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409 What happened to Mr. Sun

After experiencing what happened to Mr. Sun, Sheng Chuncheng himself didn't know why. He seemed to have lost his energy, couldn't concentrate, and felt a little depressed.

It turns out that his idea seems to be very simple, that is, to work hard and make money, first to ensure the study and life of Chunni, Chunming, and mother. Then if he is able, it is best to buy a house in Hangzhou.

I have never thought about getting rich, but I still want to change the face of my family through my own efforts. This thought and idea is still very clear.

What then? Sheng Chuncheng asked himself, what then?

He didn't know and couldn't answer. He felt that the clear goal seemed to be blurred. He thought, as far as Mr. Sun is concerned, it can be said that he has become famous, right? His status and achievements are beyond his reach in this life.

Unattainable, but so what?

Who knew that people like this would suffer such deep pain, and that there would be times when they are desperate, and when they close their eyes and then open them, everything disappears.

Sheng Chuncheng couldn't understand, what was the meaning of life? What was the meaning of life? It was so thin and fragile, so vulnerable.

Dad sent himself a WeChat message the day before, asking if he had enough money. He said enough, Dad, please call me next week, and then he received a call from Chuni. Guo Shuang and Zhong Xinxin sandwiched him

, said she would put a sandwich between him, and then she herself turned into bubbles and disappeared in the water.

Lao Wan arm-wrestled with him in the afternoon and won him. He said proudly that if you want to beat me, you have to eat for a few more years. Then, he left in his sleep at night. Mr. Sun asked him if the water in the world is the last

Will they all be together? Then, he disappeared into the water.

Experiencing life and death like this again and again made Sheng Chuncheng doubt the meaning of life, and even doubted everything that was solid and seemed to be permanent.

Isn't it? To put it more seriously, one 911 and two planes can turn two such tall buildings into ashes and thousands of people become unjust ghosts.

Some people are whistling in the bathroom to relieve themselves; some people are flirting with the opposite sex at the opposite station; and there is also a domineering president in his spacious and luxurious office, shouting "What? What!" loudly scolding his subordinates, turning his head,

I saw a plane approaching outside the floor-to-ceiling glass, and I was thinking, who is this idiot?

Then, in an instant, they were all swallowed up by a huge collision and wiped out.

A major earthquake in Wenchuan buried the joys and sorrows of many families.

If even these seemingly solid things are so fragile, then what else in this world can be believed in? Intangible, tangible, external, and inner, what else is worth cherishing? A life

The passing away is like the collapse of a building, just like Ding Huamei leaving without saying goodbye. What is the difference in essence? Aren't they both leaving?

Everything is leaving, your time is leaving you, and you can't catch it for a second. The world outside the car window is leaving you, no matter how noisy it is, how many people are coming and going, every second is a world

After leaving you, there is no way to keep it. The next second is a new world. Before you have time to see this new world clearly, it leaves you ruthlessly.

Sheng Chuncheng felt a splitting headache. He shook his head and sighed.

"Is it here?" The driver had already driven the car to the entrance of the store and stopped. Seeing that Sheng Chuncheng was still in a daze, he asked.

Sheng Chuncheng woke up and said, oh, yes, this is it.

Sheng Chuncheng got out of the car, walked to the door of the store, took a deep breath, then shook his head, and then walked in.

He saw Brother Dong's mother doing some cleaning in the hall. The last time he saw her was on New Year's Eve, when Brother Dong took her home.

Sheng Chuncheng walked over to her, said Happy New Year to her aunt, and asked, "How was your New Year's Eve dinner?"

"Hello Mao, hello Mao. Dongdong's wife and Xiaoya'er are all very polite to me."

Brother Dong's mother smiled and said to him, but Sheng Chuncheng sounded a little sad. Can a family be described as polite? If you are polite to you, you will almost be kicked out. So, the aunt will not talk about the daughter-in-law.

and granddaughter, but Dongdong’s wife and Xiaoyaer are still biologically related.

It's no wonder that such a mother-in-law and grandma who suddenly fell from the world will feel strange to everyone. How can they feel close to them? If they don't show disgust, they already know the etiquette.

However, Sheng Chuncheng thought that if Brother Dong's wife and daughter were here now, he would tell them to let it go. Don't worry about spending every penny. Everything is passing by very fast. There is nothing that cannot be let go.

Sheng Chuncheng was thinking this in his heart, but on the surface he said: "That's good, Auntie, it will get better as time goes by."

Brother Dong’s mother kept nodding her head in agreement.

Sheng Chuncheng didn't see Zhong Xinxin, so he walked to the front desk and asked, where is the ambassador?

The front desk hand pointed to the back and said, "In the back, what are you busy with?"

"What are you busy with?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"Massage." The front desk told him.

Yes, no matter how busy or tired you are, you still want to lose weight. Sheng Chuncheng smiled and asked, "What's the date?"

"05" said the front desk.

Today is the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, it is now around four o'clock in the afternoon, and there are no customers in the store.

Everyone will go to work tomorrow, so we will use the last moment to clean up today. Those who are tired from playing are resting at home. There are still guests who have not been invited, so we will also use the last moment to gather people together. There are still people who have already taken advantage of the opportunity.

During the Spring Festival holiday, we have made plans for the coming year and are gearing up to implement them tomorrow. Therefore, fewer people are going out.

Sheng Chuncheng walked to cubicle No. 5. The door of the cubicle was open, and the sound of Zhong Xinxin talking to someone came from inside.

Sheng Chuncheng walked to the door and almost laughed. He saw two people inside, a masseur lying on the massage table, and Zhong Xinxin standing, panting and giving her a massage.

Sheng Chuncheng walked in and asked, "What are you doing?"

Zhong Xinxin turned to look at him without saying a word. The masseur lying there said: "The ambassador is learning the techniques and is making rapid progress."

Only then did Sheng Chuncheng understand that it turned out that it was Zhong Xinxin, the store manager, who was not a masseur. It seemed that she was making up for her shortcomings. She was the store manager, and she didn't have time to go to LinkedIn School to learn systematically.

, only in the store, when no one is around, the masseur comes to teach her.

This guy really worked hard to be a good store manager. Sheng Chuncheng felt very relieved at that time.

Sheng Chuncheng said to the lying masseur: "Get up."

Zhong Xinxin asked: "What?"

"Get up and I'll lie down. You press it for me," Sheng Chuncheng said.

Zhong Xinxin blushed and shouted quickly: "No, no."

Sheng Chuncheng asked: "What? You think my skills are too poor. She can teach you, but I can't teach you?"

"That's great. Master, I'm one-on-one. Ambassador, why are you so lucky and why don't you want it?" The masseur had already sat up on the massage bed and shouted.

Zhong Xinxin looked at Sheng Chuncheng and said, "Then go and change your clothes. You are wearing a down jacket and you want me to massage the pig?"

Sheng Chuncheng looked at himself and laughed. He said okay, I'll go change clothes.

Sheng Chuncheng came back after changing his clothes and lay down on the massage table. He remembered it, smiled and said to Zhong Xinxin: "That's right, Zhong Xinxin, it's your turn to decorate me today."

Zhong Xinxin made a "pop" sound and hit him on the chest with her palm, and Sheng Chuncheng screamed "Hey, you".

This chapter has been completed!
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