. Sun wants a cruise or a speedboat, I'll go and talk to Xiaowei and we can arrange it here," Sheng Chuncheng said.

"No, I don't want that kind of boat, but a small boat, 'I'm afraid of the Shuanggai boat'. In the south, aren't they all those hand-cranked boats with pointed ends? Are they also available here?" Mr. Sun asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said there are, "but not many. The aquaculture and fishing in Qiandao Lake are all handled by a state-owned enterprise, Qiandao Lake Development Company."

"This is also a water source protection area. Fish farming and fishing are prohibited for individuals. When transportation was inconvenient, there were still boats like this that transported things to and from both sides of the lake. Now that the highway around the lake and the bridge across the lake are open, such boats can't be sent.

It comes in handy."

Mr. Sun sighed and said, "It's a pity that it can't be found, right?"

Sheng Chuncheng thought for a while and asked, "Mr. Sun, are you really looking for such a ship?"

Mr. Sun nodded.

Sheng Chuncheng thought to himself, what about the grasshopper boat? This is going to rock the boat to be a little poetic, right?

These rich people, when they have no money, they wish they could be Buffett. After they have money, they wish they were Su Dongpo and read "Red Cliff Fu". They are not guys who have read two books and like to put on glasses and make people laugh.

Do you think you are a Confucian businessman? If you are Confucian, you won't look ugly and you won't make money.

Sheng Chuncheng felt that he would never be a Confucian businessman in this life. A businessman is a businessman. There are only big and small distinctions, and there are other nonsense ways to classify them.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "I remember that one of my high school classmates seemed to have a boat like this at home. I don't know if it is still there. I need to call and ask."

"Okay, help me ask." Mr. Sun said anxiously.

"When should I use it?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"You can come over anytime." Mr. Sun said.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, I will give it a try.

Sheng Chuncheng really could only give it a try. He had not contacted any of his classmates in college or high school for so many years. He still had the numbers of several high school classmates on his mobile phone, but after so many years, he still had the numbers.

I don't know if their phone number is still open.

Sheng Chuncheng stood up and walked to the plank road behind.

Sheng Chuncheng walked back and forth on the bamboo plank road, looking through his address book, but he couldn't find the classmate whose family owned a boat. There were seven or eight other classmates.

Sheng Chuncheng dialed one by one. The first number was already empty, the next two could not be connected, and the fourth one was connected. As soon as the other party spoke, he could not understand what the other party said. He and Xueer sometimes called

That was pretty much it. She was definitely not his classmate. However, Sheng Chuncheng still asked if the other person was so-and-so.

This time I understood. The other party spoke in Mandarin. He said "I am your father" and hung up the phone.

"Okay, you're my dad, it's cool down there, go ahead." Sheng Chuncheng took his cell phone and cursed as well.

Sheng Chuncheng then dialed the fifth number. Fortunately, the call went through. There was no sound on the other end of the phone, and Sheng Chuncheng didn't ring either. After the two sides were in a stalemate for a while, the other party said:

"Who is it? Tell me."

Sheng Chuncheng heard that the other party was speaking Chun'an dialect, and he felt happy. He was a local, at least half reliable, and it seemed that he could not be his father. Sheng Chuncheng asked for confirmation and asked him if he was so-and-so.

Say yes, which one are you?

"I am Sheng Chuncheng, your classmate in high school. I wonder if you still remember me?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"Oh, it's Sheng Youtiao. Where have you been in the past few years?" the other party shouted, "I heard that you are doing well in Hangzhou, and no one can contact you."

Sheng Youtiao was Sheng Chuncheng’s nickname when he was in high school. Firstly, because he was as thin as a fried dough stick. If there was a snack bar in front of the school where the fried dough sticks were cooked like the chef’s dough sticks, Sheng Chuncheng probably wouldn’t get it.

The honor of being nicknamed "You Tiao" is also due to the fact that he speaks in an old-fashioned manner and likes to interrupt in class, so the teacher calls him an "Old You Tiao".

