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402 things in this world

"Things in this world are not black and white, and neither are people." Mr. Sun said, "I said I hate corrupt officials. Do you believe it?"

Mr. Sun asked himself and answered: "It's true. Whether I express my position at a meeting or speak on the rostrum, I didn't lie to others. What I said was true. I lied to myself. When it comes to myself, it's completely different."

A corrupt official says that he hates corruption. Isn’t it ridiculous? In fact, it’s not funny at all, but sad. This means being strict with others and being lenient with yourself.

"What is a two-faced person? This means that it is one thing to ask others, but it is another thing to ask yourself. You feel that what others do should not be done, but what you do can be forgiven, or it is excusable.


"Everyone who has an accident will say that he is sorry for the years of education and training organized by the organization. He seems to have a sincere attitude, but that is nonsense. He just stretched out his hand and was caught. He feels that he is really unlucky. He has never really felt sorry. That is.

When I said it, I didn't feel this way in my heart. After all, no one knew it was wrong when they first did it.

"A person like me can be said to combine money and power. When it comes to money, I am in charge of trillions of assets. When it comes to power, at least in my unit, I have achieved the top, managing tens of thousands of people around the world.

Employees, do you think they have a lot of power? Of course they do.

"With such great power, not only do I see it, but others also see it, and they also want to use this power through me. I also want to use the power to turn money that does not belong to me into my own. Ordinary people come to

It's funny to make such a request, and I will scold him, but if it were that person, I wouldn't be able to scold him at all?

"What about the person who came to ask for me, the person who promoted me or helped me obtain this power? Or the person who grew up with me, can I still refuse? When I need them, they never

I have never refused to help me. When they need me, can I refuse? If I refuse, I am not a human being, right?

"Not to mention, when I have such requests and thoughts, can I refuse my impulse? I can't refuse. I always take a chance and think it doesn't matter. I think it's a trivial matter and I think I will be the best.

An exception.

"I am not saying this to justify my behavior, but this is my true mental journey. Few corrupt officials are hateful. At least in the eyes of those around me, I am a capable person.

He is easy to deal with, even very loyal, a very nice person.

"Without such good popularity, I wouldn't be able to climb to such a high position. Similarly, just because I am easy to deal with, good, and a loyal person, other people will make such demands of me, and they think I will definitely do it.

Help them as they wish, otherwise I wouldn't be me.

"I did do this, and when I did it, I really felt that only by doing this could I be in line with my principles of life, be a good friend, or be a human being, and not turn against others, let alone be inhumane.

Let’s have some cool tea.”

When Mr. Sun said this, Sheng Chuncheng was shocked. He felt that he had heard the same meaning before, but from another angle. After thinking about it for a while, he remembered that it was Sister Chen who was talking about Quan He.

People have expressed similar meanings when it comes to their relationship with themselves.

He looked at Mr. Sun. Mr. Sun did not look at him, but lowered his head slightly, completely immersed in his narration.

Mr. Sun said: "Will I ever be afraid? Of course I will. As I said, when I do this, I actually know that this is wrong. In the dead of night, I sat there alone and thought

When I think about it, I will be scared and shudder, knowing what the final result will be.

"People like me, people in my position, are strictly controlled cadres. Especially in recent years, major personal and family matters and changes need to be reported to the organization every year, including relatives' business conditions, children's employment and

Study abroad status, etc.

"I hid the truth from the organization and secretly sent my daughter abroad, to Australia, to study at the University of Melbourne. Why? I was thinking about her future on the one hand, and more importantly, I was thinking about her safety.

When I live to my age, there are not many things worth cherishing and caring about. I live in vain and deal with things in a perfunctory way, but in fact, there are only a few people I really care about.

"I always think that even if I am unlucky one day, I must protect my daughter and prevent her from being unlucky with me. Sending her abroad is the best choice. That's what I did.

He gave her a false identity and sent her out with the help of friends."

Sheng Chuncheng listened to Mr. Sun's words and was secretly shocked and a little scared. He didn't know what Mr. Sun meant by telling him this. Isn't this his most intimate secret? Why did he tell himself? His relationship with him

, have you reached this point? Is it just because you taught him how to row? Or is it because you told him about your experience and moved him?

Impossible, Sheng Chuncheng felt. How could a person who could sit in his position, who had never experienced anything and had enough experience and wealth, be moved by a few words from a stranger?

Sheng Chuncheng was confused. He looked at Mr. Sun and became even more confused. He felt that Mr. Sun was not telling lies or making up a story to frame himself. Everything he said seemed to be true.


Besides, it is necessary for him to deceive himself. Is it worth it? Who are you?

Mr. Sun was silent for a while, sighed softly, and then said:

"In May this year, my wife was 55 years old and retired. After retirement, she also went to Australia to spend time with her daughter. For me, it was half relieved. After they left, of course they would not come back. Wait.

In a few years, when I retire, I will go over and join them, and the family can be together again. By that time, I will be completely relieved."

When Mr. Sun said this, he raised his head and looked at Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng did not dare to look directly at him. It seemed that he was a little scared because he had seen through too many of his secrets. Sheng Chuncheng quietly moved his eyes.

It's open.

"Do you know Gu Cheng?" Mr. Sun asked.

"Who?" Sheng Chuncheng shook his head, "I don't know."

"Have you ever attended university?" Mr. Sun asked.

"Reading, but not graduating."

"Oh, I remembered, you said before, I'm sorry." Mr. Sun said, "I don't know, it turns out that today's college students no longer know who Gu Cheng is. At that time, who didn't know who Gu Cheng Beidao was?"

and Shu Ting, as well as Mang Ke and Shi Zhi.

"There is a May Fourth Literary Club in our school. There is a very cool guy named Lao Mu, who is from Jiangxi. He compiled a collection of "New Poetry Trend Poems". Although it was published internally, it had a great influence. At that time, we were almost

Everyone has one set of skills.”

"Who is he?" Sheng Chuncheng asked, "This is Gu Cheng."

"A poet was also my wife's childhood neighbor. They lived in the same alley. There are many of his poems in the set of books I mentioned. Of course, he is eleven years older than my wife, and my wife likes him very much.

I also liked his poems when I was in college, and my daughter also liked his poems later. His poems have a very pure language and have been purified."

Mr. Sun and Sheng Chuncheng said.

This chapter has been completed!
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