After his parents' accident, Sheng Chuncheng changed his mobile phone sim card. His classmates couldn't find him even if they tried to find him. This was not surprising. Fortunately for Sheng Chuncheng, after changing his mobile phone sim card, his address book was still there. Now he is looking for it.

, you can still find those old people.

When Sheng Chuncheng heard this, he was convinced that the other party was indeed his old classmate.

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said: "It's OK to be a fool, just fool around. When you get to Hangzhou, remember to call me and I'll treat you to dinner."

"Okay, I must eat this meal." The other party said, "By the way, Sheng Youtiao, what do you want from me?"

Sheng Chuncheng asked the other party if he could still contact the classmate whose family owned a boat. The other party said that he did not have that guy's phone number, but he could be found through other classmates.

"Are you talking about Ah Hui? This guy hangs out on the street every day and has nothing serious to do." The other party said, "If you find him, let him call you, okay?"

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

Sheng Chuncheng was walking back and forth on the bamboo plank road. Ten minutes later, a strange call came in. Sheng Chuncheng answered it. The caller was Ah Hui, the guy whose family owned a boat.

Sheng Chuncheng asked him if the family's boat was still there, and Ah Hui said it was, but it was thrown there and almost rotten. Now the boat was of no use and could not be sold.

"Can I still paddle?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"Of course you can row," Ah Hui said.

Sheng Chuncheng asked Ah Hui to row the boat to the hydropower station. Ah Hui shouted, "You are crazy, then I will row for more than two hours."

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said: "Is it okay if you have money? There is a boss who refuses to ride on cruise ships or speedboats. He must take this hand-rowed boat."

"How much?" Ah Fai asked.

Sheng Chuncheng thought for a while and said, "Can I give you five hundred?"

The other party was happy when he heard it. It cost five hundred yuan, and it cost nothing. It just cost a little effort to row across and back. He said, ok, ok, I am outside now, and will go back in the afternoon and row to your place, probably in the evening.

Are you going to take a night tour of Qiandao Lake?

Sheng Chuncheng said: "Wait a moment, I will ask."

Sheng Chuncheng walked a few steps to Mr. Sun and asked him: "My classmate said that the boat can row here in the evening, is that okay?"

Mr. Sun nodded. I went, and it seemed that I was really preparing for a night tour of Qiandao Lake. Another guest came to drink wine, recite poems about the bright moon, and sing graceful chapters. After a while, the moon appeared above the east mountain.

"Wandering between bullfights"? Pretentiousness is included in middle school textbooks.

Sheng Chuncheng picked up the phone and said to the other party: "Okay, Ah Hui, you can be there in the evening. The cruise pier is here, you know?"

"Mao Zhuyuan?" Ah Hui asked.

"It's not the Moso Bamboo Source. The Moso Bamboo Source is on the other side of the dam. It's on this side of the dam. There's also a cruise ship dock. Did you know?"

Ah Hui said: "I know, I know, the pier of Yongcheng Tourism Company, right? My cousin drives a speedboat there."

Mr. Sun pointed forward with his hand. Sheng Chuncheng understood and said to Ah Hui: "There is a hotel in the bay next to the pier. You see a pine forest by the water and a pavilion in front of the forest. Hurry up.

Call me when you arrive and we will wait for you in the pavilion."

When Sheng Chuncheng and Ah Hui were talking on the phone, they looked at Mr. Sun. Mr. Sun nodded when he heard what Sheng Chuncheng said.

The matter is settled.

Sheng Chuncheng asked Mr. Sun if there was anything else. Mr. Sun said no, thank you, Xiao Sheng.

"By the way, you can't tell anyone else about the boat, okay?" Mr. Sun asked, and Sheng Chuncheng said it was okay.

I was thinking, after using it, I must say, five hundred yuan, I have to give it to others first, and then ask Xiaowei for it. All expenses paid by Mr. Sun here, of course, are all free of charge, and are paid by "Renjia Travel"

Payment. Therefore, Sheng Chuncheng did not mention the five hundred yuan to Mr. Sun.
This chapter has been completed!
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